My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 254 Protracted War

Chapter 254 Protracted War

The Crane Group didn't keep the garrison after nine o'clock. Yang Rui thought about this problem very clearly. At this stage of the game, the sixty skull-level defenders in Luoyang can't provide much effective defense at all. It was broken in a second, and the Shenghan Dynasty prepared for a whole week, and it was impossible to give up attacking Luoyang just because the defenders recovered for the first time.

That being the case, the Crane Regiment simply pressed all members from the very beginning. Baoluoyang is only one aspect. The more important task is to eat up the opponent's troops as much as possible. For every 10 minutes of serious injuries in the Shenghan Dynasty, the success will be taken. The hope of going to Luoyang will also become smaller.

There are even quite a few members of the crane regiment who are close to the station, and they have already arrived in Luoyang when they were stationed in the early [-]:[-]s, including Yang Rui. The station arrived at the target point very early. To seize the topmost garrison in order to be the first to touch the enemy.

One minute in the morning will speed up the recovery of physical strength by one minute. For the next three hours of fierce battle, every drop of physical strength is crucial for the members of both sides.

At exactly nine o'clock, the sea of ​​red arrows that had completely covered the west side of Luoyang, like the layers of waves brought up by a tsunami, suddenly slapped on the city wall of Luoyang with great turbulence!
In the next second, the main forces of the two sides broke up one after another, and at the same time as a fierce battle broke out, Luoyang's [-]% durability, which had been maintained for a whole week, suddenly began to drop at this moment!
The whole regiment of Crane Tuan happened to be garrisoned by 250 teams. Almost in the blink of an eye, they were pierced from head to tail, and even the [-] teams of skull-level defenders in Luoyang were also regarded as empty.

"Well, it's alright."

He didn't pay too much attention to the thirteen battle reports that were released in the lower left corner of his game screen. After calculating the reserve soldiers carried by each team and returning to the full state within seconds, Yang Rui clicked on the details of the Juyi battle report at the first time. .

In the battle report, almost without exception, the members of the Crane Group are basically the main force of the first team and have defeated at least twice as many opponents as themselves. Although there are indeed black-faced opponents, such a record is already good enough.

The 250-minute serious injury period of the main force of the 10 team did not have a big impact on the heavy duty of the crane group to defend Luoyang. In this week, the wandering army has completely cleared out all the battlefields in the first few rings on the west side of Luoyang.

Although the Shenghan Dynasty has gradually stepped up its offensive since last night and snatched back the first few rings, but the land in the plundered state could not build a fort within 24 hours, so the Shenghan Dynasty launched an attack on Luoyang. The nearest fortresses are all around Luoyang Fourth Ring Road.

The marching time of the two sides can be said to be completely unequal. In addition, the demolition team on the Shenghan Dynasty generally ran too slowly, and the main force demolished relatively little. Stationed, the concentrated fire of the Shenghan Dynasty is still on the way.

"Sure enough, aren't you going to force it open in one go?"

Ten minutes later, the Shenghan Dynasty's next round of attack was fully launched. Looking at the opponent's 10-minute standard round of fire, Yang Rui had roughly guessed what the Shenghan Dynasty commander was thinking.

The next three hours must all be spent in this battle.

It's just that although the Shenghan Dynasty didn't have much demand for the time to forcefully open Luoyang, it still seemed to be very determined to take back Luoyang. In order not to solve it, even the main team is unwilling to waste on this kind of thing.

At [-]:[-], the second round of fire from the Shenghan Dynasty arrived at the city of Luoyang again as scheduled. Facing the attack of the opponents gathering the strength of the entire alliance, not to mention that the average five teams of the Crane Group had more than seventy reds per capita, even if the average per capita was Yang Rui's five teams and ninety reds can't stand it at all.

Once again, while the main force retreated without exception, Luoyang's durability was also greatly reduced in an instant.

At 45:55, 15.00:[-], and [-]:[-], the next three consecutive rounds of attack, almost every set fire can take away at least [-]% of Luoyang's durability!

When the time came to ten o'clock and the defenders of Luoyang had just recovered, the durability of Luoyang, the capital of the country with the highest durability and most system defenders on the map, had already dropped below the 50.00% mark!

Although his complexion was a bit ugly, Yang Rui did not appear too impatient. Indeed, the speed of Luoyang's durable decline was a bit too fast, and it could even be said to have far exceeded the speed Yang Rui expected at the beginning.

But if you want to say that the Shenghan Dynasty can maintain such an offensive in the next two hours, then Yang Rui will definitely not believe it.

The city skin is about to be exempted. As long as Se Erhuang, Gai, and Guanghui are not fools, they will definitely start to focus on fighting for the city skin. Facing the wandering army attacking their own position, Han丨Dongfeng can continue to pay attention to it regardless. All your strength is focused on Luoyang, but if someone comes to snatch your link land, it is impossible for you not to garrison it?
The garrison requires the division of troops. As long as the troops are divided, the speed of opening Luoyang will inevitably be greatly affected.

What's more, it's still the same old-fashioned problem, physical strength, the regular army is eaten by the wandering army once, counting the conscription, and counting the next expedition, that is [-] points of physical exertion.

The wandering army, which has a higher upper limit of physical strength, does not need physical strength for conscription. If the fight continues like this, at most another hour, the Shenghan Dynasty will fall into the dilemma of having enough troops but not enough physical strength.

Setting the time to forcibly open Luoyang three hours before the end of the season, this courage to break the boat is indeed good, but it is too contemptuous of He Tuan!
At ten o'clock, when the Luoyang defenders recovered, the Shenghan Dynasty's offensive still had no intention of stopping. The sixth round of concentrated fire appeared in everyone's field of vision again!
It's just that after a little careful observation, it can be found that the thousands of arrows from the Shenghan Dynasty this time not only came to Luoyang, but a considerable part of them rushed to the city.

Obviously, the Sheng Han Dynasty has been forced to divide its forces.

Yang Rui, who had been sitting in front of the computer, took a sip of the freshly brewed tea with his teacup. With a flick of his finger, the main players of the five teams, who had just come out of serious injuries, once again rushed to the building with less than half of their durability left. Luoyang shot out in unison.

"Should I say it or not, it's better to pass it down from my ancestors. This tea is much better than coffee..."

(End of this chapter)

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