Chapter 101

The little fat man was standing with a knife in his hand, but when he saw that the opposite person was talking in a soft voice and with a friendly attitude, the "taking words" he said had nothing to do with [force], he couldn't help being taken aback.

The little fat man is ugly in appearance. Since he was born and his parents named him "Chou", he has been looked at with contempt and disgust.

He is happy, human nature is ugly people making troubles and grandstanding.He is sad, and people call him evil and dirty.

When he is older and capable of subduing tigers and bears, no one dares to talk about Yan Chou in front of him.

The little fat man thought that the neighbors had changed, but he still heard people talking behind his back, saying that he was a man of the mountains and possessed by ghosts.A group of people laughed.

He was furious, and he chased and beat the critics with his staff.After a lot of flying and jumping, many people were injured.

Lizhong Shiwu wanted to tie him to the government, but he was also injured by him.

In the end, it was the elders in Li who came forward, and he bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

When the storm subsides, return home.He was greeted by complaints from his parents, saying that he shouldn't fight and hurt the neighbors.

He was very speechless, and since then, he has become more withdrawn and silent.

Later, aliens came to the world, and "Three Kingdoms" became popular.

Many people came to visit him, and the villagers began to be proud of him.

Tens of thousands of aliens gathered to form the "Hebei League" and wanted to regard him as the leader of the alliance.

He shook his head and refused, reclusive.

He didn't want to pay too much attention to the hustle and bustle of the outside world, so he just stayed at home and worked hard.

Until the sound of [System], and seeing the name "Li Yu", he was curious and held the knife up to this point.

"Example?" The little fat man shook his head, "I haven't taken it yet."

He was born in Li Shu, and he was not young enough to be crowned, so how could he express his character.

In the "Three Kingdoms" described by other people, although he is called "the brave champion of the three armies" and a hero in the world, there is no word.

"How about I take a name for Mr. Xiao Lang?"

The stranger on the opposite side is still entangled in the matter of "taking characters".But perhaps because of his friendly attitude, the little fat man was not bored. He asked: "Your Excellency is here for [Bottleneck Examination], why do you keep taking words for Wen?"

The other person laughed and said, "I took words from people in the [60 Bottleneck Exam], and gained nearly a thousand points of [intelligence] experience. Come to the [70 Exam] today, it's not easy to return empty-handed, right?"

For this reason, the little fat man didn't know what to say.

The other person said again: "Young Lord, let me try to take one. If you don't think it's suitable, just skip it, how about it?"

"This... okay." The little fat man thought for a while, and then agreed, "A certain is Wen Chou, please do it, Your Excellency."

After he finished speaking, he carefully looked at the expression of the stranger opposite him.

But seeing that the other party was not surprised or excited when he heard his real name, he just asked, "Zichou Yinmao's ugliness, or Youguichou?"

The little fat man said, "You take them all and have a look."

The other person nodded, and asked again: "How much do you do at the brother's house?"

"For the long." The little fat man replied.

The different man thought for a while and said: "If it is the former, "Lunheng · Shiwu Pian" says that 'ugly is not yet soil, ugly poultry and cattle are not poultry and sheep', brother, you can take the word 'Bo Niu'. If so The latter, um... ugliness often has a derogatory meaning, such as filthy, evil. In addition, it has a similar meaning..."

The little fat man quietly watched him mumbling there.

"Yes." Yiren said happily, "There is a saying in "Mencius·Gongsun Chou Xia": 'Today the earth is ugly and beautiful, and there is no way to show it.' Brothers can take the words 'Boqi', 'Ziqi', and 'Deqi' ,OK?"

The little fat man didn't answer, he raised his long saber and said, "If brother Yu can beat the saber in my hand, then you can decide this word, how about it?"

"Okay." Li Yuma slid down, pulled out the [Monster Killing Spear], and went up to meet him.

Wen Chou's strength is not bad, but no matter how hard he tries, he can't resist the attack of the spear.

After the sound of spears and swords, the little fat man put away his weapons and surrendered: "Brother Yu is worthy of being the master of [Xianlu], I admire you."

Li Yu laughed: "Brother is not bad either."

Then he was asked to choose words, and the little fat man asked Li Yu for his opinion.

Li Yudao: "It's better to use Wen Chou, the word Bo Niu."

The little fat man asked why.Li Yu smiled and said, "Brothers are not ugly, so don't use the word Yougui ugly."

The little fat man didn't like people talking about his appearance, so he frowned: "Brother Yu, don't make fun of me."

Li Yu said, "It's the first time we meet, I'll give my brother something."

After finishing speaking, he took out a few leaves of grass from the [pot] and handed them over.


"[System]: The player passes the [70 force bottleneck test], and the [force] is increased to 70."

Light and shadow shattered, Li Yu returned to [Fang Hu].

When everyone asked about the exam situation, Li Yu replied that he met an ugly and cute little fat man.

Then continue the literary examination.

The [Intelligence Test] didn't give him the opportunity to choose an examiner, and started directly—“[System]: The player started the [Intelligence 60 Bottleneck Test]——[Name Explanation].”

Li Yu appeared in a cottage.

Books and slips, pens, inks and inkstones are all available.

After the book case, there was another young man.

Different from the ugly little fat man, this one has a clear and handsome face, with a jade and gold appearance.

"I've seen Mr. Xun Ling." Li Yu smiled and cupped his hands.

"You know me?" The young man was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, "I'm not Xun Lingjun, I'm Xun Yu and Xun Wenruo."

After all, without waiting for Li Yu's response, he began to go through the examination process of [Name Explanation]——

"Aristocratic men and women in ancient times had both names and characters. Names were chosen shortly after birth, and characters were only available at a certain age. 'For a man at twenty, the crown and the character', 'Women marry, and the scorpion and the character' .”

"The relationship between the name and the word, there are the same training, the text, the connection, the point of fact, and the identification of things."

"Naming and character selection are mostly simple in ancient times, and embellished in middle and modern times. Different times have different styles, and because of the different identities, education, and interests of the characters, there are many changes in them."

"I hope Brother Li will solve them one by one."

After Li Yu listened, he cupped his hands and said, "Wenruo please write a question."

Xun Yu asked, "Jiang Chong, whose name is Ciqian. What's the explanation?"

Li Yu thought for a while, and said: ""Mencius · Dedicated to the Heart" says, "It is beautiful to be full." And Qian, a good name for scholars, is also beautiful. Decorated with the word "time", it means that the two are listed together."

Xun Yu nodded, and asked again: "Wang Yun, Zi Zishi, what do you mean?"

Li Yu replied: "The "Poetry Zhou Song Jue" says: 'Zaiyong has an heir, Shiweier is a fair teacher.' And 'Zi' is a good name, and we take it as a decoration."

"Yin Ya, styled Mengde. Why?"

""Poetry·Xiaoya·Prayer for the Father": "Prayer for the father, give the king's minions." It is like a bird of prey that defends itself with its minions and claws. It is the defender of the royal family, so it responds to "fangs" with "Mengde"."

"Kong Rong, what's the explanation for the word Wenju?"

"At the beginning of the day there is light, it is bright, and when the sun is high, it is called Rong. Therefore, Rong has the meaning of high. When you lift it, you lift it up. So it is called "Rong" and the word "Ju". 'Wen' is used as a decoration. Wen Ju, speaking and speaking, has a unique literary talent, which is higher than that of the generation."

"Kong Guang, Zixia, what's the explanation?"

"The "Yi·Kun Gua" says Han Hongguangda..."

An hour later, Li Yu got all the answers and passed the test perfectly.

Xun Yu couldn't help but praise "Brother Yu learns to be rich and five chariots".

The thatched cottage was annihilated, and Li Yu returned to the pot.

"[System]: The player perfectly passes the [Intelligence 60 Bottleneck Test] and gets a random reward x1."

Li Yu smiled with satisfaction.It is not in vain for him to go back and forth several times in his [dream] to collect the question bank.

It's just a pity.Before returning to Huhu, he said that he would visit Yingyin, but Xun Yu said, "I have taken my nephew on a trip."

Li Yu opened [Random Reward].

"[System]: Congratulations to the player for obtaining the "Qin Widow Girl Silk"."


"Widow Silk"

[Product Rank] Xuanpin.

[Attribute] When playing a grievance song, [Qin Technique · Touching] +60, the spirit is lower than that of the piano player, and cannot be exempted.

[Description] Silkworms are the most skillful at making cocoons, and they often take shape when they encounter objects.There are widows who sleep alone, leaning on the pillow and cannot sleep, privately watching the silkworm foil next door in the hole in the wall, and there are many kinds of cocoons tomorrow.Although I don't know much about her eyebrows, she looks like a worried girl.When Cai Yong saw it, he bought it at a high price and made strings for the qin, which sounded sad and mournful when he played it.Asked his daughter Cai Yan, Yan said: "This is also a widow." - "Ge Zhi Jing Yuan"


Complaint song?

Li Yu recalled the many piano scores he had studied in [dream], and selected a song "Dao Lianzi".

When the creatures in [Pot] heard that he was going to play a music, they were very curious and surrounded him.

The [Snake Princess] set up a long table, the little lady lit the incense burner, and the little maid eagerly wanted to accompany the dancer.

Li Yu calmed down and stroked the long piano——

"Meng Jiangnu, Qiliang's wife, will never return once she goes to Yanshan."

"If you make cold clothes, no one will send them to you, so you will inevitably send them home."

"The Great Wall Road is really hard to walk, and there is snow and atmosphere under the Cheese Mountain; eating wine is a sickness after eating, I hope I will return soon with a healthy body."

The sound of the piano is like a complaint, as if it is talking about the story of "Qiliang died, Jiangnu cried, and the Great Wall is thousands of miles away, feeling depressed".

The old people couldn't bear the sorrow and joy of parting from life and death, so they got up and left.

[Lumin] and [She Ji] have not changed much.More than a dozen [pregnant hairs] whimpered and cried, [Queen Mao] was afraid that they would have a miscarriage, so she kept away from them.

The little lady tugged at the corner of Li Yu's clothes, tears streaming down her face.

Little Que'er originally danced the [Mulberry Dance] praying for rain, but there was not a drop of rain falling from the sky, so she cried like a torrential rain.

The most outrageous one belongs to [Thirteen Ants].She lay on top of Li Yu's head, crying loudly.

Tears flowed like streams from his millet-sized eyes, and poured over Li Yu's head.

The latter had no choice but to stop playing, and the atmosphere in the pot returned to normal.

Li Yu dried her hair and picked up [Widow Girl Silk].Go to [Xuanju] ant's nest, and practice the song [Puppet] that you got earlier.

Not long after, the [Queen Ant], whom I hadn't seen for a long time, crawled out of the ground angrily——



Shanggu, Youzhou, outside Chicheng.

A father and son were tired from the journey, so they stopped the ox cart and took a rest by the side of the road.

"Ah Weng, have you been to Chicheng yet?"

A fat boy of eleven or twelve years old in the car, holding his bandaged right hand, asked listlessly.

(End of this chapter)

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