Chapter 102

Chicheng is not so much a city as it is a majestic pass.

It is located between two hills, standing tall, majestic and dangerous, comparable to Yanmen Pass, the first of the "nine fortresses in the world".

Butcher Zhang heard from people that these two small peaks were still next to the Golden Pavilion Mountain, which was three hundred miles away, ten days ago.

Because the Xianbei invaded the south and Chicheng was isolated and helpless, Chu Tiankuo, the leader of the [Kyoto League], used his magic power to move the two mountain peaks to protect Chicheng.

Such immortal deeds and supreme power must be what Lu Shangshu called a "noble man".

The youngest son's arm, which was damaged by the snake girl, is expected to be cured.

Zhang Tuhu thought so, and the young son's voice sounded in his ears.He replied, "It's here." He set up the ox cart and rushed to the south gate of Chicheng.

When you get closer, you can see that the gate of the city is built with huge bricks, leaning against the sky and reaching the sky.The plaque of "Chicheng" is inlaid on the forehead, and the red stone lacquer is particularly eye-catching.

A long stream of people formed a long queue outside the door, butcher Zhang drove the car to the tail of the dragon.

There was a muffled sound from far away from the gate of the city. Butcher Zhang looked over his head, but he was knocked far away by a sheep.

The mouth spurted blood, and quickly got up after falling to the ground, as if trying to escape.Several guards surrounded him, bound his hands and escorted him into the city.

Butcher Zhang was taken aback, but saw that although there were so many "long dragons", they seemed to turn a blind eye to the scene in front of them and didn't pay much attention to it.

He couldn't help asking the person in front of him.

The man in front is leading a donkey and mule, and the mule is loaded with a pile of goods. He seems to be a traveling merchant.He glanced at Zhang's father and son, and asked, "Aren't you a businessman?"

Butcher Zhang shook his head.The man wondered: "Chicheng today is a place of chaotic warfare. If you don't fight for business, why are you here?"

Butcher Zhang didn't hide anything, and told him about the medical treatment.

Suddenly, the man explained.

Only then did Zhang Tuhu know that there were so many cars and horses in front of him, ninety-nine out of ten were merchants.

Chicheng is indeed a state in crisis, but the [Kyoto League] bought grain, fodder, cloth, silk, oil and salt at high prices, so the department stores arrived and merchants gathered together.

The sheep at the city gate is a god, able to know good and evil.When encountering lawbreakers, touch them with horns.

Apart from this divine sheep, there is still a [spiritual herb] in the city, which can identify those who do not behave well.

[Kyoto League] used this to find out many Xianbei people and aliens with ulterior motives.

The fat boy on the bullock cart was very curious about the sheep and grass.So he held up his arms, stepped on the shaft of the cart, and wanted to climb on the back of the bull to watch from afar, but was coaxed down by Zhang Butcher's good words.

The "Long Dragon" was not slow, and in less than an hour, it was the Zhang family's father and son's turn.

[Shenyang] is five feet high and has only one horn.

The horn is seven feet long and sharp as a spear.It touched the father and son's shoulders lightly, and then moved away.


"Goat sheep"

[Product order] Huangpin.

[Attribute] The descendant of the 觟 (horned tiger), when a guilty person is found, the horns are used to arrive at it.

[Description] The goat (horned tiger) is also a sheep with one horn, and he is guilty by nature.When Gao Tao ruled the prison, those who were suspected of their crimes were ordered to be touched by sheep. —— "Wang Chong is a response"


The fat boy stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the huge goat horn.Zhang Tuhu was startled and quickly pulled him back.

The father and son continued to move forward and entered the Wengcheng.

On the upper floor of the city gate, there are many bows and crossbows.Dozens of strong and persistent people guard a pot of green grass in the center.


"Qu Yicao"

[Product order] Huangpin.

[Attribute] If there is an enemy entering the country, the grass will point to it.

[Description] During the time of the Yellow Emperor, grass grew on the steps of the courtyard.If a sycophant enters the court, he will be pointed at by grass, and his name will be Qu Yi.Therefore, sycophants dare not enter. —— "Tian Qiuzi"


[Qu Yicao] There was no movement, and Zhang's father and son passed [Wengcheng] safely to the registration office.

"Name, place of origin."

"Zhang Zhong of Zhuo County, this is the dog Zhang Fei."

"Zhang... Zhang Fei? Zhang Fei in Zhuo County?"

In an instant, the aliens and aborigines working in the [Registration Office] all looked over.

"Are you Zhang Yide's Zhang Fei?"

Someone looked at the white and clean fat boy with armrests, and asked Chi Chi.

The fat boy scratched his head: "I haven't taken the words yet."

Just when the staff at the [Registration Office] wanted to ask further questions, commotions came from the outer gate and the Wengcheng.


"Second Master Guan is here!"

Amidst the shouts one after another, a nine-foot man came riding on an ox.

Red face and long beard, red phoenix eyes, lying silkworm eyebrows.

Master Guan!
The guards in the outer city, the crossbowmen on the [urn city], and everyone in the [registration office] were excited and surrounded them.

The entire South Gate was in chaos.

Guan Yu clasped his hands on the back of the bull and saluted: "Guan heard that the Xianbei people had committed crimes, so he came here to help."

"Second Master Guan, Gao Yi!"

"Second Master Guan's righteousness is beyond the sky!"

Everyone cheered and praised in unison, making the fat boy envious.

The commotion at the south gate alarmed the inner city, and after a while, all the top officials of the [Kyoto League] came out to meet Guan Yu.

A group of people came in a mighty way, and walked away surrounded by [Bamboo Rib Niu].

Zhang's father and son followed closely behind.

The heated discussion at the gate of the city continued for a long time.The news of Guan Yu's arrival in Chicheng spread quickly.


[Kyoto League] was upgraded to [Small Town] the day before yesterday, and the leader's mansion was also newly expanded.

Chu Tiankuo led Guan Yu into the living room that had just been tidied up, and asked him to sit at the head seat, but Guan Yu firmly refused.

Xia Yu, Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei and others who were on patrol in the northern city hurried over and exchanged pleasantries for another while.

After half an hour, everyone took their seats.

Fat boy Zhang Fei no longer had the freshness he had before. On the contrary, the crowd just now made his stone arm a little painful and uncomfortable.

Seeing this, Butcher Zhang asked Chu Tiankuo for medical treatment.

Chu Tiankuo asked what the injury was, and the fat boy said that when he was an examiner for the [75 Bottleneck Examination], he was injured by a snake girl on his arm.

When everyone heard that he had the strength of [Xuan Pin] at a young age, they all believed his identity as "Zhang Fei" [-]% or [-]%.

Guan Yu was startled.



Such a coincidence?
Chu Tiankuo stepped forward to inspect Zhang Fei's right hand, and the more he looked at it, the more he frowned. He said: "Yide was injured by alchemy, and ordinary medical techniques may not be of much use."

Butcher Zhang was very disappointed.

Chu Tiankuo summoned a player.

Cui Jiuzhao, who has experienced several [Moonlight Scrolls] such as [Tiger Ban Xinglin] and [Increasing Physician Medicine], possesses the [Appellation·Yongzuo Method], and his medical skills are extremely superb.


"The Law of Yongzuo"

[Product Rank] Xuanpin.

[Attributes] Healing diseases and saving lives, medicine stone +50, gynecology +30, fetal birth +20.

[Description] Ma Yongzuo, born in Dongguang, Hebei Province, Qing Dynasty, with the characters Jianhou and Zengsheng.Proficient in medicine, he does not stick to established methods, and often surprises people.One person has a gap with him and suffers from abdominal gu disease, although he is critically ill, he dare not seek treatment.Yongzuo said: "If you want to be cured, you should eat arsenic." The sick were suspicious and afraid.When he is about to die, he reluctantly obeys his words, and he recovers from a Gu fight.


Cui Jiuzhao is the chief physician of the [Kyoto League]. Since time travelling, countless people have survived.But after looking around, asking, and carefully examining Zhang Fei's right arm, he shook his head helplessly: "Alchemy methods are beyond the power of ordinary medicine and stones."

The fat boy was very upset.Unwilling to give up, Zhang Tuhu asked, "Master Chu has the ability to move mountains, but he can't cure this alchemy?"

Chu Tiankuo shook his head.

Zhang Tuhu looked around all the people in the living room with the last remaining hope, hoping that among them there would be the "noble person" that Lu Shangshu said.

Liu Bei, Xia Yu, Gongsun Zan...

Everyone was shaking their heads, only Guan Yu frowned and remained silent.

Zhang Tuhu was overjoyed and stepped forward to worship, but Guan Yu raised his hand to stop him.

Guan Yu said: "You can stay in Chicheng for a few more days, maybe you will have a chance to heal your illness."

Zhang Tuhu didn't understand what he meant, and Guan Yu didn't explain.

There was a silence in the living room, and the veteran Xia Yu suddenly smiled and said: "Xia likes to read "The Romance of the Three Kingdoms", and admires the friendship of the three brothers Liu, Guan and Zhang the most, but I don't want to see the three of you together today."

Xia Yuyi said that Liu Bei couldn't help looking at his "second younger brother" and "third younger brother".And the fat boy also looked at "Big Brother" and "Second Brother".

Guan Yu only watched his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, and he didn't look at anyone.

Gongsun Zan was careless and didn't pay attention to Guan Yu's expression. He smiled and said, "There is no Taoyuan here. If you are sworn brothers, they can only be called 'Dragon City Three Knots'."

"It doesn't sound good." Zhang Fei muttered, "It's better to get married in Taoyuan."

Since the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" was spread, the fat boy's youthful heart often fantasizes about the scene of "three brothers" burning incense and becoming sworn brothers in their Taoyuan——

Black cattle and white horses, gorgeous peach blossoms, sworn to heaven with wine.


"Second brother, what do you think?" Zhang Fei asked subconsciously.

But Guan Yu said slowly: "Guan already has an elder brother, so there is no need to mention the matter of sworn brotherhood."

Everyone was taken aback.

(End of this chapter)

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