Chapter 103

Has Guan Yu married someone?
Chu Tiankuo, Luo Meng and the others looked shocked and couldn't believe it.

Don't they all say that Guan Erye is arrogant by nature?

How did you enter the stage and become righteous with others?
Still refuse Zhang Fei's approach?

who is it?

aborigines?Or a player?

Could it be that he met Zhang Wenyuan of Yanmen early, and the two of them burned incense and became brothers of the opposite sex?
Or was it coaxed by some black-hearted player?

Zhang Fei's dream of Taoyuan was broken, and he still asked unwillingly: "Second...Brother Yun, who is your elder brother?"

In the living room, everyone also wanted to know the answer, so they all listened carefully.

Guan Yu said, "Without my elder brother's permission, it is inconvenient for Yu to tell me."

Zhang Fei wanted to inquire about the details, but Guan Yu closed his eyes.

Frustrated, Zhang Fei subconsciously looked at Liu Bei.

The current Liu Bei is not yet young, and he is still at the age of "likes dogs, horses, music, and beautiful clothes".He doesn't have the demeanor of "the royal family's elite, the world's best talents", but his generosity, generosity, virtue and virtuous demeanor have already taken shape.

After only a few days in Chicheng, Xia Yu admired him quite a lot, and got along very well with the [Kyoto League].

Liu Bei felt lost in his heart, but still smiled and said: "Bei's mood at the moment is like a poem that Brother Tiankuo once said."

Chu Tiankuo asked curiously, "Which sentence?"

Since Liu Bei entered the city, the two have been very happy with each other.Astronomy and geography, poetry and songs, history and classics, talk about everything, and become good friends.

Liu Bei smiled wryly: "Zhang Wenchang's 'I hate to meet when I was not married'."

Everyone was taken aback for a moment, then laughed.

The atmosphere in the hall became more lively, only the fat boy was lonely.Liu Bei came to comfort him, but he didn't look happy either.

It wasn't until some players came to ask him and Guan Yu about martial arts that they cheered up.

At dusk, there is a big banquet in the lord's mansion, and the guests and hosts enjoy themselves.


The next day.

Zhang Fei got up from his residence, rinsed his mouth with willow branches and green salt, and was about to go to find Guan Yu to play, when he heard a dull drum beating.

The sound of people neighing came from the north of the city.

Are the Xianbei people here?
Zhang Fei regained his energy, raised his right arm and ran away, Zhang butcher couldn't stop him.

The city is full of people, but orderly in chaos.Men, women and children, all under the command of the [Kyoto League], raised knives and arrows, pushed carts and led cattle, and quickly transported supplies.

Zhang Fei trotted all the way to the North City Gate.

There was a banquet last night, most of Chicheng's generals knew his identity, and they didn't stop him from going up to the top of the city.

Chu Tiankuo, Liu Bei, Xia Yu, Gongsun Zan and others had already stood here, looking towards the vast expanse of thousands of Xianbei cavalry a few miles north of the city.

The flags are flickering, flying and dark, which makes people startled.

The Xianbei camped on the spot.

There are tens of thousands of people who came out from behind the Xianbei cavalry, either on mules or horses, or on deer chariots, or on foot.

It wasn't until the city was under a stone's throw that they reined in the chaos and stopped.

Chariots and deer carts were pushed out one after another, and many scattered equipment components were unloaded.

Cloud ladders, wooden mantles, building carts, and catapults were assembled quickly.

"Huza, dare to fight Batu!"

The people in the city roared, full of provocation.

The substandard mandarin, mixed with messy human voices, came to the top of the city, Luo Meng frowned and said, "Are you really an Outer Mongolian?"

Hearing about the changes in the Xianbei people, the [Kyoto League] once sent hundreds of scouts.

After the loss of nearly half of the people and horses, the news came back——

Tan Shihuai personally led the western and central Xianbei to the south.Walking with him are millions of Outer Mongolians who belonged to Xianbei.

Now, there are more than [-] players in the city, looking at their appearance and dressing, they are different from Han people and Xianbei people. They should be those Outer Mongolians who dream of restoring the glory of the "Golden Family".

Chu Tiankuo nodded and waved towards the city.

The noose was turned, the small gate of the Wengcheng opened, Guan Yu led Lu Yi and more than a hundred people rushed out.

The Outer Mongolians raised their spears to fight, and Nabatu even raised his scimitar to meet them.

Guan Yu, who was wearing heavy armor, slashed down with his sword, and Batu fell off his horse in response.The fully outfitted [Bamboo Rib Cow] stepped down with one hoof.

Batu's chest collapsed immediately, he vomited blood like an arrow and died.

The Outer Mongolians were horrified.

The next moment, Baiqi rushed to the formation, using Guan Yu as an arrow, and killed the general.

Severed limbs and arms flew horizontally, and heads rolled down.

The blood was like a waterfall, sprayed onto the ground, the back of the horse, and the face of the person, making everyone's eyes red.

The people of Outer Mongolia were so terrified that they lost all fighting spirit.For a while, they all turned around and fled to Xianbei's garrison, who even cared about setting up a horse and holding a flag "to promote the glory of the ancestors".

The Chicheng Baiqi was divided into two groups, one to chase the rout soldiers; the other to follow Guan Yu to destroy those ladders and rush chariots.

A low horn sounded suddenly.

The Xianbei mounted their horses and hacked the Outer Mongolians who fled to the camp to death one by one.The rest dared not escape any more, and were driven back to the city like pigs and sheep.

Guan Yu ordered Chicheng Baiqi to go back to the city, but he ran straight over with one man and one bull.

Killing the Outer Mongolians who were howling ghosts and howling wolves, they rushed directly into the Xianbei army formation.

When the Xianbei people saw that the Han people were so rampant, they were all furious, and surrounded him with their horses.The spears, spears, bows and crossbows all greeted, intending to strangle the red-faced Han.

But it was Guan Yu's opponent, he chopped off fifty horses in a row like melons and vegetables.

The blade of the horse-chopping knife rolled up, and finally got stuck in the neck of a cavalry pawn.

Seeing this, the Xianbei cavalry took the opportunity to attack.Guan Yu shouted loudly, and raised his sword high.

The Xianbei riders were startled, they turned their horses to dodge, and the "human sword" fell down with a bang.

Immediately, there was another casualty.

Guan Yu drew out the saber chopping knife, seeing that most of the blade was shattered, he simply discarded it and snatched two scimitars from his hands.

The light of the knife was sharp, and it was a bit awkward, but it still beheaded dozens of enemies.

The Xianbei people had no morale, and they fought and retreated under the shouts of their leaders.

Guan Yu pursued and killed him.

At the small gate of the Wengcheng, the excited Gongsun Zan roared out, bringing the Chicheng Baiqi who had not returned to the city to kill.

Xianbei was defeated, with countless casualties.Its leader was captured by Guan Yu and brought back to Chicheng.

Chu Tiankuo, Liu Bei, and Xia Yu came to welcome them, and the whole city cheered, resounding across the sky.

Zhang Fei was very envious and wished he could replace him with his own body.

Luo Meng imprisoned the leader of Xianbei and asked a sideman to assist in the interrogation.In a short time, there will be gains——

It turned out that these thousands of Xianbei and tens of thousands of Outer Mongolians were the vanguard of the Xianbei's southward march.

Sandalwood locust tree will come soon.

Chu Tiankuo and the others heard about it and waited in full force.

On the ninth day of June, the Xianbei army arrived.

Its soldiers are divided into two groups.

Xianbei from the west took [-] Mongols and blocked the southern city gate.

Tan Shihuai came to the gate of the north city in person, and as soon as he arrived here, he used the building carts, ladders, and slings to launch a siege battle.

Fortunately, there are plenty of supplies in Chicheng, including bows, crossbows, arrows, rolling stones, golden juice and hot oil.

Even if Xianbei's offensive is raging, Chicheng will be safe.

On the second day, the Xianbei side attacked again.

Luo Meng and Xia Yu sit at the north and south walls respectively.Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Gongsun Zan, and Chu Tiankuo led their troops across the hill outside Chicheng, and entered the Xianbei formation from behind.

Guan Yu is invincible, and he is wrong.Liu Bei's [Gu Ying's swordsmanship] is unparalleled.Gongsun Zan is charged with [Characteristic Extermination], which is extremely lethal to alien races.

Chu Tiankuo held the [Immortal Product · Drive Shanduo], and waved the rocks and rocks, and the dust flew up.


『Quishan Duo』

[Rank] Corpse Dissection Immortal

[Attribute] Vibrate this duo, drive stones and mountains.

[Description] There is a gorge for dozens of miles in Zhongshan Mountain in the Yichun border, and its water is the Yichun River.The loop is clear and unfathomable.There was once a fisherman who fished and got a golden lock, leading it hundreds of feet, and got a bell, which was like a tuo.When the fisherman lifted it, the sound was like a thunderbolt, the sky was dark, the mountains and rivers shook, Zhongshan collapsed more than five hundred feet on one side, and all the fishermen sank into the water.Its mountain is destroyed like a chip, and it has survived to this day.Or some knowledgeable people say, this is the Duo of Qin Shihuang who drove the mountain. —— "Yutang Gossip"


This Duo was born not long ago, and it can only be used once every three years to move the mountain.But the ability to drive stones has no taboos.

Chu Tiankuo moved forward with Duo, and Shanshi was the forerunner, not weaker than Guan Liu Gongsun.

Each of the four is good at winning the field, facing each other offensively and defensively, and Xianbei is hard to beat.

It wasn't until Tan Shihuai led thousands of [East Hu soldiers] arrived that the situation changed.

[East Hu Zu] is an elite of Xianbei, "the crown is like a skip, and the sword is as good as the mouth", and the [grade] is in the list of Xuanhuang.Under the bloody battle, Guan Yu and others could hardly gain the upper hand for a while.

Not long after, there was commotion in the Xianbei army.

More than a dozen shamans wearing deer antlers and bear skins arrived, holding staffs holding mirrors, drums and bells.

In an instant, more than a hundred [East Hu soldiers] had red eyes and roared like a wild beast, then threw away their big swords and rushed towards them.

Guan Yu hacked a pawn to death, and when he was about to raise his knife, he saw that the dead [Dong Hu pawn] was clinging to the blade of the knife, unable to shake it off no matter how hard he tried.

Guan Yu stomped on it with one foot, drew out the Huan Shou Dao "inlaid" with a few yellow teeth, and slashed at the other Donghu pawn.

Unlike Guan Yu, who was able to do a job with ease, Liu Bei and Gongsun Zan got into trouble under the deadly battle in Donghu.

Seeing that the situation was not going well, Chu Tiankuo drove a row of rocks to resist the enemy, and led his people to retreat up the mountain.

[Eastern Hu Zu] pursued to death, Guan Yu hacked dozens of people in succession, the shamans changed the sound of drums and bells, and the soldiers gave up chasing.

On the third day, the Outer Mongolians pounded together poisons such as aconitum, croton, chamaejasma, and arsenic, together with flame nitrate and charcoal.The cloth was wrapped into balls, burned with kerosene, and thrown to Chicheng with a trebuchet.But it was wrapped by a player from Chicheng with [Xuanpin·Light and Fire Art], and it was thrown back, causing heavy casualties.

It was night, and the Outer Mongolian [Mo Zhigen] threw away a [Xuan Pin·Horse Pole], which was as long as he wanted, and covered more than ten guards at the top of the city.At that time, Liu Bei was patrolling the city, and he was almost tricked by him.

In the middle of the night, with the help of Jian Yong's Fengjiao Zhanshu, Guan Yu and others sneaked into the enemy camp, and the results were quite good.

On the fourth day, Helian, the son of Tanshi Huaihuai, attacked the city with countless wild beasts.Then suddenly turned into a two-foot-tall silver giant and smashed open the small gate of the urn city.

Fortunately, Lu Yi launched the "Fire Donkey Formation" to stop him for a while, and Guan Yu rushed there, and Helian was defeated, but unfortunately he escaped.

That night, Guan Yu and others went to attack the camp again.

When he met a three-eyed and red-faced Outer Mongolian, he was able to catch Guan Yu's knife without getting hurt.

On the fifth day, the Xianbei people scolded the Han people for being cunning and always engaging in sneak attacks.It is said that if Master Xianbei in the west [Tuoba Deduction] comes to this point, the Han people will not be able to please them.

In Chicheng, Chu Tiankuo, Guan Yu and others discussed the abilities of Helian and Sanyan Chilianer.

[Kyoto League] A player from Inner Mongolia said that Helian should have been favored by [Chengeri] Manahan.

[Jiangri], in the oldest mythology of various ethnic groups in Central Asia, is the god in charge of the heaven and the earth.

Manahan, that is, Khan Bayan Manihan, the hunting god.He appeared in the image of a giant "with a body of gold and silver" and had the characteristics of an elf who ruled the earth, so he was called "the god of the earth and space".Is the ruler of the forest, especially the wild animals.

As for the three-eyed red-faced player, his name is Suhe Baru, and he is currently No. 19 in the [Armed Power Ranking].

It is said that he was lucky enough to enter the world of [Moonlight Scroll·Urn Great Flood].

Wu En, a warrior in Mongolian mythology, killed the monster dragon in the great flood, carried two mountains on his shoulders and shot down eleven suns.

He looked like an ordinary person until he swallowed nine face tigers and one piece of dough from the lama in the stone house on the Hada mountainside, and then he turned into a three-eyed red face with great strength.

Suhebalu reproduced Wu En's experience. Although he couldn't shoot the sun and slay the dragon, he still had great strength, and he was worthy of catching Guan Yu's sword.

On the sixth day, the Western Master [Tuoba Deduction], which the Xianbei people are proud of, finally arrived.

However, Chu Tiankuo and the others clearly saw through the binoculars that [Tuoba Deduction] fell on the horseback and did not know whether he was alive or dead.

A big goose flew down from the sky, and several Xianbei people fought desperately to protect Tuoba Deduction.

Then, He Lian led a thousand Xianbei cavalry to meet Tuoba.

Arrows rained down and hit the sky.

As soon as the big goose flapped its wings, the arrows all over the sky stagnated, and then the tail of the arrow turned and turned towards Tuoba Deyan and others.

A Xianbei man leaped onto the horse with all his strength, and was immediately tied up like a hedgehog, but it also blocked Tuoba's deduction.

When He Lian and others arrived, the goose saw that there was nothing to be done, so it flew to Chicheng with wings.

Seeing the big bird falling, the guards at the top of the city jumped in horror and raised their crossbows to shoot.Chu Tiankuo and Guan Yu hurriedly called to stop.

Then, while everyone was stunned, the big goose turned into a human form——

Eight feet tall, with a face like a crown jade, wearing a lun scarf on his head, a crane cloak on his body, and a feather fan in his hand, he looks like a fairy.

Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Xia Yu and other aborigines have not yet responded.Chu Tiankuo, Lu Yi, Luo Meng, and all the players in Chengguan were stunned.

"Zhuge Liang!"

 Sorry, I have been struggling with the siege battle for the past two days.

(End of this chapter)

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