Chapter 104 The Modern Human Identification Manual

At Chicheng Chengguan, Luo Meng said "Zhuge Liang", which attracted countless eyes.

Zhuge Liang?
Zhuge Liang, who was born in Guanghe four years, that is, in 181, appeared in Beidi in 178?

Seeing this man in front of him, whose demeanor and demeanor were very similar to Prime Minister Zhuge in the old version of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Luo Meng couldn't help asking: " can't be Tang Guoqiang, right?"

After asking, he shook his head again: "No, the age is not right. You... who are you?"

"I am Zhuge Liang in Langya, named Kongming."


Everyone in the city looked at the "Zhuge Kongming" who had been born out of nowhere, and for a moment didn't know how to talk.

But he smiled and greeted Guan Yu: "Yun Chang, don't come here without any problems."

Guan Yu hurried forward, bowed and bowed: "Yu has met my brother."


When everyone heard it, they were stunned again——

Zhuge Liang was born 30 years earlier?

Also married Guan Yu?
What a joke!

"[Kyoto League] Chu Tiankuo has met Your Excellency." Chu Tiankuo stepped forward to pay his respects.

Regardless of whether this person is a "fake Zhuge" or a "real player", you can tell from Guan Yu's attitude that he is absolutely extraordinary.Moreover, this person can transform flying geese and chase the leader of Xianbei to flee in a hurry, so his strength should not be underestimated.

Don't be negligent.

[Zhuge Liang] responded with a smile.

Luo Meng, who was at the side, rolled his eyes suddenly, and called a player to give instructions.

Here, Liu Bei stepped forward to salute. [Zhuge Liang] replied: "I have seen Duke Xuande."

Liu Bei hurriedly said: "Just call me Xuande." He is only seventeen years old, so he cannot be called "gong".

Luo Meng came up and joked: "Prime Minister Zhuge, shouldn't you call 'Lord'?"

[Zhuge Liang] shook his feather fan lightly, and said with a smile: "I am Zhuge Kongming, and I am not an advisor under Xuande's command. Why do I call him 'Lord'?"

A player handed over a booklet, Luo Meng tore off the cover and handed it over with a smile: "Mr. Kong Ming please read it."

[Zhuge Liang] took the booklet and opened it——

"1. I'm not Huang Angrong, I don't know martial arts."

"2. Xiaolongnu said: 'I also want to live the life I have lived'."

"3. The principal said: 'There is no other thing on the school uniform except the school badge, so please don't do anything else, you have to do nothing else'."

"4. Lala Lala Labrador..."

Luo Meng said: "Read the back."

[Zhuge Liang] Turning back again——

"1. Search and search and find a friend, find a good friend..."

"2. Sister, you sit on the bow of the boat, and brother walks on the shore..."

"3. Two tigers, two tigers, run fast..."

[Zhuge Liang] couldn't help laughing: "This is the "Modern Human Identification Handbook" printed by [Neixintang]?"

Since "Heavenly Falls", many quick-witted players have pretended to be aborigines to bluff and deceive.

At the same time, there are also many aborigines who claim to be penniless players for the convenience of trading cards.

As a result, [Negative Salary Hall] took the opportunity to launch the "Modern Human Identification Manual".The first half cannot be read, and there is a high probability that it is an aborigine.If the second half is sung, it is very likely to be a player.

"Brother also bought this book?" Luo Meng laughed, "I know you are a fake."

"No and no." [Zhuge Liang] shook his head, "Liang has heard of this manual since he came here more than 20 years later."

Luo Meng was startled: "What are you talking about? Time travel?"

[Zhuge Liang] nodded.

Everyone was speechless.

Needless to say, the players, the aborigines like Liu Bei and Xia Yu are no strangers to "time travel" because of "Heavenly Falling" and [Moonlight Scroll].

But even so, "Zhuge Liang traveled to 30 years ago", this... this is too out of tune.

Everyone didn't believe it, and [Zhuge Liang] didn't defend himself.

At this time, the Xianbei crowd was surging under the city, and Tuoba Deduction, who had passed out before, rode his horse to the city under the protection of [East Hu Zu].

He pointed to [Zhuge Liang] on the city and cursed angrily.

Only then did the people in Chicheng know that [Zhuge Liang] was not just chasing and killing Tuoba, he beheaded more than [-] members of the Tuoba tribe.

Tuoba Deyan's family, including the eldest son Tuoba Jiefen and four-year-old grandson Tuoba Liwei, were all pierced by his spear.

Everyone's heart froze.

This so-called "Zhuge Liang" is actually a big evil star.

The Xianbei below the city shouted and cursed in unison, but [Zhuge] above the city remained unmoved.With Tan Shihuai's order, the Xianbei and Outer Mongolians attacked aggressively.

Chu Tiankuo and the others thought that today would be another bitter battle, but they saw [Zhuge Liang] feather fan swaying lightly, their own soldiers were full of energy, while the morale of the enemy army under the city plummeted, and it was not until the shamans came out that they saw a recovery.

As the battle drew to a close, the Xianbei people hated to withdraw their troops.

That night, when Gongsun Zan, Zhang Fei, and Lu Yi returned from the south gate, they were surprised to see [Zhuge Liang].

The fat boy Zhang Fei was very unconvinced, and kept saying, "How can a military master become sworn brother with his second brother?" He was asked by [Zhuge Liang], "I want to heal my arm", and then he stopped in resentment.

[Zhuge Liang] went into the residence, and drummed for half a quarter of an hour before handing the sleepy fat boy back to his father.

Butcher Zhang saw that his son's right arm had turned back to normal, and bowed and saluted again, expressing his gratitude.

Not long after, Zhang Fei woke up and waved his right arm excitedly.

Then, he rolled his eyes and said to [Zhuge Liang]: "There is no repayment for the kindness of healing, why don't I recognize you as the eldest brother?"

Liu Bei on the side felt that the truth was not a feeling——

The "second brother" is gone, and the "third brother" will also run away?

But Jian Yong said with a smile: "The moon is clear, the sky is beautiful, and on this beautiful day, let's all come to be sworn brothers, okay?"

Luo Meng and Gongsun Zan also came to have fun, saying something about "Eight Dragons of Shanggu" and "Ten Tigers of Chicheng".Zhang Fei gave them a blank look: "If we marry you, the second brother is not the second brother, and I am not the third brother either."

Everyone laughed.

While talking and laughing, a soldier suddenly came, saying that there was a strange noise in the urn buried at the foot of the southern city wall.

Jian Yong used the horn of the wind to occupy it, saying that the South Gate is a great ominous man.

The crowd rushed to the south gate, and the generals arrived, but they saw the north gate suddenly burst into flames, and it was the Xianbei who attacked.

Fortunately, Chu Tiankuo and Lu Yi defended desperately, and the Xianbei had no choice but to retreat.

Jian Yong smiled wryly, that Tuoba deduction is worthy of the name of "deduction", the ability of divination is far better than him.Be more prepared at night.

Everyone nodded, but Luo Meng turned his head to look at [Zhuge Liang], and asked with a smile, "Does the Prime Minister have a clever plan?"

He was joking, and wanted to tease this "fake Zhuge", but unexpectedly, the latter said: "Wait for me to set up an altar to do a trick, and take the life of that dog."

Everyone was surprised, can they really do it?

[Zhuge Liang] nodded and explained everything needed, Chu Tiankuo hurriedly sent someone to bring it.


In the city, in the tent.

The incense table is set down, the lamps are brightened, and the sacrifices such as cattle and sheep are ready.

[Zhuge Liang] I don't know when to tie up a grass man, which looks like Tuoba's deduction, and put it on the case.Take another bowl of blood, and paint the ears, eyes, mouth, nose, and mouth of the straw man to make the seven orifices.

Seven lamps are lit under the seven orifices.There is another lamp in my heart, which is a reassuring lamp.

[Zhuge Liang] ordered, be sure to watch these eight lamps.

Zhang Fei, who was recommended by Mao Sui, patted his chest and said loudly: "Don't worry, Prime Minister, I'm not that rebellious Wei Wenchang, so I won't miss you."

[Zhuge Liang] gave him a white look.

At three o'clock, [Zhuge Liang] recited French, drew a mahogany bow, put on a mahogany arrow, and shot an arrow at his left eye, which extinguished the lamp on his left eye.

Somewhere outside the city, there was an indistinct scream immediately.

The next day, June fifteenth.

The blind Tuoba deduced his curse even louder. [Zhuge Liang] pointed to his right eye, and said, "It's the third watch tonight, just wait."

On June [-], his eyes became blind.

On June [-]th, his mouth could not speak.


On June 21, under Tan Shihuai's terrified eyes and the helplessness of dozens of shamans, Tuoba deduced Qiqiao to bleed to death.

At the same time, [Zhuge Liang] heard a system prompt——

"[System]: Congratulations to the player for exterminating the Tuoba lineage of the Northern Wei Dynasty, [Tianpin · The Ancestor of Buyou 1/3] is completed."

 Thank you brother "Book Friends 20220709115450456" for the 500-point reward, and thank you brother for the [-]-point reward for "Sit and watch, when the clouds rise".

  Thanks thanks! !
(End of this chapter)

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