Chapter 105 Tiger Scene Jue Examiner
Ancestor of infidelity.祧, that is, Yuanzu Temple.

The ancestral temple, branch temple and remote ancestor temple of ancient emperors.The gods and masters in the family temple, who are far away in generation, will move into the temple in order to sacrifice together.Only the ancestors who started a business or the ancestors with greater influence did not move, which is called "not swaying".

The Taizu lived in the first room of the Taimiao, and he would always be the ancestor of the Immortal; the Taizong lived in the second room, and would always be the ancestor of the Immortal.

[The Ancestor of the Immortality] Conditions to be achieved: [-]. Lord of the capital city; [-]. Extermination of the three dynasties.

Tuoba deduced that the leader of Xianbei Suo.His grandson, Tuoba Liwei, is the "historical record" Emperor Shenyuan of the Northern Wei Dynasty, the ancestor of the temple name.

Li Yu beheaded them all, and Tuoba's lineage died, and there would be no more "Northern Wei" dynasty.

After he slaughters two more dynasties, and at the same time upgrades the territory to the fourth level [City], he can get the [Title·Ancestor of Unworthy].

After Tuoba deduced his death, the Xianbei soldiers retreated.

People in Chicheng believe Li Yu [Zhuge Liang]'s identity as a traverser [-]% of the time.

Xia Yu, the former captain of Karasuma, was very excited and asked if he could curse Tan Shihuai, the master of Xianbei.

In August last year, Xia Yu, Tian Yan, and Zang Min attacked Xianbei three ways, and returned in a big defeat.Since then, Tan Shihuai has become his lingering demon.

Li Yu nodded and said that if he could get the blood of Tan Shihuai, he could start the altar again.

The morale of the people was greatly boosted, and they rushed to the Xianbei camp that night.It's a pity that Tan Shihuai had been on guard for a long time. Guan Yu, Xia Yu and others only killed some Outer Mongolians before retreating helplessly.

Li Yu shook his head, then returned to [Fanghu].

He chased and killed all the way, ran around and worked hard, and got rid of 1/3 of the [Ancestor of Immortality], and he also gained other gains.

[Name] Li Yu.

[order] 2/4
【Blood Qi】Physical Strength 229/310, Energy 258/330
[Level] Strength 71, Intelligence 60
[Attributes] Strength 30, Constitution 35, Dexterity 31, Spirit 37
【附加】仙缘+100、文事+641、武事+203、魅力+22、意志+40 、运气+5、合气+50
[Appellation] Dengtuzi, Warrior, Wise Man, Huangliang Sanshui

[Skills] The Secret Record of the Rehabilitation, the Resurrection Method of the Scorpion, the Fire Breathing Method, and the Book of Seven Arrows Fixing the Throat
[Skills] Spear (Xiaocheng), Sword (Penetration), Qin (harmony)
[Magic Treasure]: Niao Gongyi, Lacquer Carved Rod, Zhang Xiandan, Wan Te's Reminder Scroll x 1
[Moonlight Scroll]: Shan Bo, Emperor Yao Cheng Mao

[Building blueprints]: [Huang Pin·Children's Temple], [Huang Pin·Shenyifang],

[Treasure Map]: [Yellow Emperor Secret Treasure]
【Spirit】Echoing Bug
[Equipment] Corpse-swallowing python armor, demon-slaying spear, Gu Rong feather fan, widow silk

[Huang Pin·Wisdom], the title obtained by Li Yu after passing the [Intelligence 60 Bottleneck Test]. +20 Literary affairs, with [Trait · There are bandits].

On June 4th and [-]th, [Thirteen Ants] offered two copies of [Xuanlu].Li Yushizhi, all four-dimensional attributes are +[-].

On June [-]th, rocks fell on Canghai Island——[Melon Seeds Entangled].


"Melon Seed Wrap"

[Product rank] Yellow product
[Attribute] Wear it, the power of spells has a bonus, and the specific degree is related to the number of stones.

[Description] Fifty miles southeast of Yicheng County, there is a place called Guazitang under Beiyangban.According to legend, Lao Tzu eats melons.All the seeds fall into stone melon seeds, and their shape is similar. —— "Zaolin Zazu"


There are ten melon seeds in total, and the young lady puts them in a sachet, and Li Yu tied them around her waist.When breathing out fire again, the color of the flame changed from red orange to blue white.

On June [-]th, [Xuanpin·Sky Ear Stone] disappeared, and a [Snake Princess] was born in [Yunvshan Temple].Li Yu feeds it with [cold peach].


【Name】Jiang Xiaoer


[Characteristics] [Stone Soldiers], [Transmutation], [Petrochemical], [Mountain Ears]


[Mountain ear]: To hear the language of all beings in the mountains and all the sounds.


Li Yu pursued and killed him all the way, the Tuoba tribe struggled to resist, ambushes, sneak attacks and other means were exhausted, but to no avail.This is all due to [Snake] Jiang Xiaoer's super hearing.

On June [-]th, when Li Yu slaughtered the Xianbei tribe, he got [Wuyihujingjue].


"Wuyi Tiger View Jue"

[Product rank] Land product
[attribute] learn this, get body protection tiger scene.

[Description] Yuan Jian, the ancestor of Xiqiang.At the time of Qin Ligong, he was detained by Qin and regarded as a slave. He didn't know the difference between Yan Jian and He Rong.Later, he returned to perish, but the Qin people were in a hurry to chase him, so he hid in a cave to escape.The Qiang people said that Yuan Jianchu was hidden in the cave.The people of Qin burned it, and there was a scene like a tiger, which covered the fire and survived.Seeing that Yuan Jian could not die after being burned, all the Qiang people blamed his god, feared it together, and took pride in it. ——"Book of the Later Han Dynasty Biography of Xiqiang"


This [Tiger Scene Jue] is a defensive exercise, if you practice it to great success, you can get the energy of a tiger-shaped body.

Li Yu didn't practice it, and put it together with [Long Live Jue].

On June [-]th, a rock fell on Canghai Island——[Singing Stone].



[Product order] Xuanpin
[Attribute] Hold this stone, the sound will be even louder.

[Description] In the first year of Jin Yongkang, Shangming Stone in Xiangyang County, like jade, with a green color.Hit it, and hear it seven or eight miles away.The mountain of feldspar, in the same valley, has many such stones, its color is very green, and its sound is even louder. ——Guo Pu's commentary on "The Classic of Mountains and Seas"


On June 22, the second day after Tuoba's deduction died, the Xianbei people attacked the city aggressively.

Li Yu is wearing a crane cloak and a Lun scarf, and next to him is a boy Zhang Fei carrying a piano.

Putting [Widow Girl Silk] and [Ming Stone] on the case, Li Yu sat on the railing and lit the incense burner.

Seeing this, Tan Shi Huai, who was hiding in the enemy's formation, gave an order, and thousands of arrows were fired like rain.

Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, one on the left and one on the right, danced their knives and guns so tightly that no water could get in.

Li Yu closed his eyes, fucked [Widow Girl Silk] and played [Puppet].

Xiao Sha's piano sounded, and within a short while, there was a sudden change in the city.

Out of the tens of thousands of players from Outer Mongolia, more than [-] turned against each other, aiming their swords and guns at their former compatriots.

The player holding the [Xuan Pin · Lasso Pole] flicked the lasso, and directly hit an old shaman in the Xianbei army behind him.Then the leather rope tightened, pulled it over, and the scimitar swiped up along the way.

The old shaman didn't even have time to react, his throat was cut and he spewed blood to death.

Chaos broke out in the city, Xia Yu, Guan Yu, Liu Bei, Gongsun Zan and others were overjoyed, opened the city gate and killed them.

Chu Tiankuo, Lu Yi, and Luo Meng followed closely behind, and Zhang Fei wanted to run forward, but was hugged by Zhang Tuhu.

On the opposite side, the three-eyed red-faced boy yelled loudly, and He Lian turned into a "silver body" and beheaded dozens of people in a row as a deterrent.But the change of elbow and armpit could not quell the chaos for a while.

There are also "rebels" in the Xianbei army, but they are all under [Huang Pin].

Tan Shihuai sent an order that Xianbei iron cavalry rushed forward, but those who defected and fled were killed.

So Xianbei, Chicheng, and the Outer Mongolians as the middle line collided together.

The sound of the piano on the city is still the same, and the battle below the city is shaking the sky.

Although the morale of the Chicheng side is like a rainbow, and there is Li Yu [puppet] to help, the Xianbei iron cavalry and that [East Hu Zu] are too tough.After less than half an hour of the battle, Guan Yu, Chu Tiankuo and others had to retreat to the city.

The Xianbei people didn't dare to go deep, and they called for money to retreat.

In this battle, Xianbei lost two or three thousand riders, and Chicheng lost more than a thousand.The Outer Mongolians suffered the heaviest casualties, numbering in the tens of thousands.

Xia Yu, Liu Bei, and Chu Tiankuo regretted not being able to hurt Tan Shihuai.

Li Yu was also helpless, the condition for using [Seven Arrows Fixed Throat Book] was to know the horoscope of the subject's birth date, or use his blood to paint ears, eyes, mouth and nose.And [Wante's Reminder Scroll] needs the blood of the subject to write it.

Otherwise, both are useless.

Everyone was busy, either treating the wounded or appeasing the people, but Li Yu hurried back to his residence.

"[System]: The player [Victor Vladimir] conducted the [Force 60 Bottleneck Test] and chose you as the chief examiner, are you sure?"

 Thanks to "Book Friends 20190407200343324", "Yao is not Yao", "The Wind Outside Tianxuanzhu", and "Yanyu" brothers for their rewards. (ˊˋ*)
(End of this chapter)

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