Chapter 106 Victor and Cheer Hu
On a sunny day, there are snow-capped mountains and forests of pines and cypresses.

Appearing in front of Li Yu's eyes was a sturdy Europa man carrying a burden.

It has yellow hair and blue eyes, a wide face and a high nose, and is wrapped in thick animal skin. Next to it stands a big black bear with big ears, round head, and "∨" spots on its chest.

"Mud Howl, Wo... Wo Proud Viktor Vladimir, here you go Ross. This is Misha."

Victor put the burden on the ground, with a smile on his face, and greeted him in stumbling Chinese.The black bear Misha beside him also stood up and waved his paw in a naive manner.

Li Yu smiled back.

This is not the first time the two have "meeted".In the second and third [dreams], Li Yu had a lot of dealings with him.

Victor Vladimir had a very friendly attitude, saying that his Chinese was taught by Chinese students studying abroad, and asked Li Yu how he felt with a smile.

Li Yu nodded, very good.

Just as there were foreign players in the Han Dynasty, there were also many Chinese students studying in Siberia.

The same as the Xianbei expulsion of players in large numbers at the beginning, the Siberian aborigines and the Dingling people nomadic on the shores of Lake Baikal forcibly expelled Russian players for food reasons.

On the contrary, Chinese students, especially those from Henan, are treated kindly by Dingling people because they are proficient in Chinese.

Viktor Vladimir, a former lorry driver, nearly froze to death across the Angara River in March.Thanks to a kind-hearted Chinese student throwing him a rotten leather jacket, he survived.

After that, when Victor was fishing in the river, he got [Heart of Baikal Sacred Stone].


"Heart of Baikal Sacred Stone"

[Product rank] Tianpin
[Attribute] Hold this stone, and receive the power of rivers and lakes.

[Description] Angara River God, the daughter of Lake Baikal Goddess, although she is born beautiful, she has a surly temper.The God of Lake Baikal persuaded and strictly controlled him in every possible way, but it was still difficult to change his nature.The god of Lake Baikal wanted to marry her to the god of the Volga River, but Angara refused, so the father and daughter were at odds.Angara ran away from home, the God of Lake Baikal was furious, and threw a "holy stone" to block the way, but Angara had already fallen into the arms of his sweetheart, Yenisei.


The Angara River originates from Lake Baikal and flows into the Yenisei River in the north.

Myths are derived from this.

Victor has [Heart of Baikal Sacred Stone] in his hand, Lake Baikal and Angara River have become his home field for him.Ding Lingren fought against him several times, but he couldn't win well.

Victor's reputation was greatly shaken by this, and many Russians who were not frozen to death or starved to death came to attach themselves.

He took advantage of the trend to establish the territory [Black Dolphin], backed by the rich fishery resources of Lake Baikal, encouraged farming, and developed handicrafts, which was very prosperous.

Later, Victor obtained a cosmic sapling [Viri], and communicated with players in other countries and regions by virtue of the [Leaf of Viri], which was not produced much.

Victor is not a self-important character, and he doesn't think that he can be arrogant when he has an adventure.But with the [Heart of Baikal Sacred Stone] and the Cosmic Tree in hand, he always felt that he could make a name for himself on the [Ladder Ranking].

However, those who dare to enter the [Ladder Battle] are all masters with unique skills.As long as Victor is out of the water, it is difficult to win the game.Especially when encountering people from countries and regions such as Northern Europe, India, and Japan, they are in danger of being killed several times.

Victor gradually realized his own strength, so he shifted most of his thoughts to the development of the territory [Black Dolphin].

And [Leaf of Viri] is regarded as a trading channel by him.To this end, he also learned Chinese, English, French, Japanese and other languages.

Every time he steps into the [Ladder], he brings a bunch of things with him, ready to trade with others.Although he was robbed and cheated at times, in general, Victor benefited a lot.

[Force] At the full level of 59, he didn't care about it at first, but when he saw the examiner who could choose the [Bottleneck Exam], Victor was overjoyed.

He immediately canceled the exam, returned to the territory and gathered a lot of things, then picked up the package and opened the [Bottleneck Exam] again.

The master of [Xianlu], the first in the three rankings, this is the person who steps on top of 70 billion players!

It is a treasure that must not be missed!
Victor made a request to "trade first, then take the test", and Li Yu couldn't help it.

Looking at Victor, the famous "international second-hand dealer" in [Dream], Li Yu also wondered what he was messing around with.I don't know if I got that [Tianpin] treasure.


"Huang Pin·Fire Snake Charm": Hold it, it can arouse women's desire, and if they have sex, there is a certain chance to give birth to a snake-shaped monster.


"Huang Pin·Fire Bird Feather": The feather is extremely bright, holding it into a black hole, like a candle illuminating the walls.


"Yellow Pin·Construction Blueprint · Veles Temple": In the territory, there are bonuses for animal husbandry and agriculture.



The black bear Misha sat on the ground, stretched out the burden, and Victor took out items from it.To Li Yu's disappointment, although there are many things, they are all low-grade and unsatisfactory.

The best piece of [teeth] is only [Xuanpin].


"The Fang of Uperi"

[Product order] Xuanpin
[Attribute] Wearing this tooth and swallowing human blood can turn it into Uperi.

[Description] Uperi, a zombie that violated people and sexual animals in Slavic mythology.It is a person who is conceived with a demon, or a person who is lured by a demon to become a fallen person after death.In addition, the dead with black cats (ghosts) jumping over their coffins, the dead who bet their souls on the devil, suicides, violent deaths, and especially the corpses of wizards can all become Uperi.


Li Yu doesn't like teeth that can turn people into zombies.

Victor scratched his head and found something from under the burden.


"Blood of Vampir"

[Product order] Xuanpin
[Attribute] Take this dead man's blood, there is a certain chance to become Wampil.

[Description] A dead man who sucks human blood in Slavic mythology.Every night, he would come out of the grave foundation, or turn into a bat, suck the blood of sleeping people, and rain nightmares on them.Those criminals, suicides, and "unclean" corpses who died prematurely after being bitten by Wampir were called Wampir.


Li Yu is speechless. You are a zombie for a while, and a vampire for a while. How about building an undead team?

Seeing that Li Yu was still not satisfied, Victor hurriedly took out three items from his pocket.

[Moonlight Scroll Ayami's Dream], [Unknown Ritual Scroll], [Unknown Construction Blueprint].

Ayami, an elf in the Tunguska region and Nanai mythology, the ancestor of shamans.Each shaman has his own unique ayami, who conveys instructions in dreams.If the shaman is a man, he will become a woman in the dream; if the shaman is a woman, he will become a man.

Victor said, [Ayami's dream] is that Ayami taught how to wear clothes and how to heal people in a dream, so as to cultivate a real shaman.

Li Yu waved his hand, not interested in the inaugural shaman.

He picked up [Scroll] and [Blueprint]. [Scroll] There is nothing special about it, but there is an apple-like pattern on the [Construction Blueprint], which makes Li Yu very happy.

After flipping through them for a while, he signaled to Victor that he wanted to buy these two pieces.

Victor had a heartache on his face, saying that the scrolls and blueprints were [high-level items] that he could not identify, and he was reluctant to sell them.

Li Yu waved his hand and took out twenty baskets of fruit, twenty bags of red and white millet, ten altars of [Jiejin mink wine], and one [Top Grade·Room of Tuanlao] from the [square pot].

These drinks and food are placed in the territory of the Han family. Although they are also valuable, they are not worth the [high-level items].

However, for Siberia, a place of bitter cold, for Victor and other Russian players who ate fish and vomited, these delicious wines and fresh fruits are a great temptation.

However, adults must control their desires after all, so Victor swallowed his saliva, looked away, turned around and held the [Room of the Ball Scoop] in his hands.

Then, he asked Li Yu to add a [high-level item], or the method of "retrieving objects from the void" just now.

Li Yu shook his head and refused.

At this time, the black bear Misha crawled over with a smirk.Arching his palms, he stood up and looked at Li Yu eagerly.

Li Yu laughed, took two big watermelons from the basket, and smashed them open with both fists.One person and one bear sat in the snow and gnawed.

Victor still had to bargain, but Li Yu ignored him at all.

In the end, Victor couldn't bear it, and took melons from the basket, smashed them open and ate them.

A quarter of an hour later, Victor, who failed in the [Force 60 Bottleneck Test], returned to [Black Dolphin].The cheers were deafening, and the aromas of fruit, wine, and rice overflowed.

Countless Russian players exchange [scrolls] and [props] for this delicacy in the world.

Victor smiled so hard that the creases on his face grew.

In the afternoon of the same day, he once again shouldered the burden and started the [Martial Force 60 Bottleneck Exam - Supplementary Exam].

This time, there is no "player" to choose from.Victor felt a little regretful, but then he was delighted that he met an aboriginal Chinese as the chief examiner——Che er Hu.

He thought it would be a friendly trade again, but unexpectedly [Che er Hu] rushed up and beat him and the black bear Misha.In the end, he ransacked his baggage.

 Sorry guys, it's late. . .

(End of this chapter)

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