Chapter 108

The scolding came to my ears, [Zhuge Liang] couldn't help laughing, and sent more than a dozen bats and birds over.

As a result, Ye Mingsha, Zuo Panlong, and Bai Lilac, which were half wet and not dry, fell down one after another.

The Xianbei adults learned how to be good this time, and avoided it early.A good shooter drew his horn-end bow and shot the bats and birds one by one, only then did the chaos of bird droppings be quelled.

Tan Shihuai ordered the shaman to wave the drum bell to fight against [puppet].At the same time, the Eastern Hu pawns pressed forward aggressively.

[Zhuge Liang] turned himself into a [swan] and flew high into the sky.

A circle of lasso hits, [Cang Goose] pretends to be caught in the quilt, and then retreats to the Xianbei formation.The Outer Mongolia player [Mo Rigen] was overjoyed, thinking he had made a great contribution.

Unexpectedly, the [gwan goose] approached, flapped its wings, and a strong wind blew.A group of people were blown to the ground.

The [Swan Goose] landed in front of Mo Zhigen, stretched out his right paw, grabbed his head, and stuck his toe deeply into his right eye.

Mo Zhigen screamed miserably, and frantically swung [Xuan Pin·Horse Pole], smashing it above his head.

[Ganegoose] reached out with his left paw, and grasped the noose pole accurately.Then with a flutter of wings, Mo Zhigen was mentioned and flew into the air.

Xianbei people and Outer Mongolians shot countless arrows with their bows. [Ganegoose] shakes his right paw, and lifts Mo Zhigen's body one by one.

The muffled sound of the arrowhead entering the body caused screams.

The three-eyed red-faced [Sukhbaru] was furious, and threw a short spear at [the goose].The spear was very fast, but was easily dodged by [Gane].

When [Cang Goose] retreated calmly and threw Mo Zhigen in front of Zhang Feima, the former's screams were almost silent.

The fat boy got off his horse and poked the hedgehog-like Mo Zhigen with a spear, but the latter didn't respond at all.He raised his head and said to [Cangge], "Sir, I..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw [Cangge] grabbing the horse pole and flying to the rear of Xianbei.

Zhang Fei scratched his head, pierced Mo Zhigen's throat with a spear, then jumped on the pony, and followed Lu Yi and his black donkey brigade who had just arrived, to the outer Mongolian formation.

[Cangge] flew to the Xianbei Central Army, but before they found the sandalwood locust tree, they attracted countless arrows.

The goose wings flapped, the wind was strong, and the arrows reflected back. [East Hu Zu], shaman, countless wounded.

Lu Jiu, [Queen Mao], three [Snake Princess], and dozens of [long-haired people] suddenly appeared and scattered in the Xianbei army, causing more riots.

[Gane] fell to the ground and turned into a human form.With a flick of the harness, an old shaman wearing a roe cap was pulled over.

[Zhuge Liang] hit his temple with a punch, and the old shaman stopped breathing after he had read half of his incantation.

Then, a thousand commanders flew over, [Zhuge Liang] grabbed the knife empty-handed, and chopped off his head again.

The Xianbei army was in chaos, and Chicheng soldiers took the opportunity to attack.

The Xianbei retreated steadily.Guan Yu took the lead and rushed to [Zhuge Liang]'s side.

"Brother, don't take risks lightly." Guan Yu on the [Bamboo Rib Niu] said helplessly.

He said this more than once in the past two days, but his brother didn't care at all.

Sure enough, [Zhuge Liang] responded casually: "I know."

Then with a flick of the harness pole, a commander of [East Hu Zu] who was holding a big sword was brought in.

This commander is at least at the lower level of [Earth Grade]. Although his body is bound, his sword skills are extraordinary.Guan Yu thought to himself, if he met him in the past, he might have to fight ten times to win.

Then at the next moment, the elder brother grabbed the sword light with his bare hands and snatched the big sword, and then stabbed the commander in half with the sword blooming.

Then, no matter how strong the suitor is or what kind of weapon he holds, the elder brother can easily fight back.

Guan Yu admired.

Chu Tiankuo and Gongsun Zan drove their horses to see [Weapon Master·Zhuge Liang] either punching or empty-handed, killing Xianbei people like pigs and dogs, they were a little dazed.

After Qihua flew away, Xia Yu pointed to the swords and halberds lying on the ground, and asked Gongsun Zan, "Do you dare to believe that he is that Prime Minister Zhuge?"

Gongsun Zan spread his hands: "You should ask Yun Chang."

Everyone looked at Guan Yu, Guan Yu said: "Elder brother is elder brother." After finishing speaking, he grabbed Niu Fu and chased after [Cang Goose].

[Cangge] flew northward all the way, taking the [square pot] creatures back into the pot one by one along the way, leaving only one Lujiu who walked through the ground.

After crossing the Xianbei army and flying to the side of the Chinese army's banner, the sandalwood locust tree wearing a guano helmet came into view.

Tan Shihuai also saw [the goose], although he was gnashing his teeth with hatred, but he didn't dare to shoot arrows again, lest he be reflected by the damn goose.Only a dozen strong archers took turns attacking for defensive purposes.

[Gane] is not in a hurry, hovering high in the sky, waiting for the opportunity.

Suddenly, the ground in front of the sandalwood locust horse collapsed, the horse fell down, and a hand broke through the ground, pulling the sandalwood locust tree to the ground.

The Xianbei people turned pale with shock.

He Lian suddenly transformed into a [silver body], and grabbed his father's arm the moment it fell into the ground.Then, he stomped his feet violently, causing the ground to shake for a while, and the sinking momentum of the sandalwood locust tree stopped immediately.

Tan Shihuai's force was not bad, but he was so shaken that he vomited a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, he felt that the drag on his feet was slightly less.When Tan Shihuai was overjoyed, he had to cooperate with his son to work together to get out of the subsidence.

But he saw a beautiful woman with white robe and white hair suddenly appear here.

The woman's figure flickered, and the "white robe" swelled up in an instant, and the white hair exploded.

Tan Shihuai was startled.His son Helian yelled and protected him in the [silver body].

Countless "white lights" lit up, like arrows and cones, shooting through a ten-foot radius in an instant.

Here, the Xianbei people, no matter if they were the tribal leader or the commander of a thousand hundreds, no matter if they were shouting for help or trembling and guarding a second ago, they all fell silent in an instant.

Even though He Lian had [silver body] body protection, thousands of "white lights" penetrated his body and passed out instantly.

Tan Shihuai was about to check on his son's condition when the [Gane Goose] rushed from the sky.

With a chill in his heart, he pushed Helian away, turned around and fled.

[Goose] did not pursue, fell to the ground, spread its wings, wrapped the naked [Vald·White Tiger·Queen], and disappeared.

After ten breaths, [Zhuge Liang] appeared alone, and Lujiu floated to the ground.

Throwing He Lian into the square pot [Yili Zhi Prisoner], [Zhuge Liang] shouted: "Tan Shihuai is dead! He Lian is dead!"

The morale of the Xianbei people, who were already slack in the army, was instantly unstable.After waiting for a while, Tan Shihuai and his son did not come forward, so the Xianbei and Outer Mongolians had to flee north in a hurry.

Guan Yu, Xia Yu, and Gongsun Zan pursued and killed them all the way.

[Zhuge Liang] stood on the spot, bent down, and looked at the pool of blood that Tan Shihuai vomited earlier.

The amount of vomiting blood is too little, not enough for [Book of Seven Arrows Fixed Throat]. [Zhuge Liang] thought about it, and simply took out [Wante's Reminder Scroll] and an ordinary writing brush.

Open the [volume], dip the brush in blood, and write the name "Tanshihuai".

After three breaths, a reminder sounded——

"[System]: Congratulations to the player for killing the 'Lord of Xianbei' Tan Shihuai, and get [Random Reward]×1."

Tanshi Huai did not found a country and a dynasty, and could not meet the requirements of "the ancestor of the unsatisfied".But after all, he has a special status, and [the system] gave him a random reward.

Zhang Fei rushed over, [Zhuge Liang] pointed to the northeast, saying that Tan Shihuai died there.

Zhang Fei went happily.

After that, Lu Yi roared past with fifty or sixty black donkeys and hundreds of foreigners.

[Zhuge Liang] shook his head and chose to use [Random Reward].


"Construction Blueprint Wanhui Brother Temple"

[Product rank] Tianpin
[Required for construction] [Lingtian] side.


(End of this chapter)

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