Chapter 109 Winged Elf
Chicheng defeated Xianbei and Outer Mongolia, chased and killed tens of miles, and wiped out tens of thousands of enemies.

With this great victory, Chu Tiankuo and Gongsun Zan were overjoyed, but Xia Yu felt a little regretful.It wasn't until Zhang Fei returned with Tan Shihuai's body that the former Captain Karasuma grinned with relief.

Everyone asked Zhang Fei how to kill Tan Shihuai.

Zhang Fei shook his head, saying that he wasn't the one who killed him, it was the place where the corpse was dumped that his husband pointed out to him, and it should be his hand.

Everyone was stunned, but not surprised.

Chu Tiankuo asked [Mr. Zhuge] where he is now.Guan Yu said, brother has returned to the city to rest.

At this moment, when the rooster crows and the dawn is approaching, everyone is overjoyed and exhausted.After everything was settled, they all returned to Chicheng.


Li Yu recorded nine chapters [Fang Hu].

The residents of [Xianlu] are still dreaming.Lu Jiu sank into the ground and fled to [Xianyuan], while Li Yu stepped into the lord's mansion.

In the hall, the little sparrow fell asleep, and the little lady dozed off.On the side [She Ji] Yaya closed her eyes, and flicked the tip of her tail lightly.

The moment Li Yu entered the door, Jiang Yaya opened his eyes.The little lady's head fell to the table, and she rubbed her forehead in a daze from the pain. When she heard footsteps, she suddenly opened her eyes.Seeing that it was Li Yu, the little lady smiled.

At the same time, [Thirteen Ants] jumped out from her chest and rushed forward.

Li Yu supported the little man, said a few words to the little lady, and then let her go back to bed.The little lady nodded, and when the gentleman came back, she also felt relieved, and called the fancied little Que'er to go back to her room.

Li Yu asked [Snake Ji] to rest too, so she went to take a bath by herself.

Li Yu, who was in a clean suit, lay down in the bedroom and fell into a drowsy sleep. [Thirteen Ants] crawled into his palm, Li Yu subconsciously clenched his fist, the little man rubbed his index finger, and started snoring.

Not long after, a snake's tail climbed onto the head of the bed, slowly pushed out the pillow under Li Yu's neck, and replaced it.


On June 23, in a [Lingtian], Li Yu used the [Construction Blueprint·Wanhui Gege Temple].


"Wanhui Brother Temple"

[Product rank] Tianpin
[Attribute] Traffic +300, get [Wanhuifu]×1 every day.

[Description] Master Wanhui, a native of Yan village, if the use of God is not enough, he is said to be stupid and ignorant, even though his parents also use dolphins and dogs as livestock.My elder brother was sent to Anxi, and his parents told him that he was sincerely dead, and wept day and night.Wan Hui suddenly knelt down and said, "Isn't it brother worry that weeping? A certain general will watch."

All of a sudden, he returned to his home in the evening and told his parents, "Brother is good."

When publishing a book, it is a brother's trace, and a family is different.Hongnong arrived in Anxi for more than [-] li, and returned with his [-] li, so it is called Wanhui. ——"The Legend of the Opening of the Sky"

As soon as you enter the small temple, there is a statue with a shaggy head and a smiling face.Dressed in green clothes, with a drum in his left hand and a stick in his right, this is "Brother Wanhui", also known as the God of Harmony.

A jade talisman appeared on the incense table in front of the statue, and Li Yu took it to have a look.

[Wanhuifu]: Even if a person is thousands of miles away, he can return in an instant.


It is equivalent to the [City Return Talisman] in online games, and it can travel thousands of miles, which is extremely convenient.

Arriving at [Xianyuan] again, Li Yu opened another [drawing].


"Golden Apple Orchard"

[Product rank] Tianpin
[Attribute] Style of writing +300.A [Golden Apple] is harvested in the garden every year, and winged creatures appear from time to time.

[Description] A paradise for elves, a fantasy town for all living beings.


An orchard of one acre square appeared in front of everyone.

It is said to be an orchard, but in fact there is only one tall apple tree, and the rest are weeds and shrubs.

There are dozens of blue fruits hanging on the apple tree, ranging from the size of a thumb to a fist, emitting a tempting fragrance.

[Thirteen Ants] sniffed the aroma and jumped onto a fruit.But before she could stand still, a soft screech sounded from a nearby branch.

A blond girl flapped her white wings and swooped down.

[Thirteen Ants] was startled, waved his small hand, and summoned a ball of water bombs out of thin air, hitting the girl.

The girl muttered something, and the water bomb suddenly stopped in mid-air. [Thirteen Ants] was not convinced, and wanted to perform a spell, but Li Yu called her.

When the blond girl saw Li Yu, she immediately showed a bright smile.

She flew to the ground, folded her wings, and the white dress fell to the ground, completely covering her legs.

The girl bowed to Li Yu, her eyes flickered and she was full of smiles.



[Race] Elf
[Product rank] Land product
[Order] 1/2
[Level] Strength 86, Intelligence 50
[Trait] Winged
[Talent] Vile's Eye, Spa

[Equipment] Magic Clothes

[Characteristic Winged] With wings on its back, it flies like a bird.

[Talent · Vile's Eye] When Vile glares, there is a chance to cause sudden death.

[Talent·Spa] Use water to cure diseases, prepare for illnesses and recuperate them.

[Magic Clothes] Wearing this clothing, one can control wells and lakes, and can cast magic to "close" water sources.


Samovere, also known as Vire, is a female elf in Yugoslavia, whose image is a girl with goat's, horse's or donkey's legs.

They fly like birds and live among the mountains.They are extremely friendly towards people, especially men, and help the weak and orphans.But if they are angered, they will retaliate severely, and even kill people with their eyes.

They are good at curing diseases and can predict the date of death.However, they themselves cannot live forever.

The blond-haired and blue-eyed [Wei Lei] is barefoot, but his height is only about the same as Li Yu's.The little maid, the little lady and the [Bald Queen] wearing the [Fire Rat Fur] all look like three children.

After Li Yu introduced a few people, he released [Fanghu].

At the gate of the courtyard, Guan Yu closed his eyes and meditated.Zhang Fei leaned beside him, chattering, regardless of whether he responded or not.Seeing [Zhuge Liang], Zhang Fei was overjoyed: "Sir, are you up? Can you use the morning meal?"

Guan Yu stepped forward to salute.

[Zhuge Liang] nodded, and the three chatted and rushed to the city lord's mansion.

The Xianbei were defeated this morning, and Chicheng regained its former vitality, full of laughter.

Many people recognized the identities of the three and wanted to come forward to talk to them. [Zhuge Liang] Thinking it was troublesome, Guan Yu saw it, his face was serious, and he waved away the crowd who were about to gather.

City Lord's Mansion, [Reception Room].

Deer, cattle, sheep and rabbits, turtles, fish and shrimps, fruits and vegetables are extremely rich.

[Zhuge Liang] Three people came to the scene, Chu Tiankuo, Xia Yu, Liu Bei, Gongsun Zan and everyone went out to welcome them.

After some tugging, [Zhuge Liang] took the main seat.

A few donkeys neighed at the door, it was Luo Meng and Lu Yi who used black donkeys to transport more than a dozen jars of [Huang Pin·Jinlu Wine].


"Towel wine"

[Product order] Huangpin.

[Attribute] Get drunk after drinking this wine, [文事] Temporarily +50, last for 4 hours.

[Description] When the yellow flowers are just in bloom, I teach myself to drink wine under the fence.Gong, whatever, name, whatever.


Taking off the towel and drinking wine is Tao Yuanming's elegant affair.

Chu Tiankuo raised his wine bowl and said with a smile, let's drink Jinlu wine today, let's be Chicheng Xiaowuliu again.

Everyone laughed and raised their bowls to drink together.

Next, there will be an interlacing of toasts and chips, and the guests and hosts will have a good time.

During the dinner, Chu Tiankuo looked at [Zhuge Liang]'s forthright face after drinking three bowls in a row without changing his expression, and couldn't help asking: "Mr. is really Prime Minister Zhuge? Did he really come from time travel?"

Everyone looked at them together.

[Zhuge Liang] did not answer him, but said to Chu Tiankuo: "The leader of the Chu alliance has Qu Shanduo and [Peng Keng Daoqi Jue] on his body, and the tigers occupy the northern border and enjoy peace for 50 years. It is easy to do."

Chu Tiankuo's pupils shrank. Everyone in Chicheng knew that he had [Xianpin·Qushanduo], but no one knew that he also had a heavenly quality cultivation method [Peng Keng Daoqi Jue].

How could [Zhuge Liang] know, could it be that he really came through time travel?

Also, 50 years of peace?

Only 50 years?
Chu Tiankuo fell into deep thought, and wanted to ask "What about 50 years later?" But [Zhuge Liang] pointed at Gongsun Zan again, and said, "General Gongsun's horse riding on three Hans and destroying Dongying has done a great job."

"Thank you, Prime Minister, for your kind words." Gongsun Zan laughed heartily, [Zhuge Liang] raised his glass to drink together, and then pointed to Liu Bei, "How is Xuande?"

[Zhuge Liang] pondered for a moment and then said: "Mr. Xuande's chance is against the sky, and there is no place in the world that you can't go to. Just remember one thing."

Liu Bei looked over curiously.

"Remember, don't have anything to do with Sun Jian's family. Never!"

[Zhuge Liang] said solemnly.

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(End of this chapter)

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