Chapter 110

[Zhuge Liang] After some rhetoric, some people in the banquet hall believed it, while others did not.

Jian Yong was the latter, he said: "What Bogui hated the most in his life was Beidi, the Wuhuan people of Xianbei who violated borders every year. Why did he go to the land of Dongyi?"

"Because the aliens from Dongyi are the most insidious, cunning, despicable and shameless." [Zhuge Liang] said.

Jian Yong was puzzled, [Zhuge Liang] looked at Luo Meng, Lu Yi and other players.

Players heard "foreigners" and knew that Zhuge Liang was talking about Japanese and Koreans.Let's talk about "stealing the country and stealing culture", "Unit 731", "Nanjing, Lushun and other 154 massacres of more than [-] people" and so on.

Hearing these words, Gongsun Zan was furious, and he yelled, "This clan of hogs and dogs should be punished!"

Zhang Fei was also filled with righteous indignation, and shouted loudly: "Put to death!"

The players were drinking heavily, and there was a sound of "Dangzhu" in the banquet hall when it was neutral.

Immediately afterwards, you said something and I said something, and the emotions became agitated, and they shouted "Soldiers sent to Sanhan, horses to Dongyi".

Many players and aborigines responded loudly.

When the crowd was full of enthusiasm, [Zhuge Liang] called to stop.

People don't know why.

Then I heard [Zhuge Liang] say: "Although Sanhan and Dongying are foreign countries, they are not small countries. If you want to go east, you must think long-term, and you must not be reckless."

Some players disagree, saying that the current Sanhan and Dongying are just the tribal era, and General Gongsun's selection of three hundred white horses is enough to conquer everything.

[Zhuge Liang] shook his head, and he asked a question: "Everyone knows, what resources are the most important for a country or a region in this world."

Some people answered "energy", some people answered "leveling points", and some people said "high-grade props".

[Zhuge Liang] said: "In every realm, the [props], [Moonlight Scroll], and even [titles], [leveling points] produced by it are all related to the cultural history, myths and legends of the region. The longer the myth , The brighter the civilization, the stronger the strength and potential of the region. Just like the border of my Han family, it is also like Dongying, Northern Europe, Greece and Rome."

The crowd nodded.

"There are indeed many rare treasures in Dongying and Sanhan. For example, there are two or three pieces of the [Quishanduo] fairy artifact of the leader of the Chu alliance. Although I don't know if it has been born, but some [Dipin], [Tianpin] Many people should have obtained the items. If you want to go east, it will be quite difficult."

[Zhuge Liang] seemed to persuade everyone to be cautious, but also seemed to draw a big cake, which attracted everyone's enthusiasm for the conquest of Dongyi.

No one in Chicheng knows the ability of [Qu Shanduo].

Moving mountains and mountains is what gods can do.

If you get such a treasure, there is nowhere in the world you can't go.

Not long after, Gongsun Zan took Liu Bei and Jian Yong together to discuss the matter of the Eastern Expedition.On the other side, Zhang Fei's second elder brother, long and short, pushed Guan Yu up.

Others, Lu Yi and [Kyoto League] Luo Meng also moved their minds.

So, a good celebration banquet turned into a "Seminar on the Barbarian Expropriation Plan".

Chu Tiankuo shook his head, offered [Zhuge Liang] a cup of wine, and asked for advice.


"Shatang Wood"

[Product rank] Land product.

[Attribute] is planted in [Lingtian], and every season, one [Shatang] fruit will be obtained.

[Description] There is a tree in the hills of Kunlun, its shape is like a Tang, the yellow flower is red and solid, its taste is like a plum but has no seeds, the name is Sha Tang, it can resist water, and eating it can make people not drown. ——"Shan Hai Jing·Xi Ci San Jing"


This tree was obtained by Chu Tiankuo in an adventure - [Wood City], and it was planted in the [Fertile Soil] in the territory, sickly.

Looking at that posture, let alone eating fruit, how long you can live is a question.

So, Chu Tiankuo came to ask for advice, asking where there is a "spiritual field".

[Zhuge Liang] thought for a while, and said with a smile: "Wolf Juxu mountainside, under Mount Fuji, and on the top of Olympic Mountain, there are not only [Lingtian], but also a higher level [Xianyuan]. The leader of the Chu League has [Qushanduo] , just move it."

Chu Tiankuo was speechless.

[Qu Shanduo] can indeed move mountains, but with his current strength, even the most recent Langjuxu Mountain cannot be moved in ten or eight years.

Not to mention, the Olympic is the sacred mountain of the Greeks, Mount Fuji is the belief of the Japanese, and Mount Langjuxu is located in the hinterland of the Xianbei and Outer Mongolians, neither of which the current [Kyoto League] can touch.

Mr. Zhuge has drawn another big cake.

Seeing that [Zhuge Liang] said no more, Chu Tiankuo had no choice but to back away.Others stepped forward and asked many questions——

"Sir, do you know where [Xianlu] is?" "Sir, since you have traveled through time, can you tell me where there is a treasure?" "Sir, do you stay in this time and space, or travel back?" There are two Mr. Zhuge"...

[Zhuge Liang] Answer them one by one.

The city is full of feasts, and it will only take three days.

On June 25, outside Chicheng, [Kyoto League] held a farewell party for everyone.

Lu Yi has led hundreds of foreigners to go east first.

Invited by Chu Tiankuo, Xia Yu joined the [Kyoto League] to prepare for the Xianbei war.

Gongsun Zan, Liu Bei, and Zhang Fei plan to return to their hometowns and gather the brave and Yiren.

Guan Yu had to go back to Xie Liang first to meet "Guan Ping", who might have been born.Then come to [Chicheng], join Liu Zhang, Gongsun, Luo Meng and others, cross Youzhou, and rush to Sanhan.

At three poles in the sun, everyone set off.

[Zhuge Liang] took out the [Dipin · Lacquer Carved Rod] and three [Wanhui Talismans] and handed them to Guan Yu.

Regarding Guan Yu's Eastern Expedition, [Zhuge Liang] was in favor of it.After all, Guan Yu has the "80 Immortal Fate" with him. For the time being, he will encounter more opportunities when traveling abroad than following him.

Guan Yu bowed.

Guan Yu always remembers his brother's friendship in his heart.

Although the two are not sworn brothers, how is the elder brother treating him different from siblings?
No matter what others think, in this life, there is no Liu Guanzhang, only Li Guan.

[Cangge] fluttered its wings, and Chu Tiankuo waved goodbye. He had many speculations about [Mr. Zhuge]'s identity, but he couldn't be sure.

[Armed Forces 60 Bottleneck Examination] has arrived, [Player Chief Examiner] has two.

One is Li Yu, the other is Victor Vladimir, how should he choose?


In [Square Pot], the little lady, [White Tiger Queen] and others are moving.

They like Liuli Palace's characteristic of "building our own summer and building our own home".

[The goose] soars in the air, if it sees a pleasant scenery, it will fall to a high place, and call the little lady, Wei Lei, [White Tiger Queen] to come out to see the scenery.

After several people choose the one they like, Li Yu will "swallow" it into the Liuli Palace.

What the little lady likes are lakes and grasslands.The elf Vile likes low mountains and clear springs.And [White Tiger Queen] likes pine trees the most, Chinese pine, cedar, white bark pine, masson pine, all kinds of pine trees.

Li Yu swallowed it all the way, as long as it does not exceed the boundary of mu Xu, he will not have a big burden to use [Tun Shanhe].And even if it is overused, after drinking [Aganipe's Spring], his spirit can be recovered quickly.Therefore, it is enough to meet the needs of the little ladies.

With this sense of participation of doing it yourself, the little lady and the others happily moved from [Xianlu].

Along with it, there are [Snake Princess] Yaya and [Thirteen Ants].

Ya Ya doesn't care where he lives, Li Yu built a house in [the Palace], and Ya Ya followed.

[Thirteen Ants] is the same, but besides the horse-faced little green tail and the answering insects, she also brought the [Xuanju] clan.

With the gradual growth of the ethnic group, the area of ​​activity of [Xuanju] has become wider and wider.Even with the special lane marked by the [long-haired man], there have been more than a dozen stampede incidents in the past half month.

For this reason, the [Xuanju] climbed to the [Xianlu Monument] "Wanli" not far away, and protested——

Yes yes yes yes!exactly!

Li Yu followed good deeds and ordered his family to move into the palace.So, four or five thousand [Xuanju] swayed their big buttocks and made their home in a forest surrounded by insects and katydids.

The fat [Xuan Jiu Ba Wu] was also brought in. Li Yu saw that the previous pebble was not grassy, ​​so he asked Ya Ya to replace it with a beautiful pebble, and pressed it on it again.

The family equals the three old people, who still stay at the foot of the mountain.

[Snake Princess] Jiang Xiao's ear socket is on Canghai Island, Red Fish is soaked in the sea, and Lu Jiu is buried in the soil of [Xianpu], and there are few people.

As for [long-haired people], [male hair] and [female hair], after busy farming, they either squeeze into the [Wuli Temple Field] or look in the stone mirror. [Pregnancy hair] and [Fish hair] circle around the black carp in the small pond all day long.


After the little lady and the others finished moving and built a few wooden houses in the [Glass Palace], the [Gane Goose] finally flew into the realm of Gandan Danyan.

Familiar and unfamiliar with the streets and alleys and houses with chimney smoke, it gave him a feeling of returning home after a long time.

However, before Li Yu could feel too much emotion, he noticed something unusual.

The official road leading to Moshang Township has more than double the traffic of other townships.

The travelers on the backs of oxen and the passengers in the carts are mostly women.

After entering [Moshang Township], I saw hundreds of soldiers guarding a few extraordinarily luxurious ox carts parked outside [Sky Courtyard].

An aboriginal girl covered with a veil was helped out of the bullock cart by two young women.

Dozens of soldiers, led by a strong man with a white face and beardless, guarded the girl and walked into the [Sky Courtyard].

[The goose] landed on the top of the tree and turned into a human form.Li Yu jumped down and looked at the group of people going away, feeling a little uncertain.

Jian Shuo?

(End of this chapter)

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