Lords of the Three Kingdoms: At the beginning, I throw myself into the mouth of the python

Chapter 111 The World's No. 1 Maternal and Child Health Hospital

Chapter 111 The World's No. [-] Maternal and Child Health Hospital

What did Jian Shuo come to [Sky Courtyard] for?

Is it related to [Wang Rong]?

Li Yu pondered in his heart while looking at the woman who covered the veil.Looking at her figure and gait, Li Yu always felt a little familiar.

In the third [dream], he transformed into Liu Hong and lived in Luoyang Palace for decades.

Li Yu is very familiar with the beauties in the palace.But this woman is not very impressed.

Until Jian Shuo and others went to live in the hotel in the city, Li Yu still didn't remember who this woman was.

He shook his head, stopped thinking about it, turned into an ordinary person, and stepped into the [Sky Courtyard].

Perhaps because of the results of cement research, the [Sky Courtyard] seems to have been repaired inside and out.

The schools, hospitals, and markets in the [Inner Court], and the farms and houses in the [Outer Court] are all newly built.

Li Yu doesn't feel strange, after all, he has seen all these in [dreams].

What is different from [Dream] is that there is one more building in [Sky Inner Courtyard].


"Nine Sons Mother Temple"

[Product rank] Yellow product
[Attribute] Sacrificial to it, the chance of conception is greatly increased.

[Description] "On April [-]th, Changsha Temple's Goddess of Nine Sons and Mother, who is childless, offers pancakes to beg for children, and it often comes true." - "Jingchu Sui Shi Ji"


Ojuku, one of the 28 constellations, consists of nine stars.People call it "nine sons and mothers". "If there is no marriage between women, how can a husband have nine sons."In ancient times and even in ancient times, one mother could give birth to nine sons, so they were naturally revered and deified, and then matched with Lie Su.Because of the large number of children, the custom of begging for children from Ojuku was derived from this.

There are two temples in [Tiantianyuan] [Yishi Niangzi Temple] and [Nine Sons Mother Temple]. Their functions have been spread, attracting countless women seeking children and pregnancy tests.

[Moshang Township] The flow of people traveling on horses and horses is related to this.

Li Yu thought of [Zhang Xiantan] in [Fang Pot], which "sends a child with two bullets", and [Baguomei], which "enables the mother to give birth safely", and scratched his head——

Child delivery, miscarriage protection, delivery, a complete set.

Could it be that the development prospect of this [Sky Hospital] is "the world's first maternal and child health care hospital"?
It was getting late and the lights were on.

Li Yu was not in a hurry to go to the [village committee office] to meet Lu Xiuxi and the others, but wandered around in the market.

The total area of ​​the city is more than five times larger than before.

There are many buildings, post houses, restaurants, hotels, shops, everything is available.

Travelers gather and come and go like weaving.

Countless merchants traveling north and south couldn't help admiring that this place is prosperous and prosperous, comparable to Luoyang Chang'an.

After a while, a group of players walked past Li Yu.He took a look and found an acquaintance——Cao Yuan, the player who had asked him to buy [Moonlight Scroll·Uncle Tiger] before.

Looking at Cao Yuan wearing armor and holding a sword, and everyone guarding him, it is obvious that he is doing well.

Li Yu had no intention of greeting Cao Yuan, but what the players were talking about caught his attention.

"I heard that as soon as Zhang Guoqiang passed by, he got a set of [Huang Pin] armor. This Yuan Shu is quite generous."

"What is this? Do you know what conditions he offered to Pan Feng? One [Earth Grade] sword, two [Xuan Grade] magic weapons, and a mount [Xuan Grade·One Horse Lian]!"

Zhang Guoqiang?
Yuan Shu?

Pan Feng?

Zhang Guoqiang is a first-class talent in [Sky Institute], and possesses the identification skills of [Huang Pin·Shi Qi Ding].

Listening to the words of the players, that fellow Yuan Gonglu came to [Sky Courtyard] to poach the wall?
The players talked a lot, and were impressed by Yuan Shu's generosity.

Cao Yuan said, "As far as Yuan Shu is a 'dead bone in the grave', whoever votes is an idiot. Pan Feng is not an idiot either. Look at Yuan Shu throwing out so many conditions, did Pan Feng agree? That short-sighted idiot Zhang Guoqiang, Dian Dian ran over, just wait and see, he will regret it."

The player who first mentioned Yuan Shu didn't take it seriously: "Why bother so much, get the things in your hands first and then talk about it."

Cao Yuan paused and looked at the player: "Are you leaving [Sky Courtyard]?"

The player shook his head: "No, I mean first..."

Cao Yuan frowned and interrupted him: "If you don't leave, put away your petty thoughts."

The player shut his mouth resentfully, but after a few seconds, he couldn't help but said: "You said it's been more than a month, [Sky Academy] should be upgraded, why hasn't there been any news from our dean."

"Why is there no news, don't you look at the rankings? Don't these three rankings always hang at the top? You look at the [Martial Force] rankings again. Our dean is outshone. ] None of them. It’s all broken, okay.” Cao Yuan opened the [ranking list], “Hey, Chu Tiankuo, and that Victor finally became [Yellow Pin]. Tsk tsk, it’s not there at noon... ..."

After Cao Yuan finished speaking, he saw that the player was about to speak, so he glared at him: "Mr. Liao, if you force Lai Lai again, get out and don't be an eyesore in the courtyard."

The player blushed and said nothing.

The atmosphere was a little depressing, and someone smoothed things over: "Old Liao, be careful with what you say, if that girl Mu Jin overhears, we'll be in trouble."

The others echoed: "That bitch is ruthless. If Lu Tiandian hadn't stopped the trafficker last time, she would have beaten him to death."

The atmosphere was a little better, Cao Yuan waved his hand: "Let's go, I'll take you to An'an's stew restaurant for a good meal today."

The players clapped their hands and applauded, saying "Boss Cao is magnificent" and "Brother Yuan is better than him".

Cao Yuan laughed, but heard someone yelling again: "Brother Yuan, let's go to the south after dinner."

"Get out! I just saved this little money, and I have to save it to marry a wife, so don't worry about it."

"Tsk tsk, Brother Yuan, you're not saving money to redeem the oiran, are you?"


"I'll go, won't you? Was I right?"


The players chatted and laughed and left.

Li Yu frowned, lost interest in visiting the market, and walked to the [village committee office].

It was not late at night, the office was brightly lit, and it was a busy scene.

When Li Yuhua returned to his original body and walked over, the night watch players stopped him, and before he could speak, an excited "Master...brother" came.

[Sky Courtyard] Chief General Xiong Ba came quickly, and bowed to him.His head hit the concrete floor with a thumping sound.

The players next to him were stunned.

He has only been in the [Sky Courtyard] for more than a month, and the Xiongba he sees on weekdays are all straight and unsmiling, how can he lose his composure like he is now.

Who is this person?

With this doubt, the player ran to the [Village Committee Office].

Then, Lu Xiuxi, Li Hua, Li Min, Mu Jin... [Sky Academy] executives flocked out.

There was a lot of movement, and the patients in the [Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall] all looked over.The next moment, someone exclaimed: "The dean is back!"

Just like a chain reaction, the news of the "dean's return" quickly spread throughout [Sky Academy].

Wang Zhang, Wang Bin, Wang Aixia, the old Chinese doctor who was checking the pulse, Uncle Liao who was making porridge, and Cao Yuan who had just eaten a few mouthfuls of vegetables all rushed over upon hearing the news.

In less than a quarter of an hour, four to five hundred people gathered in front of the village committee office.

"Welcome to the Headmaster's return!"

Cheers rose to the sky.

(End of this chapter)

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