Lords of the Three Kingdoms: At the beginning, I throw myself into the mouth of the python

Chapter 112 Unparalleled Under the Sun and Under the Abyss Wuhou

Chapter 112 Unparalleled Under the Sun and Under the Abyss Wuhou
June 28, [Fanghu], early morning.

Li Yu woke up in the [Golden Jade Glazed Palace], washed up, and drank the [Xuanlu] offered by the [Xuanju] clan.

[Attributes] became "strength 32, constitution 37, agility 33, spirit 39".

In another forty days, he will be regarded as "Graduated from Xuanlu" and able to take [Python Dan Fangfeng Wan].

"Li Langjun, it's time to eat."

The voice of the little maid came from down the mountain.

Li Yu took [Snake] Yaya and [Thirteen Ants] out of the palace gate and rushed to eat.

Li Yu returned yesterday, and the entire [Sky Courtyard] was empty.

Tens of thousands of members cheered and sang and danced until the cock crowed halfway through before they dispersed.

Li Yu brought Wang Bin, Wang Zhang and Xiongba into [pot] to reunite the two families.Last night, the little lady's master and servant all stayed in the lord's mansion and did not go up the mountain.

The porridge and rice made by Xiong Mu early in the morning are far inferior to Ya Ya's craftsmanship, but the ingredients are all special products in [huzhong], such as red corn and white corn.

Wang Zhang ate delicious food and praised it repeatedly.

After eating, [Thirteen Ants] ran to Canghai Island on a horse-faced little green tail.Recently, the little man has become obsessed with [Qiaofengjing] treasure hunting, but for more than [-] days in a row, he has not found anything.She was not discouraged, and happily searched for it three or five times a day.

Li Yu and the young lady went for a walk with Wang Zhang.

Wang Zhang is most curious about [Langhuan Blessed Land].

[Langhuan Blessed Land] covers a very large area, about several hundred mu.

There are majestic rocks and majestic palaces, turbulent streams, water falling like snow, ancient pines and rocks, and lush flowers and trees.

The scenery is not bad, but the lack of books is lacking, which is due to the name of "Langhuan".So Wang Zhang proposed to move all the books in Wang's study.

Li Yu readily agreed.

On the other side, Wang Bin and Xiongba compare their martial arts with [Snake Princess] and [White Tiger Queen].

Wang Bin's strength was beyond Li Yu's expectation.

Although Wang Bin in the third [dream] entered the [Moonlight Scroll·Three Thousand Swords], he only cultivated his swordsmanship to the level of [Xiaocheng].

But now, not only did he have a small success in swordsmanship, he was promoted to [Xuan Pin] in [Martial Force], he even got a title of [Earth Pin].


"Unparalleled Under the Sun"

[Product rank] Land product (1984/10000)
[Attributes] The Sword of Defeating Thousands, Qi rushes to the stars, and the light shines on the sun.Comes with [Characteristic Sword Qi].

[Description] Guan Gai Jian Liu, number one in the world.


[Sword Qi] The sound of the squad moves and the north wind blows, and the sword energy rushes while the south fights flat.


After working hard day and night, using more than a hundred long swords, being wounded and sores, and defeating three thousand guests of King Wen, he finally achieved something.

Li Yu looked at this uncle with admiration.

Li Yu also won the title of "Unparalleled Under the Sun" in "Dream".

Defeat a hundred swords, become [Xuan Pin], get [Characteristic Sword Cry];

Defeat a thousand swords, become [Land Grade], get [Characteristic·Sword Qi];

Defeat ten thousand swords, become [Tianpin], and get [Characteristic·Jieyun].

It is extraordinary.

When Li Yuweng and his son-in-law came back from [Unburned Forest], Wang Bin had already defeated [Snake Princess] Xiaoer and Hongyu.

However, like Xiongba, he was defeated by [White Tiger Queen] pine wood sword.

It was getting late, Li Yu took Wang's father and son, and Xiongba out of the pot.

Before leaving, [Thirteen Ants] yelled and leaped over, and handed over a [Huangpin·She's Remains].


[Sky Yard], village committee office.

Li Yu sat in the main seat, and the high-level people in the courtyard gathered.

After Li Yu briefly talked about Wang Wushan and his party, Lu Xiuxi and others began to report the events that had happened in [Sky Academy] in the past one and a half months.

First, [Huang Pin·Ji Shrine], [Huang Pin·Zaowang Temple], [Xuan Pin·Li Shrine] were built in the courtyard. [Attribute] There are already more than four hundred, just wait for the dean to upgrade to a small town.

Second, the "Packing Action" was implemented fairly successfully.However, with the continuous emergence of player territories, discord and more troubles will inevitably arise. At the junction of [Xixiang] and [Moshang Township], there is a leveling point [Ghost Star Stone Room], and the [Sky Academy Construction Corps] was sent from the courtyard, but was stopped and driven away.Xiongba went, but he didn't get any benefits.

Third, Pan An, Wang Bin's brother-in-law, was identified as "Admiral Pan Feng".After his name spread, Yuan Shu from Runan came and invited him to join Yuan's family, promising him a treasure.Before Pan Feng agreed, Yuan Shu turned his attention to the [Sky Courtyard] again, spilling countless gold and silver, causing people's hearts to float.

Fourth, the former Baihu Mountain was occupied by players.He didn't engage in roadblocking and robbery, but built a brothel, and quickly became a well-known gold selling cave with the flow of people in [Sky Courtyard].

Fifth, the old Chinese doctor came back from [Moonlight Scroll·Tiger Spotted Apricot Forest], and brought back a copy of [Huangpin] practice method jointly created by him and the genius doctor Dong Feng-"Tiger-shaped Fist".This boxing is not a boxing technique, but an inner strength kung fu.Through breathing and breathing and imitating the movements of tigers, the purpose of strengthening muscles and bones is achieved.


After everyone reported, they looked at the dean.

Li Yu was waiting to speak, and a guard came to report—the magistrate of Liang County.

He got up to welcome the door, smiled and said to the people: "Welcome the county lord."

"Haha, I knew my nephew was returning home, so I rushed over early. I haven't seen you in January, and my nephew is even more handsome."

After some courteous remarks, County Magistrate Liang and more than ten colleagues entered the office.

Before they were seated, County Magistrate Liang introduced the person on the left: "This is Lieutenant Jian from Yinlai, Henan Province. I want to use the two temples of [Yishi Lady] and [Nine Sons Mother God] in your courtyard."

"Jian Duwei" has broad arms, round waist, thick eyebrows and long beard. Li Yu can tell at a glance that this is the little Huangmen Jianshuo with a beard.

Although Li Yu still felt unfamiliar with the woman before, he roughly guessed who it was——

Empress Song, who should have fallen out of favor and was thrown into the cold palace.

After all, there are not many people in Luoyang City who can receive the courtesy of Liu Hong's confidant Jian Shuo.If she is still rushing to seek a son, then she can only be Empress Song who has been in the palace for eight years and has no children yet.

Li Yu nodded in agreement.Jian Duwei thanked him, accompanied by Liang County Magistrate and others, and went to the ancestral temple.

Li Yu checked the properties of the territory and several buildings on the [Sky Court Monument].

There is no need to say anything about the relationship between the two begging children. [Stove King Temple] worships the ancient kitchen god——Qiang Chan, and the worship of the people is very popular.

The God of Ji in [Ji Temple] is not Houji, but Qianji, the son of Emperor Yan.

"Mandarin · Lu Yushang" says, "In the past, the Lieshan family had the world, and its son was called Zhu, who could grow hundreds of grains and vegetables; Xia's prosperity was also abandoned by Zhou, so it was worshiped as rice."

[Li Shen Temple] is enshrined in the ancient "Li Shen". "Guanzi Light and Heavy Armor" says, "Your Majesty, please set up the sacrifice of the five Li, and the five officials of Yao", which is exactly what is said.Worshiping it, it can absorb plague and poison, sweep away pollution, bless people and animals to prosper, and the five grains will be plentiful.

The functions of the three temples are reflected in [attributes], which are "popularity +50", "reproduction +40", and "protecting the territory from a certain degree of plague and blemishes".

It's a little bit of a living.

After Li Yu finished watching, the high-level people in [Sky Courtyard] were looking forward to it, thinking that the territory would be upgraded, but they heard their headmaster say: "Call all the [Inner Courtyard] children here."

Lu Xiuxi should be, order someone to do it.

Li Yu took out [Huang Pin·She's Remains].

Li Yu has no demand for [Huang Pin] items.But after listening to Lu Xiuxi talking about "people's hearts fluctuate" in the territory, and thinking about the conversation between Cao Yuan and others yesterday, Li Yu had an idea.

Holding up the cluster of arrows and praying, a stalk of green grass appeared in his hand.

Like the one planted at the south gate of Shanggu [Chicheng], it can point out the [Qu Yicao] who is treacherous and hostile.

Several people looked at the novelty, and Li Yu ordered Li Minzhi to stand at the gate of the [village committee].

More than 2000 members of the [Inner Court] from [Sky Courtyard] came one after another, either eagerly or jokingly, shouting "Hello, Dean".

Li Yu nodded in response.

Most people walk by, but the stems and leaves don't move.More than forty people, the leaves move and the stems don't move.

There is only one person, and the stems and leaves dance wildly.

Li Yu saw that it was the "Liao guy" from yesterday.

Mu Jin made a mark on the [Inner Court] list, and when she got to "Liao Changpeng", she drew two horizontal lines fiercely.

When all the people arrived, Li Yufu went up to the [Sky Court Monument].

"[System]: Congratulations, the total value of the [attribute] of the player's territory [Sky Yard] is ≥300, and it has been upgraded to [small town]."

"[System]: Territory feature [Huang Pin·Hanggu Nabaiju] is upgraded to [Xuan Pin·Yuandi Wuhou]."

(End of this chapter)

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