Li Yuma stepped on the fence, bowstrings sounded one after another, and more than 30 people fell to the ground.

The rest rolled and crawled, crashing into the [Gate of Ghosts].

Li Yu stopped chasing, and the three of Xiong Ba who were following him waited leisurely ten feet away from [Ghost Gate].

[Construction Corps] began to unload wood and tools, and the players and aborigines who followed all the way outside the wall gradually reacted.

[Sky Courtyard] The disciples from the inner and outer courtyards naturally cheered.And those merchants and travelers are talking about it.

Or praise Dean Li for his decisive actions and never miss a shot; or say that killing too much is inappropriate after all.

Jian Shuo in the crowd had an inexplicable look on his face.

When he came to Moshang Township, firstly, Empress Song heard that [Tiantian Yuan]'s "seeking a son" was effective, so she came here to pay homage;

Jian Shuo didn't understand why the emperor was so attentive to a "Yanzhao Lion Roaring" barbarian girl, but as the king's fate was like this, he would do everything he could.

Check all the way to Moshang Township.

Jian Shuo discovered that Wang Rong did indeed travel from Chenwangli to Luoyang as she said.

However, there are two rather strange points.

First, this girl has read poetry and books since she was a child, and she has never heard anyone say that she is proficient in martial arts.However, he entered Luo alone, and his martial arts skills, those who saw him were amazed.

One piece of writing, one piece of martial arts, from literature to martial arts, always feels a bit abrupt.

Second, when the daughter went out, the father Wang Zhang didn't go to look for it.After Jian Shuo spread the news that "Wang Rong is famous in Luo", Wang Zhang didn't intend to leave either.

It's really strange.

Apart from Wang Rong, what Jian Shuo paid the most attention to during this trip was the dean Li in front of him who killed him without saying a word.

There are rumors in the village that this person is the leader of the three rankings and the owner of [Xianlu], who is in charge of the "Space Treasure", and his strength should not be underestimated.

[Sky Courtyard] may be an insignificant existence, but Dean Li cannot be ignored.

Finally, there was one more thing that made Jian Shuo very unhappy——

Someone in [Shop City] talked about Dean Li's "love affair", saying that he had seen him and Wang Rong holding hands while shopping in the night market.



On the other side, Pan Feng frowned.

As early as he knew that Li Yu had hung the bodies of Chu Qiao and the three of them to the public, Pan Feng felt that this person was "cannibalism" and should not be handed over.

After Wang Bin came out of [Sword Three Thousand], his strength increased greatly, and Pan Feng was very happy.But then he discovered that his virtuous younger brother's temperament had changed drastically, and he had completely lost his former arrogance.

After asking, I found out that Wang Bin encountered many twists and turns, and all of them were related to [Sky Courtyard].

Because of this, when Wang Bin invited him to join the [Sky Academy], Pan Feng flatly refused.Instead, Wang Bin was persuaded to leave the "sea of ​​bitterness", and the two brothers went out together.

Pan Feng also read "Three Kingdoms", and he admired heroes like Guan Yu, Lu Bu, Cao Cao, and Liu Bei the most.

He believes that the younger brother has [Unparalleled Under the Sun] great potential, and his newly promoted [Dipin] is not bad.

Although they are not as good as the "Three Brothers in Taoyuan", but if brothers are of one heart, where in the world can't they make a living?

Why do you have to nest in this muddy, rotten well?

Pan Feng persuaded several times, but Wang Bin refused.

Two days ago, Yuan Shu came to the door and wanted to worship Pan Feng as "Admiral".

Although Pan Feng felt that Yuan Shu was inferior to Cao Liu and Yuan Shao, he was moved by his chivalry and sincerity.So he said, if he can persuade his virtuous younger brother to leave [Tiantian Yuan], then let him go.

Pan Feng didn't know whether Yuan Shu looked for Wang Bin or not.But early this morning, Brother Xian came to persuade him to enter the [Sky Courtyard].

Between the words, he praised Li Yu even more, which made Pan Feng depressed for a while.

Looking at what this guy did just now, Pan Feng was even more displeased.

Maybe it's time to take my younger brother out for a walk and meet the heroes of the world.

In this way, he will not be deceived by others, talking about "big opportunities" and "must not be missed".


[Ghost Gate] voices and footsteps gradually rose from far and near to the back of the gate.

There were two armored men, each holding a shield with both hands, smashed open the [Ghost Gate], turned over and jumped to the left and right sides.

The two of them hid behind the big shield and stayed for a few breaths. They didn't hear any movement around them, so one of them carefully looked out.

Facing the eyes of Li Yu and the other four people ten feet away, the man subconsciously retreated behind his shield, causing boos from outside the wall.

After observing the surrounding situation, the two got up and called out their companions in the [Gate of Ghosts].

Four hundred people came out in a file, bringing out a chill.

The first person, with a face full of flesh and a gangster's air, shouted in a vicious voice: "Who is here to provoke Lao Tzu?"

"Sun Qing?"

Li Yu called out.

The man on the opposite side frowned: "Since you know Naizu, why don't you die soon."

"Zhuzi is rude!" Xiongba was furious, raising his sword to move forward.

"You are defeated." Sun Qing showed disdain.


Xiong Ba took a step, and Wang Bin drew his sword.

A sword qi slashed out, invisible and colorless, a gust of cold wind blew up, and it slashed ten feet away.

Sun Qing saw something was wrong, shouted "Get out of the way", and hid aside.

The sword energy was so fierce that the three of them could not avoid it, and they were chopped into two pieces by the waist.

More than a dozen other people lost their arms and legs, and their blood gushed out like a fountain, spilling all over the ground.

The wailing sounded loudly.

The onlookers outside the wall couldn't bear to see this tragic situation, and many turned their heads to look at him.

Sun Qing was furious, raised his knife and rushed forward: "You dog, how dare you fight me!"

Wang Bin raised his sword to meet him.

The two fought together.

One is that the sword energy has just formed, and it is inevitable that there will be traces of chiseling; the other is that he is used to fighting, and he is putting all his strength at this moment.

After thirty rounds of fighting, there is no difference between top and bottom.

Sun Qing used all his strength to force Wang Bin back temporarily, and said to him: "You are really not bad at martial arts, why don't you follow me into the mountains and find yourself at ease."

Wang Bin ignored his clamor and was about to fight again, Li Yu called out, "Stop it."

Hearing this, Wang Bin lowered his long sword.

But Sun Qing was not happy: "Xiao Zhuzi, don't disturb me."

Li Yu shook his head: "Your mouth is really stinky, is the director of the reincarnation of the five grains reversed?"

Sun Qing didn't understand Li Yu's meaning, but guessed it was not a good word, he opened his mouth to scold again, but saw Li Yu waved his hand: "Go!"

Sun Qing didn't dare to be negligent, and raised his saber to protect him.But after waiting for a few breaths, there was no movement, he was furious: "Are you fooling me?"

With a muffled sound, Sun Qing's body was empty, and his knees were "planted" into the soil.

Startled, Sun Qing slashed at the ground a few times, then hurriedly put his hands on the ground, struggling to pull his legs out.

There was another burst of smoke and dust, and Sun Qing's buttocks fell into the ground.

Then came the waist, chest, neck, and finally only one head.

This head was half buried, and the mouth was level with the soil.Take a mouthful, eat a mouthful of dirt without saying a word.

Sun Qing raised his head and wanted to curse, but was poured into his mouth with dirt, so angry that he glared at Li Yu angrily.

Li Yuquan ignored him and rode his horse over his head.

Sun Qing's canthus was completely cracked, but the horse's hind hooves stepped on his head, pressing it into the ground another inch.

Sun Qingyu struggled hard in the soil, but to no avail.

Seeing this, his accomplice cursed and killed him.Some chopped horses, some chopped people, and swarmed up.

However, Xiong Ba and Wang Bin [Xuan Pin] made a move, even though the other party was brave and powerful, they were also killed like wolves running around.

Someone wanted to take advantage of the chaos to rescue Sun Qing, so they picked at the loess, but only made Sun Qing grunt and scream in pain.

In the end, more than 200 people had no choice but to flee.

Sun Qing, a bandit chieftain in the Taihang Mountains, gathered tens of thousands of people and was active in Changshan, Zhao, Shangdang and other counties.Later, he joined Zhang Yan with Wang Dang and others, and the name was Black Mountain.Emperor Ling couldn't levy, and the counties in Hebei suffered from it.

In Huangliang [-] and [-] [dreams], as long as the [Sky Courtyard] develops, you will encounter greedy thieves in the Taihang Mountains.

Or Sun Qing, or Wang Dang, or Chu Yan.

Yi Shui has a black heart, bad mouth, and repeated cunning, and Li Yu has suffered a lot for this.

"Dean, what should we do with this person?" Li Min followed up and asked.

"Message the Taihang bandits and hand over a [Tianpin] treasure within five days. Otherwise, behead them for public display."

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