In front of [Ghost Gate], after cleaning the battlefield, Li Min dragged Sun Qing out of the soil.

At this time, Bandit Sun saw that he was exhaling more air and less inhaling, his eyes turned white, and he was dying.

Once unearthed, the thief's instinct to survive made him gasp for breath.Li Min tied it up with a rope, but seeing that he still didn't wake up, he slapped him down several times.

When there was some brilliance in his eyes, the fellow shook his head, glared, and opened his mouth to scold his mother.Li Min directly sent the tip of the knife into his mouth.

Sun Qing felt the pain, bit the tip of the knife and closed his mouth.

Ordering the [Construction Corps] to start construction, and leaving Li Min to torture [Shangchishui]'s method of making, the three of Li Yu got off their horses and stepped into the [Ghost Gate].

There are three hundred stone houses inside the gate, each of which is different.

There are monsters that are easy to fight, and ghosts that are difficult to deal with.

Li Yu took out the [Wu Ming Sac], divided Baicaolu, Wang Bin, and Xiongba, and asked them to wipe their eyes.

Then he chose a stone room and stepped in.

When people do not see ghosts, ghosts are illusory things.When people can see ghosts, ghosts can be deceived, captured, impeached, and killed.

There was not much movement in the stone room, dozens of [Wen ghouls] were lazily lying on the ground, only five or six reluctantly sat up when Li Yu entered the room.


"Warm Ghoul"

[Product order] Xuanpin

Eyebrows drooping, lack of breath, lack of energy, meekness, procrastination, all of them are talents in the late stage of "procrastination".

Squat in a latrine, and don't wipe his butt until his legs and feet are sore, his head has stars, and he doesn't get up until he catches up with the morning market and others go out wearing stars and moons.

No matter what happens, don't be in a hurry until the moment the fire burns the door.

The closer they got, the more upset Wang Bin and Xiong Ba felt.Especially seeing the slow peeing of this nest of lazy people, I couldn't help but get angry for no reason.

Wang Bin slashed with sword energy, and one [Wen Shigui] was split into two halves.

Half of them are still scratching their heads to catch lice, and the other half are still chattering.

After two or three breaths, the two halves merged into one again, returning to the original state.

Wang Bin was angry from the heart, and he was about to raise his sword again, when Li Yu knocked him on the head with the [Demon Killing Spear], he was startled, shivered and came to his senses.

On the other side, Xiong Ba also came back to his senses with a small meat bag on his head, remembering his irritable behavior just now, he couldn't help but feel timid.

"This ghost can mess with people's minds, so proceed with caution," Li Yu said.

Xiong Ba and Wang Bin nodded yes, when they stepped forward again, they were already very cautious, but they still couldn't help but their hearts were burning with anger.

The two forced themselves to be calm, looked for a [Warm Ghoul] and surrounded it, split it for more than ten times in a row, and finally found something - the body of the ghost became lighter.

The two estimated that if they could split a hundred and eighty times, they might be able to eliminate this ghost.

There are only two difficulties.

First, the two of them should not spend more than a quarter of an hour with [Wen Shigui], once the time is over, their minds will be confused by it.For this reason, they had to fight and rest for a while.

Second, if touched by the [Wen Shi Gui], the heart will be hot and hot, but the body will be lazy and unwilling to move.The two feelings are intertwined, which makes people almost crazy.

Quite a torture.

After staying for less than half an hour, Li Min and Mu Jin rushed over following the sound and joined the ranks of "splitting ghosts".

Another moment passed, and the [Warm Ghoul] finally turned into a cloud of smoke and disappeared without a trace.

Although there were no dropped items, the four of them had joyful expressions on their faces. Obviously, they had gained a lot of [Force] experience points.

Thus, the "Splitting Ghost" project continued.

Xiongba called Li Yu together, Dean Li shook his head, he didn't care about this little experience, let alone the speed of "killing monsters", so he started groping in the stone room.

Li Yu walked around the wall and finally found a two-foot door in the corner.

The small door seems to be painted with wood ash, but it doesn't seem real.

Li Yu held [Li Zhu] in his mouth and pushed hard.

The stone door turned, and a gust of wind blew out.

Li Yu stepped aside.

When the four Xiongba heard the movement, they hurriedly turned their heads to look, but all of them were grabbed by [Wen Shigui]'s arms.One by one, their bodies became weak and they fell to the ground exhausted.

The [Warm Ghoul] lay down on everyone's body, making them even more limp and unable to get up again.

Just watching helplessly, the dean released another ghost.



[Product order] Xuanpin

Dozens of ghosts squeezed out of the two-foot door in a swarm.

You push each other and scramble to be the first.

Some heads are squeezed flat, and some are rolled upside down as ground gourds.

Even after leaving the small gate, the ghosts did not rest for a while, wandering around in the stone room.

Either kick [Wen Hugh] away, or bump into the stone wall.

This is [Daredevil].

Losing Zhang Daoguai, reckless collision.

Hundreds of thousands of people pass through the corridors, but he will hit the pillars; a glass of glass will break if it meets him.

The four of Xiong Ba fell to the ground and were stepped on and kicked by these group of [daring ghosts] countless times.

When Li Yu saw it, he stepped forward to take Xiongba's [High imitation Fish Intestine Sword].

With a flash of sword light, the [Wen Shi Gui] lying on the four people was cut in half; and with a horizontal cut, a [Daredevil] who was rushing forward with his head covered was cut into two pieces.

Then, Li Yu held half of [Wenshigui] and a section of [Daredevil] in each of his hands, and the two joined together.

In an instant, those who warmed the corpse did not warm the corpse, and those who were rash did not act rashly, and became a gentleman of the middle class.

The gentleman bowed his hands to Li Yu, thanked him, and disappeared.

Li Yu did the same, turning the reckless and warm corpse of the other half into a gentleman.

"[System]: Congratulations to the players for transforming [Wenshigui] and [Daredevil] for gaining 136 [force] experience points."

Xiong Ba, Wang Bin, Li Min, and Mu Jin regained their strength, and imitated Li Yu to chop and join ghosts.

It's just that [Wen Shigui] is lazy and doesn't hide when encountering a knife; but [Daredevil] is fast and difficult to kill.

Li Yu joined hands.

In this way, after half an hour, all the ghosts in the room disappeared.

Li Min and Mu Jin have each been upgraded to three or four levels of [Force], and Xiong Ba and Wang Bin of [Xuan Pin] have also gained a lot of experience.

There are only two items, two [Moonlight Scrolls].


"Moonlight Scroll·Ghost Can Sell"

[Product order] Huangpin.

[attribute] the moon is bright in the middle of the night, shining on the earth.Hold this volume at that time, you can open the door of time and space.

[Description] Either Kua Lei can be killed, or Laughing Ghost can be sold.


This is the story of "Song Dingbo Catching Ghosts". Anyone who has received nine years of compulsory education knows it, so there is no need to say more.


"Moonlight Scroll·Ghost Smile Poor"

[Product order] Huangpin.

[attribute] the moon is bright in the middle of the night...

[Description] Bolong has been ridiculed by ghosts all his life, and he has no money to make him see him.


This is the allusion of "Bolong being laughed at by ghosts". It is said that during the Southern Dynasties, Liu Bolong was a poor official, and he called his subordinates to discuss ways to make money.But I saw a ghost beside him clapping his hands and laughing.Liu Bolong couldn't help sighing: "Poverty is doomed, can you still be laughed at by ghosts?"

Then strike.

The four were quite satisfied with dropping two [Yellow Pin].Li Yu was a little lost.

After the four of them had a rest, Li Yu went out of the house and pushed open another stone room.

But it is a fat [bastard ghost] and a [debt collector] holding an account book.

This time, without any tricks, it took the five of them half a day to kill the dozen or so ghosts.

Change to another stone room.

A group of [Merry Ghosts] faced Li Min, and when they saw Li Min, they winked and wanted to start.

Hibiscus stepped forward, scars all over his face immediately startled them to run around.

The four of Xiongba chased in a circle, and they killed two of them until they were sweating profusely.

Li Yu took a half-person-high peony from the [square pot] and put it in the empty space.

The [Merry Ghosts] suddenly stopped, and then all of a sudden they drilled under the peony flowers.

But only one ghost succeeded, living alone under the flowers.

Then, the flowers withered and the ghosts died.

As a result, peonies were laid out one after another, and all the ghosts disappeared in smoke.

At noon, Li Yu and five people went out to [Ghost Gate] to eat.

At this time, many players have gathered here, wanting to seek [Shangchi Shui], and want to enter [Ghost Gate] to level up.

Li Yu didn't stop him.

But [Shang Chi Shui] was newly made, and the quantity was insufficient, only a dozen or so copies, and everyone was red-faced.

Li Yu saw that there were quite a few disciples from the inner and outer courtyards of the [Sky Courtyard] among them, and under the envious eyes of the others, he called them outside the [Ghost Gate], and gave each of them a drop of Baicaolu.

After eating, Li Yu and the others entered the [Ghost Gate] again.

[Wuer Ghost], [Xia Zuo Ghost], [Big Head Ghost]...

At dusk, Li Yu finally showed a smile after beheading a [unreasonable ghost] who recited the crooked poem "Inside the full-fledged room, house dung gathers wild beetles".

This time, a small bridge fell.It is carved from stone, and at first glance, it is quite delicate.


"Stone Bridge"

[Product rank] Land product
[Attribute] After a person dies, he can use this bridge to choose a place to devote himself to.

[Description] When a person dies, he enters the six bridges to find the next life.In the afterlife, there are different bodies, and there are lengths of life.Once born and then destroyed, once destroyed and then resurrected.Or lose your body in a different kind, and get your spirit in a different shell.Or eliminate their crimes, remove the skin and shell, and then get a human body.


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