All living beings in the world circulate endlessly in the world of life and death, just like a wheel, turning continuously, it is the cycle of life and death.

Buddhism and Taoism all have reincarnation.

The Buddha talked about four lives and six ways, and the Tao said five ways and six bridges.

The six realms of Buddhism are heaven, humans, ghosts, animals, hells, and asuras.

Taoism five ways, heaven (god), man, animal, hungry ghost, hell.

Taoism believes that these five realms all have a lifespan, that is to say, they have not yet escaped the cycle of life and death.

The lowest and most painful place is hell, and the highest and most peaceful place is heaven.Gods and humans belong to the same sentient beings, "each has a lifespan".

Only by achieving the immortal way can one transcend reincarnation, live a long life with long-term vision, and achieve great freedom.

And the so-called six bridges, gold, silver, jade, stone, wood, and bamboo, are the six ways for sentient beings to go.

Those who cross the golden bridge will become immortals and live at ease; those who cross the silver bridge will be granted the gods of the earth and enjoy the incense in the world.

Those who cross the jade bridge will be reborn into powerful and powerful families; those who cross the stone bridge will be born as commoners.

Those who cross the wooden bridge suffer from chronic illnesses in infants and are lonely in childhood, and they cannot escape widowhood and loneliness in their lives.

As for the last bamboo bridge, it is the reincarnation destination of those who are evil and full of evil.

Also divided into four and so on.

One is fetuses, such as cows, dogs, pigs, etc.; the second is eggs, such as snakes, chickens, etc.; the third is lice, such as fish, crabs, shrimps, etc.; the fourth is transformation, such as mosquitoes, flies, and ants.

After the player or aborigine dies, if there are still [life times], they will randomly fall into reincarnation.

Be human, be a ghost, be an animal, just follow the circumstances.

However, in the five realms of reincarnation, beings in hell are like dust on the earth, hungry ghosts are like stars in the sky, animals are like snow, and humans and gods are like dust on fingernails.

The chance of being reborn as a human is extremely small.

But if you get [Six Bridges], you have a chance.

Like this [Stone Bridge], if the player obtains it, he can be reborn in the family of ordinary people.

Now that Li Yu got it, it was different.

It was getting late, the ghosts were fierce, and everyone withdrew from the [Gate of Ghosts].

[Ghost Star Stone Room] can drop [Six Bridges], which is the most important leveling point.Li Yu and the [Construction Corps] stayed here.

Li Min and the others went back to [Sky Courtyard] to collect materials and rush to make [Shangchi Shui].

He ordered people to keep a close eye on Sun Qing, and left Lu Jiu to guard in the soil, Li Yu slipped into the [Fanghu].

In front of the [Xianlu Monument], he threw the [Stone Bridge] to the ground.

I saw this small stone bridge the size of a palm, directly submerged into the soil, like sinking into the sea, without a trace.

At the same time, [Xianlu] also has one more [Characteristic · Five Paths of Reincarnation].


"Five Paths of Reincarnation 1/11": The body is like a sound, and the body is like a bubble, flowing through the five paths and going to and from the six bridges.


Li Yu felt carefully——

All the creatures in the pot, whether they are the long-haired people, the Xuanju clan, or Niu Fu and He Lian from the "Yili Prisoner", as long as the lord Li Yu agrees, they can set foot on the "Stone Bridge" after death.

Moreover, Li Yu can adjust the location of the other end of [Stone Bridge].

Such as [pregnant hair] belly, [Yunvshan Temple].

From here, Li Yu went to [The Prisoner of Yuli] to have a look.He Lian's injuries have long since healed, and now the [silver body]'s ability is better than before, and he has become the top of the [prisoners].

Niu Fu is not bad either, he is close to [Xuan Pin] consummation, hooked up with that [Gose].In [Yili] where monsters are rampant, occupy a place and stand against Helian.

Li Yu looked interesting, and temporarily dismissed the idea of ​​making [Niu Ji] and [He Mao]. ....
After dinner, Li Yu picked up [the widow's silk].The little maid also danced [Mulberry Dance], but her stiff body and her left foot stepping on the right foot made [Thirteen Ants] roll and laugh on top of Li Yu's head.

The little lady drew this picture on paper.

In the dead of night, Li Yu, the little lady, and Thirteen Ants all went to [Liuli Palace] to rest.

In the small pond, on a lotus leaf, the horse-faced little green tail imitated the little waiter
The woman's appearance twisted and turned.Although it is strangely shaped and sees no rain falling, it inexplicably causes the water in the pond to boil, and countless fish and shrimp startle and leap into the waves.

Two [black carps] leaped onto the lotus leaf vigorously, and their tails slapped towards Xiao Qingwei.

Xiao Qingwei suddenly raised the flat long fish head, and made a crisp hissing sound.Then the two pectoral fins are folded, like a pair of legs, stepping on the tails of [black carp].

The black carp struggled vigorously, but only bumped into the lotus leaf shaking, unable to escape.It wasn't until they made a chirping sound that awakened one or two [fish hairs] by the pond, Xiao Qingwei lifted his pectoral fins and let them go.

The calm of the past has returned to the pond.

On the shore, a two-inch long, plump red-cheeked newt pushed a strawberry passing by.

On the next day, June 29, many players took [Shangchi Shui] and entered [Ghost Gate].

Li Yu also took Xiongba and the four of them, and casually stepped into a [stone room].

This time, they met a group of [ghosts], when they saw Li Min's two daughters, they all surrounded them with foolish faces.

Mu Jin stepped forward and protected Li Min behind her.

The second daughter thought that these ghosts would be scared away by scars like [Merry Ghosts].Unexpectedly, this group of [perverts] closed their eyes and touched them directly.

Mu Jin spat, raised the knife and slashed at the ghost's hand.The three Xiongba also stepped forward to help.

After grinding for nearly an hour, several people killed a group of [perverts].Although the second daughter was sweaty all over, fortunately, she didn't suffer.However, Xiongba and Wang Bin were touched countless times, feeling uncomfortable all over.

After a short rest, another stone room, three feet [short-lived ghosts] swarmed in.The five people only defended but did not attack, and persisted for a quarter of an hour before all the ghosts blew themselves up and died.

Slippery ghosts, raging ghosts, wandering ghosts...

One [stone room] was swept away, and at the end of the Shen Dynasty, Li Min checked and found—a few [scrolls] and one [construction drawing].

Li Yu identified them one by one, and this [drawing] was actually [Dipin·Youtian Temple].

Li Yu looked good, so he and the four of them quit the work, rushed back to [Tiantianyuan], and built the temple.


"Temple of Emperor Youtian"

[Product rank] Land product
[Attribute] Style of writing 100, style of martial arts 100.In the residences of the territory, [Baojia Snake] will appear with a certain chance.

[Description] There is a snake god in Chaozhou. Its image is crowned in the south, and it is honored as Emperor Youtian, and there are snakes in the niche.If you want to see it, Miaozhu must give a speech and then come out, hovering between the tripods and zu, or hanging upside down on the beams and rafters.Or use a bamboo pole to carry it, winding and tangled, neither frightening nor stinging.About three feet long, green and lovely.Hearing this came from Wuzhou, the old elders especially respected it.For those who worship the gods, snakes often visit their homes, and even borrow money from the gods. ——"Miscellaneous Notes of Lingnan"


Two or three days after the temple was erected, more than a dozen [Baojia Snakes] appeared one after another in the dwellings in the [Sky Courtyard].

There are two grades of Xuan and Huang.

On the second day of July, a [Dipin·Baojia Snake] appeared in Xiongba's house.


"Baojia Snake"

[Product rank] Land product.

[Attributes] At the snake plate, the master's literary affairs are 100, military affairs are 100, and luck is 5.

[Description] Snake coiled ribbon.


As soon as this [snake] came out, many people were envious and came to see it.

The grass-green little snake was so frightened that it burrowed directly into Xiongba's bed, unable to come out alive.

It caused other people to joke, saying that in a few days, when Xiongba returns home, he might see a beautiful woman waiting for him.

Yuan Shu who came from the county heard it and pointed at the bed: "I want this snake."
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