Yuan Shu has the habit of being a chivalrous man, he likes to hunt in high cars and fields, and beauties in beautiful clothes.In the circle of princes and grandchildren in the entire Sili school lieutenant department, they are the most playful group.

However, Yuan Shu's begging for snakes was not because of the "beauty" he didn't need, but because of the "five luck".

After all, he is a child of an aristocratic family, and he is well-informed and knows the rarity of "luck".

Xiong Ba ignored it.

Yuan Shu raised his eyebrows, and said again: "Xiongzaisheng, this snake and me, the price is up to you."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the onlookers couldn't help but look over.

Someone asked: "Who is this person with such a loud tone?"

Those with knowledge will tell, and the rest will be surprised.

Xiongba once saw the gate of the katydid in the [square pot], from this he knew the value of luck, so naturally he didn't sell it.

Yuan Shu entangled again, Xiongba simply said, "If you don't have [Tianpin], you won't change it".

Yuan Shu shook his head.Not to mention him, the entire Runan Yuan family only has one [Tianpin] spirit beast, and a recently obtained [Tianpin·Moonlight Scroll].

At three poles in the sun, the wind and dew disappear.The crowd dispersed and went to work.

Wang Bin, Li Min, and Mu Jin came to find Xiongba and entered [Ghost Gate] to practice leveling.Pan Feng followed beside him, trying to persuade his virtuous younger brother to travel abroad.

When Yuan Shu saw Pan Feng, he greeted him warmly.Pan Feng only nodded, but his mind was still on his virtuous brother.

Seeing this, Yuan Shu also chatted with Wang Bin.Arrived at [Ghost Gate], but still did not leave.

When Li Yu arrived, there was a group of attendants, Yuan Shu, Xiong Ba, and a group of "slippery ghosts" fighting in full swing.

When Wang Bin raised his hand, the sword energy was flying horizontally and vertically, and he stared directly at Yuan Shu with extremely hot eyes.For a while, he valued Wang Bin even more than Pan Feng.

Li Yu pretended not to be angry, and reprimanded Yuan Shu for not giving up on poaching Zhang Guoqiang, and even coveting the talents in [Sky Academy].It's too unscrupulous to dig people's feet.

Yuan Shu argued that "a good bird chooses a tree to live in, and a virtuous minister chooses a master to work with".

Li Yu said with a smile: "Can the 'dead bones in the tomb' also live?"

Yuan Shu was furious, but suddenly suppressed his anger when he was about to explode, he said, "How about I make a bet with Your Excellency?"

Li Yu asked in surprise, "What are you betting on?"

Yuan Shu said: "It's a bet that you and I can kill ghosts within an hour. If I have more, Wang Zijun will leave the Sky Court, how about it?"

Li Yu shook his head: "Brother Zijun is not a thing, I can't bet on him."

Yuan Shu was taken aback, feeling as if he had said something wrong.

But Wang Bin bowed to Li Yu: "The principal arranges it."

He is no longer a kid from a rich family who didn't know anything before. After experiencing [Three Thousand Swords] and seeing [Fang Pot], his eyes were wide open.Although Yuan Gonglu took the initiative to invite the bet, Wang Bin believed that relying on his brother-in-law's means, he would not suffer a loss.

Li Yu complied "helplessly".Yuan Shu was overjoyed.

However, when Li Yu asked about Yuan Shu's bet, the latter was in trouble.

In order to attract Pan Feng, Yuan Shu promised a lot of [Dipin] and [Xuanpin].Apart from these, there are not many things he can get out of.

He took out a [Yellow Pin · Luminous Cup] and a [Xuan Pin · Construction Blueprint · Shengxian Prince Temple].But Li Yu shook his head, saying that brother Zijun is a great talent, which is beyond comparison.

have to increase the price.

Yuan Shu then added to the BMW promised to Pan Feng earlier——


"One horse training"

[Product Rank] Xuanpin.

[Attribute] Multiplied by it, the speed can reach 450 miles per hour.

[Characteristics] A horse training
[Description] Confucius and Yan Yuan climbed Ludong Mountain and looked at Wuchang Gate. Yuan said: "Seeing a Lian, there is a blue one in front of it."


[Drawing] If you drag a horse for training, it will be gone in a while.


It is a white horse of Shenjun. Its speed is very fast, half faster than that of "Bamboo Rib Bull".

Not to mention Wang Bin, Xiongba and Li Min liked it very much.

Li Yu nodded in response to the gamble.

"Haha!" Yuan Shu laughed loudly, then read a French, pointed at a [Slippery Ghost] halberd and shouted: "Disease!"

The [Slippery Ghost] suddenly stretched his hands, like two ropes binding him.Yuan Shu raised the saber and chopped ten times in a row, splitting it into nothing.

Yuan Shu dared to bet, he naturally had his confidence——


"Impeachment of ghosts"

[Product rank] Land product.

[attribute] see ghosts, and get rid of them.

[Description] The Marquis of Shouguang, who was born in the time of Emperor Zhang of the Han Dynasty.It can impeach all ghosts and demons, and make self-binding visible.There was a woman in the village who was ill by a charm, and the marquis impeached her, and got a big snake several feet long, and died outside the door, and the woman was safe because of it. —— "Sou Shen Ji"


This is a new technique Yuan Shu has acquired, it is the easiest to use to impeach ghosts.

A lot of [slippery ghosts] bound themselves and were beheaded. Yuan Shu looked back at Li Yu and saw that the other party was still stabbing the ghosts with spears.

Satisfied in his heart, he smiled and said to Li Yu: "Dean Li, how many did you kill?"

Li Yu finally stabbed the [Slippery Ghost] to death, wiped the sweat from his brow: "Only three, where is your Excellency?"

Yuan Shu laughed loudly: "I only have thirteen heads."

After all the ghosts were wiped out, several people stepped into another stone room, and the game continued.

35 [lazy ghosts], Yuan Shumi 23, Li Yumi [-].

Yuan Shuzhi was full of pride, as if he had acquired a virtuous talent.Li Yu said nothing.

Li Min and Mu Jin couldn't help feeling a little worried, they looked at Xiong Ba and Wang Bin without changing their faces.

Entering another room, I saw a group of "cooked ghosts" - [Merry Ghosts].

Li Yu brought out peonies, and the ghosts flocked to them.Yuan Shu only impeached and killed the five ghosts, and the room was completely empty.

Pan Feng counted, half an hour later, Yuan Gonglu killed 41 ghosts, and Dean Li killed 42 ghosts.

It was actually Li Yu who took the lead.

Yuan Shu was in a hurry, and entered the stone room again, but encountered an accident again.It was because of [Impeaching Ghost Art] that consumed his energy, so he had to stop and rest.

Therefore, Yuan Shu watched Li Yu kill another dozen ghosts.

After regaining his energy, Yuan Shu cast spells one after another, and finally caught up with Li Yu when the time limit was approaching.However, I happened to meet a room full of [Daredevils] and [Warm Ghouls].

In the end, after one hour, Yuan Shu was defeated by the difference between the two ghosts.

The servants of Yuan's family were not angry at all, they all said that Li Yu used tricks to win without fighting.

Li Yu smiled and said, "If Gonglu refuses to accept it, the game will be over."

Yuan Shu waved his hand: "One word from a gentleman is hard to follow. If you lose, you lose. How can you not admit it." After finishing speaking, he gave Li Yu all the [luminous cup], [drawing] and white horse.

Li Yu directly gave the white horse to Wang Bin, and then continued to kill ghosts and practice leveling.

Yuan Shu didn't leave, followed the crowd to fight ghosts for a while, and suddenly said to Li Yu: "Brother Li, how about we bet again?"

Li Yu shook his head and refused, saying that it was a fluke to win a round by chance, and he didn't want to take any more risks.

Yuan's servant taunted: "I have no courage."

Li Yu frowned.Xiongba and the others retorted, saying "those who have the guts will be defeated", "the general of the defeated army".

Yuan Shu ignored the crowd's noise, whispered a few words with Pan Feng, and took out a pair of [Dipin·Killing Son Golden Hooks].


"Killing the Golden Hook"

[Product rank] Land product.

[Attributes] Sharpness 280, Hardness 100, Texture 150, Toughness 120, with [Characteristic Feihong].

[Description] Helu ordered gold hooks to be made in the middle of the country, and the order said: "Those who can make good hooks will be rewarded with a hundred gold." Someone killed his second son, used blood to make gold hooks, made two hooks, and offered them to Helu.The king said: "Why is it different from the hooks of all the masters?" The hooker turned to the hook and called the two sons by name: "Wu Hong, Hu Ji, I am here. The king doesn't know your god." Fly, touching the chest of the father.The king of Wu was shocked and rewarded him with a hundred gold.So he obeyed without leaving his body. ——"Wuyue Chunqiu Helu Internal Biography"


[Characteristic Feihong] You have a son, Hongji, and fly without wings.


Golden Gou, also known as Wu Gou, "Why don't men wear Wu Gou and collect the Wu Gou from Guanshan Fifty States".

Like a knife but not a sword, it is amazing that it can fly away from the hand.

Li Yu still refused, and the Yuan family laughed loudly.Li Yu angrily accepted the gamble.

Before they could start, the Yuan family rushed to the [Tiantianyuan] market and hurriedly bought fifty pots of peonies.

Li Yu and the others looked embarrassed, but Yuan Shu smiled and cupped his hands: "Brother Li, please."

Several people entered the stone chamber.

[噍怪鬼], [恶鬼], [Debt collection ghost], [Bastard ghost]...

Yuan Shu quickly exterminated them with the method of impeaching ghosts.

When encountering [Daredevils] and [Merry Ghosts], learn from Li Yu's method and split them together.

When I met a [Merry Ghost], I moved out a bunch of peonies.Although it is not as good as Li Yu's peonies, which are "elegant in appearance and graceful in charm and overwhelming in fragrance", they also attract ghosts to throw them indiscriminately.

When it was half an hour before the hour, Yuan Shu had already gained the upper hand with the advantage of the thirteen ghosts.

And at this moment, Li Yu gritted his teeth, took out a seemingly extremely rare [cinnabar talisman], and said——

"The sky and the earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law, and Juwei sends thunder to help me. Be as urgent as a law!"

A blond-haired and white-feathered alien girl appeared here.

The girl bowed to Li Yu and then glared at the ghosts.Immediately, countless ghosts disappeared invisible.

Yuan Shu was stunned for a moment, regardless of his exhaustion, he hurriedly performed [Impeaching Ghost Art].

A quarter of an hour passed in a flash, the [cinnabar talisman] burned out, and the girl disappeared.Yuan Shu was defeated again by half a ghost, and watched [Killing Son Golden Hook] being taken into Li Yu's pocket.

The servants of the Yuan family were silent at this time, but Yuan Shu's eyes turned red: "Come again!"

Li Yu refused.

Yuan Shu gritted his teeth and said, "My Yuan family got a new [Tianpin·Moonlight Scroll], and ten people can enter it. I'll bet on one of them!"

Li Yudao: "Two places."

Yuan Shu shook his head, only one.

Li Yu wiped off the fine sweat on his forehead, and smiled: "Okay!"

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