Chapter 118 Spirit Crane Oolong Carp

After another hour passed, Yuan Shu stopped [Impeaching Ghosts] in a daze.

He lost again.

As before—

He leads, leads again, widens the gap.Then, in the last quarter of an hour, the other party gritted his teeth, took out a "rare" talisman, and recited the mantra.

The talisman was lit, and a snake girl appeared.

With a soft chirp, the wall of the stone room peeled off.Longhorn sheep and sharp-billed geese appeared here with a ghostly aura.

The ferocity of geese and sheep devouring ghosts is beyond the reach of [死鬼魔法].

Half a quarter of an hour later, the snake girl disappeared, and Li Yu defeated him again.

Yuan Shu's heart was as cold as ice.

His luck has always been good, since he left Jingluo and began to search for generals, he has gained a lot.

First he got the golden hook of BMW, and then he found "Admiral" Pan Feng.

Yuan Shu thought that he would return home with good generals and treasures, to suppress the aura of "a maidservant giving birth to a son".But I didn't want to, the car overturned in the hands of a stranger in this Gandandan countryside.

"I also have a BMW named..."

"Hold on, sir," Yuan Shu said halfway, the servants hurriedly stopped him, and tried to persuade him again and again, "This guy is cunning, we must never gamble again, sir!"

It took a while for Yuan Shu to calm down and give up the idea of ​​breaking the boat.

Li Yu was quite sorry.

Yuan Shu turned to leave, but Li Yu called out, "Brother Gonglu."

Yuan Shu turned his head, and Li Yu asked, "When will you and I go to [Tianpin·Moonlight Scroll]?"

"Go soon!"

After Yuan Shu said that, he walked away.

Yuan's servants hurried to catch up.

When Yuan Shu proposed to gamble again, although Pan Feng didn't encourage him, he also said that as long as he wins the bet, he doesn't need any treasures.

Now that Yuan Shu has lost everything, Pan Feng felt ashamed, so he greeted Wang Bin and went after Yuan Shu.

The five continued to fight ghosts and level up.

Li Yu took out the [Killing Child Golden Hook], with a thought, the double hooks flew towards the [Troublemaker] in the stone room like a pair of butterflies piercing flowers.

[Troublemaker] shouted loudly: "Wu that boy, dare to hurt your grandpa ghost king! Watch my thunderbolt Dafa!"

Li Yuquan ignored it, the sharpness of the golden hook was unparalleled, and he directly cut [Troublemaker] in half.

This ghost likes to talk big words, if you believe it, it may turn fiction into reality, and the real one has great power.

But if you ignore it completely, then this [big ghost] is even worse than the trio of [begging ghost], [bowl playing ghost], and [street ghost] beggar.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before the golden hook flew in the air, and the whole house [troublemaker] turned into nothingness.There is a small wooden bridge on the ground.

[Six Bridges of All Beings, Wooden Bridge].

Li Yu put it away happily.

In the past few days, other players have also hit other small bridges in [Six Bridges] except gold and silver, and they all regard them as treasures.

Li Yu received [Jade Bridge] and [Bamboo Bridge] at a high price, but [Wooden Bridge] has never been obtained, and today he finally got his wish.

It was getting late, so Li Yu simply called it a day and went back to [Fang Hu].

After sinking the [wooden bridge] into the ground, he took out the [construction blueprint] and used it at the hillside of the hill.


"Shengxian Taizi Temple"

[Product order] Xuanpin
[Attribute] Style of writing +100.Sacrifice it, there is a chance to get [Spirit Crane].

[Description] Prince Qiao, Zhou Lingwang Prince Jin also.I like to play the sheng and make the phoenix sing. I travel among Yiluo, and the Taoist priest Fuqiu is connected to Songgao Mountain above. Thirty years later, I asked for it on the mountain, saw Huan Liang, and said, "Tell my family, wait for me on the top of Goushi Mountain on July 30." At that time, Guo took a white crane to the top of the mountain.Unable to see it, I raised my hand to thank the people at that time, and left in a few days.


A small temple, like pines and cypresses.A white crane suddenly appeared in the forest.



[Product Rank] Xuanpin.

[Attribute] Those who take advantage of it will gain +10.The speed can reach 800 miles per hour.

[Trait] Crane Dance

[Crane Dance]: Singing after hearing the music, dancing with spreading wings

Although the [Characteristic Crane Dance] is of no great use, the [Spirit Crane] comes with the [Immortal Fate] and super high flying speed, which are definitely worthy of the [Xuan Pin] rank.

Li Yu recruited the spirit crane, rode on the crane's back, and soared into the sky.

The wind was blowing against his face, and he didn't feel cold with the crane feathers covering him, but his eyes were so blown that he couldn't keep his eyes open, so Li Yu would feel better wearing the [Liqiu Ghost Mask].

A clear crane cry sounded high in the sky.

The [White Tiger Queen] who brews wine, the little lady who paints, [Snake Princess], the long-haired man, and several old people all looked up.

The crane flapped its wings and landed in front of [Xianlu Monument], and a group of people surrounded it.

[White Tiger Queen] seems to like Linghe very much.And Linghe was also very close to her, gently rubbing the back of her hand with his red forehead.

This move made the little maid look hot.But Linghe ignored her, picked up [White Tiger Queen] and flew into the sky.

[Thirteen Ants] has no feeling for the big bird, sits in Li Yu's palm, and wants to take him to the small pond to watch the fun.

Li Yu took the little lady with the other hand, and followed [Thirteen Ants] forward.

Water splashes in the small pond, [Horse Face Little Green Tail] is fighting with a [Black Carp] in full swing.

[Horse face and small green tail] A pair of pectoral fins are like two extremely flexible horse legs, any attack by [black carp] is blocked by its "hooves".

And once [Xiao Qingwei] crushed [Wu Li] with its extremely slender fish body, the latter disappeared in an instant.

When I reappeared, it was several feet away.

Two little fish, you come and go, they fight very happily, but neither can do anything to the other.

On the other hand, there was a [female hair] on the water's bank that was running around anxiously, holding a branch in its hand, trying to poke that [little green tail], but it couldn't reach it.

As if sensing her anxiety, the water on the shore surged.

No, this is not [female hair], it is [dragon hair].


"Dragon Hair"


[Characteristics] Fortification, farming, digging holes, water dwelling, hair armor, dragon mother


[Dragon Mother]: Give birth to a dragon son and respect the dragon mother.


With the addition of [Characteristic Dragon Mother], this [Dragon Hair] also seems to have the ability of dragons to control water.

Mother of Dragons?

Li Yu turned to look at that [black carp], and sure enough——


"Oolong carp"

[Rank] Xuanpin
[Level] Strength 72, Intelligence 20
[Characteristics] Square-inch Cen Building
[Talent] Water escape

[Water escape]: Hiding in rain, clouds, rivers, rivers, lakes, seas, and wells.

[Fang Cun Cen Lou]: Cen Lou from Fang Cun, a spoonful of raw dragon fish.


Li Yu smiled satisfied.

Luo Yang [Wang Rong] has acquired a new treasure, and Li Yu just needs it.But there are too many people, so it is not easy to transport.

And [Oolong carp] has the ability to hide and space. Although the combat effectiveness is not high, it is suitable for another purpose that Li Yu needs - express delivery.

There is only one [skill] missing right now.

Li Yu fiddled with the two phoenix wings of [Thirteen Ants], and asked her to go to [Qiaofengjing] for more runs, trying to collect a [Shooting Arrowhead] in the past few days.

[Thirteen Ants] responded with all her mouth, but she didn't call out a ball of water balls to pick up Xiao Qingwei, and stepped on the water to leave.

Before leaving, I still didn’t forget to call [Oolong Li]——

Tomorrow will continue, the tadpoles will not come.


After brushing the [Ling Pagoda] and having dinner, Li Yu studied in the Liuli Palace.The little lady knelt aside, facing a [ghost peony], and began to paint.

Not long after, the little lady let out a soft "Huh".

Li Yu looked over his head, but saw that the peony on the paper, although the color is beautiful, but there is a bit of coldness out of thin air.

The little lady didn't know why, but Li Yu smiled and congratulated.

He said it was ghostly.

Copying [Ghost Peony] shows a ghostly aura, which means that the little lady has already glimpsed the door of the third level of painting skills [psychic].

The little lady was overjoyed: "Really?"

Li Yu nodded, smiled and hugged her.Only halfway through the hug, the little lady ran away like a frightened deer.

She blushed and ran out of the palace: "I... I'm going to find Xiao Que'er to announce the good news."

Li Yu smiled and shook his head, continuing to read.

[She Ji] Yaya fetches fresh fruit, peels off dried fruit, and piles it up into a small mountain by Li Yu's hand.

late at night.

"[System]: One month expires, and the characteristic [逋逃草] is activated—attracted by [Xianlu], two creatures are on their way."

"Countdown: 23:59:59."

(End of this chapter)

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