Chapter 119

In the Taihang Mountains, inside a bandit camp.

"The scorpion gave birth to a child, and the anger kills me!"

A young man with a weak crown and a handsome appearance threw a cup and a cup, and was furious.

"The leader calmed down, it's all because of Sun Qing's reckless actions, he didn't get any benefits, but folded himself in it."

"Then [Silver Bridge] is not a benefit?"

"[Spirit] is less than eighty, and you can't step on the bridge. Take a look at our [Feiyan Village], who can afford it?"

"Then we can't just watch the second brother suffer, can we?"

"I heard that the alien dean of [Sky Academy] is a ruthless character."


Seven or eight people, you talk to each other, arguing endlessly.

The young leader was about to speak when a soldier came to report——

Yu Du, Bai Rao and Sui Gu visit.

When everyone heard the words, they were a little puzzled.

These three people, like their leader, are all well-known bandit leaders in the Eight Xings of Taihang.

However, Yu Du and others always say that they [Feiyan Village] are a bunch of rascals and frivolous youngsters, not enough to accomplish anything.As a result, there was very little contact between the two parties.

Why did you come to the door today?
As soon as the young leader raised his hand, the minions led more than ten people into the gate.The leading three are Yu Du, Bai Rao and Sui Gu.

After seeing each other, Yu Du smiled and said, "I came to the door today to congratulate brother Chu Yan."

Chu Yan, the leader of the youth, frowned: "Where does the joy come from?"

"I heard that Brother Chu sent someone to take down a leveling point in HD and get the [Tianpin] treasure. The three of us are here to congratulate you." Yu Du said, and Bai Rao and Sui Gu agreed.

Chu Yan looked back at the brothers in the court, and two of them lowered their heads with guilt.

Chu Yan shook her head and said, "Come here! Take that [Silver Bridge] and ask the three elder brothers to palm your eyes."


"Silver Bridge"

[Product rank] Tianpin
[Attribute] After a person dies, he can use this bridge to choose a place to devote himself to.Such as [spirit] ≥ 80, can be fief only.

[Description] When a person dies and enters the six bridges, he seeks an afterlife....


The word "dizhi" caught the eyes of the three of Yu Du and praised him repeatedly-"Brother Yan is lucky to have this treasure", "It is worthy of being the 'Marquis of An Guoting' in the future".

Chu Yan smiled lightly and remained silent.

After the three of them turned the conversation over three or five times, he suddenly said: "The [Ghost Star Stone Room] is indeed a treasure, so I'll give it to the three elder brothers, how about it?"

Yu, Bai, and Sui were taken aback for a moment, and all looked over together: "Really?"

Chu Yan smiled: "Really."


On the third day of July, [Sky Courtyard].

Yuan Shu was listlessly walking in the city.

The servants advised him to set off as soon as possible and return to Runan since yesterday.But Yuan Shu always felt a little unwilling.

He will no longer gamble with Li Yu, but there is still a feeling of grievance in his heart that cannot be dissipated.

"Gaolu, how about you and I go to [Katas Valley] to level up?" Pan Feng asked.

Yuan Shu nodded indifferently: "Okay."

As long as you don't go to the [Ghost Star Stone Room], you can go anywhere.

Invited by Yuan Shu last night, Pan Feng also got a spot in [Tianpin·Moonlight Scroll].Therefore, he was inexplicably grateful to Yuan Shu. Although he didn't say it directly, he already had the idea of ​​following him.

When Pan Feng proposed [Kentera Valley], he wanted to complete the [Kentera Feather 1/3] obtained before and give it to Yuan Shu.To improve the latter's dilemma of losing all the treasures.

The two rushed to [Kudas Valley].

In the valley, locusts, katydids, and crickets are competing to neigh.Although it is not as crazy as during the "Seven Days of Opening the Valley", it is not less.

Each of them held a sword of [not entering the product], and rushed into the valley.

Yuan Shu vented his aggrieved heart, while Pan Feng looked forward to dropping the treasure.

I don't know if it was a coincidence, or it was a pity, but by noon, Yuan Shuzhen got two [Katatys Feather 1/3].

Three feathers in one.

After seeing "Luck +5, Aiki +50", Yuan Shu's mood finally became clearer.

The two of them left [Kustara Valley] and were going to go to the city to find something to eat, but they saw many people chatting and laughing and rushing to a house in [Sky Courtyard].

Yuan and Pan were curious and followed the crowd.

After taking a look at the place, Yuan Shu turned his head and left.

The owner of the house here is the Xiongba who won the [Dipin·Baojia Snake] yesterday.

And just this morning, there was another "spiritual creature" in this guy's room.

This time it's not a snake, it's a turtle.An old turtle at the foot of the bed.


"Bed turtle"

[Product order] Huangpin.

[attribute] where the tortoise lives, the owner's life is long and the disease is eliminated.

[Description] The old man in the south uses a turtle to support his bed and walks for more than [-] years. When the old man dies, the bed is moved, and the turtle is still alive.Gai Gui can guide Qi. ——"Historical Records Biography of Gui Ce"


Right now, Yuan Shu can't see Li Yu and Xiong Ba the most, let alone the other party's good luck and winning a "spiritual beast".

He fled away, but Pan Fengming didn't stop calling.

Yuan Shu walked all the way, listening to other people's envious words about "Xiongzai Shengniu", "Snake and turtle are complete, a sign of true martial arts".

He felt even more depressed, so he simply left the [Sky Courtyard], wandering around and relaxing.

Just in front of a forest, I heard a burst of birdsong and pigs screaming.

A monster with the head of a man and the body of a bird suddenly descended from the sky, grabbed Yuan Shu's shoulders with its two claws, and flew up with wings.

Yuan Shu was shocked and shouted for help.

When Pan Feng and Yuan's servants arrived, Yuan Shu had long since disappeared.


In [Square Pot], Li Yuchao gave [Thirteen Ants] a thumbs up.

The little man crossed his waist happily, and smiled smugly "Oh Ho Ho Ho Ho".

Yesterday Li Yu asked [Thirteen Ants] to "get" a [Shooting Arrowhead] out, and today he fulfilled his wish——

[Huang Pin · She's Remains].

Li Yu holds the prayer.

Without counting breaths, the arrowhead disappeared, and a roll of [animal skin] appeared.

Li Yu clapped his hands and used it.


"Gongting Fish Sending Technique"

[Product Rank] Huangpin
[Attribute] Send a letter to the fish in the long river, the water is far away and the mountains are long, all are the other shore.

[Description] "Nanzhou people sent officials to present rhinoceros hairpins to Sun Quan. They passed by the palace pavilions and temples and begged for spirits. The gods suddenly came down and said: "You must have rhinoceros hairpins." Go to the front. The gods came down to teach and said: "As soon as you arrive at Stone City, return to your hairpin." The official had no choice but to go, and lost the hairpin by himself, and he was punished with death. Suddenly, a big carp, three feet long, jumped into the boat at Bida Stone. Cut it open and get the hairpin." - "Sou Shen Ji"


The ancients often used the allusion of "Yu Chuan Chi Su" to express lovesickness by conveying letters by means.But this [Gongting Fish Sending Technique] is real, using fish to send items.

Carp, catfish, shark, as long as they are related to fish, as long as the items can be stuffed into the belly of the fish, they will do.

Of course, the reason why this [Yuji Technique] is [Huangpin] is also because there are too many changes in this technique and the effect is unpredictable.

After all, if a fish walks in the water, there is no guarantee that a fisherman will catch it with his net, and a fisherman will catch it.

At that time, it doesn't matter if the fish is eaten, and it will be too late to regret if it is lost.

However, this is someone else's [Fish Jishu].If it were Li Yu, it would be different.

He has [oolong carp].

In the eyes of that [dragon hair] reluctant to let go, Li Yu caught [Oolong carp], took it out of the square pot, and threw it into Nanhe.

[Fish Jishu] With one application, the fish will grow as long as the ruler, and it will die like an arrow.

(End of this chapter)

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