Chapter 121


"Iron Gripper" (male/female)
[race] spirit beast
[Product rank] Tianpin
[Order] 1/2
[Characteristic] Sword Embryo
[Talent] Eat iron and dung gold

[Sword Fetus] Take its gallbladder and kidney as the sword fetus bone.

[Eating iron and manure gold] Eating iron pellets with copper juice, the essence of manure gold.


[Description] There are beasts in Kunwu Mountain, which are as big as rabbits, and their coat color is like gold. They eat alchemy and stones under the soil, and they make caves in deep holes. They also eat copper and iron, and their gallbladder and kidneys are like iron.The female is white as silver.In the past, in the arsenal of the state of Wu, all the weapons and iron weapons were eaten up, but the seal remained.Wang Ling inspected the acupoints of his storehouse and found two rabbits, one white and one yellow. He killed them and opened their stomachs. They had iron gallbladders and kidneys, so they knew that the iron in the weapon was eaten by rabbits.


If two [spiritual beast] rabbits are killed to take the gallbladder and kidney, they can be forged into two [Tianpin] swords.

But they have the talent of [Dung Gold] and can continuously produce [Gold Essence].

Gold Essence, the essence of gold and iron, is used for forging, and it is the easiest to produce magical weapons. [Xuanhuang] second grade is common, if you meet a famous craftsman like Ou Yezi or Fengbeard, [divine grade] or even [tian grade] may be cast.

One is immediate and the other is long-term benefit. Most people will choose the latter.

Li Yu has a third choice.The premise is that he will gain something in the [Tianpin·Moonlight Scroll] in the near future.

The two rabbits walked side by side, one gold and one silver in color, attracting the residents of [Pot] to watch.

The spirit crane flew over carrying the [White Tiger Queen] and landed, poking the golden hair balls with its long beak.

The golden fur didn't react much, but the silver fur flashed like a flash of silver light, and kicked with one hind leg, causing the crane to roll and its feathers to fly wildly.

Then, the two rabbits quickly jumped to [Kunwu Mountain], and then made a hole next to the red spring and settled down.

The wild boars [蠪蚳] who were rampant on the mountain all ran away in fear.I would rather go to other small peaks to dig grass roots than drink water from Chiquan.

[Thirteen Ants] is still waiting to study how rabbits "dung gold", so Li Yu pinches her away.After going down the mountain, [She Ji] Yaya led Li Yu to two stones.


"Brother Stone"

[Product Rank] No Entry

[Attribute] Put it in the territory, popular support +10.

[Description] There are two stones in the Mingshan Mountain of Changhua Lake in Danzhou, which look like human beings.Yun You two brothers went fishing in the sea, and because they turned into stones, they were called Brothers Stone. —— "Country and Country Chronicles"


This is a rockfall from [Canghai Island] five days ago, [not entered], it looks exactly like two fishermen holding a harpoon and a net.

Jiang Yaya scolded softly, [Brother Stone] turned into two sheep riders with a human head and a sheep body——[Harpoon Sheep Rider] and [Trap Sheep Rider].

[Spiritual Pagoda] opened, [Harpoon] and [Snap] took the lead, rushing and killing several times among katydids, bats, and rabbits.It wasn't until he met [鬿鹏] that he was defeated, was recalled by Yaya to the rear, and turned into stone again.


Late at night, at the foot of Taihang Mountain.

More than [-] mountain bandits, wearing armor and carrying knives, shuttled through the mountains and forests, occasionally resting.

"After twenty miles, let's rest again." Yu Du, the leader, stepped on an elm tree, his pupils glowed with strange colors, and he looked into the dark distance.

"Boss Yu, how far is it?"

"Fifty miles away, it is the boundary of Ganqian Danqian."

"It's still so far away!"

The bandits were already tired when they were traveling at night, and they couldn't help crying when they heard "Twenty Li" and "Fifty Li".

Yu Du reprimanded: "What nonsense, go away!"

The Bandits continued on their way.

Chu Yan, who was at the end, suddenly shouted: "Stop!"

Hundreds of bandits slowed down, but didn't stop until Yu Du, Bai Rao, and Sui Gu spoke, and then stopped.

When Yu Du asked what was the matter, Chu Yan pointed around, "There are too many trees."

How many trees?

The eyes of all the bandits were smeared with [the blood of the cicada], and they could see things at night. They heard the words and looked around, but they couldn't see why.

Bai Rao suddenly realized: "These pine and fir trees grow too densely."

The bandits who lived in the deep mountains and old forests all year round also gradually reacted.

Linxiao vines, forest trees and oak trees.

A forest is a biological community with trees as the main body, including shrubs, herbaceous plants, birds, lemurs, bees, butterflies and chrysalis.

And trees, such as pines, cypresses, spruces, willows, birches, and oaks, generally have towering trunks and shade like a cover.Competing with each other for sunshine and rain, often only one plant will live within a radius of two or three feet.

The forest in front of me is different.

There are thousands of aspens, Chinese pine, Chinese toon, and ginkgo, all of which are more than ten feet high.The branches and leaves are intertwined with each other, and the canopy is stacked, which is "crowded" to the brim.

Everyone observed carefully, and saw that the "dense forest" only occupied an area of ​​about [-] square meters.But outside the "dense forest", it is an ordinary scene of solitary trees and dense bushes.

"Could it be that there is a treasure here?" Someone muttered.

When the others heard this, their hearts moved immediately.

Since the alien descended from heaven, there have been so many opportunities in the mountains and fields.The [Blood of the Cicada] they used to wipe their eyes came from a civet [Xuan Pin · Li Nu] that Xi Yan obtained a month ago.

Yu Du was also moved, so he simply let the Bandits search the [Dense Forest].

However, half an hour passed, except for some mountain mushrooms and jujubes, there was nothing else to gain.On the contrary, many people were scratched by the jujube thorns and pepper wood.

A bandit had more than a dozen cuts on his arm and face, blood protruding profusely, he was so angry that he swung his knife and slashed wildly.

Jujube branches and pepper leaves were scattered all over the ground, and the bandits chopped down the bran fir tree next to them.

The iron knife penetrates the wood an inch deep.

A wild boar appeared out of nowhere and knocked it out of the sky one foot high and five feet away.

After breaking a few branches and falling into the thorn bushes, the man only yelled loudly, and then fell silent.

The other bandits were taken aback, some ran over to check on the wounded, and some wanted to chase down that damned wild boar.

But there was a sudden sound of screams in the [dense forest], and wild boars appeared again, and there were two or three hundred of them, rushing towards the bandits in groups.

"Enemy attack!"

Yu Du gave a loud shout, and together with Bai, Sui and Chu, they went towards the herd of wild boars.

Their [martial force] is good, either [Xuan Pin] high rank, or [Earth rank] low rank, if they are cut down with a knife, some wild boars will have their legs and heads broken.

While the pig's blood was gushing out, the four of them quickly took control of the situation, and the bandits raised their knives and swung their swords to kill indiscriminately.

In just half an hour, nearly a hundred wild boars fell to the ground.

"Brother Bai, be careful!"

Sui Gu yelled, Bai Rao was startled, turned over and dodged.

A huge wild boar with a length of eight feet brushed his left shoulder and rushed past.

Bang bang!

Two basswood trees were knocked uprooted, the wild boar shook its head, turned around, stuck out its tusks and came back again.


"Pig Capital"

[Product rank] Yellow product

Bai Rao greeted him with a knife.

When a man and a pig were about to hit each other, Bai Rao turned around to avoid it, and slashed the long knife right on the pig's buttocks.

[Zhudu] let out a howl, but Bai Rao frowned.

The human pig passed by, Bai Rao looked at the blade, there were only dozens of pig hairs and a puddle of mud.

The two collisions failed, but he was slashed. The opposite [pig] was furious, two jets of hot air spewed out from the pig's nose, and hit again.

Bai Rao dropped the iron knife and took out a short dagger from his waist.

[Zhu Du] rushed over, Bai twisted around his body, and stepped on the pig's back when there was no time to send.

The pig's body was full of mud, Bai Rao almost slipped off, he quickly stabbed the dagger towards the pig's head.

[Pigs] screamed, and the pig's head shook violently.

Bai Rao was thrown away.

The moment he left the pig's back, he clenched the short dagger tightly and made a deep stroke.

Bai Rao fell to the ground and straightened up. [Pigs] slammed into a cedar tree, then fell to the ground in convulsions.

Bai Zuo looked around and saw that half of the previous wild boars had been killed or injured, but dozens of [pigs] were rampaging again.

The bandits were injured and trampled, resulting in many casualties.

Although the three of Yu Du shot angrily, but although [Zhudu] is only [Huangpin], it has rough skin and thick flesh, so it cannot be hurt by non-sharp weapons.

The trio did not do well.

Bai Rao grabbed the short dagger and rushed towards the other [Zhudu].However, before reaching the pig's body, the wind rang in his ears.

Bai Rao was startled, and raised his dagger.

There was only an ear-piercing sound of weapons clashing, and a black wind blew past.

When the wind died down, Bai Rao realized that it was a wild man with dark complexion and hair all over his body.

The Savage grinned, raised his long arms, and rushed forward.



[Product order] Xuanpin

[Everyone] looks like a nigger, with ten fingernails that are two inches long and extremely sharp.

Bai Rao fought with him dozens of times, but they were evenly matched.

The bandits' screams sounded from time to time, Bai Rao was anxious, and suddenly heard Xuan Yan's shout: "Get out of this forest!"

Bai Rao attacked for a few rounds, forced [Rendu] away temporarily, and retreated.

The rest of the people, like this, retreated outside the forest.

The [pigs] were breathing hot air, but they did not chase out of the [dense forest].

[Everyone] is the same.

"Look at the top!" Someone suddenly shouted.

Under the faint moonlight, everyone looked up——

At a height of two or three feet, a huge, gourd-shaped bird's nest hangs among the trees.

The sound of flapping wings suddenly sounded.

Two naked milfs with bird wings flew down from the nest.


"Bird City"

[Product rank] Land product

Seeing this, Xiu Yan said to Du directly: "Let's go?"

Yu Du didn't talk nonsense, and retreated with the bandits who suffered heavy casualties.

The crispness and neatness surprised [Rendu] and [Niaodu] for a moment.

[Everyone] jumped on the tree, [Birds] flew back to the heights.


In the nest, a man's voice sounded, and said lazily: "I haven't made a move yet, why did they retreat?"

A [bird mature woman] said in a tired voice: "How can you be willing to take action with the Lord."

The other one had already folded his wings, pushed aside the man's torn clothes, and sat on it.

Spring teases crisp and melts rain ointment, and Linghua cools purple grapes.

When she was upside-down and rejoicing, the [Mature Bird] who had no one on the pole suddenly called out of the [Dense Forest]: "Who?"

Li Yu came out from the shadows, and asked with a smile, "Gaolu, are you busy?"

(End of this chapter)

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