Chapter 122 Lord of the Mountain Capital
After half an hour, Li Yu put down Jian Ce.

Pick up the little lady who fell asleep on the desk, and gently put her on the bed in the next room.Kissed the fragrant forehead, covered with a thin quilt, and then got up to leave.

Ya Ya brought spring water, Li Yu took a shower and was about to fall asleep when he sensed a change in [Lu Jiu].

After leaving the [pot], [Ghost Gate] guard Lu Jiu emerged from the ground, and reported that the ground was shaking dozens of miles away, and there seemed to be killings.

Li Yu transformed himself into a goose and flew into the forest.After summoning [Snake Princess] Xiaoer to investigate, she rushed here.

First watched "Human-Pig Fight", and then "Human-Bird War".

The mountain wind blows, and there is a creaking sound from the gourd bird's nest.

After waiting for a while, the movement disappeared.

Li Yu thought that the clouds and rain were about to rest, but when the bird woman clinged to him, Liu Chui shook the willow branches again.

Li Yu was impatient and made a noise, which startled the bird woman.

In the nest, Yuan Gonglu was taken aback for a moment, and when he heard the voice clearly, a playful expression appeared on his face, and then he patted the bird woman on his body.

The bird woman who is dissatisfied with her desires flutters her wings out of the nest and rushes down.

A cloud moved away, and half a round of mountains and moons shone.

The appearance of the man in the forest came into the eyes of the two [Niaodu] under the moonlight.

Standing like a zhilan jade tree, smiling like a bright moon in his arms.

In an instant, the sharp bird claws turned back into slender hands. The [Niaodu] fell to the ground lightly, and they didn't dare to flap their wings too fast, for fear that the strong wind would dazzle Xiao Langjun's eyes.

"This gentleman~~, this concubine is very polite."

"Meet Mr. Xiaolang~~"

The two [birds] twisted their waists and cuddled up, dripping with juice as they walked.

Li Yu didn't even have time to recite the spell, so he took a few steps back and summoned the spirit [Wei Lei].

[Varey] emerged, glaring at the jaywives.

One [Niaodu] croaked in pain and backed away clutching its chest.The other one was furious, flapped its wings, and fought with [Wei Lei].

While attacking, this passionate mistress still did not forget to wink at Li Yu: "Young Lord, wait a moment, I will be happy with you after I clean up this little brat."

All around, dozens of [pigs] moaned and chirped around.More than a dozen black skin [rendu] are also present on the branches, ready to go.

On the top of the gourd nest, Yuan Shu was wearing a rope-like finery, condescending, and said with a smile, "I don't know who it is, so it's President Li who came here."

Li Yu called [Weilei] back.

The [Niaodu] also reluctantly flew back to the top of the nest, and Yuan Shu laughed and scolded, "Daughter".The bird women smiled coquettishly and flung themselves into their arms, stretching out their hands to grab the dust handle.


Li Yuqing coughed twice, and said to Yuan Shu: "Your Yuan family are all waiting in front of the forest outside [Moshang Township]. I hope you will return to Runan as soon as possible." After saying that, he was about to leave.

Yuan Shu shouted, "Dean Li, don't leave."

"What's the matter?" Li Yu asked.

"How about I bet again?"

"No gambling."

"The dean is scared?"

"No gambling."

"If you beat me, these two beautiful women will be given to you, how about it?"

Yuan Shu bet on two [Niaodu], and the bird woman said she was straight and unyielding, but her eyes were like silk, and she went to seduce Li Yu.

[Wei Lei] Not happy, spread his wings, blocking the bird woman's sight.

"If I win, how about giving me this little lady?"

Yuan Shu looked at [Wei Lei].Although the girl is a horseshoe, she has a beautiful figure, a good appearance, and an exotic style. Combined, she is far superior to [Niaodu].

Yuan Shu liked it very much.

Li Yu frowned: "Brother Gonglu, don't make mistakes."

Yuan Shu jumped down and laughed in the wind: "I made a mistake." He actually wanted to force Li Yu to bet.

Yuan Shu fell to the ground, and the appearance of the previous prodigal son disappeared.Instead, it was a black-armored monster.He was two feet tall, with red eyes and yellow hair. He kicked the ground and rushed forward, and the wind was strong.

The blood stains on the ground that had not been swallowed and licked by [Zhudu] rolled up, and the thorns and thorns scattered in the forest were rolled up, like a wind dragon with its head raised, hissing, and pounced on it.

Li Yu shook his head, opened his mouth and spit out a burst of flames, turning the wind dragon into a fire dragon.

The fire dragon was about to bump into Li Yu before it was finished. [Wei Lei] used a water shield to protect the two of them.

The fire dragon dissipated suddenly, and Yuan Shu, a black armor, appeared, his yellow hair was burnt to a yellowish color, and it was still curly.

Yuan Shu opened his mouth and spit out a stream of black smoke, looking a little embarrassed, but still smiled and said: "Principal Li has a lot of tricks." After finishing speaking, with a wave of his right hand, [Pigs] kicked the ground, [People] jumped down, all together Attack Li Yu and the two of them.

The two [birds] were somewhat reluctant, Yuan Shu said: "If you capture this person, I will let you torment." The eyes of the birdwives lit up and they swooped down.

Li Yu couldn't help laughing, he really regarded him as the flesh and the stuff in his pocket.

"The sky and the earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law to restrain the spirit and send the crane to help me. Urgently, it is like a law!"

[Wei Lei] disappears, and the spirit crane appears.

Li Yu stepped onto the back of the crane and flew into the sky.Yuan Shu thought he was going to escape, but saw the white crane flying towards the bird's nest.

Yuan Shu laughed and said, "President Li wants the dove to occupy the magpie's nest?"

As soon as he finished speaking, his expression changed, he yelled "Stop", and rushed towards him with a gust of wind.

Standing on the back of the crane, Li Yu spit out a mouthful of fire dragon, but it was not aimed at the gourd bird's nest, but a peach tree that looked like a ten-foot-tall tree beside the nest and sprayed towards it.



[Product rank] Land product
[Description] In the past, there were three surnames Yao, Wang, and Wang. They ate bark and starved to death. They turned into birds, skins and bones as pigs, and women as people. They all lived in big trees. match spouse.Those at the root of the tree are famous as pig capitals, those at the tail are famous as bird capitals, and those at the tail of the tree are famous as celebrity capitals.


[Taodumu] When the fire is on fire, Yuan Shu, the black armor, rushes towards him, but he doesn't care about attacking Li Yu, he just jumps up and down to fight the fire.

But it didn't help, on the contrary, the strong wind he swayed fueled the fire.In just a few tens of breaths, the flames spread to the entire canopy, and then to other trees, and even bird nests.

Yuan Shu, [Niaodu] and [Rendu] ignored the bird's nest and went to save [Taodumu].

The fireworks were still crackling and burning.

Yuan Shu cursed: "Damn Li Zi!" and killed Li Yu.

Li Yu patted the crane's back, flew to another [Peach Tree], opened his mouth, and the flames were about to come out.

Yuan Shu was shocked: "Stop! Stop!"

Li Yu tried to vomit, but Yuan Shu yelled, "Brother Li! Just stop!"

Li Yu looked at Yuan Shu who was running around in a hurry, and the flames in his mouth swept across the top of the [Taodumu] tree.

Yuan Shu was terrified, and hurriedly shouted: "Yuan Shu admit defeat, I beg Brother Li to accept the supernatural power!"

Only then did Li Yu swallow the fire back.

Yuan Shu wiped the sweat from his brow, looked at the [Peach Tree] that was still burning, and put on a flattering smile: "Brother Li, look at this fire..."

Li Yu called out [Wei Lei].

The blond girl stepped on the horse's hoof, and a flying spring gushed out from the ground.She directed water like an arrow and sprayed it on [Tao Du Mu].

[Niaodu] and [Rendu] also came forward to scoop up water to put out the fire.

After about half an hour, the fire was finally extinguished.


"Peachwood" (half dry)

[Product rank] Land product

Yuan Shu wanted to cry, but he didn't dare to be rude anymore, put away his perverse appearance, and entertained Li Yu.


"Sandu's Nest"

[Product rank] Land product
[Characteristic] Wooden Dungeon

The entire [Mountain Capital Nest] covers an area of ​​​​Xu Fangyuan, and there are thousands of giant trees in it.

There are many kinds of giant trees, such as pines, cypresses, camphors and lindens.However, the most important ones are the two [dipin·taodumu].

The wild boar eats its leaves and can be transformed into [Pig Capital]. [Pig Capital] lives in the root hole of giant trees, and usually grazes wild boars.

People eat the peach blossoms on it, and it can be transformed into [Rendu].Birds eat peaches, which can be transformed into [Bird Capital].

[People] live in tree holes, gather food from mountain springs, and serve [Bird Capital] and [Lord of Mountain Capital] in the bird's nest.

The entire [Mountain Capital Nest] can hide and reveal itself in the forest according to the [Lord of the Mountain Capital]'s will.

Yuan Shu led Li Yu into the bird's nest.

The diameter of this nest is twelve feet long, and the height is about fifteen feet. It looks ordinary from the outside, but it is very neat and tidy inside.

And they used animal skins to pave the floor, bird down as mattresses, bought some wooden tables for dressing up, and got some flowers and bird feathers for decoration.The whole looks, not like a bird's nest, more like a three-story villa.

[Niaodu] offered hazelnuts, pine nuts, torreya nuts, walnuts and other fruits, and then lingered beside Li Yu. [Wei Lei] glared at them, but he didn't care, he just scratched his head and made a gesture aside.

Li Yu took out three single clothes and asked Yuan Shu and the others to put them on.

Then listen to the newly promoted [Lord of the Mountain Capital] talk about his adventures.

(End of this chapter)

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