Chapter 123
The original [Lord of the Mountain Capital] was one of the two [Bird Capital].It is formed by a [Heaven Chicken] eating peach fruit on [Taodumu].

Early this morning, [Bird Capital] captured humans and used it as [Human Capital].Yuan Shu, who was wandering in the forest, was selected.

Because of its outstanding appearance, after [Niaodu] captured it, it did not feed [Taodumu] flowers, but put it into the nest to have fun.

And Yuan Shu has the blessing of [Kayster Feather] "Air Qi +50", tossing the phoenix and the phoenix, making the two birds and women dripping with sweat, unable to extricate themselves, and they all surrender.

From this, Yuan Shu obtained [Lord of the land, appellation, mountain capital].

Li Yu had no feelings for the [Shandu] clan, so he took a rest in the nest and left.Before leaving, I made a premise that if there is nothing else, I will leave for Runan tomorrow.

Yuan Shu hurriedly nodded in response.

This Dean Li is not a good matchmaker, he has a lot of tricks, and he always hides them.Yuan Shu really didn't want to provoke him if it was not necessary.

Also can not afford to provoke.

After all, it's all lost...


On the fourth day of July, the sky was clear.

[Tiantianyuan Traditional Chinese Medicine Museum] In the open space in front of the gate, the old Chinese doctor led thousands of people to practice "Tiger Form Boxing" one move at a time.

As a [Huang Pin] internal training method, "Tiger Forming Boxing" focuses on root bone training and expanding the upper limit of [attributes], rather than the amount of real energy or the presence or absence of [characteristics].

Li Yu practiced the two ways and pointed out some fallacies and deficiencies.

Surprised and delighted, the old Chinese doctor simply stopped today's homework and left the outpatient clinic to other doctors of Chinese medicine, while he chased after Li Yu for advice.

Li Yu spent nearly half an hour clearing his doubts. Seeing that the old Chinese doctor still looked thirsty for knowledge, he took him to the township office.

Not long after, Lu Xiuxi, Li Min, Wang Zhang and other key members of [Sky Academy] all arrived at the scene.

Li Yu put "Wu Yi Hu Jing Jue" and "Long Live Jue" on the table.

One [Earth Grade] and one [Tian Grade], the two major exercises, made everyone stare.

Cultivation techniques are rare, not to mention their [Sky Academy], the whole HD has never heard of anyone who has dropped a [Xuanpin] or higher inner strength technique from monsters.

It is also for this reason that when "Tiger Fist" was brought back by an old Chinese doctor and taught to the public, even though it was only a [Yellow Grade], it still attracted countless players and aborigines to come to observe and learn.

The yellow grade is so scarce, let alone the second grade of heaven and earth.

Wang Bin was also taken aback.

When it comes to knowledge of martial arts, except for Li Yu and Xiong Zaisheng, he has more knowledge than everyone in the room.

In the world of [Three Thousand Swords] that Wang Bin experienced, what King Zhao Huiwen, the master of the Thousand Swords, possessed was only one [Earth Grade] skill.

Back in this world, as far as he knows, Pan Feng, the eldest brother of [Dipin], is only a [Huangpin].And the Yuan family in Runan, the four generations and three fathers, the son Yuan Gonglu has nothing but [Xuanpin] kung fu.

When Wang Bin saw Li Yu again, he didn't feel the true qi, thinking that his brother-in-law hadn't learned the exercises yet.Unexpectedly, two "heavy treasures" were thrown out today.

Li Yu named Xiongba first.

Xiong Ba got a [Branch Bed Turtle] yesterday, although it is only [Huang Pin], but its property of "being able to guide Qi" is very consistent with [Long Live Jue].

Li Yu handed over the "Long Live Jue".

Xiong Ba half-kneeled on the ground, said in a deep voice: "Thank you, Lord, for giving me the treasure."

Everyone is envious.

Even Lu Xiuxi and Li Hua, who are not interested in [force] and focus on [intellect] and [politics], are no exception.

Long live formula, can you live forever if you practice it?

When everyone was thinking wildly, Li Yu handed the "Tiger Scene Jue" to Wang Bin again. [Sword Qi] and [Tiger Scenery Jue] released the tiger scene, one for attack and one for defense, which means that they are interlinked.

After the distribution of the two exercises, Li Yu talked about the truth and arranged a few things.

Cultivation method does not only use [animal skin] as a way.Just like an old Chinese doctor can teach others "Tiger Fist", Xiongba and Wang Bin can also teach others "Long Live Jue" and "Wu Yi Hu Jing Jue".

However, this requires the two of them to have extremely high attainments in martial arts.Otherwise, there is a high probability that people will be led astray.The light ones are injured, and the severe ones die.

And the higher the skill [grade], the more difficult it is to practice.Such high grades as "Hujing Jue" and "Long Live Jue" are difficult to be cultivated by those who are not talented and brilliant, or [animal skins] that contain "seeds of true energy" as references.

Li Yu ordered Xiongba and his two to write out the first layer of the exercises, and everyone read them all, but they found nothing.Li Yu put the two in the [Territory] warehouse, and all members of the [Sky Academy] can exchange points for studying and experimenting.

Then, Li Yu asked Xiongba and Wang Bin to communicate more with old Chinese medicine practitioners while practicing.First, the practice of kung fu is inseparable from the way of meridians and acupoints in traditional Chinese medicine; second, it is helpful for the continuation of "Tiger Fist".

After the merits and methods, let's talk about the township officials.

[Tiantianyuan] was upgraded to a small town and reported to the county, which naturally involved the appointment of township officials.

Li Yu took the post of "township miser" by himself.

Liang County Magistrate said that [Tiantianyuan] has more than [-] members and a large population. If President Li reports to the county level, the "township stingy man" can become "the township has rank."

Li Yu refused.

The old doctor of traditional Chinese medicine is the three elders, and Li Min is You Yan.Lu Xiuxi and Li Hua are Xiang Zuo.

At the request of Li Yu, the county set up a [Ghost Gate Pavilion] in [Ghost Star Stone Room].Xiongba served as the head of the pavilion, and Wang Bin was the deputy, in order to guard against the Taihang bandits.

After making these arrangements, Li Yu said that he would go to Runan.Lu Xiuxi and the others already knew about his bet with Yuan Shu, and they all said "go early and return early".

There was a commotion outside the courtyard, it was Yuan Shu who arrived with a charming and charming [Niaodu].

The bird mistress is not used to wearing human clothes, and she can't help but tug and tug, making her feel happy.

It attracted countless players and aborigines to look sideways.

Yuan Shu didn't care much, but the Yuan family was ashamed.

The servant was leading a fat, chubby blue horse, and handed over the reins with a look of reluctance.

Yuan Shudao is a bet.


"Salt Che Qiji"

[Product Rank] Xuanpin.

[Attribute] Multiplied by it, the speed can reach 400 miles per hour.

[Characteristics] Don't lay down the salt car, leap forward

[Description] Fuji's teeth are at the end, he takes the salt cart and goes to Taihang.The knees of the hooves are broken, the tail is smashed, the juice is spilled on the ground, white sweat is exchanged, the middle is delayed, and the shaft can't go up.When Bole met him, he got out of the car, climbed up and cried, and untied his clothes to power him.Then the ji leaned down and sprayed, and raised his head to sing, and the sound reached the sky, as if it came out of gold and stone.


[Bu Fu Yan Che] I can't bear heavy public opinion, especially I don't like salt carts.

[Fat horses go far] If a horse is fatter, it can go far.


Li Yu took the green horse and handed it over to Xiongba.

The sun is three poles high, the wind and dew have all disappeared, and it is not early.

After Li Yu drinks the farewell wine, Pan Feng bids farewell to Wang Bin.The Yuan family yelled——

Set off.

[Niaodu] turned into [Sky Rooster] to carry Yuan Shu, and Li Yu summoned a crane, which flew into the sky.


Luo Yang, Xiyuan Girls' School.

In the garden, Zhen Jiang and Zhen Tuo crawled around on the grass, chasing a little green snake, having a great time.



[Product Rank] Xuanpin.

[Attributes] Charm of the main house +30, Luck +10.

[Description] At the end of the Han Dynasty, Empress Zhen entered the Wei Palace. There was a green snake in the palace, and there was always a red bead in its mouth like a wuzi, which did not hurt anyone.Every time after dressing up, the snake is tied in a bun in front of it.The latter is different, because of the effect, the bun is ingeniously crafted, so the latter is different every day, and it is called the spirit snake bun. ——"Cailan Magazine"


When they saw [Wang Rong] by the pond, the two little loli left [Spirit Snake] and wobbled over, calling "Sister Rong" in a milky voice.

[Wang Rong] took two steps forward, picked up two little guys under three years old, and carried the other on their backs.

[Spirit Snake] crawled over, jumped up, and landed on top of sister Zhen Jiang's head.

Little Zhen Jiang shook his head, before shaking off the little snake, he ignored it, tilted his head and asked, "What is Sister Rong doing?"

[Wang Rong] said: "Feed the fish."

The younger sister Zhen Tuo on the back hugged [Wang Rong]'s scorpion head, and looked into the pond vigorously: "Fish pinch?"

As soon as the words fell, a carp jumped out of the water.With golden whiskers and black scales, he is quite a steed.

[Wang Rong] dropped a [scroll].

The [scroll] is two feet long, twice the size of a black carp.However, the black carp opened its mouth wide and swallowed it directly.


Σ(っ°Д°)っ! !

The two little loli opened their mouths wide in surprise, [Wang Rong] couldn't help laughing at it, took out two pieces of snacks and stuffed them in.

After the two babies miamia finished eating, they looked for the fish again, but it had long since disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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