On the seventh day of July, Chenliu County, by the Sui River.

Xia Houyuan bowed to an ugly and burly young man, and said, "My elder brother is thirsty for talents, and I have long been looking forward to the 'reunion' with brother Dian."

The ugly man was unmoved.

Xiahou has been here for several days and has invited many times.He always said that he had a "fate" with his elder brother Cao Mengde, so why not go to Qiao County to continue the good story.

The ugly man often hears other people talk about "Three Kingdoms", and his favorite passage is Wancheng's heroic act of "the halberd in danger, passing through several people".I am also very yearning for the friendship between him and Cao Mengde.

However, the old mother in the family couldn't bear the ending of her child's "death at thirty", so she ordered him to forbid him to associate with Cao.

When Xiahou came to the door, when the old mother heard his name, she picked up the picket and chased after him, and suffered from heart disease.

Today the ugly man went out to get medicine, and Xia Houyuan came to pester him again, so he naturally ignored it.

The ugly man turned to leave, but he heard Xia Houyuan say: "Brother Dian, I have a chance to go to that [Tianpin Moonlight Scroll] recently, and my elder brother wants to invite you to go with me. How about it?"

The ugly man didn't answer, Xiahou shouted: "[Tianpin] chances are many and there are strange treasures in the world. If you are weak, if brother Dian can get rid of illnesses, strengthen your body, and even prolong your life, wouldn't it be far better than this ordinary medicine stone? "

The ugly man paused.

Xia Houyuan was overjoyed, and hurriedly said some more, "The fate of Tianpin is no small matter", "It is rumored that Yunmeng [Taiping Xianmen] can prolong his life for three to five years with only one [Xuanpin] pill", "In exchange for [Tianpin] , and what to do" and so on.

The ugly man moved, thought for a moment, and finally nodded.

Xia Houyuan was so overjoyed that he took several pieces of gold and offered them to the ugly man to buy medicine.

The ugly man refused.Xia Houyuan turned his head and saw the fat fish in Suishui, he smiled and said: "Catch a few fat fish and present them to Brother Dian, and make a bowl of soup for Ling Tang, Xiahou should be the one to make amends."

The ugly man said no.

But Xia Houyuan had already kicked off the skin, untied the Xingteng, held the knife, and rushed into the water excitedly.

After a few knives, two grass carp were stabbed, but the fish were startled.

Xia Houyuan raised his saber again, and after a while, he saw two or three long fingerlings swimming past.

The ugly man called him to go ashore, Xia Houyuan had no choice but to leave, but suddenly said with a smile: "Ha, here is a black carp with golden whiskers!"

Slash down with a sharp knife!

The water splashed, and Xia Houyuan closed his eyes.

After a breath, he opened his eyes, bent down, and went to pick up fish.

But I saw a black shadow flashing past, the right side of my face felt a pain, and then the black shadow fell back into the water.

Xia Houyuan was taken aback for a moment, then looked intently, and found that the black shadow was the black carp that should have been knocked down by him.

I... I was slapped by a fish?

Xia Houyuan came back to his senses, but saw that the small fish, which was about a foot long, did not swim away, but was scurrying around in this water area.

While he wasn't paying attention, he sprayed his face with saliva.

Xia Houyuan stared, wiped his face, raised his knife and struck again.

One after another, the water splashes were smashed open, but Xia Houyuan got a few tails instead of hitting the fish.

Xia Houyuan was furious, and threw the knife with all his strength, and plunged it to the bottom of the water.

However, in an instant, the long knife disappeared and the black carp disappeared.

The ugly man on the bank didn't understand why Xia Houyuan made such a big noise in the river, he walked over to take a look, and was also taken aback——

The opponent's nose was bruised and his face was swollen, and his hands were empty. …

"Brother Dian, are all the fish you keep alive so fierce?"


On the eighth day of the seventh month, Yuan Shu and Li Yu flew over Jizhou, Sili, and Yanzhou, and finally entered the boundary of Yuzhou.

If it wasn't for [Niaodu]'s reluctance to carry Pan Feng, and Pan Feng himself was afraid of heights, and [Shandu's Nest] was a little slower in hiding, they should have arrived in Ruyang long ago.

Outside Yingchuan Changshe City, in a forest.The mountain spring whimpered and the flowing water murmured.

The sun was setting, so it was estimated that Pan Feng and the others arrived here around dusk.Yuan Shu said it would be better to rest for one night and set off early tomorrow morning.

He called out the bird's nest and beckoned Li Yu to enter.

Li Yu shook his head and walked to the spring.

Yuan Shu thought he was going to drink a mountain spring, but he saw a black carp coming up the stream from a distance.Climbing over dead branches and jumping over pebbles, he swam to Li Yu's side.

Dean Li stretched out his hand, Wu Li opened his mouth and spat out, a scroll and a long knife fell into his palm.

Yuan Shu was dumbfounded.

He thought his luck was good enough.After all, in just one month of hard work, I got several [Xuan Pin] and one [Earth Pin].Even if he lost the bet later, he was able to turn around and become the [Lord of the Mountain Capital].

It is not an exaggeration to say that "the spirit is strong".

But Yuan Shu really didn't expect that there is such a fate of "carp presenting treasures" in this world.

[Oolong carp] disappeared in an instant, completely ignoring Yuan Shu's desire to explore.

Li Yu put away the long knife and the scroll, and said to Yuan Shu, "I'm going to rest, call me when I leave."

After all, he jumped onto a tall tree and disappeared into the dense canopy.

The mistresses could not wait for Yuan Shu for a long time, so they flew out of the nest to look for him.Yuan Shu was still feeling emotional, but the mistress of the bird responded with a "hmmm" and entangled her.


In the square pot, Li Yu put away [Tianpin·The Secret of Immortality on the Golden Bed].

This is a one-time scroll obtained by [Wang Rong] killing an Indian player when he swiped the [Ladder], and Li Yu regarded it as one of his hole cards.

As for the [Huang Pin Bailian Qingsteel Knife], it was purely a windfall.It's just that the grade is a bit low, Li Yu doesn't like it, and throws it aside.

After resting for a while, Li Yu took a dozen [male hairs] to [Yili Zhi Prison] to catch some rabbits, katydids, and sparrows.

When Prisoner and Lian heard the movement, they cursed or begged for mercy, but Li Yu ignored them and started the daily [Spirit Pagoda Beast Tide].

[Snake Princess], [Thirteen Ants], Wei Lei, the long-haired man...

Even a bunch of skeletons summoned by the two [Sheep Riders] and Li Yu [Secret Records of the Resurrection] rushed up.

"[System]: Congratulations to the player for summoning [Skeleton King Wuchen]."

Among the piles of [Civil Husband Skeleton] and [Soldier Skeleton], there appeared a skeleton with a tall skeleton that roared to the sky——

"Li Liang, Li Liang!"

"I fuck your mother!"


"Skeleton King Wuchen"

[Rank] Xuanpin (0 Li)
[Force] 75
[Characteristics] Zhu Li, analyze the remains


[Zhu Li]: Fen Chaoge's power, punish the Li family.

[Analyze the bones]: Analyze the remaining bones and restore the body.


Wu Chen, a native of Chen at the end of the Qin Dynasty, was originally a general under Chen Sheng's command. He led three thousand troops across the Yellow River and conquered the land of Zhao.After conquering more than ten cities and recruiting and surrendering more than thirty cities, the army expanded to tens of thousands, and he became the king of Zhao on his own.Then he defied Chen Sheng's order and refused to aid Zhou Wen, and was later killed by Li Liang.

The second named [Skeleton] appeared, and it was [Xuanpin·Skeleton King]. Li Yu was also satisfied.

Just looking at its "Xuan Pin (0 Li)" and [Ding Gu]'s words "Huang Pin (1 Liu)" next to it, I feel a little helpless.

I hope that Yuan Jia's [Moonlight Scroll] will be more powerful, and there will be more "Li and Liu" to brush.

The next day, the ninth day of July.

Several [Xuanju] came bearing [Xuanlu].

After Li Yu drank it, [attributes] changed to "strength 34, constitution 39, agility 35, spirit 40".

In another month, you can take [Python Pill].

Li Yu murmured, and thus came out of [Fanghu].

Pan Feng and Yuan's family had rectified early, and after a while, Yuan Shu poked his head out of the bird's nest with sleepy eyes and disheveled clothes.

Li Yu shook his head and stepped on the back of the crane.

The car chugs and chugs until it reaches Ruyang.

Yuan Shu rushed to Yuan's old house with Pan Feng and Li Yu excitedly.

At this time, Yuan's house was extremely lively.

Li Yu saw a lot of familiar faces, but the most interesting thing for him was a conversation.

An ugly man was puzzled by another ugly fat man: "How can you be so ugly?"

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