Chapter 125
It has been more than a month since Wen Chou was pointed out as handsome.

Ever since he presided over a [Martial Force Bottleneck Examination] on the fifth day of June and took the [Bo Yi Wei] presented by "Brother Fisherman", his appearance has changed drastically.

It can't be called "beautiful appearance", nor can it be called "red lips, white teeth, and fat face".The eyebrows, eyes, nose and lips seem to be as small and thin as before, but they are pleasing to the eye no matter how they look.

The strangers in [Hebei League] all said that this is called "ugly handsome".

Wen Chou doesn't understand how ugly can be handsome.

The parents at home don't understand what "ugly handsome" is, but it doesn't prevent them from smiling from ear to ear every day.

Because, someone came to the door to say kiss!

The old daughter of Wang Butcher's family in Lizhong, the youngest daughter of Liu Shijiang's family in Xiangzhong...

The matchmaker that Vaco brokered came to the door several times.

The strangers from [Hebei League] also came to make fun of it.There are female painters who are good at sketching and sketching, and they simply go to the butcher's house, the stonemason's house...

Wen Chou is not used to being noticed by so many people, let alone pay attention to this messy scene, well, the daughter of the butcher mason's family is not good-looking either.

Just in time for Yuan Shao's visit, I invited him to help me and go to [Tianpin·Moonlight Scroll].Wen Chou responded immediately.

After a few days of trekking, I rushed to Runan.

It has to be said that the life of a famous family really opened Wen Chou's eyes.

Langyuan Qionglou, Zhulun Huahu.The servants are in groups, and the bells are ringing.

The aristocrats with hairpin tassels are naturally Fuyi square collars and Gaoliang dudes.And those maidservants and maidservants are also beautifully dressed, surrounded by pearls and emerald greens.

Yuan Shao was so generous that he would give Wen Chou a courtyard as soon as he arrived in Ruyang.

The strange flowers are blooming, the swallows are in pairs, the bridge is painted in a hundred steps, and the green water returns.

Wen Chou liked it very much, but refused to accept it, and lived here temporarily with Yan Liang who came later.

At dusk today, Yuan Shao said that all the staff had arrived, and brought the two of them to Yuan's old house.

There are many children in the Yuan family, among Yuan Shao's generation alone, there are more than a dozen of them.

And the ones selected to be included in the [scroll] were only Yuan Ji, Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu, and Yuan Yi.

Among them, Yuan Ji is the eldest son of the Yuan family, and he is the Marquis of An Guoting.He used to be Doctor Guanglu, and when "Three Kingdoms" became popular a few months ago, he was dismissed for some reason.

Yuan Shao, Yuan Shu and Yuan Ji are the sons of Yuan Feng.Later, Yuan Shao adopted his uncle Yuan Cheng into the same room, and he and Ji and Shu changed from biological brothers to cong brothers.

Yuan Yi is the son of Yuan Ping. Although he belongs to a side branch, he is quite talented and is valued by the elders of the clan.He used to be Chang'an Ling, but unfortunately, like Yuan Ji, he was dismissed from office and left home.

In addition to the four brothers, the Yuan family also has a son-in-law, Shi Jun, who is a stranger.

At the beginning of this person's journey, he met and fell in love with Yuan Kai's daughter by chance.

According to rumors, Yuan Kui originally wanted to marry a daughter to Yang Biao and Yang Wenxian of Hongnong Yang's family.However, Shi Jun stepped in. In just two months, her daughter "wouldn't marry unless she was Mr. Shi" and "was born with the same quilt, and died with the same acupuncture point".

Yuan Kai couldn't stop him, and because Shi Jun did have some tricks, he could only recognize the son-in-law in the end.

I just don't know, if Yang Wenxian loses Yuan's daughter, will he give birth to Yang Xiu who wrote "Fu of Goddess", "Fu of Peacock", and "Fu of Jie You".For many years to come, will there still be a pairing of "Yihe Crisp" and "Yellow silk young woman, grandson Yujiu".

Besides Yuan's family, they were invited helpers.

When Yuan Ji, the eldest son of the Yuan family, entered the door, he was followed by a short man who was less than seven feet tall, and an ugly man who was more than eight feet tall.

Yuan Shao stepped forward and chatted with the dwarf familiarly.Only then did Wen Chou know that this person is the "famous" Cao Cao Cao Mengde.

Next to Cao Cao is Dian Wei.

It was the first time Wen Chou saw someone uglier than himself, so he took a second look.Then, he was entangled by Dian Wei.

The golden black falls in the west, and the jade rabbit rises in the east.

Ten people gathered in the courtyard, and Yuan Ji held up a [Moonlight Scroll].


"Danzi Monk"

[Product rank] Tianpin
[attribute] the moon is bright in the middle of the night, shining on the earth.At that time, holding this volume, ten people can open the door of time and space.

[Description] Tianjiao descended the king of eggs, which is different from ordinary monks.

A piece of moonlight cast down, and the eyes of ten people went dark.

Open your eyes again, it's another world.

On a bright and sunny day, next to the luxuriant hemp and wheat.

After noon, many farmers were busy in the fields.Seeing the sudden appearance of ten people, they were all startled.

Especially when they saw Dian Wei's "inhuman" appearance, several farmers yelled "monsters" and ran away.

There was also the bold one who raised a hoe and a shovel and asked loudly, "Who are you waiting for?"

Li Yu slapped the [Liqiu ghost face] on his face, and instantly turned into a middle-aged Taoist priest.

He wears a purple gold fishtail railway crown on his head, a scarlet gown with flames edged with soap, a variegated silk sash around his waist, and square red gowns with cloud heads on his feet.

Li Yu took a step forward and bowed his hands to one of the elderly farmers: "The old man invited me, may I ask where this land is?"

Seeing Li Yu's good looks, the old man couldn't help but be surprised.But he didn't dare to be negligent, put down the hoe a little bit, and replied: "This is Fenzhou on Hedong Road."

Fenzhou on Hedong Road?
Shanxi Fenyang?

"What year and month?"

"The first day of June in the fourth year of Qingli."

"Thank you, old man." Li Yu cupped his hands in thanks.Then he directly called out [Spirit Crane], and while everyone was stunned, he crossed the crane and went east.

The old man was so frightened that he dropped his hoe and kowtowed and called him "immortal".

"This... let's go!"

Li Yu walked swiftly, and Cao Cao, Yuan Shao, Shi Jun and others were all astonished.

Yuan Shu said anxiously: "Brother Li, wait for me!" After saying that, he ran into the woods beside him, calling out [Mountain Capital's Nest] and calling out [Niaodu].However, after one operation, Linghe has already been flying in the sky, and he can't find it.

Yuan Shu returned angrily.

Yuan Shao couldn't help asking: "Gaolu, isn't that the helper you found? Why did you abandon you?"

Yuan Shu shook his head: "I made a bet with Brother Li, and if I lose, I will allow him a scroll."

Yuan Shao was speechless.

Wen Chou at the side felt a little regretful, he still wanted to have a few more words with "Brother Yu".

"Zigu, Benchu, Gonglu, we have traveled to the Northern Song Dynasty 800 years later." Shi Jun said, attracting everyone's attention, "In this scroll world, gods and ghosts coexist..."

Shi Jun was able to enter the [scroll], except for the identity of the son-in-law of the Yuan family, because he has used the [Moonlight Scroll] many times and has rich "traveling experience".

Shi Jun didn't hide his secrets, and he confessed some of the humanities knowledge of the Song Dynasty, as well as his vague memory of [Monk Danzi].

Just as he was talking about "Dan Sheng fighting the three foxes", there was a commotion in the distance.

It was the peasants who fled earlier who reported to the officials and came with several officials.


Li Yu went south on a crane, turning himself into a Taoist from time to time, looking for people and asking for directions.Three days later, he arrived at his destination - Beizhou City.

Entering the city and going to the grass market, Li Yu held a small earthen pot and yelled: "There is a prescription for immortality, whoever can invest money to fill this pot, the poor Taoist will give it to him."

There are many onlookers, but they don't believe it.

Until half an hour later, a butcher who had eaten wine, with his neck bare, yelled indistinctly: "Sa...Sa's family will live forever... not old!" Can.

Copper coins crashed into it, and the shallow crock was barely full.It seems that throwing in another three or five coins will fill it up.

Some people were secretly delighted, took out five or six copper coins and threw them in, hoping to flatten the earthen jars and find a bargain.

The can is still not full.

Seeing this, many onlookers also took out one or two copper coins and threw them into the jar.

After a crisp sound of tinkling, dozens of people put in more than a hundred coins, but the pot was still not full.

Many people murmured in their hearts.

A well-known shabby hukou in the grass market, with half a penny in his hand, covered his mouth.

The city people gathered around, and the drunken butcher directly opened his hand and saw——

The canister, as before, will be full and full.

The butcher smiled silly.The face of the shabby settler changed, and he reached out to grab the crock.Li Yu dodged sideways and said, "What are you going to do?"

The shabby stare: "You Taoist is cheating and deceitful, quickly pay back my money. Otherwise, I will send you to the official!" After finishing speaking, he came to grab the pot again.

Li Yu hurriedly said: "Stay here, stay here, I'll just pay you back." The shabby householder gave up, and the others clamored to pay back the money when they saw this.

Li Yu responded one by one.Then he put the earthen jar on the ground, and made a few hand gestures in a dignified manner: "The world is boundless, and the universe borrows the law. Pixiu opens his mouth, and the green clam spits out. Hurry like a law!"

The crock doesn't move.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, and the universe borrows the law. Pixiu opens his mouth, and Qingfu spits out. Come out! Come out! Come out! Come out! Come out!"

The crock didn't move at all.

The dilapidated household was impatient and stretched out its feet to kick.

Li Yu hurriedly stopped him, he said: "This pot is greedy for money, and won't spit out money. When the poor come in, ask for it and return it to you." After that, he got up and jumped on the crock pot, and disappeared in an instant.

The townspeople were startled.

After a while, the Taoist did not come back.The shabby man bent down and shouted at the jar: "Taoist come out! Taoist come out!"

There is no sound in the tank.

Furious, he grabbed the jar and smashed it.Broken pieces of porcelain fell to the ground, and there were no Taoists or copper coins.

Everyone was surprised, and there was a lot of discussion, saying that this Taoist is a great mage and a true Taoist priest.Only the shabby settler yelled, "Goodbye, I will take him to the official."

On the second day, Li Yu brought another earthen pot to Caoshi.When I saw the broken house, I punched him.With a casual hook, Li Yu threw him on all fours, his head in disgrace.

Shabby and furious, Li Yu said, "Slow down, slow down."

He took out a foot of white cloth and said to everyone: "This is [Huo Huan cloth]. If there is any dirt on it, burn it with fire and it will be as clean as before."

Some people didn't believe it, so Li Yu let them make fire to burn.After some tossing, it really has the ability to ward off fire.Then someone asked, "What is the price of this cloth?"

"Not for sale." Li Yu shook his head, and took the crock pot in his hand again, "It's still like yesterday. Whoever can fill this pot will be given [Huohuanbu] as a gift."

As a result, the city people scrambled to vote.

For several days, the name of "Crock Pot Taoist" quickly spread in Beizhou City.

On the eighth day of June, Li Yu finally waited for someone to come.

"Dare to ask Master Gao's surname and title, where did he come from?"

A military household with phoenix eyes, thick eyebrows, yellow beard and white face stepped out from the crowd and bowed his hands in salute.

(End of this chapter)

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