Chapter 126
The person who came was not monk Danzi, but a platoon leader in Beizhou City, eight out of twenty, surnamed Wang and named Ze, who is the protagonist in the "San Sui Ping Yao Zhuan" in this world.

"Ping Yao Zhuan" was originally written by Luo Guanzhong for [-] chapters, and Feng Menglong added and adapted it to [-] chapters later.

Among them, the first [-] chapters mainly feature Monk Danzi and the three foxes seeking Taoism and practicing Dharma, as well as several important characters such as Zhang Luan and Bu Ji.In the last ten chapters, it is the story of Wang Ze, Hu Yonger and his wife who rebelled, and Wen Yanbo won the "Three Sui" to suppress the rebellion.

The origin of this king is not simple, but it is the reincarnation of the [Devil King of Desires] in Asura. Born once in 500 years, male or female, lustful and easy to kill, born in response to the evil luck of the world.The previous catastrophe was Empress Wu Zhao and Wu Zetian, and this catastrophe will be transferred to Wang Ze.

Hu Yong'er is a little vixen. In his previous life, he was Wu Zetian's male favorite Zhang Changzong. In this life, he has practiced "Ruyi Treasure Book" with extraordinary means.

Today's Wang Ze doesn't know his roots.Right now he is just a military leader, and everyone calls him "Wangdu Pai".

Wang Dupai's parents died early, and he has no relatives to respect his elders to persuade them to be good.He is tall and powerful, and he is good at fighting cocks and horses, wielding spears and sticks; what he likes is all kinds of spells, and he learns them whenever he encounters them.It's just that I have never met a famous teacher, and what I have learned is some tricks that are not worth mentioning.

Since childhood, she has been fond of women. If she sees a beautiful woman, she would rather spend a hundred taels of silver than scrape her.Not to mention that those prostitutes and kilns scattered an unknown amount of property.

As a result, all the houses and properties left by his parents were wiped out by him.

However, this person has a bold temperament, generosity and righteousness. When he has no money, he lives with his belly tied.As soon as I had money in my hand, I invited my three brothers and four brothers to drink a lot of wine and eat a lot of meat.In those unsatisfactory seasons, just pull out your fist and hit.

Some people respect him and some people fear him. In this city of Beizhou, he is considered well-known.

As soon as Wang Ze arrived at Caoshi, many people greeted him.And when he walked up to the "crock pot Taoist" and bowed down to ask questions, everyone looked at him lively.

Before that, it wasn't that no one had asked for the name of a priest.Some people even dared to ask if Mr. Zhang Luan, the "demon" who killed Zhengzhou Zhizhou a month ago and was wanted by the court for a reward.

The Taoist only shook his head and never responded.

To the surprise of the city people, this time, the Taoist Jishou sang a song and said: "The poor Taoist surname is Li, and his name is 'Fanghu Jushi'. He came from overseas."

When Wang Ze heard "overseas", he was overjoyed and kowtowed to learn magic.

The Taoist sighed: "You and I have a certain fate, but we don't have the friendship between master and apprentice."

Wang Ze was taken aback, and the Taoist said, "If you want to learn spells, don't worry. After a while, you will have your chance."

After finishing speaking, the Taoist put away a foot of fire raccoon cloth, took out another white fur coat, and handed it over: "This treasure is named [Fire Rat Fur], and it has the ability to ward off fire. I will give it to you to protect you and me." Su Yuan."

Wang Ze took it subconsciously.

The onlookers were taken aback.

The former Huohuanbu, they burned it with a raging fire, and it can indeed ward off fire, so it can be called a strange treasure.And this [Fire Mouse Fur] is obviously better than that Huo Huanbu, yet the Taoist gave it as a gift.

Only for that "predestined relationship".

Predestined relationship?

Many people changed their minds and rushed to the front in a swarm, saying in a mess——

"Master, I also have a destiny with you!"

"Really, the disciple is also surnamed Li!"

"Sajia is willing to sacrifice all of his wealth to Mr.!"

Wang Ze, who was squeezed to the outside, came back to his senses, and punched a few times to open a way: "Don't disturb the mage."

The scene suddenly became quieter.Perhaps the Taoist thought it was noisy, so he pinched a Taoist formula with one hand, as if he wanted to escape.Wang Ze thumped and knelt down: "Master, please stay at my house temporarily. My disciples are very filial."

The Taoist smiled and said: "You haven't paid the monthly money, and you have rented your residence. How can you show filial piety to me?"

Seeing that the Taoist knew his family background very well, Wang admired him even more.So he knelt down for a long time and begged thousands of times in his mouth, which was extremely pious.

The Taoist felt his sincerity and respect, and finally complied.

Wang Ze was overjoyed, and led the Taoist to leave, and the city people dispersed reluctantly.


In the back alley of Beizhou government office, in a small private house.

Wang Ze had been married to a daughter-in-law since he was a child, but he had no children. He was restrained by him two years ago.On weekdays, I only walk around in brothels and houses and a few good friends, and never marry again.Now that I am single, the room seems a bit messy.

Fearing that the mage would dislike him, Wang Ze summoned a group of cronies and friends to tidy up and add some household items.

Sit down, tent bed, top chair, all should be ready.

After a lot of work, he dared to invite Li Daochang into the room to rest.

At noon, the king went to prepare food and asked the master if he might eat meat.Li Daochang said that he has been eating grains for a long time, and he has long since stopped eating five grains and meat.

With a wave of his hand, many fresh melons and fruits appeared on the table that had just been wiped clean, and they were all things that Wang Ze and others had never heard of or seen before.

Li Daochang said strawberries, pineapples, bananas...

Wang Ze and the others ate it until their eyes lit up, and they all praised the fruit of the fairy family, which is not owned by the world.

Li Daochang went to the inner room to practice, Wang Ze and others did not dare to disturb, they picked up the melons and fruits and left.

From then on, Wang Ze came to greet him every morning and evening. He didn't learn any spells, but he got a few "prophecies".

For example, "chase when you meet a candle", "get happy when you meet an aunt".

Many people from the city came to visit, but Li Daochang disappeared.Occasionally, he used some means to attract many state officials and gentry's hearts, and regarded him as a land god.

For a time, the name of [Fanghu Layman] was widely spread.


On this day, Wang Ze went to Huamao in the yamen at five o'clock, and when he finished his duties, he was about to go home and greet the Taoist chief.But in front of the state government office, a group of people surrounded three floors inside and three floors outside.

Wang Ze casually asked, "Is there anything interesting to watch", and the official under his command replied, "Du Pai, it's a woman selling clay candles."

"What's so strange about candles? There are so many people watching?"

"It's really strange. The woman dug up the mud with a knife on the ground, mixed the water, pinched it on a bamboo stick, like a candle, and lit it when it was quenched. From the moment the lamp is lit, it can burn until dawn."

Mud water for candles?
Wang Ze was taken aback for a moment, and suddenly remembered what the Taoist priest had told him about "chasing after a candle", so he stopped in his tracks.

The woman is dressed in filial piety.As the saying goes, if a man should be pretty, he should be handsome; if a woman should be pretty, he should be filial.

This woman was already handsome, but she was dressed in plain clothes, making her figure even more enchanting.Although no makeup or powder is applied, it is still beautiful, like Xizi holding a heart and Chang'e from the moon.When Wang Ze saw it, he was overjoyed.

The woman had been selling clay candles for several days, and someone had already sold them and used them at home, and they could indeed burn overnight.Therefore, the ten clay candles made by the woman were sold out in a short time.

The woman didn't wait too long, picked up the knife for dredging the mud, and the basket with candles, got up and left.

The crowd dispersed.

The king let his servants go to work by themselves, and he walked with the woman.

Then I saw that woman went out of the west gate, passed through the grass market, and walked a full ten miles, until she came to a wild place.

Wang Ze murmured in his heart, thinking that it would be better to ask the mage when he got home, and then make further calculations.He turned around and wanted to go back the same way, but after a closer look, it was not the old way when he came.

I saw continuous mountains and clusters of peaks, but there was no path and no pedestrians.

Wang Ze couldn't help feeling flustered, but suddenly he heard the woman shouting loudly in front: "The king's capital row! It's so easy to invite you here, how can you go back?"

Wang Ze cupped his hands and said, "My lady, who are you? How do you know me?"

The woman said: "Du Pai, Aunt Sheng sent me here to invite you to discuss important matters. Don't be suspicious, just go with me."

When Wang Ze heard the word "Holy Aunt", he remembered the prophecy said by Li Daochang - "Prosperity when you meet an aunt", and he was a little calm.Then he boldly followed the woman and continued walking.

Walking through a pine forest, I saw a manor house. The woman said: "This is where the holy aunt is, and I have been waiting for a long time."

After entering Zhuangzi, a girl in Tsing Yi came to greet her, led her into the hall, and went to report to the owner.

Then, an old lady wearing a star crown and a crane cloak appeared.The woman said that this is the "Holy Aunt".

The king paid homage.

Aunt Sheng invited Wang Ze to the hall.The three sat down and served refreshments.Wang then asked the "Holy Aunt" why she invited him here.

But the holy aunt said: "Now that your luck is up, you should make a fortune according to the number of days. In the 36 states of Hebei, you should be the overlord."

Wang Ze was taken aback, and said: "Don't say that, fairy girl, the eyes and ears in the palace are closer, Wang Ze is just a soldier in Beizhou, how dare he be the master of 36 states?"

The holy aunt smiled and said: "If you don't have this blessing, how can I invite you? The number of days dictates that you should be the overlord."

Wang Ze was at a loss, thinking, "Xing" that the master said, is this the cooking thing?
It's ridiculous.

The holy aunt said something, but she was not very interested when she saw the king, so she pointed to the woman selling clay candles and said, "I have this daughter, the small character Yonger, who is still a daughter, and I have been married to you for 500 years. Marry this girl today." Be your wife and help you accomplish things. What do you think?"

"Thank you Xiangu for your kindness, how dare you resist." Wang Ze cheered up, and then smiled wryly, "The governor of this state is greedy and invading, and has ruined all kinds of jobs. Months, I haven’t seen a month’s worth of rice money, and I’m full of complaints. People like me have suffered a lot from eating that dog official. If I can kill him, I will naturally feel happy. However, we are nothing compared to thousands of troops. Horse, how can you do great things."

Aunt Sheng laughed and said, "How can you do great things by yourself? You have to rely on your wife. She has 10 people under her command to help you, so you can do the opposite and be the overlord."

Wang Ze looked out of the hall: "If there are so many military horses, can Xiangu's manor house hold them?"

Aunt Sheng smiled and said: "These 10 horses don't need food and grass, and they don't need to be stationed. They are used when they are urgent, and they are collected when they are not needed."

After all, she asked the maid to fetch two straw cages.A basket of soybeans and a basket of cut straw were handed to the woman Yong'er.

Yong'er stretched out his hand to grab a handful of beans and straw, sprinkled them in the empty space, and shouted: "Hey!"

A gust of wind blew up, and then there were two hundred cavalry, armed with iron horses, mighty and majestic, lined up in front of the hall.

When Wang Ze saw it, he couldn't help being surprised.After regaining his senses, he said: "Since you have this kind of immortal ability, you can do great things."

While talking, someone outside the village shouted loudly: "Cut the grass to make a horse, and scatter beans to make a soldier. Are you planning to rebel?"

The king was so frightened that he panicked.

Was caught before the plan was implemented and the plan was implemented?
Wang Ze looked up to see where the sound came from, and saw four people entering the manor.Those who lived in the past had strange and strange lives, wearing iron crowns on their heads, straw sandals on their feet, and scarlet robes with soap on their bodies.The face is like blood, and the eyes are like strange stars.Riding a yellow lion, he came into the village.

Aunt Sheng said: "Mr. Zhang, the king and I are here to discuss matters. Come as you come, why make a fuss."

After hearing this, Wang Ze was relieved to know that it was an acquaintance who was joking.

Mr. Zhang jumped off the yellow lion. The yellow lion shook its head and turned into a Taoist.

Aunt Sheng made an introduction, and Wang Zecai knew that this person, a "lion", was Zhang Luan, a "monster" wanted by the state government, and his disciple Bu Ji.

"Who are these three?" Aunt Sheng looked at the three imposing unfamiliar faces behind Zhang Luan.

One is only five feet tall, short in appearance, but has narrow eyes and long beard, and is very dignified.

One looks like a noble son of an aristocratic family, as clear and bright as the moon, and as chic as the wind.

The last one was as ugly as a ghost, but stronger than a tiger and bear.

Zhang Luan said with a smile: "These few people met by chance on the road of poverty. Although they are incapable of magic, they are all pillars with both ability and political integrity."

The three "pillars" clasped their fists and went out, reporting their names——

The five-foot one is named Cao De.

Your son, named Yuan Ji.

Ugly ghost, come here.

 Regarding the [Moonlight Scroll], the initial setting was that there were restrictions below the [Heaven and Earth Product], and the aborigines could not go to the afterlife. [Tiandipin] will let go of restrictions on time, space and number of people.

  The first few chapters mention the setting, saying that the aborigines cannot go to the afterlife. However, one is that the [Tiandipin] scroll was not born, and the other is that the aborigines speculated on their own.

  This shouldn't count as a setting, right?

(End of this chapter)

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