Lords of the Three Kingdoms: At the beginning, I throw myself into the mouth of the python

Chapter 127 The Fox Gets Married, Cao Cao Looks in the Mirror

Chapter 127 The Fox Gets Married, Cao Cao Looks in the Mirror

Aunt Sheng was curious about the talents of several "pillars", and Cao De, who was the leader, said, "My family, Mr. Yuan Lang, can assist the emperor and straighten out yin and yang; he can caress the people and teach farmers and mulberry. He can be a great sage when he escapes from the world, and he can be the master when he is born. Chaotang."

Another reference came: "My brother Dian is powerful against thousands of troops and unparalleled in the battle. With this general, hegemony is in sight!"

Yong'er asked curiously, "What about you?"

Cao De stroked his long beard, and said with a smile: "Cao is not as talented as Yuan Langjun, and his military strength is far inferior to Dian brothers. He can only command tens of thousands of soldiers and horses, and win a dozen battles."

"Haha, you look really short, but you are so funny."

Yong'er couldn't stop smiling coquettishly, his lovely appearance made Wang Ze's heart melt in half.Even Cao De, who likes wives, couldn't help but take a second look.

"Who's talking nonsense here?"

Another voice sounded from outside the hall, and everyone followed the sound, only to see a crane flying from the sky and landed in front of the hall.

A man jumped on the back of the crane, with one leg limping, one foot shorter than Cao De.

He wears a torn turban on his head, a coarse cloth shirt, a straw rope tied around his waist, and hemp shoes on his feet.

Yong'er and Zhang Luan both stood up to salute him, this cripple obviously has a good status.

Aunt Sheng introduced to everyone: "This is my son Zuo De. Since he is here, the king will arrange a big event!"

Wang Ze hurriedly got up and saluted.The three of Cao De did not dare to be negligent, and stepped forward to salute one after another.

Zuo Chu, formerly known as Hu Chu, is a vixen with Aunt Sheng and Hu Yong'er.

In his early years, Hu Tui was greedy for the beauty of a village woman, and turned into a pretty scholar to seduce her.

Unexpectedly, the woman was chaste and did not move at all. On the contrary, it was the Hu Hu who was shot and seriously injured by the woman's hunter husband.

Although his life was saved by an imperial doctor, he also became disabled. His left leg was two inches shorter than his right leg, and he limped when walking.

The old fox simply changed his name to Zuo Lai'er, also known as Zuo Chu.

With this incident, the old fox had the idea of ​​seeking immortality and Taoism.A litter of three, roaming the rivers and lakes.

Walking to Huashan, the western mountain, under a large tomb at the foot of the mountain, the old fox was summoned by Wu Zetian in a dream, and asked her to help her reincarnation achieve supremacy 28 years later.

He also presented sixteen characters such as "stop when you meet the sun, brighten when you meet the egg", which the old fox kept in mind.It was only later that I met Monk Danzi, who practiced the 72 earth magic spells in the "Ruyi Treasure Book", and was named Holy Aunt.

The old fox had succeeded in his litter of spells, so he came to Beizhou City to complete the important task entrusted by the Queen of Heaven.

And the beginning of this great event was when Wang Ze and Hu Yonger reconciled with the old covenant of the previous life and formed a new love in this life.

Wang is naturally willing.

Hu Yonger is also all right.

So Zuo Lai'er asked Zhang Luan to be his matchmaker, and they got married tonight.

Taoist priest Zhang Luan, formerly known as Zhang Dapeng.He studied since he was a child, lost his parents at the age of 12, and wandered all over the world with a Mr. Quanzhen.In Yandu Dafang Mountain contracted the disease, Quanzhen abandoned it.

Fortunately, I met a foreigner and rescued him.Seeing that his bones are extraordinary, he also taught his family spells, which can call the wind and rain, and drive ghosts and gods away.Compared with the spells in the "Ruyi Treasure Book", they are almost the same, and the difference is almost the same.

This piece of roc later faked auspiciousness with others, and was ordered by Emperor Zhenzong to arrest him at sea.He changed his name to Zhang Luan, and called himself Chongxiao Layman, still unrestrained and at ease.

Later, I met the old fox again, and only then did I meet today.

After everything was agreed, the old fox ordered the girl to lead the king to take a shower and change clothes.Then, she held out the dragon robe, jade belt, skyrocketing crown, and worry-free shoes for Wang to wear.

Wang Zeha had never seen such an outfit before, so he didn't dare to reach out to pick it up.

The left cripple pulled him away and shouted: "If Du Pai still has doubts, come here, and follow me to [Sansheng Pond], and take a picture of your origin."

Outside the courtyard, beside the clear water pool, the left lame teaching king shines on the clear water.

The king took a look, and the shadow in the water was indeed wearing a dragon robe, just like the emperor.Only then did he believe it, and let the girl dress him up.

Cao De and the others were curious about the [Sansheng Pond], so they also went to look after it in the clear water.

Yuan Ji took a photo, with a high crown and bo belt, a gold seal and a purple ribbon, he was indeed a talented minister.

Take a picture of Dian Lai, fish-scale iron armor, male and female halberds, fierce and evil, like a demon king entering the world.

Both Zhang Luan and the holy aunt were taken aback. The little man surnamed Cao didn't say anything big.

Cao De stepped forward to take a picture, and Zhang Luan and the old fox also came to watch.

Still so short, in Dao Qingshui, this man is Jiuxi Jiashen, although he is not the son of heaven, he has a dragon-python aura of his own.Its power is a bit stronger than that of Wangdu Pai.

The two were terrified in their hearts, but they didn't show it.

That night, the manor was brightly lit and full of drum music.

Hu Yonger, who was dressed in an embroidered jacket with a pearl crown and a phoenix crown, and Wang Ze, who was dressed in a dragon robe, were married in the thatched hall.

Laughing and singing, Shengge flooded into the orchid room.

Looking at Hu Yonger, who is charming and unparalleled beside the flower candle, Wang Ze only felt that he was in a dream.

For three days in a row, the nephrite fragrance and warmth fascinated day and night, and the flowers piled up to send time.

On the morning of the fourth day, the old fox was dissatisfied with Wang Ze's desire for the "mandarin ducks dancing neck-to-neck, and emerald acacia cages" on the bed.Instruct the girls to invite them to discuss the major issues of rebellion.

Before the girl left the house, she saw Wang Du rushing over in a hurry, and she kept saying, "It's a bad thing! It's a bad thing!"

The old fox asked why he was in such a hurry.

Wang Ze said that a master was invited at home.He has been away for the past few days, and if he has lost his respect, he might offend the mage.

The left lame lazily said: "Where did the mage come from? Whose name is he? He has such a big temper?"

Wang Zedao: "The mage's surname is Li, he came from overseas, and his name is 'Fanghu Layman', and he is very virtuous."

Although they had been together for a few days, he respected and trusted Daoist Li very much.

Zuo lame, Zhang Luan and the old fox looked at each other, and shook their heads, expressing that they had never heard of this person's name.

"I'm afraid it's a Taoist priest who came out of some savage's cave, don't be fooled by him." Zuo Lieer said.

Wang Ze shook his head, and told the mage one by one about the [Fire Rat Fur] and the prophecy.

Everyone was also surprised when they heard "chasing each other when meeting candles" and "being happy when meeting aunts".

Really talented.

The old fox frowned, and asked where Wang Ze [Fire Mouse Qiu] was.

Wang asked the girl to find his old clothes and took out the white fur.

Hu Yong'er took it and performed a fire trick.

The turbulent flames spurted out, but failed to hurt the [Fire Rat Fur].

Truth is a baby.

"What is the origin of this Fanghu Layman? What is the 'sustained fate'? Could it be related to the Queen of Heaven?" The old fox murmured in his heart, but he couldn't figure out why.

Right now is the time to rebel, but a person who does not know the depth and the root of the matter appears out of thin air.

Misfortune is unpredictable.

"It's better to let the disciples go into the city with the king's capital, and find out the details of that Taoist." Buji on the side suggested.

Zhang Luan shook his head: "You have mana in your body, it's not good to startle the snake with grass."

The old fox turned his gaze, landed on the three of Cao De, and said, "Why don't you let the three of them have a fight together?"

Thinking of the scene in [Sansheng Pond] just now, Zhang Luan nodded, "That's fine."

"The elders ordered me to do everything I can." Cao De cupped his hands, "It's just that I don't know the good and evil, friends and enemies of the layman Fanghu during this trip. I beg the elders to give the three of us some wonderful ways to defend ourselves so that we can preserve our useful bodies. Die hard for big things."

But the old fox shook his head: "Spells are not easy to learn, how can you learn them in three or five months?"

They have a family of three, and they have endured countless hardships in order to learn magic.

Zhang Luan said: "The three of you will go to Beizhou City with the king's platoon. If you are successful in the investigation and contribute to a big event, the poor Taoist will teach each of you a spell. How about it?"

The three nodded happily, and Cao De started again, shouting "Thank you, Master" several times.

Zhang Luan responded with a smile.

Led by the lame left, the four of Wang Ze left the courtyard, came out of the woods, and walked towards a path.

The four of them walked a few steps, and then turned their heads, but they did not see the crippled Taoist, nor the manor.After walking a few more steps, I arrived at the gate of Beizhou City.

It takes more than ten miles to come, and three or two steps to go.

Everyone was taken aback, and they all yearned for the mysterious spell.

The city gate guards recognized Wang Ze and let four of them enter the city.

Wang Ze led them all the way back to the private house behind the state government office.As soon as he entered the door, he greeted him loudly.

Someone in the room responded, and Wang Ze breathed a sigh of relief.

Then, a middle-aged Taoist walked out of the room.

The king kowtowed.Cao De and the others were about to salute, but they saw that although the Taoist's face was unfamiliar, he was wearing a railway crown and Huofei robe, but he had seen them a few days ago.

 Book friends with elderly people in their homes should get vaccinated as soon as possible.

  Young people, eat well, drink well, and exercise well.

  Take care of yourself.

(End of this chapter)

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