Chapter 128 Thunderbolt Grinding

In recent days, Li Yu has been counting the days.

The day after arriving at Yuan’s house in Ruyang and opening the [Moonlight Scroll], it should be the day when [Canghai Island] rocks fall as usual.

But when he entered the world of [Monk Danzi], ten days passed without seeing any movement from [Canghai Island].

The growth speed of spiritual roots such as [Tuan Piao] and [Bo Yi Wei] in [Immortal Garden] is also significantly slower.

Li Yu doesn't think it's strange. According to [Dream], [Moonlight Scroll] has different grades, and its content, access restrictions, and even the speed of time flow are different.

For example, the scrolls from [Not Entering] to [Xuanpin] mostly come from an allusion or a short story.The aborigines are restricted and have to step into the "former times".

And [Dipin] and [Tianpin] are often taken from a piece of history or a long story.

There are no restrictions on the aborigines. "Guan Yun's long horse stepped on Wagangzhai and smashed Qin Qiong with all his strength", "Zhao Zilong appeared in Aolai Kingdom and fought fiercely with Monkey King" are all possible.

In addition, scrolls of high [grade] also have different speeds of time flow.It is also common for one day to be two days, one day to ten days, or even "one day outside, one year in the axis".

In the third [dream], some players entered the [Moonlight Scroll·Liu Yi's Biography], and they intended to make friends with the Dongting Dragon Girl.The final achievement is [Dragon Knight], and he has been in harmony with the dragon girl Qin Se for thirteen years.

However, once they returned to the end of the Han Dynasty, the players discovered that the so-called thirteen years were only seven sunsets.

The experience in the scroll is as illusory as a woodcutter watching chess or an ant watching locust trees.


In the square pot, on [Canghai Island].

The stone that was supposed to fall in the middle of the day finally rolled down on No.15.


"Thunderbolt Grinding"

[Product rank] Land product.

[Attribute] When you grind this stone mill, there will be a thunderbolt.

[Description] There is a bluestone in Gaotingtun, about three feet square, with traces of sharpening knives and axes on the stone. It is bright and clean in spring and summer, and there is a new grinding place;The thunderbolt who pierces the clouds grinds the thunderbolt. ——"Jingzhou Ji"


All kinds of spells have many names.

Regardless of time, space, spirit, etc., among the eight elements of heaven, earth, wind, thunder, water, volcano, and Ze, Li Yu's favorite is thunder.

As soon as [Thunderbolt Mill] came out, he fulfilled his wish.

Li Yu took out the stone mill, [Huang Pin Bailian Qingsteel Knife] and chopped it off.

On a sunny day, a thunderbolt struck down and fell straight into the state government office in front of the alley.

It fell on the pillars in the lobby of the government office, and the fire was ignited.

The magistrate and the general judge who were trying the case were so frightened that they yelled at the mighty soldiers and ran out in a black haze.

Throw the prisoner who cried out for injustice and wore a shackle and noose in the hall alone.

After a while, the official in the Yamen came over, carried buckets and water, and put out the fire.

The tung oil on the pillars has aged, and the fire has burned the boss.Everyone looked at it carefully, but they were all happy.

There was originally a couplet on the pillar, the title is "to deceive others is to bully the sky, not to deceive yourself, to betray the people is to betray the country, how can you bear to bear it", one on the left and one on the right, listed on two holding pillars.

The thunderbolt happened to fall on the left side, and the words "that is" and "how can I bear it" were burned away, leaving only one "bear the people and the country".

Zhang De, the prefect of the prefecture, is a corrupt official. On weekdays, he is greedy for stealing, seizing power and accepting bribes.

The "responsibility to the people and the country" left by the fire at the moment really deserves what he has done.

In the eyes of the ancients, celestial phenomena are human affairs.

The people of a state have been tortured by Zhang De for a long time.Now seeing "drought thunder kills trees", there is a lot of discussion, saying that "Zhang De is corrupt and broke the law, and heaven wants to punish him".

Rumors spread quickly, causing Zhang Zhizhou to feel fear.

In the next few days, his daughter was going to get married, and he planned to take the opportunity to search, but he didn't dare to have evil thoughts at this time.

When Wang Ze came back, he heard about "Heaven's Punishment", and couldn't help but think: "This is not what Heaven wants me to be, so the king will rise up and kill this beast?"


Zhang Zhizhou has been honest for five whole days. Seeing that his family is safe and his daughter is getting married soon, he really doesn't want to miss this opportunity to make money, so he made some troubles again.

As early as ten days ago, Zhizhou begged for thirteen bolts of colored silk from the cloth shop in the city, and put them on credit, but did not pay the bill.

As soon as Wang Ze came back, Mrs. Zhizhou said that the cloth was not bright in color and the ruler was short, so it could not be used as a dowry, and asked him to change it for something better.

Wang Ze didn't care about these trivial matters, so he took them to the cloth shop without checking them.

As soon as it was unfolded at the place, there were thirteen bolts of cloth, most of which were short.

Zhizhou didn't pay at all, and now he has cut off a lot, how can the cloth and silk shop be willing to change it?

In desperation, Wang Ze took Caibo back.

When he returned to the state capital, he opened his mouth to report the situation, but Zhang De accused him of filling his own pockets, and restricted him to make up for the cloth within one day.

Wang Ze was aggrieved, and went home with cloth in his arms. On the way, he met Zuo Lai'er and Zhang Luan's master and apprentice who had entered the city.

It turned out to be the old fox saint aunt who always felt a little strange about the sudden appearance of [Fanghu Layman], so she used tortoise shell yarrow to do divination.

Unexpectedly, the shell of the tortoise shattered and the yarrow spontaneously ignited.The three foxes and Zhang Luan's master and apprentice were startled.

Not daring to neglect any more, the three rushed to Beizhou City.

Seeing that the king was in trouble because of the matter of cloth and silk, the left lame man made a pinch, and made up all the gaps in color and silk.

Wang Ze changed the cloth and delivered it to Zhizhou before leading the three of them home.


Li Yu was still experimenting with the usage of [Thunderbolt Mill] in [Pot].

The stone mill releases the thunderbolt, and its power is related to the object being struck.And unless it is a special [Thunder Anvil] for guiding lightning, other tools will be worn out.

[Bailian Qinggang Knife] Although it is [Huangpin], it can only be used for a hundred times.

In addition, Thunderbolt is extremely fast, and it is difficult to control the landing point.Li Yu tried more than ten times before controlling it within three feet.

He was a little disappointed.

There are also thunder methods in "Ping Yao Zhuan", such as the methods of Tianting Thunder God Fenglong, Thunder God and Lightning Mother, or Nine Heavens Xuannv's [Five Thunder Heavenly Heart Rectification Method], but they are not easy to obtain.

At the end of "Ping Yao Zhuan", monk Danzi also had to teach [the righteous method] from Nine Heavens Xuannv.But with his temperament, the possibility of passing it on to others is unlikely.

Li Yu was thinking about it when there was a strange movement outside the [pot].

Cao Cao, Dian Wei, and Yuan Ji were talking in low voices in the courtyard.

The three of them had some doubts. This so-called [Fanghu Layman] was the person who entered the scroll with them before and rode the crane first.

Li Yu pushed the door and went out.

The three of them were startled, and rushed forward to salute, but they heard each other say: "Your guest comes to the door, and come out with me to greet you."

Just as Wang Ze was about to push the door, Dian Wei opened it first.

Eight people meet.

Just as Wang Ze was about to introduce, Li Yu smiled and said, "Although the poor Taoist is from overseas, he also knows fellow Taoists."

He clasped his hands together and said, "I've seen Layman Chongxiao, Fellow Daoist Bu, and Fellow Daoist Zuo.

Seeing Li Yu's modest attitude, the three hurriedly bowed in return.

After some courtesies, the eight people sat down in the courtyard.

Li Yu said with a smile: "I have a certain relationship with Wang Du Pai, and I have lived in this house for ten days. Today, as a half master, I bought some thick rice with muddy mash for the guests. The hospitality is not good, please be more considerate. some."

After all, he waved his sleeves.

On the stone table and beside the well, piles of fresh melons and fruits appeared.

Strawberries, watermelon, pineapples, bananas, walnuts, hazelnuts, cashews, macadamias…

Not to mention Bu Ji and Zuo Lai'er, even Zhang Luan, who claims to have traveled all over Kyushu, has many fruits that he doesn't know.

As a result, the three of them recognized the identity of this "overseas fellow Taoist".

Li Yu waved his hand again and fetched ten altars of Baiguo wine and Xie Jin Diao.

Alcoholic and fragrant, overflowing with fragrance.

"Good wine!" A shout came from outside the door.

Then I saw a big monk wearing two purple gold earrings and wearing a fiery cassock, jumping up the wall and into the courtyard: "Haha, the poor monk came just in time, just in time for such a big banquet!"

"I've met Fellow Daoist Egg." Li Yu stood up and saluted with a smile.

Zhang Luan and others also came forward to salute, "Daoist" and "Egg Master" have their own names.

This one is the real protagonist of "Legend of Pingyao"—Monk Danzi.

In the past, there was a nun who became a nun at the age of 12 and practiced as a monk. She has not broken the precepts for more than [-] years.Occasionally in the lotus pond, I saw geese and ducks sympathetic and suddenly moved, and I became pregnant from then on, and did not give birth for thirteen months.

Passing by the foot of Yinghui Mountain one day, I felt itchy in my stomach, gave birth to an egg, and left it in the pool.A monk Yinghui picked up the egg and sent it to a hen's nest to hatch a baby.

He has been a monk since he was a child, and he is a monk named Danzi.

After growing up, he was brave and diligent, and devoted himself to Taoism.Hearing that Baiyun Cave has the secret method of heavenly scriptures, he worked hard for three years to trace the [Disha 72 Secret Technique] on the cave wall on paper.

But because he didn't know Lei Wenyun's talisman, he couldn't practice it all the time.It wasn't until meeting the old fox spirit, the holy aunt, who was able to recognize its characters, that she learned the secret art together with the fox spirit mother and son.

After Monk Danzi arrived, there were as many as nine people in the courtyard.The small courtyard seemed a bit cramped.

Zuo Lieer laughed and said: "This courtyard is too small, how about taking you all to play in my [hutian]?"

Li Daochang summoned melons, fruits and wine out of thin air, showing his exquisite skills.After the lame Taoist is unwilling to let others go, he also has to show his methods, so as not to be underestimated by this foreign Taoist priest.
The monk and Zhang Luan were familiar with him and knew his thoughts, so they all said hello: "Let's see what Daoist means!"

So the left lame took an empty bowl.Cover the left hand, pinch the formula with the right, and recite the mantra.

Wang Ze and Cao Cao had admired the secret technique for a long time, and they stared at it without blinking.

After three breaths, the left lame moved his hand away.The bowl was sparkling like a bowl of water.

There are some images in "Water".

I saw the golden nails and vermilion houses, and the green tiles and eaves.There are green cypresses as the gate, and green pines encircling the hall; fairies beat drums, and a group of white cranes listen to scriptures; jade girls ring bells, and several green apes simmer medicine.

What a fairyland.

Everyone praised.

Zuo Lai'er invited Li Yu: "Fellow Daoist, please!"

Li Yu hesitated, Zuo Lai'er's expression remained unchanged.Monk Dan laughed: "Sajia is one step ahead."

After that, he jumped on the bowl.When he was about to touch the bowl, the great monk shrank and disappeared.

Reappeared, already standing under a pine tree in the wonderland in the bowl.

The monk beckoned out, Zhang Luan said: "I'm coming." He jumped into the bowl with his disciple Bu Ji.

Then, Wang Ze and the others couldn't bear their curiosity and jumped in.

Zuo lame looked at Li Yu, Li Yu smiled wryly: "Poverty Taoists practice overseas secret arts, which are slightly different from those in China. If they enter this [pot] world, there may be disharmony and offend fellow Taoists."

Left Cripple said expressionlessly: "But it doesn't matter if you bump into it."

Li Yu nodded, said no more, stood up and jumped.

Porcelain bowls shattered and confetti flew all over the sky.

Master and disciple Zhang Luan and Monk Dan showed up covered in debris.

The four of Wang Ze turned into rolling gourds, knocked over a jar of fruit wine, and crushed bananas, oranges and pomelo.

Yuan Ji was the worst, sitting down on the pile of durians, baring his teeth and screaming incessantly.

The left lame was dumbfounded.

Li Yu spread his hands helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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