Lords of the Three Kingdoms: At the beginning, I throw myself into the mouth of the python

Chapter 129 Guishuang's visitor, Dian Wei and Yuan Ji apprentice

Chapter 129 Guishuang's visitor, Dian Wei and Yuan Ji apprentice

At the end of Han Dynasty, Jiangxia County and Jingling County.

Yilang Zhang Wei brought Zhang Xiu, Tai Shici and others to a wharf beside Yunmeng Lake.

"Extraordinary! Extraordinary! Prime Minister Zhuge appeared in northern Xinjiang and cursed and killed the king of Xianbei."

"Sun Wentai swept across Vietnam and Laos, and shocked southern Xinjiang."

"I can't believe that Erye Guan, who is so loyal to Yuntian, said that to Liu Bei and Zhang Fei!"

"Liu Guanzhang and [Kyoto League] millions of players, expedition to Sanhan and Dongying. If you want to follow, please check the contact information published in this newspaper in time."

"The imperial court implemented a lottery [two-color ball] in the Gyeonggi area, with two papers, one ticket, and one lottery every seven days."

"Boyu and Han Sui of Beigong in the Northwest rebelled, and Dong Zhongying led his troops and family generals to go north to put down the rebellion."

""Jianghu Express", 29 articles a copy, fast hand, slow hand no ah!"

The yelling of the newsboys joined together, drowning out the yelling of the vendors.

There are still more than 20 days until the [Taiping Fairy Gate] "Ling Pill Meeting" starts.Outside Yunmengze, many players and aborigines have gathered.

Those riding chariots, riding horses, driving giant elephants, carrying knives, carrying swords, and carrying gourds as tall as half a man...

Bustling, coming and going like weaving.

The current Changshui Xiaowei Department, Hu Qi Sima Zhang Xiu, was curious about the content of the "Express", so he bought a copy.

Zhang Xiu already knew about Dong Zhuo, Liu Guanzhang, Zhuge Liang and so on.

He was just curious about how Sun Jian "megatronically shocked the southern border" and what Guan Yunchang had said.

However, before the Zhangxiu newspaper was unfolded, a Taoist boy came galloping in a flat boat.

At the pier, Daotong said loudly: "The time has come, the fairy gate is open! You can go to the island now!"

"it is good!"

"Long live the great virtuous teacher!"

"Go to the island!"

Amidst the cheers, hundreds of boats were launched, and the pier was completely empty.

Zhang Wei, Zhang Xiu, and Tai Shici searched around before they found a fishing boat and chased after it.

The mountain gate of [Taiping Immortal Gate] is deep in Yunmeng Daze.

The boatman rowed for half an hour, Zhang Wei and others saw from a distance——

Between the sky and the water, there is an island that is lush and green.

Said the boatman, this is Taiping Island.

Another half an hour later, several people landed on the island.

The island is clear under the sun, and the smoke grows and grows.

The scenery is very beautiful, but it is a pity that there is a lot of people's voices, which spoils the scenery.

When Zhang Xiu and the others entered the island, they saw Song Lou, the great disciple of the [Xianmen], bowing his hands and announcing——

The owner of the door is still in retreat, and he will not go out to see guests until the beginning of August.During this period, the disciples of [Xianmen] received the visiting distinguished guests.

The small island covers a very large area, and there are all kinds of restaurants and hotels.

There is also [Lingdan Pavilion] exhibition of pills for visitors from all over the world to taste.

There is a [Yanwutai] that provides venues for people to compare skills.

There is also a [Trade Zone] open for players and aborigines to exchange supplies and trade fairly.

Zhang Xiu and the others wandered around, feeling a little disappointed.

This Taiping Island has a lot of tricks, but there are very few of them that really stand out.

Several people stayed on the island.When I am bored, I go to [Yanwutai] and [Trade Zone] to have fun.

For several days, until July [-]th, when Tai Shici was practicing marksmanship in the inn, it was dark.

He looked up, but saw a strange ship with wings flying across the sky.

On the second day, there was a rumor on the island——

There was a visitor from [Guishuang Empire], who showed off his prestige at [Yanwutai], winning [-] games in a row.


[Ping Yao Zhuan] The world is hazy at night.

At Wang Ze's house, Zhang Luan and the great monk used the "purification technique" to clean up the yard.

Left Cripple's [Pot Heaven Art] is one of the 72 Earth Sha spells.

Put it in the main world of the end of Han Dynasty, it is only in the list of [Xuanpin].

Speaking of which, the level of strength of "Legend of Pingyao" is far worse than that of "Journey to the West" and "Fengshen Bang".

The Danzi monk and the vixen mother and son practiced [Earth Sha 72 Taoism] in only three years.

Yelling loudly—

You can climb the clouds when you go up, and you can shrink the ground when you go down.Catching ghosts and summoning souls, bean people and grass horses, paper tigers and snakes.Wind, cloud, thunder and rain can be used at any time, and water, fire, knives and guns dare not hurt.

But in fact, they are all "relying on spells, attacking for a while, stealing the elites of the world, and using the use of ghosts and gods".In Buddhism, it is called the evil method of Vajra Zen, in the immortal school, it is called illusion.

Compared with the 72 changes in "Journey to the West", it is really a world of difference.

Moreover, if the lip is broken, it cannot be used, and it will be broken by "pig and sheep blood, horse urine, dog dung and garlic".

But it is these 72 secret arts of the "cottage version", the deacon in the heavenly court, the source of many secret arts, Yuan Gong who is known as [Baiyun Cave Lord], dare not face it head-on.

Also light the teacher's letter incense and ask for help from the elders.

According to the experience in [Dream], although there are many [Disha Secret Techniques], good and bad are mixed.

Such as [Changing Money Art], [Rice Changing Art], [Marrying Dreams Art], [Five Ghosts Transporting Art] are all just [Yellow Grade]. [Pot Sky], [Paper Cutting Technique], [Size Ruyi], [Douren Grass Horse] belong to [Xuanpin].

Only the most top-level earth evil spells, such as [Oolong Slashing General Method], belong to [Earth Grade].

And once this [Earth Grade] spell came out, the ancestor of the Nine Heavens Taoism and the [Nine Heavens Xuannv Empress] in the Heavenly Court had to resort to tricks to deal with it.

I have to say that the gods in "Legend of Pingyao" are really broken.


Once the [Hutian Method] that has been cultivated for many years is broken, Zuo Lai'er feels aggrieved, but he can't blame the "broken pot".

After all, the other party had reminded him several times.

The lame fox is not a magnanimous and kind master, so he can't find a way to vent his anger.What's more, this [Fanghu Layman]'s strength is unpredictable, and he dare not act rashly.

All these things made the left lame suffocate, but he couldn't shake his face and leave.In the end, he had to break open a watermelon as if venting his anger, and gnawed on it.

The atmosphere in the courtyard was a bit depressing.

Fortunately, Zhang Luan and Monk Dan are both thoughtful people, and they played a few naughty jokes to ease the embarrassment.

Li Yu took the initiative to show his favor again, and gave him a [Not Entering Wine Tree] as an apology.Zuo Lame's complexion finally turned bright.

The essence of [Hutian] is a space sealed with a spell.Cooperate with the false ones [paper-cutting technique] to create a fairyland scene.

However, when he met [Fang Hu], it was like Li Gui meeting Li Kui, using the false to cover the real, swallowing the big with the small, and ended in a broken end.

Li Yu couldn't explain the way, so he just evaded it with "Secrets of the Master's School".Then he praised the wonderfulness of [Hutian] and [paper-cutting technique].

He has practiced and dealt with countless spells in the [dream], so he is naturally well-informed.After a few words, not only the lame Zuo smiled, but Monk Dan and Zhang Luan also gathered around and exchanged ideas on Taoism.

During the discussions among several people, holy water, sky fire, skeletons, ferocious beasts... all kinds of wonderful magic appeared frequently, and the four of them were dazzled by the sight.

Zuo Lai'er worked hard to perform changes such as [Imperial Object Technique], [Size and Size Ruyi], [Concealing Shape and Shadow], and won a lot of applause, and finally regained his face.

Seeing so many "immortal" methods, Wang Ze couldn't hold back his longing, and wanted to learn from a teacher.

The left lame opened his mouth and responded.

Seeing this, the three of Cao Cao also wanted to learn from them.

Zhang Luan told Monk Danzi about the scenes he saw in the [Sansheng Pond] before - Prime Minister Qing, General, Jiao Mang.

He said that all three of them have amazing talents, if they are carefully cultivated, they will definitely be famous in the world in the future.

Zuo lame shook his head, he accepted Wang Ze only because the other party was "the reincarnation of the Queen of Heaven", and he didn't have much intention of accepting apprentices and teaching skills.

Zhang Luan beckoned the gentle and elegant Yuan Ji over, accepted him as a disciple, and became a brother with Bu Ji.

Monk Dan was very satisfied with Yi Dianwei's majestic and mighty body, he pinched his bones and took his pulse, so he accepted him as his disciple.

In the end, there was only one Cao Cao left standing alone.

(End of this chapter)

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