Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 1364 Wall-climbing zombies, a major discovery!

On a small hill eight kilometers away from the oil city, Lao Xie and a dozen others parked the Behemoth there, and were surrounded by a tide of zombies.

The effect is almost the same as the last time the potion was used.

The only difference is that this time the zombies are attracted for a longer time.

It has been a week since Lao Xie opened the potion and the smell of the potion has been released, but the zombies are still surrounding the Big Mac.

Time flows slowly, and four days have passed in a blink of an eye.

On this day, Uncle San and others were standing on the wall with binoculars and could see that the zombies around the hill were retreating.

This means that the effectiveness of Type III zombie attraction potion is decreasing.

Another day passed, and most of the zombies that had gathered on the hill returned to the wall of the trading market.

The thunderstorm disaster has lasted for nearly three months.

The trading market has not changed much from the past, except that people die of starvation or disease every day.

Faced with such a situation, Oil City was powerless.

Food is limited, and they don't know how long the natural disaster will last.

Although Li Yu had asked Qing Yuan for divination, it was not 100% certain, so they did not dare to gamble.

Lao Xie and his friends are back, and the zombie tide is also back.

Volunteers still take turns in the oil field and the trading market.

During this period, they found that there were more and more mutant zombies.

Whenever this type of zombie is discovered, combatants will directly join the battle and use firearms to kill those mutant zombies.

It is difficult to kill these mutant zombies with just the steel pipes in the hands of the volunteers. Only occasionally when the volunteers happen to hit the eyes of the zombies will the zombies die.

Oil City Meeting Room.

"There are more and more zombies that can climb walls. We found 23 of them yesterday alone. These zombies mutate very quickly and are now able to climb walls."

Xiao Jun looked serious and stood up to report the current situation to everyone.

He was the chief officer who had just come down from the wall of the trading market this morning and knew the situation outside best.

Everyone was shocked to hear the news. They never expected that this wall-climbing zombie would change so quickly.

The first mutant zombie discovered was only able to stay on the wall for two seconds, but after only a month and a half, it had evolved to be able to climb the wall.

Not only can it climb like a gecko, it can also climb quite fast.

This resulted in a sharp increase in the manpower required on the wall, and there had to be combat personnel on it at all times, ready to shoot anyone who was spotted.

These climbing zombies hide among ordinary zombies and are difficult to be discovered under the cover of heavy rain. Unless these zombies start climbing along the wall, they will be easily discovered.

This also means that even when the oil array is activated, combat personnel need to take turns watching it to prevent one or two climbing zombies from running out.

Uncle San also felt that the situation was a bit tricky. Not only did this natural disaster continue with no sign of ending, but the zombies also mutated into such disgusting variants.

Now the Type III zombie attraction potion has been used up. If the trade fair and the oil city want to continue to survive, they can only rely on the assistance of the oil array and the volunteers in the trade fair.

Although bullets can easily kill these wall-climbing zombies, bullets are not infinite and will eventually run out.

No one knows when the natural disaster will end, and the number of wall-climbing zombies is also increasing. This uncertainty is the source of fear.

At this moment, the operator sitting in the back suddenly said to Uncle San:

"Minister, the city lord of the headquarters base is looking for you."

Uncle San immediately stood up and walked to the radio station. After chatting for a few words, his face looked a little solemn, but soon a hint of joy appeared.

"Okay, I see."

Uncle San turned around and returned to his seat at the top. Everyone was looking at him. They also wanted to know what news had come from the headquarters base.

Uncle San saw that everyone was looking at him, took a sip of water and said:

"We also found zombies that can climb walls at the headquarters base. This is both good news and bad news."

"The sooner we can get the mutant zombie samples from the headquarters, the sooner we can study them and come up with a way to control them.

However, the appearance of this type of zombie at the headquarters base also means that this type of wall-crawling zombie is not only found near the Oil City. It is not an exception, but a common phenomenon.

We may encounter this kind of zombies frequently in the future."

When everyone heard the news, their expressions were somewhat complicated.

The Oil City is not like the Big Camphor Tree Base. It does not have complete scientific research equipment and professional biological experts.

If the headquarters base gets the samples earlier, perhaps it can come up with a solution sooner.

Big camphor tree base.

Research Institute.

Under the bright incandescent light, Li Yu stood with his hands crossed, quietly looking at the zombies in the bulletproof glass.

Through the transparent bulletproof glass, you can clearly see the soft thorns on the zombie's hands and feet stuck to the glass, and the zombie is crawling along the glass.

The iron chains on my feet made clanking sounds.

In addition, the zombie's chest was bulging, revealing hard bone spurs.

"Is this the wall-climbing zombie found in Oil City a month ago?" Li Yu asked after looking at the zombie for a while.

Bai Jie beside her nodded and said:

“Combined with their descriptions from Oil City: bone spurs protruding from the chest, soft spurs growing from the hands and feet, the ability to climb, and a hard skull.

The characteristics they described are basically consistent with this zombie. I think it should be the same type of zombie."

"Have you researched anything? What do you think are the conditions for this kind of zombie mutation?" Li Yu twisted his neck, making a crackling sound.

Bai Jie took out the slice research report from the table next to her, glanced at it and said:

"Ever since zombies began to eat their own kind, sensitive zombies and powerful zombies have appeared one after another. Through slice research, we found that the virus content in the bodies of these wall-climbing zombies is ten times higher than that of ordinary zombies."

"It's even three times higher than the agile and powerful zombies."

"So we believe that the reason why this wall-climbing zombie mutated is the same as the reason for the formation of several other mutant zombies: devouring its own kind to increase the amount of virus, and being catalyzed by trace elements in the rainstorm, which led to the change."

While Bai Jie was talking about this, Li Yu moved closer to observe the wall-climbing zombies imprisoned inside the bulletproof glass.

The wall-climbing zombie inside has no hair on its body and its eyes are sunken. The biggest difference from other ordinary zombies is the bone spurs protruding from its chest.

The zombies imprisoned inside saw Li Yu sticking to the bulletproof glass, and immediately climbed down, roaring through the bulletproof glass.

But because its mouth was welded shut with an iron cover, which was welded directly to its head, the roar sounded hoarse and weak.

It just lay on the glass for a few seconds and immediately ran back to the corner of the glass room.

"It's so ugly." Looking at this hideous zombie, Li Yu couldn't help but complain.

This was also the first time he had seen this kind of zombie. He had never survived a thunderstorm in his previous life, nor had he seen this kind of wall-climbing zombie.

"Ahem, haha." Xiaolan, Madi, Zhao Ke, Kong Shuang, Wang Yin and other scientific researchers nearby all held back their laughter after hearing Li Yu's complaints.

The city lord's perspective is quite unique.

"It looks a little agitated." Li Yu looked at the zombie jumping up and down, seeming to be very uncomfortable.

"Was this zombie also this agitated when it was first captured?"

"Yeah, that's how it was when we caught him."

Li Yu stared at the zombie, and his keen observation allowed him to discover that the zombie seemed to be avoiding the light source in the room.

It rushed over and stuck to the glass for a few seconds before quickly retreating back into the glass room.

Seemingly trying to avoid the light in the room,
But this was in a research room, the lighting was diffuse, and the incandescent light was very bright, so this zombie still couldn't completely avoid the light.

"Go turn off the lights in the laboratory." Li Yu narrowed his eyes and said softly.

"Hmm? Okay, Xiaolan, go turn off the lights." Bai Jie was a little confused at first, but soon realized Li Yu's intention.

He wanted to conduct a light sensitivity test. When they studied the characteristics of zombies, they would always use various methods to test, including light tests, illumination tests, hearing tests, and smell tests.
Lighting test.

In fact, all the other zombies they captured before had to go through this test, which was a basic operation test. However, this zombie had just been captured, so they had not yet conducted this test. They had only taken slices for pathological research.

blah blah blah!

The row of incandescent bulbs on the left turned off instantly.

The light in the lab dimmed a little.

But this zombie did not move at all, remaining the same as before.


Click! The middle row of incandescent bulbs turned off.

The lab was mostly dark.

Everyone focused their attention on this zombie, trying to see if it would be less agitated.

The zombie, which originally had its back to the crowd, suddenly turned around slowly and seemed to have calmed down a lot.

It’s really useful!

Li Yu's eyes lit up, "Night vision goggles."

Madi quickly found a pair of night vision goggles from the cabinet next to him and handed them over. Their research institute was equipped with this type of night vision goggles, which were used specifically to study the changes in zombies' movements under different light intensities.

All scientific researchers are equipped with a pair of night vision goggles and put them on.

“Everything is off!”

blah blah blah!

The laboratory was plunged into darkness in an instant, and it was pitch dark.

But through the night vision goggles, they saw the wall-climbing zombie suddenly leap over and hit the bulletproof glass with a bang.


However, after hitting the glass, it did not run away immediately as it did just now, but continued to hit the bulletproof glass.

Boom boom boom!
The bulletproof glass made a dull sound when it was hit.

With just the strength of this zombie, there is no way it could break open the bulletproof glass.

Seeing that the zombie was still here, Wang Yin exclaimed:
"Is it afraid of light?"

"Flashlight!" Li Yu did not rush to make a judgment and shouted to Bai Jie.

Bai Jie quickly found a flashlight and handed it over, but what she didn't notice was that it was an ultraviolet flashlight.

Ultraviolet flashlights like this are often used in scientific research institutes and medical treatment.

Especially in this kind of viral research institute, ultraviolet lamps are basically basic configuration.

It can effectively disinfect viruses in the air.

In the medical field, ultraviolet lamps are also widely used, including several categories: disinfection, diagnosis, and treatment.

The characteristics of ultraviolet lamps give them good bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects, and can directly kill bacteria or viruses in superficial tissues.

Humans will be fine for a short time under ultraviolet rays.

However, long-term exposure will cause damage to the eyes or even blindness, and may also cause skin cancer.

Li Yu pushed the button and shone it at the wall-climbing zombie.

"Why is this color purple-blue?"

Looking at the color of the light, Li Yu frowned slightly.

After seeing this, Bai Jie quickly said:

"Sorry, sorry, Lord Mayor, I got the wrong one. This is an ultraviolet lamp. I'll get it for you again."

As she said that, she ran to the drawer at the back and looked through it.

"no need!"

Li Yu said suddenly.


Bai Jie stopped what she was doing and saw that Li Yu was still shining his light on the zombie, so she looked over curiously.

I saw the zombie trying its best to avoid the ultraviolet light, and it ran away madly like a mouse seeing a cat.

This is somewhat different from the state under the incandescent light just now.

Under the incandescent light, although it seemed a bit annoying, it was definitely not to the point of being scary.

Li Yu used the ultraviolet lamp in his hand to shine the light, and the zombie dodged very quickly.

It's fear!

Fear reached the extreme!

"Get a few more ultraviolet lamps and shine them on this zombie together." There was a hint of excitement in Li Yu's tone.

He felt like he had found a way to control this kind of zombies.


Everyone took out their ultraviolet flashlights and shone them at the zombie.

Under the irradiation of several beams of ultraviolet light, the wall-climbing zombie had no time to avoid it and jumped faster and faster, with the iron chains on its feet making rapid sounds.

the other side.

Madi even pushed a UV headlamp specially used for sterilization over and pointed it in the direction of the wall-climbing zombie.

Plug in the power supply and turn on the switch.

The diffused light, as big as a suitcase, lights up.

In an instant, strong ultraviolet light shone towards the zombie, and the light from the flashlights held by Li Yu and others was swallowed up.

The entire laboratory was filled with purple-blue light, which looked somewhat magical and colorful.

hoo hoo hoo!
The wall-climbing zombie roared and jumped, but there was nowhere to hide.

Boom boom boom!
The zombie slammed hard against the bulletproof glass.

This was the craziest time this zombie had been since it entered the laboratory. It seemed that it was on the verge of death, causing the zombie to completely explode.

Boom boom boom!
Everyone watched the zombie charging wildly. Li Yu did not call for a stop, so they had no choice but to continue watching.

After dozens of seconds, the zombie's impact force became weaker and weaker.

Until a minute later.

The zombie fell to the ground, and it was unknown whether it was dead or alive.

"Turn on the light." Li Yu shouted after seeing the zombie fall down.

Xiaolan immediately ran over and turned on the incandescent lamp.

The light in the laboratory instantly returned, and Madi unplugged the ultraviolet lamp.


Everyone took a deep breath as they looked at the scene before them.

There were some white debris stuck on the bulletproof glass, as if they had fallen off the zombie.

The zombie on the ground, whose originally white skin suddenly turned pitch black.

It was as if sulfuric acid had been poured on the zombie from head to toe, corroding the surface of the skin and even revealing the zombie's bones.

The bones were also darkened.

The zombie's head seemed to have melted, leaving a pool of black liquid and its skull was tanned black.

"City Lord, I understand!"

Madi shouted excitedly:
“This type of wall-climbing zombie has devoured a large number of its own kind, accumulating a large number of viruses that have led to mutations, giving it the ability to climb walls.

They are more agile and stronger than normal zombies.

But at the same time, they are more afraid of the sun than ordinary zombies. To be precise, they are not afraid of the sun or the light, but they are afraid of the ultraviolet rays in the light!
Ultraviolet light is what they are really afraid of!"

Ordinary zombies can actually survive in the sunlight, but in the sunlight, their movement speed will be reduced.

On the contrary, it will remain normal at night.

On a stormy night, it reaches its peak strength.

This type of wall-climbing zombie has the highest amount of viruses in its body among all the mutated zombies they have ever seen.

The cumulative effects of the virus gave this zombie extreme strength, a hard skull, and even the ability to climb walls.

However, it also magnified the small weaknesses of ordinary zombies to the extreme.

It is afraid of ultraviolet rays!

(Please vote for me) (End of this chapter)

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