Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 1365 The Stronger You Are, the More Obvious Your Weakness Is

Chapter 1365 The Stronger You Are, the More Obvious Your Weakness Is

Madi's face was filled with excitement, and his thoughts became clearer as he spoke.

"This can also explain why, before, when the weather was clear, we could hardly see mutant zombies during the day, and could only see ordinary zombies."

"The more mutant zombies they eat, the more viruses they accumulate in their bodies. They become stronger and less resistant to ultraviolet rays."

"City Lord, although these zombies are powerful, we can completely suppress them with ultraviolet light!"

Madi's words straightened out everyone's thoughts.

It also expressed the thoughts of everyone.

Li Yu had a smile on his face as he looked at the zombies inside the bulletproof glass. Thinking of the current situation facing Oil City, he immediately felt relieved.

There are many more mutant wall-climbing zombies there than at the camphor tree base.
If I tell Uncle San and the others about this discovery, they won't have to worry about this matter.
But Li Yu did not plan to run out right now. He ran to the radio station and informed the Oil City of his discovery.

We need to be cautious in doing things, and Madi's conclusion needs to be verified.

"Well, you guys quickly test the other wall-climbing zombies to see if the ultraviolet light is effective."

"Yes, City Lord."

Everyone was very excited. After all, these zombies that could climb walls brought enormous pressure to people.

It hasn't been long since they found a way to control this kind of zombies.

Although this mutated zombie is terrifying, it has very obvious weaknesses.

If you have weaknesses, it's easy to deal with.

A false alarm.


The group pushed the ultraviolet lamp to another laboratory where more than twenty zombies were locked up.

This laboratory is mainly used to store various zombies.

Among them were three mutated wall-climbing zombies. In total, they found five outside the outer wall of the Camphor Tree Base. One of them was accidentally shot and killed, and the remaining four were captured for research.

There are also two agile zombies, one undead zombie, two strength zombies, and the rest are ordinary zombies.

They came in with big UV lamps.

These zombies were not put together. Each one was locked in a separate bulletproof glass room, covered with black cloth.

They lifted the black cloth on the glass house where the two zombies were climbing the wall.

When the two zombies saw humans, they let out low roars.

After hitting the bulletproof glass twice, it huddled in the corner with its back to the incandescent light, just like the first wall-climbing zombie.

Incandescent lamps also contain very small amounts of ultraviolet rays, but after all, it is only a small amount, and its effect on these wall-climbing zombies is limited.

After plugging in the power supply of the ultraviolet headlight interface, Li Yu waved his hand and asked Madi to turn on the ultraviolet lamp quickly.

He was somewhat impatient to find out whether these wall-climbing zombies were real and could not survive under ultraviolet light.

This matter is very important.

"No need to turn off the lights." Bai Jie said when she saw Xiaolan walking towards the door.

Under ultraviolet light, the human eye cannot see very clearly.

Turning on the incandescent light allows you to see more clearly.

Bai Jie held the camera in her hand, ready to record the process of the wall-climbing zombies dying under the ultraviolet light.

Maddy turned on the UV light button.

The ultraviolet light instantly shone on the two wall-climbing zombies.

Because the incandescent light was not on just now, they couldn't see it very clearly.

With the lights on at this time, you can clearly see that the two zombies go into a frenzy the moment the ultraviolet light is turned on.

Boom boom boom!
The two zombies rammed the bulletproof glass frantically.

The skin on the head and torso was emitting white smoke, as if it was being burnt.

As time passed, the skin of the two zombies seemed to melt and liquefy.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the skin turned from white to charred black.

The skull also began to smoke slowly, as if it was burned by flames.

About a minute later, everyone watched the two zombies fall down, and the ground was covered with black mucus, which was dripping from the zombies' bodies.

"90 seconds." As the zombie fell, Kong Shuang quickly pressed the stopwatch in his hand.

“City Lord, these two zombies fell down at the same time, one and a half minutes each.

This means that this type of wall-climbing zombie can only last so long under the irradiation of ultraviolet light."

"Yeah." Li Yu nodded slightly.

"You guys continue to test the effects of ultraviolet light on other types of zombies."

“It’s already been tested.”

As soon as Li Yu finished speaking, Bai Jie replied:

"As Madi said just now, other types of zombies don't have as many viruses in their bodies as this wall-climbing zombie. Although they hate ultraviolet light, it's not as lethal as this wall-climbing zombie."

"The only thing is that undead zombie is a little strange. It should be a special variant."

"There are more zombie viruses and sensitive zombie viruses in the body, but its sensitivity to ultraviolet light is weaker than that of agile and strength zombies."

"Other ordinary zombies, under ultraviolet light, have basically no reaction except that their movements become slower."

"Okay, I understand. You guys continue your research. I'm leaving first." After listening, Li Yu was about to leave.

"City Lord."

Bai Jie suddenly called him.

"Huh?" Li Yu looked at Bai Jie puzzledly.

"City Lord, there is only one wall-climbing zombie left. Can you send two more?"

Li Yu frowned slightly, "Okay, but there are relatively few zombies like this, so I may not be able to find one for you in a short time, but if I find one, I will definitely send it to you."

"Thank you City Lord."

Li Yu waved his hand and turned to leave the laboratory.

It was still raining outside, and he suddenly thought of Qing Yuan's divination about when the thunderstorm disaster would end.

The longest estimated time was one and a half months, and now more than half a month has passed.

In other words, at most, the thunderstorm disaster will be over in less than a month.

Of course, it is also possible that the thunderstorm disaster will end tomorrow.

But Li Yu always plans for the worst possible outcome.


He was wearing a rain hat and straw raincoat, which were made for him by his grandfather.

This kind of rain hat and straw raincoat are made of silk from palm trees. It is a huge hat with a straw raincoat draped behind.

Originally, Li Yu just didn't want to refuse his grandfather's kindness, so he tried it and found it was quite useful.

Especially in such a heavy rain, even if you are wearing a raincoat, the rain will still flow down from the brim of your hat and drip onto your chest.

However, this super large rain hat can effectively keep the rain out.

Wearing a rain hat and straw raincoat, he contacted his second uncle and found out that he was not in the duty room outside the wall but in the inner city. Then he walked towards the inner city.

The location of the research institute is quite special.

Neither in the inner city nor in the outer city.

It was in the urn between the second outer city and the inner city. It was relatively independent, after all, there were all kinds of zombies imprisoned in it, and once something went wrong, it would be easy to control and would not affect the residential area.

After agreeing with his second uncle to meet in the conference room, he put the walkie-talkie in his arms and hurried to the inner city conference room.


He arrived at the meeting room, and his second uncle arrived there before him.

Second uncle also knew that he had just been to the research institute, so when Li Yu came in, Second uncle asked:

"How is it? Are those zombies that Lao Lu caught the wall-climbing zombies that Lao San mentioned?"

"Yes, and we have found a way to restrain this kind of zombies!"

Li Yu had a smile on his face when he said this.

In fact, he didn't expect to find a way so easily.

"So fast? Those zombies were only discovered and captured today! How did you find a way to restrain them so quickly? Tell me quickly."

Second Uncle was also worried about Oil City, especially since more and more of these wall-climbing zombies were being discovered there.

He knew what it meant to climb the wall.

Li Yu briefly recounted what had just happened in the research institute.

The second uncle pondered for a few seconds and murmured, "Ultraviolet lamp, is it that easy?"

"It's that easy. I'm also surprised, but that's the truth. I saw with my own eyes those three zombies die under the ultraviolet light."

The second uncle naturally did not doubt what Li Yu said, so he said excitedly:
"That's great. We need to tell the third brother about this discovery as soon as possible. This way, even if there are more zombies climbing the wall later, Oil City won't be so passive."

"Well, that's what I thought too."

The two turned on the radio and tried to contact their uncle in the oil city.

Oil City.

Uncle San was squatting on the floor of the room where the wall-climbing zombies were imprisoned, quietly looking at the wall-climbing zombies in front of him.

He studied for a long time, observing the movements of these zombies.

This is Uncle San’s habit. Whenever he encounters an enemy, he always thinks about the breakthrough point from the perspective of individual actions.

It would be easier and more efficient to start from which part.

After watching for so long and doing some tests, I still feel that the weakness of this type of zombie is concentrated in the eyes.

As we all know, the only way to completely kill a zombie is to eliminate its head.

The skull of this zombie is extremely hard, and if you pierce it with cold weapons, it would require a lot of force.

In this case, the only way for ordinary people to deal with this kind of zombie is to start from the eyes.

"Minister, there's an urgent call from the city lord of the headquarters base." Dongtai's voice sounded on the intercom.

"Okay, I'll be right there."

Uncle San stood up and hurried to the meeting room.

"I'm Li Hongqian, please answer when you receive it."

"Uncle Three."

"Xiao Yu, do you have anything to talk to me about?" Uncle San leaned forward with a headset on.

The tone was expectant.

He knew that wall-climbing zombies had been discovered at the headquarters base, and that the scientific research conditions at the headquarters base were vastly different from those in the Oil City.

"Uncle San, we have found a way to restrain the wall-climbing zombies."


"So fast!"

Of course, Uncle San had some expectations for the headquarters base research institute, but his expectations were not high.

I never thought that I could find a solution in such a short time.

So when Li Yu told him that he had found a solution, he was extremely surprised.

"Coincidence, I just saw it."

Li Yu repeated to his third uncle what he had just said to his second uncle.

"So, the way to control these wall-climbing zombies is ultraviolet lamps. If there are too many of these wall-climbing zombies, we just need to place ultraviolet lamps around the trading market, and there will be no problem.

When a wall-climbing zombie encounters an ultraviolet light, it won’t have time to escape, and naturally it won’t be able to climb the wall anymore.”

Uncle San's frown slowly relaxed.

Finally there was a smile on his face.

But soon, he stopped laughing again.

"But, here in Oil City, there aren't that many ultraviolet lamps."

"Besides, we may not be able to manufacture it here. As you know, the people in Oil City are mainly combatants, and they don't have a stockpile of various parts and raw materials like the headquarters."

After hearing what their third uncle said, Li Yu and their second uncle looked at each other.

What Uncle San said makes sense. Ultraviolet lamps may be found in Oil City, but definitely not many.

As for manufacturing it, it is a bit difficult
The structure of ultraviolet lamp generally has three core components:

1. Ultraviolet lamps are usually encapsulated in glass tubes and filled with gas (such as argon, neon, etc.). When current passes through the lamp, the electrons in the gas are excited and produce ultraviolet radiation.

2. Electrodes: There are usually two electrodes inside the UV lamp tube, which are used to introduce current to excite the electrons in the gas. The electrodes are generally made of metal materials that can withstand high temperatures and currents.

3. Power supply: The power supply system of the UV lamp provides the required voltage and current to activate the gas in the lamp tube.

The problem now is that if we want to install ultraviolet lamps on the walls of the trading market, we will definitely need a large number of them, after all, the walls of the trading market are very long.

But are there so many UV lamps in Oil City now?
Obviously not, you can only make it yourself.

The large camphor tree base can produce them. After all, with the foundation of the large camphor tree base, it is very simple to make these things.

The argon and neon gases needed in ultraviolet lamps are also easy to get.

Kong Shuang and his team can obtain it by using the synthetic oxygen production method. They only need to use compressed air to produce oxygen, and then separate the separated air elements into argon through a separation membrane.

Uncle Li Yu doesn’t know how to do this, but Kong Shuang and the others do.

We have so many experts here, and they will come in handy at this time.

Ultraviolet lamps can be easily produced here at the Dazhangshu base, but Oil City may not be able to do so.

There is a way, which is to produce it in the big camphor tree base and then transport it to the oil city.

But now in this thunderstorm, the helicopter cannot fly at all. As for walking on land, that is simply seeking death.

Obviously, this approach does not seem very realistic now.


All three fell into silence.

Although a solution was found, it was difficult to meet the conditions at the moment.

half an hour.

Li Yu suddenly thought of Tiger Master from South Paradise. He remembered that Tiger Master brought a lot of medical equipment and medicines. Ultraviolet lamps are often used in medical equipment.

"Uncle San, why don't you ask Master Hu? He might have some ultraviolet lamps."

Uncle San raised his eyebrows when he heard this and understood what Li Yu meant.

"Okay, I'll ask him. I'll also ask everyone in Oil City to think of a way to see if they can find the materials. Maybe they can make it."

"In fact, the situation is not that serious. Although the number of zombies climbing the wall is increasing, the number is not that large. At most, we can send more combat personnel to guard the wall and shoot them like bullets."

(Ask for monthly ticket)

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