Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 1367 It’s dawn, is the thunderstorm disaster about to pass?

Chapter 1367 It’s dawn, is the thunderstorm disaster about to pass?
When Uncle San entered the Oil City, he asked Lao Qin to stop the car at the entrance guard.
He told the guard:
"Mr. Tiger might come in later and want to see me, so tell him he doesn't want to see me."

"If he asks why, tell him: let him ask his guards."

The guard was a little confused, but still nodded and said, "I understand."


Uncle San was about to roll up the car window, and after thinking for a moment, he said:
"The duty of guarding the gate is very important. You are not allowed to open the gate without my order. In addition to being cautious, try to be polite to those who come."

"Yes, Minister."


Uncle San nodded and closed the car window.

The SUV drove into the oil city, and Uncle San returned to the conference room and sat down on the chair.

Dongtai, who was standing nearby, saw that Uncle San had returned so quickly and asked in surprise:

"Is the minister done yet? What did Mr. Tiger say? Did he agree?"

Lao Qin next to him hung his raincoat on the wall angrily, full of resentment.

"What a promise! We didn't even see him. His guards stopped us at the door. We couldn't even get in."

He recounted to Dongtai what had just happened outside Tiger Lord's residence at the trading market.


Dongtai was a little surprised. In his impression, Tiger Master was not that kind of person.

And how dare Mr. Tiger do this? Don’t you want to live?

Although he was at the trading bazaar, it was also the trading bazaar of Oil City.

In someone else's territory, you show disrespect to your master, and you are not as strong as him. Only someone with a brain kicked by a donkey can do such a thing.

"Minister, is this a misunderstanding? Tiger Lord would never do this, and there is no benefit in him doing so."

Old Qin looked unhappy. He took a cup and poured a glass of water for Uncle San and handed it to him.

"It was all because of the guard under him. He looked down on us. It was fine if he didn't let us in, but he also mocked us, saying that the captain was not Minister Li of Oil City, and that any random person would jump out.
If the captain hadn't stopped me, I would have shot him."

Dongtai understood that it was a misunderstanding.

It’s not Tiger Lord’s problem, but it does have something to do with Tiger Lord.

After all, if Lord Tiger managed his guards well, this problem would not have occurred.

This was the first time he had heard of such a thing in Oil City.

He looked at the minister, who looked calm and composed, and couldn't guess what was in the minister's mind.

I wanted to say something but didn't know what to say, so I had to say to my uncle:

"Minister, I'll go to the warehouse and find the ultraviolet lamp first."

"Go." Uncle San replied indifferently.

No one could guess what Uncle San was thinking, but after Dongtai walked out of the meeting room, he felt a little uncomfortable and angry.

After all, Uncle San is the highest leader in Oil City, and he is also one of the highest-ranking people in the Big Camphor Tree Base.

But in his own territory of the trading market, he was humiliated by a small security guard.

Uncle San is the face of the Oil City, and he also represents the Big Camphor Tree Base here.

To put it in a broader sense, isn't it that the reputation of Oil City and even the Big Camphor Tree Base has been trampled upon by South Paradise?

What's more, people like Dongtai, who came from the military, admired his uncle very much.

Who would like their idol to be humiliated?
"Damn it, a small security guard is so stupid. Besides, Mr. Tiger is old and his mind is not clear."

Dongtai cursed under his breath and walked towards the warehouse.

In the conference room.

Uncle San didn't seem to be unhappy about what happened just now. He and Lao Qin were even looking at the oil city sand table on the table, calculating how many ultraviolet lamps would be needed.

"After this natural disaster, the fence needs to be raised, and three layers of mobile gates need to be installed like the headquarters base, plus ultraviolet lights, to ensure that the trading market is worry-free."

Nut thought for a moment.

"I've seen the mobile switchboard at the headquarters base. It's really spectacular. But it requires a lot of electricity to support it. I'm afraid the power consumption will be very high."

"Electricity won't be a problem." Uncle San smiled.

He had discussed with Li Yu before and had decided to install a zombie generator in the oil city.

Such a useful green and pollution-free energy is inexhaustible and should not be wasted.

"Building the wall and moving the gates will also require a large number of manpower. Minister, do you plan to continue to let those members of the northern affiliated forces build it? Or recruit some survivors from the trading market?"

"All are fine, but priority should be given to members of the Northern Territory affiliated forces."

In recent times, the most well-behaved are the affiliated forces in the North.

They stayed in the trading market, neither joining the ranks of volunteers to climb the wall to block the zombies, nor causing any trouble.

But it helps to maintain the security of the trading market, making the trading market more stable.

Since the protection fees they had paid before were basically returned to them, and most of them participated in the wall construction work for a long time after coming to the trading market, they accumulated some food.

Therefore, during this thunderstorm disaster, they have been frugal with their food and have not yet run out of food.

the other side.

Lord Hu drove to the gate of Oil City with Chen Er and Tang Ji.

The door opened, but was blocked.

"What? Not seen? Why?" Tiger Lord was full of questions.

But he had already vaguely sensed that something was wrong.

The guard nodded with a smile and said:
"Yes, the minister asked me to tell you something: go back and ask your guard and you will know."

"Ask my doorman?" Mr. Tiger seemed to understand something.


The expression on Tiger Lord's face suddenly changed and he became extremely angry.

He suppressed his anger, and seeing the smile on the guard's face, he forced a smile.

"Thank you."

Then he said coldly to Chen Er: "Go back."

The vehicle turned around and drove towards the residence.

Lord Tiger was very angry, he had already guessed what was going to happen.

Minister Li must have something important to tell him and came to see me in person. If Minister Li comes in person, it must be something important.

But he was chased away by the blind security guard?
How dare he!
The more I thought about him, the angrier I got.

He was very clear about Oil City's strength. If Oil City wanted to deal with them, South Paradise would have absolutely no chance of winning.

What made him most angry was that he had spent so much time and energy trying to maintain his relationship with Oil City, but now it was destroyed by his own doorman.

How will they in Southern Paradise cope with the situation after offending Minister Li?

Why did he have to offend Minister Li, who holds a high position of power in the entire large camphor tree base?

It can be imagined that if they don’t repair their relationship with Minister Li, their Southern Paradise will be in danger!

Chen Er was driving the car, and he also guessed what happened.

"Master Hu, from what the guard at the Oil City said, it's possible that Minister Li came to see you but was stopped by the guard. However, I don't think Minister Li is a petty person.

Minister Li left in anger and was unwilling to see you. Maybe Deng Pi said something he shouldn’t have said.”

Tiger snorted, "Yeah, I know."

There was a cold light in his eyes. Although he was old, it didn't mean that the people below him could do whatever they wanted.

This incident also woke him up and made him realize that he should control his subordinates.

Otherwise, there will be another traitor like Scar.


Tiger Master and his companions returned to the door of their residence. Tiger Master looked through the car window at Deng Pi coming to greet them in the rain, and his disgust grew even stronger.

get off.

"Master Hu, you're back." Deng Pi's expression was somewhat happy. In his opinion, Master Hu's return so soon was enough to prove that Minister Li was definitely not among those who had just arrived.

I felt a little proud in my heart that I had a sharp eye and could tell at a glance that those people were fake.

Tiger stared at him intently and walked out of the car. He did not enter the house, but stared at him in the rain and asked, "What did you say to Minister Li just now?"

"Minister Li? What Minister Li? Isn't that fake?"

When Tiger Lord heard him say this, his teeth began to clatter.

"Deng Pi, you."

He was so angry that he pointed at Deng Pi and was speechless for a moment.

Chen Er and Tang Ji stood beside Tiger Lord and glared at Deng Pi.

"The best thing you did was to drive Minister Li away!"

"What? That was really Minister Li just now, that's impossible"

A flash of lightning flashed through Deng Pi's mind. He could never have imagined that the plain-looking man who looked like an old farmer would actually be Minister Li.

He doesn't look like a big shot at all.

He took two steps back in horror.

Chen Er walked to Tiger Lord, supported Tiger Lord, glared at Deng Pi, and whispered to Tiger Lord: "Tiger Lord, let's go into the house and ask slowly. It's not good to keep getting wet in the rain."

Lord Tiger took a deep breath, broke free from his restraints and walked towards the eaves.

"Deng Pi, come here and tell me what you just said to Minister Li!"

He must know clearly what Deng Pi and Minister Li said, and prescribe the right medicine, so that he can think of a way to calm Minister Li's anger.

Deng Pi felt dizzy at this time, and he rolled and crawled to the eaves.

He raised his head and looked at Tiger Lord. Seeing that Tiger Lord’s face was full of anger, his heart skipped a beat.

He swallowed his saliva and stammered:
"Actually, I didn't say anything when they came over. I told them to wait and that you should take a rest. Then I asked Mi Wen to report it. I didn't expect them to be so impatient and just turned around and left."

Tiger Lord rubbed his brows, these words sounded fake.

Is this enough to make Minister Li so angry that I can't even see him?

He didn't believe it at all.

He glanced at Mi Wen beside him and said, "You say."

"Tell it like it is!"

Mi Wen kept his head down. He had just heard them talking and knew that it was Minister Li who came more than ten minutes ago.

Thinking of what Deng Pi had said to Minister Li before, his scalp felt tingling.

Subconsciously, he looked at Deng Pi, and Deng Pi shook his head.

Chen Er saw this scene and felt it was a bit tricky.

What made me even more angry was how Deng Pi was so inconsiderate.

"Mi Wen, tell the truth! If you protect Deng Pi, can you bear the consequences?"

Mi Wen shuddered when he heard this.

He quickly said:

"More than ten minutes ago, Minister Li came over and Deng Pi said that Master Hu, you should take a rest, so he asked them to wait by the side."

"But Minister Li said he had something to talk to you about, and he also told us his identity."

"Did he tell you his identity?" asked Tiger Lord.

If it was because his subordinates did not know Minister Li, it would be understandable.

But they all revealed their identities.
"Yes, he did."

"Then Deng Pi didn't believe it and mocked them as just cats and dogs."

"Minister Li reiterated it, but Deng Pi still didn't believe it and delayed letting them come to see you. I saw that something was wrong, so I ran over to inform you."

Mi Wen didn't dare to take the responsibility. Since he had said it, he would say it thoroughly. There was no concealment in his words. He directly said everything he saw and heard.

When Tiger Lord heard this, he felt dizzy, took a few steps back, and almost fainted.

Fortunately, Chen Er supported him and he did not fall down.

Are you mocking Minister Li as a nobody?

How dare you!
And we don’t know what else Deng Pi said afterwards, but it was definitely even more excessive than this.

Otherwise, Minister Li would not have left.

These words offended Minister Li and the Oil City greatly.

This is like slapping someone in the face.

Chen Er glared at Deng Pi and whispered to Tiger Lord:
"Master Tiger, what should we do? This may not be easy to solve."

Lord Hu was extremely furious and glared at Deng Pi.

"You are so blinded by greed that you took away his gun!"

Deng Pi glared at Mi Wen, hating him for telling the truth.

But seeing Tiger Lord getting so angry, I was a little scared.

"Master Hu, I didn't mean it. Please forgive me. I apologize to Minister Li. I apologize to him."

Tang Ji, who was standing next to him, went over and tried to take the gun off his shoulder.

But Deng Pi seemed unhappy and took a few steps back.

"Master Tiger, please forgive me, forgive me, right?"

His eyes rolled around and he put down the gun on his shoulder and raised it slightly.

"What? You want to rebel?"

A cold gun was pointed at Deng Pi's head. It was Zhou Xing.

Zhou Xing has been responsible for Tiger Lord's security. He is very skilled and he always stands by and watches to prevent any emergencies.

Deng Pi had a ferocious expression on his face. He was being stared at by a gun and he didn't dare to move his hands.


Tiger Lord recovered, looked at Deng Pi quietly, and said:

"Put down the gun, and talk."

"Master Hu, do you really forgive me?" Deng Pi asked nervously.

When Tiger Lord saw him like this, a trace of pain appeared on his face. He knew that Deng Pi even wanted to attack him just now.

So he winked at Zhou Xing.

There was a gunshot.

The bullet pierced Deng Pi's head, dead!
When Mi Wen saw Deng Pi's death, he fell to his knees and trembled.

Tiger Lord waved his hand tiredly and said to Mi Wen:

"This matter has little to do with you. As a punishment, you are not allowed to eat anything for three days."

He pointed at the body on the ground and said, "Zhou Xing, carry his body to the car, and we will go to Oil City again."

Only by killing this man can the gap in Minister Li's heart be resolved.

Deng Pi has a domineering personality, he is arrogant at first but humble later, and he has few friends in South Paradise.

There is no such thing as family.

Kill him, then kill him.

Chen Er helped Tiger Lord out of the roof, but the moment they walked out of the roof.

Chen Er keenly discovered that

The sky became much brighter and the rainstorm suddenly subsided, from heavy downpour to light rain.

"Tangji, do you feel that the sky is much brighter and the rain is lighter?"

"It's true." Tang Ji nodded.

Lord Tiger raised his head and saw that the thick dark clouds in the sky had dispersed a lot, and he could even see a faint layer of light.

"If the rain gets lighter, it means the thunderstorm is about to pass."

"Finally, it's over?!"

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