Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 1368 The thunderstorm ends and a new beginning begins!

Chapter 1368 The thunderstorm ends and a new beginning begins!
In the trading market, a person was staring blankly out the window. The originally dark sky gradually became brighter.

The bean-sized raindrops gradually turned into a drizzle.

He got up and walked to the eaves, putting his hands outside.

It was obvious that the rain was much lighter.

The lifeless face gradually relaxed and the pupils dilated.

"The rain is getting lighter, the rain is getting lighter!"

"What? The rain is getting lighter?"

Hearing his shout, people in the room ran out one after another.

Sure enough, I found that the rainstorm was smaller.

"Ahhh!! The rain is really getting lighter, the thunderstorm is about to pass!"

"Great! The heavy rain that has been falling for more than three months has finally come!"

"If the weather doesn't clear up soon, I'm going to get depressed!"

Exclamations came and went.

Some people even ran out of their rooms and shouted outside, ecstatic.

The continuous heavy rain and gloomy sky make people feel suffocated.

There is no sunshine, no hope, the humid environment makes people uncomfortable and their mood is extremely low.

This scene was played out throughout the entire trading market.

As more and more people noticed that the rain was getting lighter, many people ran out of their homes and looked up at the sky which was gradually getting brighter.

Tiger Lord, who was about to get on the car to go to the oil city, sighed as he looked at the sky which was gradually getting brighter.

This horrific thunderstorm disaster is finally over.

"Master Hu, do we still need to go look for Minister Li?" Chen Er opened the car door and asked hesitantly.

"Go, go now."

Lord Tiger took a look at Deng Pi's body in the back of the pickup truck.

Although the thunderstorm disaster is over, the cooperation with Oil City must continue.

Apart from anything else, they have invested so much resources and energy in the trading market, and it cannot be wasted.

Moreover, they really need the fuel from Oil City. Without fuel, their cars will just be a pile of useless scrap metal.

The most important thing is that Oil City is too powerful and they can't afford to offend it.

Mr. Tiger got into the car and closed the door.

In Oil City.

Uncle San heard a commotion outside the meeting room and walked out in confusion.

After I walked out, I could clearly hear someone shouting, "The rain is easing!"

Looking up at the sky, the thick dark clouds on the horizon dissipated at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sky gradually brightened.

At this moment, Xiao Jun received news from the guard and hurried to his uncle's side.

"Minister, there's news from the guards that Lord Tiger is here again and wants to see you."

"Also, the guard said there was a body in their car."

"A dead body?" Uncle San instantly remembered the security guard who had spoken rudely to him.

Kill him directly? He originally thought that Tiger Lord would at most punish him.

He didn't expect that he would be killed. This was beyond his expectations.

"Okay, let them in."

"it is good."

Uncle San looked at the sky quietly, watching the changes in the sky.

The dark clouds gradually dissipated and the rain gradually subsided.

A few minutes later.

A car was parked outside the conference room door. Originally, Tiger and his friends were not allowed to drive in.

But because they were carrying a dead body, they could only be transported in by car.

Uncle San was still standing at the door of the meeting room.

As soon as the car stopped, Tiger Lord couldn't wait to get out.

He hunched his back and staggered to the opposite side of his uncle. Without saying a word, he bowed to his uncle.

"Minister Li, I'm here to apologize to you. Deng Pi was blinded by greed and made a serious mistake. I have already shot him on the spot."

As he spoke, he waved his hand and asked Chen Er and Zhou Xing to lift the body off the truck bed.

Deng Pi's bloody head was revealed and shown to Uncle San.

Uncle San frowned slightly and quickly helped Master Hu up.

After a sigh, he said:

"Why is it so? I heard that you were resting, Master Tiger, so I came back first."

Tiger Lord's eyes turned and he quickly replied:
"This matter has nothing to do with you. This guard is too presumptuous. Minister Li, you can tolerate it, but I can't."

What he meant by this was that Deng Pi's opinion was his own and had nothing to do with Minister Li.

After helping Master Tiger up, Uncle San did not continue the topic.

Looking at the sky, he said, "It looks like the thunderstorm disaster is about to pass. What are Mr. Tiger's plans next?"

Hearing what his uncle said, Tiger Master secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

Stop talking about what just happened, which means it’s over.

"After the thunderstorm is over, I will naturally take the troops back to the South Paradise. However, I will also leave some people here to assist you in the trading market."

"Okay, when the natural disaster is over, I will see you off when you leave, Mr. Tiger." Uncle San replied.

"Minister Li, you are too polite."

Uncle San looked at the sky. Although the thunderstorm disaster was about to pass, the wall-climbing zombies still existed.

After the daybreak, there will always be darkness.

Once it gets dark, with Oil City being so popular, those wall-climbing zombies will definitely come back.

I originally wanted to ask Tiger Lord for some ultraviolet lamps, but after thinking about it carefully, I realized it was not necessary.

The trading market is quite large, and Tiger Lord certainly doesn’t have that many ultraviolet lamps.

Ask him for it, I still owe him a favor.

If there aren't enough UV lights, it's better not to have them.


After the thunderstorm is over, traffic with the big camphor tree base will be restored. With the strong productivity of the big camphor tree base, it is easy to produce a batch of ultraviolet lamps.

It's nothing more than waiting for two more days. During these two nights, we can just send more combat personnel to guard there, and with the help of mobile switches, there will be absolutely no problem.

If it doesn't work, use the oil array.

The oil array has a large range, but the range can also be controlled.

Without so many zombies, the range of the oil array can be greatly reduced, and the oil consumed will be much less.

"Master Hu should have also heard Chen Er talk about the wall-climbing zombies, right?" Uncle San said.


Tiger Lord sighed and said with a worried look on his face: "With the appearance of this kind of zombie, I don't know what to do in the future."

"This wall-climbing zombie is afraid of ultraviolet light. We have researched this at our headquarters. Since Tiger will be returning to South Paradise later, if he encounters this kind of zombie, he can try using ultraviolet light."

Sooner or later, Tiger Lord and the others will find out about this. It is only a matter of time.

If I tell him now, Master Tiger will owe me a favor.

Upon hearing this, Lord Tiger felt extremely guilty.

Repay evil with kindness.

Minister Li not only did not hold grudge against his doorman for humiliating him, but instead told him the secret.

Even if you will discover it later, you will definitely be overwhelmed to deal with it before you find out, and it may even cause uncertain losses.

Suddenly, he remembered that his third uncle left the Oil City to look for him. Could it be that he wanted to remind him of this?

After thinking for a few seconds, he felt that it was not very logical.

Just imagine, an hour ago, when the thunderstorm disaster continued, they were all troubled by the wall-climbing zombies, and then the big camphor tree base found the weakness of the wall-climbing zombies.

Minister Li has never taken the initiative to come to me before. He suddenly came to me just now, so he must have some needs.

Based on the situation, he guessed the key point: ultraviolet lamp.

He received equipment from a large pharmaceutical factory and a research institute, which also contained ultraviolet lamps.

Thinking of this, he immediately reacted. "Minister Li, what a coincidence, I just happen to have a batch of ultraviolet lamps. I must have more of these wall-climbing zombies. I'll give you some."

Uncle San was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Lord Tiger would be so wise.

After the thunderstorm ended, my need for Tiger Lord's ultraviolet lamp decreased, so it didn't really matter whether I had it or not.

"Well, Master Tiger, you guys keep it. I'll have the headquarters send over the ultraviolet lamps needed for the trading market."

Tiger Lord said anxiously:

"Minister Li, I'm doing this for our trading market."

Our trading market.
From what he said, Third Uncle seemed to be afraid that he would violate the previous agreement and kick out South Paradise and take 100% of the profits of the trading market for himself.

Although their South Paradise only made one tenth of the profit in the trading market.

After all, the thunderstorm disaster passed and the survivors all survived.

After experiencing such a horrific natural disaster, the trading market was able to survive. In the eyes of the majority of survivors, it has become the safest place in the apocalypse.

In the future, when these people go out to collect supplies, they will definitely come here to trade.

This means that the trading market has its first batch of the most loyal fans. As these people spread the word by word of mouth, more and more people will come.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the trading market will definitely have good development in the future.

After thinking it through, Uncle San had no intention of kicking out South Paradise.

After all, some dirty and tiring work always needs someone to do it.

Now that things have come to this, and they are sent to me right away, there is naturally no reason to refuse.

So he said:

"Okay, I'll send someone to get it later."

"No, no, Minister Li, I'll ask Tang Ji to bring someone to deliver it. No need to bother you making the trip."

"It's up to you." Uncle San didn't want to continue being polite with him over such a trivial matter.

We had talked about almost everything and fell into silence.

"Well, Minister Li, I'll be leaving first."

Uncle San waved towards Xiao Jun, "Xiao Jun, send Master Hu and the others off."

As time passed, the dark clouds in the sky gradually dissipated, the rain became lighter, and the movement of the zombies outside the trading market also slowed down.

Can't even form a stack.

Half an hour later, the sun came out.

A ray of golden light shone through the dark clouds and the rain stopped.


This ray of sunlight just happened to shine outside the wall of the trading market. As soon as the bodies of the two wall-climbing zombies touched the sunlight, their white skin was burned and white smoke came out.

hoo hoo hoo!
The two zombies roared and fled hurriedly to the distant mountains and forests.

There is also a large amount of ultraviolet light in the sun, which is fatal to wall-climbing zombies.

On the wall, Lao Yi narrowed his eyes when he saw this scene:

"It seems that these wall-climbing zombies can only appear at night. They can't come out during the day."

Old Xie looked at the gradually receding zombie tide and the two wall-climbing zombies fleeing in panic, with a smile on his face.

"This wall-climbing zombie is so powerful. If it can appear during the day, it will be a disaster."

The sun pushed aside the dark clouds, and this ray of sunshine shone through the gloomy sky, which was spectacular.

There is a breathtaking beauty.

Like a sharp giant sword, it cuts out a bright road.

Seeing the sunlight grow bigger, everyone raised their heads.
Whether it was the oil city, the survivors in the trading market, or the guards on the wall, they all stopped at this moment.

Raise your head, look at the sunshine with a smile on your face.

That ray of sunshine that was once seen everywhere, that I had long been accustomed to and never cared about.

But at this moment it brings great shock to people, as if they are purified in this sunshine.

The originally tired and exhausted body and mind now gained strength.

Plants need sunlight, and so do humans.

Both the body and the mind need the nourishment of the sun.

The feeling of rebirth.
Seeing the sunshine is like seeing the light of hope.

It was as if they were given new strength, giving them the courage to move forward.

The two wall-climbing zombies were unable to outrun the rapidly spreading sunlight and were eventually exposed to death.

On the contrary, the ordinary zombies under the wall became much slower in movement as the sun came out, and they left one after another and walked towards a place where they could avoid the sun.

However, they were not killed by the sun.

This world is fair, and there seems to be a law in everything.

When something is given to you, something is always taken away.

This wall-climbing zombie has a hard skull, bone spurs on its chest, and is extremely agile, and can even climb walls.

However, they are afraid of ultraviolet rays and cannot appear during the day.

Although these ordinary zombies are not as strong as the wall-climbing zombies and hate sunlight, at least they will not die in the sun.

Trading bazaar.

Zhang Shi knelt in the puddle of water, tears streaming down his face.

"Uncle, the sky is clear now. I am alive. I am alive!"

Like a madman.

But no one laughed at him.

Because there are many people like him in the trading market.

Some people even rolled around in the mud, howling like ghosts.

We endured the dark clouds and heavy rain for more than three months.

They spent hundreds of days in fear.

As long as the sun doesn't come out, there is always the possibility of death.

I don't want to die.

Being in this state of despair and fear all the time is like being tied to a taut string, making people extremely anxious and panic-stricken.

As the days go by, this emotion will only accumulate, and it will accumulate once every day that passes.

Overlaid hundreds of times.

And today, at this moment, the sun is out, and the emotions that have been suppressed and accumulated for a long time burst out at this moment, like a volcanic eruption.


I don’t know who shouted first.


The shouts rose one after another, slowly gathering into a thunderous roar.

They vented their inner emotions wantonly, as if they wanted to release all the emotions that had been suppressed in these days.

Uncle San came to the wall of Oil City and watched the scene in the trading market.

With a smile on his face, he said, "It's finally over."

Big camphor tree base.

The rain stopped and the sun came out.

Li Yu ran out of the villa and bathed in the sun. His entire face was illuminated by the sunlight, and the hair on his face could be seen.

Yutong also came out holding Li Pingan.

Li Ping'an, who was over a month old, saw the sun for the first time since he was born.

Looking at the sun with some curiosity, Li Yu saw Yutong coming out with the child in her arms.

He walked over with a smile and hugged Li Pingan.

In the sunshine, the grass lies on the ground after being destroyed by the thunderstorm.

The dewdrops on the leaves reflect the sunlight and are full of vitality.

Li Yu held Li Ping'an in his arms, while Yu Tong stood beside him and tucked Li Ping'an's clothes in.

The sun's rays stretched their shadows out long.

They were enveloped in a halo of yellow light.

This scene is as beautiful as a dream.

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