Chapter 1369 New Challenges
The thunderstorm disaster that lasted for three and a half months ended, and a gorgeous rainbow hung in the sky.

The river roared and flowed towards the low-lying areas.

The zombies retreated to dark places to avoid the sun.

After the rain, the earth was washed clean and bright.

The lush green mountains and vast fields are full of vitality and vigor.

The fresh air is filled with the fragrance of soil and plants, and the flowers, plants and trees have resumed their growth momentum and are in full bloom.

The water levels of rivers and streams rose, and the air was filled with mist, so that the distant mountains and nearby hills also revealed their hazy silhouettes.

The clouds in the distance have been washed away, appearing particularly white, like a distant heaven.

With blue sky and white clouds, everything seems to be newly born.

Big camphor tree base.

The second uncle received news from the third uncle and learned that the wall-climbing zombies could not survive in the sunlight.

But once night falls, these wall-climbing zombies will definitely appear again.

After they knew that the wall-climbing zombies were afraid of ultraviolet rays, they immediately asked He Bing to work together with his second uncle to produce ultraviolet lamps at full capacity.

The production of ultraviolet lamps does not require very high technology, but in the oil city, some raw materials such as glass tubes for making ultraviolet lamps are extremely scarce.

And at the big camphor tree base, you can assemble a lot of ultraviolet lamps by just getting the pieces together.

Due to the excavation of bunkers in the inner city, some factories were moved out, and some food processing factories were left in the inner city.

Things like machinery maintenance and daily chemical product processing factories were moved to the second outer city.

He Bing, Lao Dong and others suspended the work of repairing the factory and focused on manufacturing ultraviolet lamps.

My second uncle came to the factory, where production was running on an assembly line at a very fast speed.

“How many UV lamps have been produced now?”

He Bing followed his uncle and answered:

“We have produced 34 units so far, and this is the fastest speed now.”

Second Uncle nodded. After all, it had only been four hours since they discovered that ultraviolet lamps could restrain wall-climbing zombies.

It took more than an hour to adjust the equipment and find the raw materials.

34 units can be produced in more than two hours, which means that on average twelve ultraviolet lamps can be produced in one hour, which is not slow.

"Work in three shifts, people rest but machines don't, production continues 24 hours a day." Second uncle gave the order.

Both the Dazhangshu Base and the Oil City need this kind of ultraviolet lamp, but the Dazhangshu Base has three layers of switches after all, so it is relatively not that urgent.

"Yes, President, the UV lamps we produce are all high-power. Oil City may need 400 UV lamps to meet the needs of the camphor tree base."

"Do you want to cover the buffer city wall? If you want to cover the buffer city wall, it will require too much material. It will probably take at least ten days or half a month to complete it."

Second Uncle shook his head. The buffer city was huge, and it had not been built yet.

However, in this case, the cooperative personnel in the fourth outer city probably won't be able to stay in the buffer city at night.

The buffer city wall is still under construction, and nothing like the mobile gate has been built. If there are wall-climbing zombies, they can easily climb in at night.

Facing zombies is never a trivial matter. Once zombies enter a dense crowd, it can easily cause large-scale infection.

"Don't worry about the buffer city wall for now. Let everyone produce at full capacity first."

"Okay, got it."

Inside the factory, there are nearly thirty people making ultraviolet lamps.

Some people didn't quite know how to make it, so Lao Dong, Lao Zhou and others taught them.

Once more people learn how to make them, the speed of manufacturing ultraviolet lamps can be further improved.

After explaining things to He Bing, my second uncle walked out of the factory building.

The thunderstorm disaster took a long time to prepare for, but ended so quickly that it caught people off guard.

The thunderstorm disaster is over, and all kinds of things come up at once.

The next arrangement for the trading market is that the Dazhangshu base will continue to produce mobile gate knives and transport them to the oil city.

Xiaoyu also talked to him about sending people to the northwest to investigate the situation, and this matter also needs to be gradually advanced.

In addition, now that the rain has stopped, the construction of the buffer city will also be gradually advanced.

With the emergence of wall-climbing zombies, the satellite cities that were originally arranged with the big camphor tree base as the center, 10 kilometers away at the closest and more than kilometers away at the farthest, had to be temporarily abandoned.

Without ultraviolet lamps, the satellite city would be completely uninhabitable and unable to provide shelter for the vast number of cooperative personnel.

The raw materials for building the buffer city need to be collected and transported back by the partners, but some materials cannot be found in the surrounding areas, so it is difficult to travel back and forth on the same day.

At this time, the satellite city can provide a brief overnight shelter.

When it was light the next day and the sun came out and it was safe, the partners returned to the Dazhangshu base the next day.

The existence of these satellite cities is equivalent to providing a fixed and safe shelter for those cooperating personnel.

But now the appearance of wall-climbing zombies makes it very difficult for these partners to get out, and even if they do go out, they have to find a temporary shelter.

It is also dangerous if you don’t carry an ultraviolet lamp.

What's more, they were driving a car loaded with a large amount of construction materials.

It's not safe to go out now.

In short, the core of everything is still the UV lamp.

Equipping a large number of UV lamps in a short period of time may be a problem for other forces. Apart from anything else, they always need to be charged and they always need batteries for battery life.
But for the Dazhangshu base, since the joining of Zhang San, Lao Dong and others, in-depth research on electricity has been going on for more than a year, almost two years.

A large amount of battery raw materials were collected, and people were even sent to the largest battery manufacturer in Gan Province, which was hundreds of kilometers away from Dazhangshu, to move the equipment and lithium battery raw materials from there.

Moreover, the large camphor tree base can provide a stable and continuous supply of electricity, and the zombie generator technology has become extremely mature after several generations of innovation.

It can maximize the conversion of zombies' kinetic energy into electrical energy, and the electricity that can be produced by a unit zombie is at least 30% more efficient than before.

In the past two years, the fuel vehicles in the Dazhangshu base have been gradually converted into electric vehicles. Now there are nearly 300 electric vehicles and countless small electric scooters.

Many of these electric vehicles are electric vans and electric trucks.

The shortest cruising range is 500 kilometers and the longest can reach 2000 kilometers.

They initially adopted the simplest method of stacking batteries to increase battery life.

Later, the battery was changed from lithium iron carbonate battery to ternary lithium battery, which is smaller in size and can store more energy per unit.

Second Uncle was thinking as he walked towards the first outer city.

He shook his head and felt that the key to all this was to manufacture the ultraviolet lamp first.

He couldn't take care of the other survivors, but if the people at the Big Camphor Tree Base wanted to go out, they must be equipped with ultraviolet lamps.

However, given this output, there is still a long way to go.


The sky cleared up and the zombie tide receded.

Cheers rang out on the outer city walls.

It’s too. Too difficult.

Ma Ma, the leader of the horse caravan, also looked up at the sun in the sky. He had been in a dark environment for a long time, and his eyes had become accustomed to the darkness and were somewhat not used to the light.


He had a smile on his face, but when he turned around he saw his brothers around him who were still wet.

He soon stopped laughing.

There were heavy casualties.

In this natural disaster, more than two-thirds of the caravan's casualties were reported.

Not only their caravan, but the entire force remaining in the outer city of the Northern Territory suffered heavy casualties.

The worst hit is the Wei Meng Gang, which originally had more than 50 people, but now only has more than people left.

The depreciation rate reached 85%.

This was also because of their internal chaos. The gang leader Gao Weimeng died, and internal strife led to the chaos.

The new gang leader Li Chuhe's ability is just average, which is why this result happened.

In total, there are only more than 1,000 people left out of the more than 4,000 people who remained in the North.

The mortality rate was 60 percent.

"We held on to the end, we held on to the end! Hahaha."

"Look, the zombie tide has receded."

"Boss, the Kuangfeng Party is asking you to come with them to a meeting." Ma Ma also said to one of his subordinates who came over.

Mama was not surprised and walked towards the wall.

During this period, he and eleven other leaders of various forces formed a temporary management committee.

To make any major decision, twelve people need to vote together.

After all, they had been sharing hardships for nearly a hundred days, and he was familiar with the leaders of these forces.

Among them, the one who had the best relationship with him was Shan Zheng from the Kuangfeng Party. Their two families had known each other before, but they were not so familiar with each other before.

After the thunderstorm is over, a meeting should be held to discuss what needs to be done next.

Mama was also thankful that she had not entered the inner city of the northern territory before, otherwise it would be difficult to explain if the people from the Oil City came.

As he was thinking, he had already walked outside the meeting room.

As soon as I entered the door, I heard someone inside laughing:

"Hey! Isn't this Gang Leader Ma? Come on, come on, we've been waiting for you."

The atmosphere in the room was good, with everyone talking and laughing.

After all, the thunderstorm disaster was over and the dark clouds above their heads completely dissipated.

Mama also raised his head, and the person who was joking with him was Shan Zheng from the Kuangfeng Party.

"Old Dan, your face is full of wrinkles when you smile. Please stop smiling." Mama also complained.

At the same time, he sat in an empty seat.

Everyone sat in a circle.

"Okay, everyone is here, let's talk about what to do next?" Eagle said nothing and smiled rarely.

Even after the thunderstorm was over, he still had that deadpan expression on his face.

Mama also restrained the smile on her face.

After a moment of silence, he said, "Although the thunderstorm disaster has passed, we cannot leave the North. I personally think we should not leave here and wait here for the people from Oil City to come back.

If we all leave, this huge northern border will be empty. They asked us to take good care of the northern border before they left."


Li Chuhe raised questions.

"Even Oil City may not be able to survive such a horrific natural disaster. Are we just going to wait here? How long will we have to wait?"


Shan Zheng frowned and said:

"Everyone present has witnessed how powerful Oil City is. We were able to hold on, so they must be stronger than us."

"They will definitely come back later. I agree with Gang Leader Ma's suggestion. Let's wait here."

"It's a pity that the radio station that Captain Xie left for us is broken, otherwise we would be able to contact them now."

When Uncle San left the North, he left them a radio.

However, the radio station was destroyed by the thunderstorm just as it started.

As a result, there was no chance to contact Oil City in the past three and a half months.

Li Chuhe rolled his eyes after hearing Shan Zheng's words.

"If we just wait like this, how long will it take?"

"Actually, I think it's not easy for us to survive, and now the food is almost consumed. I suggest we go into the inner city and search for food."

Mama also slapped the table.

It was also Li Chuhe who said he wanted to enter the inner city last time.

The thunderstorm is over, but this guy is still thinking about running in.

"You don't want to live anymore, but I want to live too."


Mama also stood up and looked around at everyone.

Seriously said:
"We didn't enter the inner city during the thunderstorm. Minister Li and his team warned us not to enter the inner city when they left. Now that the thunderstorm is finally over, we ran in instead. What if they come back and see us?"

"Boss Li, I hope you can take a longer-term view."

"This thunderstorm disaster has brought about great changes. We still don't know how far-reaching the impact will be, but!"

"Four days ago, a powerful zombie climbed up the outer city wall. How many people died before it was killed? You all saw it!"

“I think we can’t disperse now and return to our respective stations, nor can we enter the inner city.

We need to gather together for warmth and wait for the arrival of the people from Oil City."

Li Chuhe taunted, "You want to be a dog for the people in Oil City?"


Mama also glared at Li Chuhe, and laughed out of anger.

"Li Chuhe."

Mama also calls him by his first name.

"When your Boss Gao was here, you didn't dare to say this to me. Who do you think you are to dare to speak to me like this?"

"If you have the ability, just leave the North by yourself. Why are you still complaining here?"

Li Chuhe mocked back:

"You keep talking about Oil City, but the people in Oil City don't take you seriously at all. To be honest, they asked us to come here just to help guard the gate and help watch over the North.
You are so loyal and you love being a dog so much, why didn't you go with them to Oil City?"

Mama was also enraged and her face turned red.

Just go up and fuck him.

Shan Zheng and others beside him also looked unhappy.

According to Li Chuhe, it was equivalent to scolding everyone.

Because they came to the northern border to obey the orders of Minister Li and others.

What Li Chuhe said is equivalent to saying that everyone is a dog, and they are all watchdogs.

But then again, what if they didn't come to the North?

Without gathering together and relying on the tall walls of the North, could they survive this natural disaster in their respective garrisons?

It’s hard to say, none of them have this confidence.

Essentially, the people of Oil City had saved everyone present by asking them to come to the North.

"Okay, stop arguing." Eagle saw that the two were about to fight, so he quickly spoke out to stop them.

Shan Zheng also walked over to stop the fight, "Forget it, forget it, don't bother with this bastard."

Mama also snorted coldly at Li Chuhe and sat down on the seat.

There were only a few dozen gang members left, and among these twelve people, Li Chuhe was the smallest and the weakest.

He really dared to jump like that. If there was no one else present and he met Li Chuhe outside, he would definitely let him experience the cruelty of the end of the world.

I saw the two of them stop fighting.

The Eagle said to the crowd, "Let's vote. Stay in the North and wait for the Oil City, or leave the North."

He automatically ruled out the option of entering the inner city.

After all, he didn't want to die. The people in Oil City had already warned them, but they still dared to run in.
"I stayed."

"I'll stay too."

"I've been here for so long, there's no rush for a few days, I'll stay."

The vote was overwhelming, eleven to one.

Except for Li Chuhe who chose the second option, everyone else chose the first one.

Those who can become leaders of a force all know how to seek benefits and avoid harm, and none of them is stupid.

Li Chuhe saw that everyone wanted to stay except him.

He lowered his head, and a hint of coldness flashed in his eyes that no one else could see.

Li Chuhe was not the leader of the Wei Meng Gang before. It was only after he killed the leader of the Wei Meng Gang, Gao Weimeng, one day that he took this position.

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