Chapter 1370 Notice
Oil City.

Trading bazaar.

"The thunderstorm is finally over."

The leader of the Axe Gang, Six Fingers, looked at the sun in the sky and asked his men beside him:
"what time is it now?"

Flint checked his watch, "Ten o'clock in the morning."

"Boss, should we leave the trading market next?"

"Why are you in such a hurry? There's no hurry. Let's wait and see first." Liuzhi said leisurely.

This natural disaster was the most comfortable one for him.

Not a single gang member died, whereas in previous natural disasters, no matter how big or small, at least some people would have died.

I didn't expect that no one would die after running into this trading market.

We survived this natural disaster safely.


They used their own things to exchange for a lot of supplies that they had been in urgent need of.

It’s really a good choice to come to the trade fair.

There were many people who shared the same idea as him. Most of the survivors in the trading market had this feeling: if they had not entered the trading market, they would have never been able to survive this natural disaster relying solely on their own strength.

But there were also many survivors who became anxious after the thunderstorm ended.

There is no food!
The thunderstorm is over, so they will definitely not recruit volunteers. Without food, we will starve to death.

Although you may not be able to find food outside, you can always find some wild vegetables and various edible plants to fill your stomach in the mountains and fields.

"This thunderstorm is over, but the doors haven't been opened yet, and there's no notice, so we can't get out!"

"Wait a minute. If that doesn't work later, we'll ask the patrol officers to see if they can let us out."

"Are you planning on going out?"

"Yeah, what will we do if we don't go out? Will we stay here and starve to death?"

A few hours after the thunderstorm ended.

After talking on the phone with Li Yu and Second Uncle at the headquarters base, Third Uncle reached a consensus.

The first batch of ultraviolet lamps will be delivered in two days.

A thunderstorm had just passed and there was a lot to do.

We haven't been able to contact the North yet, so we must send people over there after the thunderstorm is over.

They had located three places long ago: the Big Camphor Tree Base, the Oil City, and the Northern Border.

The northern border has high walls and a large area, making it suitable for developing crops.

The Oil City is able to produce oil, and with the establishment of a trading bazaar, it is positioned as a commercial area. It also serves as an outpost of the Big Camphor Tree Base and is the representative of the Big Camphor Tree Base.

The large camphor tree base is hidden behind the oil city and the northern border, and it is advancing steadily with agriculture and industry moving forward in parallel.

Once the trading market in Oil City develops well, the large camphor tree base can replicate this model.

In other words, the Oil City is actually a test field and outpost. Once this development model is established, the large camphor tree base can also follow suit.

After all, as the headquarters, any major actions taken at the Dazhangshu base must be cautious.

People also need to be sent to the northern border to continue the previous transformation process and completely transform the northern border into an agricultural production area.

However, the thunderstorm has just passed, and no one knows whether it will come back, so we will not send anyone there today.


A sharp electric sound suddenly rang out from the loudspeakers in various places in the trading market.

"Hey Hey hey?"

"Ahem, I'm Li Hongqian, the current top commander of Oil City."

As the horn sounded, the survivors in various parts of the trading market looked towards the horn and pricked up their ears to listen.

“Here is a notice for everyone:

1. The thunderstorm disaster has passed. This disaster was very difficult, but fortunately, we survived! I know everyone is concerned about one question, when can we leave the trading market.

As we said before, you can come to the market whenever you want and leave whenever you want.

However, in order to avoid the recurrence of thunderstorms and for the sake of everyone's lives, we have decided to open the gates at 10 a.m. tomorrow. Anyone who wants to leave can leave at that time.

In addition, you can also take away the weapons you handed in before when you leave."

After hearing Uncle San's words, the many survivors at the trading market had different expressions.

"You don't want to detain us, do you? The thunderstorm is over. Why do you have to wait until tomorrow?"

"You are really a person who can make people plot ill against you. You are judging others by your own standards. Didn't you hear me just now? I am worried that the thunderstorm will come back. If you don't understand, don't talk nonsense."

"That's great. I want to stay here anyway." The person who said this was Hong Shixiong.

He, Hong Shixiong, has plenty of supplies.

Before the thunderstorm disaster, he left Boss Meng's place and secretly brought in a whole truckload of supplies.

Boss Meng was afraid of the strength of Oil City and did not dare to break in.

He didn't know whether Boss Meng and the others were still alive, but it would be troublesome if he met them outside.

Anyway, he could never finish a whole cart of food.

Moreover, in this trading market, there are red-light districts, bars, and even some small entertainment venues, and he can also buy whatever he wants with food.

He also doesn't have to worry about anyone stealing his food and causing trouble for him.

For him, this place is simply heaven.

He ran out with so much food, but he had no ability to protect the food. If he ran out, some other survivors of the trading market who had been targeting him would definitely attack him.

Simply put, when he runs away he is a fat sheep, a particularly fat one.

Staying in the trading market, he can sleep peacefully every night without worrying about being killed in the middle of the night.

The presence of people like him is also welcomed in Oil City.

As long as there are purchases and consumption, merchants must pay protection fees and give a certain amount of profits to the Oil City.

This is used as an oil city to protect them and to pay for their living expenses.

There was a lot of discussion in the trading market, and the opinions varied.

The vast majority of people agreed with what Uncle San said.

There is no loss if you stay one more day.

Some people wished they could stay here longer. After all, they hadn't encountered such a safe place in the five years since the apocalypse.

At the door of a house, Zhang Shi was sitting under the eaves. After hearing Minister Li's words, his expression was complicated.

He actually didn't want to leave here.

Keep your ears open and listen to the sound from the speaker

"The next trade fair will be held in three days. There will be a major construction project. We will recruit 2000 construction workers and distribute food. The food portions will be the same as those for the volunteers who participated in the previous wall-building event. Registration will start at a.m. tomorrow. Anyone who wants to participate can go to Building No. in the West District to register tomorrow."

This piece of news caused heated discussion among many survivors.

After experiencing this natural disaster, they realized the strength of Oil City and that it was able to survive such a terrible natural disaster.


Since entering the trading market, the patrol officers have killed several waves of people, not just one or two, but probably hundreds of people in total.

But the more they killed, the more at ease they felt for most of the survivors.

This swift and resolute approach put an end to all bad behaviors such as fighting, stealing, and even brainwashing cults. They felt safe staying here.

Safe! Safe, damn safe!

This slogan of the trading market is indeed true to its name.

In the apocalypse, sometimes zombies are not the scariest things, but humans.

But in the trading market, so many people were killed because they were causing trouble, which planted a seed in the hearts of many survivors: you must never cause trouble in the trading market, otherwise you will die.

Absolute zero tolerance.

The excellent order makes them believe that they can live, trade, purchase, and even build safely here.

After hearing the first news, I originally wanted to run out to find a way to survive and try my luck to see if I could find any survivors to eat, but I instantly changed my mind and decided to stay!

But these are only attractive to the survivors at the bottom.

They are indifferent to some medium and large forces that still have food.

West District of the Trade Fair.

Zhang Shi, who was originally sitting on the steps under the eaves, immediately ran to Building No. 3 after hearing the news.

He wants to line up now, he must join.

My uncle died here and he has no family left.

He was able to survive until now only thanks to the volunteer mission to stop zombies launched by Oil City.

As he ran, he heard the horn continue to sound
“3. The trading market will continue to be improved to provide a complete trading environment.

If you are out, you are welcome to come back here to trade.

In addition, if you meet other survivors, please help us spread the word.”


"Finally, let me remind everyone."

“Many people may already know that a few days ago, a wall-climbing zombie was found outside the wall. This zombie has the following characteristics: a hard skull, bone spurs on the chest, and is extremely flexible and can climb walls.

It is difficult to deal with it head-on alone, as the weak point is the eyes.

In addition, we found that the best way to restrain this kind of zombie is ultraviolet light.”

"Wall-climbing zombies cannot survive in the sun. I hope everyone will be careful when they go out. At night, ultraviolet light can also drive away these wall-climbing zombies."

When the first wall-climbing zombie was discovered in Oil City, it was Zhang Shi who saw it.

Many survivors have seen this.

This kind of wall-climbing zombie has probably spread throughout the entire trading market.

So when it is mentioned now, no one is surprised.

However, they were somewhat surprised that Oil City had discovered the weakness of this zombie so quickly.

East District, Building 8.

Xie Dongming's eyes flickered when he heard the news.

He was the first person to trade with the bazaar. He exchanged food for amoxicillin, an antibiotic and anti-inflammatory drug, which saved his wife's life.

"Dad, are we going out tomorrow?" asked Xie Dongming's son Xie Zihao.

Xie Dongming hesitated for a moment and shook his head:

"Wait a little longer. Those wall-climbing zombies are very scary. It would be safer if we had an ultraviolet lamp."

"But how can we get ultraviolet lamps in the market? They won't give them to us."

"Have you forgotten what this place is called?"

"Trading Market!?"

"Yes! This is a special place for trading. Just wait, there will be something."


Most of the members of their team are experienced outdoor survivalists. Before the end of the world, Xie Dongming participated in an outdoor survival program with his best friends.

They are very good at making use of the mountain and forest environment and can obtain some original food from the outdoors.

For example, the dried taro and pheasant were all found by them in the mountains and forests.

For them, it makes little sense to stay in the trading market for a long time.

Only in the outdoors and in the mountains can they use their strengths to obtain food and resources.

It would be best for them to wait until they get resources and food outside and then come back to trade.

In fact, among the survivors who have survived to the present day, more and more people know how to utilize nature and obtain food.

It has been five years since the end of the world, and most of the edible food has been looted.

In fact, there are many foods that have not been discovered, but they are also inedible.
Either they were soaked by floods during natural disasters, or the weather was too hot, causing them to become moldy and infested with insects.

Many people who do not know how to obtain food from nature have died.

Survival of the fittest, those who survive have more or less some unique skills.

The resources in the wild are actually extremely rich.
Human ancestors originally lived in forests.

They relied on gathering wild fruits and catching birds and beasts for food, using leaves and animal skins to make clothes, and building nests and houses on tree branches.

The forest is the home of mankind, and mankind originated and developed from here.

Plants that can supplement starch: palm core, chestnut, oak, ginkgo, kudzu root, fern root.
Plants that can provide a lot of sugar. There are many types of such plants: such as jujube, persimmon, kiwi fruit, bamboo shoots, etc.

Various wild vegetables that grow on trees, such as: mulberry flowers, walnut flowers, elm seeds, and locust flowers.
Wild vegetables on the ground: purslane, gray vegetables, dandelions, water spinach, shepherd's purse.
The roots, stems, leaves, flowers, fruits and fungi of certain plants are an important type of edible plant resources.

After experiencing the apocalypse, many survivors have learned how to use the resources in the forest to survive.

Although most of the time I had to rely on luck and might skip a few meals, at least I could still survive.

The thunderstorm disaster has just passed. After the heavy rain, there will be a lot of fungi and ferns. After being dried, these can be preserved for a long time.

“The above is the notice I am issuing to you on behalf of Oil City.

The thunderstorm disaster has passed. During this period, thanks to the volunteers who were recruited to the wall, we have protected this city together. "

broadcast room.

Uncle San finally broadcast the notice, and his mouth felt dry after he finished speaking.

He picked up the thermos cup next to him and took a sip to moisten his throat.

The sunlight shines in from outside.

Mottled shadows are reflected through the iron railings.

Uncle San put down the thermos and twisted his neck, making a crackling sound.

There are a lot of things going on over here at the trading bazaar.

He had talked with the headquarters before and knew that he could not leave Oil City for the time being. He had to wait until the headquarters delivered the ultraviolet lamp.

He would consider the situation and decide whether to take Lao Xie and some ultraviolet lamps to the northern border.

Or, just let Lao Xie go there by himself.

Thinking of this, Uncle San raised his head, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

I don’t know if there is anyone alive in the North now.

After all, this thunderstorm disaster lasted too long and was too severe.

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