Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 1524 "So damn handsome!"

Chapter 1524 "So damn handsome!"

The sun slowly fell towards the horizon like a bloody meteorite, and the afterglow cast heavy shadows on the high walls of the city of doomsday.

The walls of the trading market appear even more majestic and lonely under the setting sun.

Outside the wall, the black asphalt ground was cracked by the sun, forming countless long and thin lines, like wrinkles on the earth, carrying too much burden and time.

In the afterglow of the setting sun, groups of survivors trotted towards the gate of the trading bazaar.

Among the crowd, there was a small team that was running a little slower. One of them seemed to have been injured outside and had a limp. Team members were supporting him on both sides of him.

The man with the injured leg and the team members who supported him were not carrying anything on their backs.

The three of them gave their belongings to the other four to carry.

They had already run onto the black asphalt road, less than 800 meters away from the main gate of the trading bazaar.

The sturdy man in the lead looked at the gate of the trading market not far away, and asked a man behind him while jogging: "Nandou, what time is it?"

Nan Dou looked at his watch and found that the dial was broken and the hands on it stopped moving.

He smiled bitterly, looked up at the sturdy man and replied:
"Huh, Brother Sha, the watch is broken. Maybe it was damaged when we ran away from the zombies when we came out of the crematorium just now."

Brother Sha frowned upon hearing this and sighed:
"We can't do without a watch. It's hard for us to keep track of time. We might not be able to get back to the market in time. We have to think of a way to get a piece of the pie in the market."

Perhaps because they had arrived outside the trading market, there were more and more people around them, and the pace of those people around them was not fast, which made them feel much more at ease.

Although they didn't know the time, others must have known it. Since no one was in a hurry, it meant that there was still some time before the trading market closed.

Nandou slowed down his pace and said to Sha Ge:
"In the commercial district of the Trade Fair, Shop No. 34 is a grocery store. It seems that they sell mechanical watches there."

"How many points?" asked Brother Sha.

Nandou quickly replied:
"The cheapest one requires 2 points, and the most expensive one I saw is 20 points."

Brother Sha weighed the things in the package on his back.

"Let's go to the crematorium again tomorrow and dismantle the generator. I think we can exchange it for a lot of points."

It is the sixth year of the apocalypse, and most places with abundant supplies have already been searched.

Almost all places such as food factories, supermarkets, and residential buildings have been looted.

The only places that have relatively fewer people are places like hospitals and schools, as these places have a high density of zombies and many zombies are hiding inside.

Moreover, places like hospitals are particularly eerie, and mutated zombies such as wall-climbing zombies particularly like to stay there, so generally, survivors who are not strong enough never dare to take the risk of breaking into such places.

On the contrary, places like crematoriums are of no value and very few humans would set foot in to search.

Although there is nothing valuable inside, because few survivors have entered, some useful things can be found inside.

For example, today, they found a few bottles of white wine in a corner. I wonder if the body porters inside needed to drink a few sips while carrying the corpses in order to increase their courage.

All in all, the crematorium was worth the trip.

The group walked to the foot of the trading market wall and saw a huge clock in the center of the trading market gate.

The time displayed above is: 17:29.


There's still half an hour left.

There is still plenty of time!
They breathed a sigh of relief.

Just at this moment, the sound of a car roared in the distance.


I saw a huge convoy galloping from a distance.

Most of them were trucks, and they were fully loaded with stuff, but the trucks were covered with tarpaulins so it was hard to see what was inside.

There are also two sidecar motorcycles in front of the convoy. This type of motorcycle is also called a sidecar or a partial three-wheeler. It is a special type of motorcycle characterized by an extra seat next to the main seat, usually called a sidecar.

Each of the two sidecar motorcycles has a machine gun installed on the side seat.

The person sitting in the seat wore a black helmet, sunglasses, and a scarf, with his hands on the machine gun, ready to shoot at any time.

It’s really cool and powerful!
The survivors standing in line turned their heads and watched the convoy approaching.

"So damn handsome!"

"What's in these trucks? There are so many big trucks."

"Don't worry about it. Move aside and don't block their way."

Cao Le, who was in charge of patrolling the entrance to the trading market, arranged two lanes in advance to allow the convoy coming from the headquarters base to enter.


Suddenly a truck stopped at the gate, the window was rolled down, and a head popped out.

"Old Cao." Xiao Hu waved at Cao Le who was standing at the door.

Cao Le smiled and waved, then pointed inside.

Xiao Hu knew that he was very busy now, so he didn't waste time talking nonsense and asked the driver to drive the car into Wengcheng.

Time passes slowly.

5 points.

There are still 15 minutes until the market closes.

The gate of the trading market always closes on time at 6pm.

Once it is six o'clock in the evening, the city gates must be closed.

Anyone who arrives at the gate at 6pm in the evening can enter the city wall first without having to queue.

But if it's past six o'clock and the door is closed, it won't open no matter how many seconds late you are.

Chu Juan and others who came down from Jigong Mountain finally ran to the outside of the trading market after hurrying, and were still 1 kilometer away from the gate.

Chu Juan glanced at her watch and shouted to the people behind her:
"15 minutes left, everyone run!"

The young men and women behind Chu Juan, each carrying a huge basket, ran madly towards the gate of the trading market.

According to their original plan, they didn't need to rush.

However, too much time was spent digging the giant wild yam, which resulted in the return time being a bit tight.

After their mad run, they finally arrived at the gate after 6 minutes.

Once we reached the gate, we were safe, which meant we didn't have to spend the night outside.

Ever since the appearance of the wall-climbing zombies, no survivor is willing to stay outside and spend the night in the trading market.

Wang Yongzhen was breathing heavily, his chest heaving, making a sound like a broken bellows.

He was bent over, his hands resting on his knees.

blah blah blah!

As he bent over, the wild yams in the basket behind him fell out.

These three wild yams are as thick as fists, and one is nearly 40 centimeters long.

The moment it fell out, some survivors nearby who knew the value of it exclaimed.

"Wow! Such thick wild yams, you guys are rich."

“Where did you dig the wild yam?”

“You guys were digging nearby, right?”

When Wang Yongzhen heard many people asking them where they dug it from, his expression changed.

And did not answer their questions.

These wild yams are what they exchange for points. They are life-saving things, so how can they easily tell others about them?

If we tell them, we will have to compete with others when we go to that place to dig wild yams next time.

Liu Zhuangshi and two other sports students protected Chu Juan and Wang Yongzhen behind them. This was outside the trading market, and they were afraid that others would snatch them away.

Although few people dare to rob openly outside the trading market, it is not as safe as in the trading market.

As long as they enter the trading market, their property and personal safety can be guaranteed.

Cao Le at the door checked the time and saw that it was only five minutes until six o'clock, so he shouted to the team members who were doing a cursory inspection at the door: "Let them in first, and then check them inside."

Then he picked up the whistle on his chest and blew it.

"No need to queue, just go in."

"Go in. Why are you still standing here? Don't you want to go in?"

"Move, quick, quick!"

Hundreds of people who were originally standing outside the door lined up and ran inside.

The entrance to the trading bazaar was suddenly empty.

Cao Le looked at his watch, and occasionally raised his head to compare the time on the big clock above the gate.

There are only three minutes left.

Suddenly, a man appeared in the distance.

He was carrying a huge package and running towards the gate at the speed of a 100-meter sprint.

Cao Le frowned and cursed in his heart:

"Damn it! Why are there people challenging their limits every day? They must have nothing better to do! Damn it!"

The gate of the trading market is scheduled to close at six o'clock, and it must be closed at six o'clock.

If the closing of the city gate is delayed for one minute because of one person, it will give all other survivors the feeling that they can still come in if they beg for mercy even if they are one or two minutes later.

That would be big trouble.

A delay of one minute is fine, or two minutes is fine, and if you keep delaying it, you can even delay it for half an hour.

And the more serious consequence is that if there is one, there will be two, and if there are two, there will be three.

The survivors behind did not have a time alarm in their minds and thought they could enter the trading market no matter how late it was. One day when it was dark, a survivor wanted to come in, and at that moment, countless zombies chased him from the darkness.

Compassion, opening the door, will lead to the loss of the door.

Therefore, this gap cannot be opened.

Once it's 6pm, the store must close.

No matter how much you beg, even if you kneel on the ground and cry for mercy, it's no use.

There was still one minute left before the city gates were closed, and Cao Le saw that the man was still sprinting.

Things like barricades and retractable railings outside the door have been moved into the trading market.

He and the guards stood behind the door, watching the madly running man rushing towards them.

The distance is only about 200 meters.

He checked his watch and saw 30 seconds left.
It would take some time to close the city gate, so he picked up the walkie-talkie to contact the guards above.

"Close the city gate!"


Ding ding ding——Ka Ka Ka——

The sound of the mechanical wheel turning was mixed with the sound of the iron chain being pulled.

There is a thick steel plate and cement door on each side of the gap of more than 20 meters. The door is connected up and down and driven by rollers.

The man carrying the huge package became even more frantic when he saw the door starting to close.

He jumped in like a elk, running through the gap in the gate which was nearly 2 meters wide.

The door to the trading bazaar slammed shut!
The two doors are closed in a mosaic style, which can achieve 100% gap-free closure.

The man with the backpack who ran in at the speed of life and death fell to the ground. He was lying on the ground with the huge package on his back, like a dead body.

If it weren't for the violent heaving of his chest, you wouldn't be able to tell that this man was still alive.

He was breathing heavily, using his nose and mouth, with his tongue slightly sticking out, panting like a dog.

Some of the survivors inside seemed to know him and made fun of him as they watched him gasping for breath like a dead dog.

"Hey! Isn't this Lao Wang? Are you here to challenge Speed ​​Racer again today?"

"Old Wang is on time again today, awesome!"

"Lao Wang, tell me, did you steal someone's things? Someone was chasing you, so you ran in at the right time?"

Lao Wang, who was lying on the ground, wanted to fight back against the ridicule, but he ran too fast and was out of breath, so he couldn't speak at all.

I could only wave my hands helplessly, "Go away. Fuck you. Huhuhuhuhu."

Cao Le looked at this old fox. This time was probably the third time this week that this guy had come in at such a bad time.

Damn, it’s always like this!
Sooner or later, the door will pinch you to death!
Those two doors don't have any anti-pinch systems, and the force of dozens of tons is enough to squeeze you in half.

Cao Le frowned and walked to Lao Wang. "Come in earlier next time. Why do you have to rush like this? If you get caught in the door next time, no one will save you."

As the captain of the guard at the gate of the trading market, it was good enough for him to remind a level 5 survivor in this way.

Lao Wang clasped his hands and clenched his fists. "I huhu, I can't help it. Thank you."

Cao Le was about to ask why, but gave up when the words came to his lips.

He was too lazy to know.

Afterwards, those who entered the trading market's city wall continued to be inspected.

After the inspection, they entered the trading market one after another.

A small team entered the trading market, all of them carrying basketball hoops on their backs.

The dim yellow street lights of the trading market have been turned on, and the sky is light blue with a little bit of red.

They looked at the high walls around them, and the guards on the walls looked particularly majestic in the dim light.

The lights in the trading bazaar gradually lit up, and the orange-yellow lanterns cast a warm glow, bringing comfort to these tired people.

All this gave them an inexplicable sense of security.

Once you reach the trading market, you'll be safe.

Chu Juan and others, who had just run into the trading market, were sweating all over.

A gentle breeze is blowing.

The evening breeze took away the sweat from their bodies and brought coolness.

It brings relaxation, and all the muscles in their bodies seem to relax a lot.

Chu Juan smiled and glanced at the students behind her.

"Let's go, let's exchange points."

"Okay, let's exchange points!" Everyone cheered and surrounded Professor Chu as they walked towards the commercial district.

Along the way, they laughed and talked, with smiles on everyone's face.

On this day, they crossed mountains and rivers, risking encountering zombies in the valley, to collect food such as wild fruits.

Are you tired? Of course I am.

Is it dangerous? Definitely!

But, it's all worth it as long as there is gain.

They were very satisfied. The twin giant wild yams were like a ray of light that could make them happy for a long time.

(Ask for monthly ticket)

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