Apocalypse Rebirth: 3000 million won at the beginning

Chapter 1525 Waiting for the Harvest Season

Chapter 1525 Waiting for the Harvest Season

Trading bazaar.

Business district.

Shop number three.

This store is the official Oil City store that collects various sundry items.

Many survivors collected some useful supplies, or some wild meat, Chinese medicine and other things outside. The value of these things can be evaluated here and then exchanged for corresponding points.

Due to the large demand for this category, Store No. 20 expanded from one store at the beginning to four stores, with an opening area of ​​nearly square meters, occupying a large area.

There are different counters divided according to different categories.

There are more than 20 staff members in this store.

The person in charge is Sister Lan.

Sister Lan can be considered an old hand in Oil City. A long time ago, she was one of the first partners of Oil City and led Niu Gao and others to cooperate with Oil City for a long time.

Later, the Oil City underwent several reforms, and they were gradually promoted to non-staff members.

Before the end of the world, Sister Lan was the manager of a large supermarket and had rich management experience.

The vision and skills are sufficient.

Food and Chinese medicine counter.

Chu Juan and Liu Zhuangshi looked at the counter with bated breath, only to see an old man in front of the counter pick up the wild yams in their basket one by one to examine them, and even put them to his nose to smell them.

After seeming to think there was no problem, he placed it on the electronic scale to weigh it.


56 jin 5 liang.

When Chu Juan and others saw the number on the electronic scale, surprised smiles appeared on their faces.

This was even heavier than they had estimated.

They didn't weigh them, and the wild yams they brought back in the evening were only roughly estimated to be around 50 kilograms.

"Are you going to sell all these golden cherries and mountain twists?" the old man asked.

"That's right." Chu Juan quickly nodded in response.

The old man took a small basket and picked out all the golden berries and mountain thorns.

Weigh one by one.

The golden cherry weighed half a catty, and the mountain twisted berries weighed 2 catties and 3 ounces.

Both golden cherry and mountain twist are wild fruits and are also traditional Chinese medicines.

Among them, the effects of golden cherry are to consolidate semen and reduce urine, consolidate uterine bleeding and stop leukorrhea, and astringe the intestines and stop diarrhea.
The mountain twist fruit can promote blood circulation and dredge meridians, astringe and stop bleeding, regulate the liver meridian and spleen meridian. It has a therapeutic effect on rheumatic bone diseases, poor joint movement, human trauma, bleeding and other diseases.

The old man slowly pressed the calculator, returning it to zero, zero, zero.

After pressing it, a number came out.
The old man took out the points card machine and said to them:

“你们总共56斤 5两野山药,1斤野山药可以兑换0.5个积分,野山药可换到:28.25个积分。

山捻子共有 2斤3两,1斤山捻子可以兑换0.3个积分,可以换到0.69个积分。

There are 0.5 jin of golden berries. 1 jin of golden berries can be exchanged for 0.3 points, which can be exchanged for 0.15 points in total.

The three types can be exchanged for a total of 29.09 points. "

"If there are no problems, I will record it for you."

Chu Juan did some mental calculations and found that there was no problem. She nodded with a smile and said:

"Thank you, Mr. Ma. Please record it for us."

Ma Zheng looked at Chu Juan, and a smile appeared on his originally stern face. He pointed to a sign erected nearby and said:
"Next time, you can look for plants and herbs here that can be exchanged for higher points."

Chu Juan looked at a large sign next to her, on which were densely written the names of various herbs, the first few being: Sanguisorba officinalis, Anoectochilus roxburghii, and Paris polyphylla.
After seeing these herbs, she smiled bitterly in her heart. Although these herbs could be exchanged for high points, they were not so easy to find.

But in the face of Mr. Ma Zheng's reminder, she still said gratefully: "Thank you."

Ma Zheng is the father of Hefeng team member Ma Dong. He has worked as a Chinese medicine practitioner in a small county town for his entire life. In addition to practicing Chinese medicine in the trading market, he also comes here to do some work at the counter.

Although I am quite old, my health has been much better in the past two years.

Ma Zheng asked a staff member nearby to come over and settle the bill with them.

"Team Plant Rhythm, captain Chu Juan, the last balance was 15.3 points, an increase of 29.09 points, now a total of: 44.39 points."

"Here is your points list, please check it."

The female staff member handed the list to Chu Juan.

Chu Juan stretched out her hands, bent over and took it.

"Thank you."

The staff here are at least level 4. They are so nice to you. If you, a level 5 staff, are rude, you will make them unhappy.

If you offend the person at the counter, they will find ways to deal with you.

However, the trading market seems to have recently launched a suggestion box, and survivors are welcome to report.

I don't know if it will work, she hasn't tried it.
After checking the points list and finding no problem, she smiled and replied, "No problem, thank you."

After she finished speaking, she picked up the basket, led the students to make way, and walked out the door.

Wang Beibei took Chu Juan's arm and said excitedly:
"Professor Chu, can we have something delicious tonight?"

"Yes, yes, nearly 45 points. Oh my God, this is the first time we have so many points!" Wang Yong nodded vigorously.

Professor Chu smiled without saying anything and took everyone straight to the shop selling corn tortillas.

Spent 3 points and bought 12 tortillas.

This corn tortilla is dry and has a low water content. Although one costs 0.25 points, it is the most cost-effective food for these low-level survivors.

Because of its low water content, it is very solid. One is about the size of an adult's palm, and eating just one is enough for a meal.

But because it has less water, it tastes very dry and it is easy to choke if eaten without water.

This kind of tortilla is made by crushing the whole corn, including the corn cob, into powder, adding a very small amount of flour, cooking oil, and salt, and then kneading and baking it.

Before the end of the world, corn cobs were usually thrown away or fed to pigs.

But in the end times, corn cobs can be eaten. Corn cobs are rich in nutrients, containing 54.5% sugar, 2.2% crude protein, and 0.4% crude fat, and are also very nutritious.

The taste is not very good, but the nutritional value is not low.

In addition, it is made by a baking and drying method, so the moisture content is extremely low and the shelf life is very long. If placed in a sealed jar, it can be stored for two months without any problem.

It can also be used to cook porridge or as dry food. It is very convenient and is the most popular food in the trading market.

Chu Juan distributed 12 corn tortillas to everyone. There were six of them in total, and each person got two.

This was already extremely luxurious. In the most difficult times, they shared two corn tortillas among six people.

But now, each person has two tortillas.

Some people were feeling disappointed because they didn't have meat to eat, but at least they were able to eat their fill today.

"Hey, Professor Chu, can't we just have a skewer of meat? Anyway, we have enough points. At worst, we can just get some more wild yams tomorrow." Liu Zhuangshi said with a sigh while eating a dry corn cake. Before Chu Juan could answer, another tall young man, Liu Yibo, spoke up:

"Six people, now there are less than 42 points left, an average of 7 points per person.
Accommodation costs money, 0.02 points per person per day. If each person buys two tortillas per day, the daily cost per person is 0.52 points.

The cost for six people a day is 3.12 points. 42 points won’t last us two weeks.”

After his calculations, everyone's mood suddenly fell from the clouds.

The cost of housing in the Exchange Market is very low, especially since they are staying in the worst third-tier rooms.

Only 0.02 points are needed every day, which is only 0.6 points per month.

As long as you are not a loser who just eats and waits to die, basically everyone can afford to live there.

But we need to eat. If you think about it, two tortillas a day is still too much of a luxury.

It has been two months since the thunderstorm disaster. If it weren't for their sudden luck today, they might only have a dozen or twenty points.

After hearing Liu Yibo's calculations, Liu Zhuangshi felt a little guilty and said to Chu Juan:

"Professor Chu, why don't we just have one tortilla each tonight and save some money."

"From now on, the daily ration for each person will be one and a half tortillas a day."

Chu Juan smiled and shook her head and said:

"Everyone has worked hard today. Now that we have a big harvest, we should have a sense of ceremony after the big harvest. This will motivate us to work harder to find more things in the future. Let's eat."

"We can find more wild yams and even other higher-value plants in the future."

Everyone nodded, determination flashing in their eyes.

Professor Chu always has this kind of charm that can calm people's hearts and convince them.

No matter how big the difficulties are, Professor Chu always remains calm and composed.

When she had searched for a long time without finding any usable plants, she would say, "When you reach the end of the water, sit and watch the clouds rise."

After leaving the bustling commercial district, the group headed straight for the East District living and accommodation area.

The street lights were very bright and their shadows were very long.

On this road, there are also some pedestrians returning from the industrial area.

Liu Yi Bo looked at the group of people with some envy. He had asked about the income of working on the construction site.

0.5~0.6 points a day, doesn't seem like much.

But, food is provided!

Two tortillas are given when you go to work, which means 1 point per person per day.

If all six of them worked on the construction site, they would earn 6 points a day.

Apart from anything else, excluding the cost of meals, in just these two months, the six of them can accumulate 180 points, instead of the pitiful 40 points now.

However, part of the work quota on the construction site was given to level 4 personnel, and part was given to level 5 personnel.

Unfortunately, none of them got the job.

Oil City.

The lights are as bright as day.

This time, the group did not hold the meeting in the conference room, but went to the rooftop of the fifth floor.

The closer it gets to Mid-Autumn Festival, the rounder the moon becomes.

The moon tonight is like a big jade plate.

The bright moonlight shines on the roof of the central building.

Li Yu looked at the lights of thousands of houses in the trading market. The walls of the trading market in the distance were flashing purple-blue ultraviolet lights, and there were searchlights patrolling back and forth.

With a smile on his face, he said, "Hung Gongcao and the others changed two more guns?"

"Yes, I spent all 50 points in one night, and I went out to buy two guns today."

Lao Luo couldn't help but smile, and continued:

"They learned their lesson this time and bought dozens of corn cakes. But I feel like they will definitely go to Tingfeng Tower again in the future."

Dapao curled his lips and thought to himself: Tingfeng Tower and the like are the most boring.

Li Yu nodded and said, "Well, have someone keep a close eye on them, and then ask them to sell all the guns and valuables step by step. We can contact one or two people later when the time is right."


Li Yu asked again: "Have the grain transported by Zuo Ruxue and Xiao Hu been inspected and verified?"

Lao Luo quickly replied:
"We are still checking and verifying. According to the list they brought,
The food transported this time is: 500 tons, bullets: 20 rounds, and artillery shells: 1000 rounds."

Li Yu was amazed when he heard the amount of grain transported.

Oh shit!

Oil cities and trading marts are such a damn waste of food.

500 tons! It's only enough to support the oil city for three to four months.

The consumption is really amazing!
Fortunately, Dazhangshu is now a wealthy family with deep accumulation from the early years, otherwise it really couldn’t support so many people.

In addition, agricultural plantings in the inner city, the first, second, third, and fourth outer cities of the large camphor tree base have stabilized, and the current annual output can reach 1350 tons.

Now that the trading market has expanded, it is still somewhat difficult to maintain its normal operation.

However, they have 3500 tons of grain reserves, which is enough to support the three places for a year even if there is no grain production.

In addition, in another three months, the more than 1350 acres of greenhouses at the headquarters of the Dazhangshu Base will be mature. By that time, the annual grain output of the Dazhangshu Base will not be tons, but more than tons, directly increasing the grain output tenfold.

In addition, there is the North, where the greenhouses take four months to usher in the full harvest season.

By that time, the big camphor tree base and the northern border had a bumper harvest.

The food problem will completely solve the current predicament.

While Li Yu was thinking about these things, he was listening to Lao Luo's report on Xiao Hu and his team's grain transportation this time.

After Lao Luo finished speaking, Li Yu stretched his arms and said:
"I roughly understand. I will return to the camphor tree base tomorrow. The matters here will be mainly handed over to you and the minister."

"Pay attention. Ju Tianrui is also here training new recruits. If you have any questions, you can ask him for advice."


Lao Luo nodded and asked curiously:

"Is the city lord in such a hurry to return to the headquarters? Won't he stay in Oil City for a while? Did something happen at the headquarters?"

Li Yu shook his head, looked at the bright white moon, and said lightly:

"No, the sentinel network construction project around the headquarters base is now almost complete. I'll go back and take a look. If there are any problems, I can make timely adjustments."

"So that's how it is." Lao Luo suddenly realized. He had also heard of this project.

The current Oil City has actually been building outposts in the surrounding area, but they are not as vast as the Dazhangshu base. They only cover the two surrounding counties, so they were completed very early.

(Ask for monthly ticket)

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