nine coffins

Chapter 1002 Little Butcher!Green Soul's Magic

Chapter 1002 Little Butcher!Green Soul's Magic
The fine waves of white water are like springs gushing, and like blossoming lotus flowers.On it, there is a fishing boy who is only eleven or twelve years old standing on the water.

That fisher boy has delicate features, red lips and white teeth.Long black hair, scattered on the shoulders.Neat bangs, shiny eyebrows.

He was wearing a fiery red sleeveless jacket with gold silk embroidered lotus flowers on the front.The lower body is wearing fiery red knee-high cloth trousers, and there are two strings of glittering golden bells on the ankles. The feet are white and tender like lotus roots.

Holding a dragon fishing rod in one hand, a Qiankun fish basket in the other, and a sky-covering hat on his back.

There are many fisherman's three treasures, and even the broken fish basket has been restored.However, they are all slightly smaller than before, as if they were tailor-made for this fisher boy.

"Are you a fisherman?" The voice of the leader, who was in meditation in black, fluctuated slightly.

"Hehe!" The fisher boy shook the dragon fishing pole with his hand, and smiled softly, "I'm not a fisherman, but a fisher boy."

"Yu Tong?" Heiyi Meditation pondered for a moment, "You are from Tianzhou, aren't you the third soul?"

"Why do you need to ask me about my origin?" The fisherman blinked his eyes, and answered irrelevantly, "Is it possible that you ignorant children can peek at the magical art of Paradise?"

"Today, none of you will be able to leave!" As he said that, the fish boy's face changed, and a ruthless look flashed in his eyes that was completely different from his appearance.

On the big river, the waves rolled.The endless murderous aura pervades in an instant.

This kind of murderous aura is far better than that of the fisherman just now.

"Yongjing?" The leader, Yuanxian, took a breath and took the lead in responding.

The ghost chain "squeaked" for a while, and it stretched endlessly in an instant.Black and white intertwined, vertical and horizontal like a net, immediately blocked the seven original immortals.

And the fisherman lightly lifted his bare feet, and the waves on his feet followed him.

"Here—" the fisher boy snorted softly.

With a thought, the sky-covering hat on the back turned into a flywheel again, heading straight for the net of darkness.The same sky-covering hat, but at this moment, it has exerted a power far superior to that just now.

There is no other reason, but because the man who controls the bamboo hat is indeed a Yongjing Yutong.The bamboo hat is like a cover, rolling the water of the bitter sea, like a thousand arrows

The chains and nets are intertwined with immortal power, making them impenetrable.


The arrow water touched the Nether Chain Net and instantly turned into wisps of green smoke.


The sky-covering hat even hit the chain net directly.The aroused light shot straight into the sky.

Seeing that the sky-covering hat was not damaged at all, it turned back upside down.And the net of black and white chains gathers backwards, during which the black and white light is intermittent.

Obviously, several sections of the chain had already been broken by the sky-shrouding hat.

Take this opportunity!

The fisherman came riding on the waves, and the dragon fishing pole had been thrown out in his hand.In the void, the fishing line flashed, and the silver hook on it caught people's eyes.The fishing line entered directly from the damaged part of the net chain of the nether world, and it was not bad at all.

The life-threatening silver hook rises with the wind.

Yuan Xian Jiuzhong, who was the leader, was not vulgar after all, and suddenly moved away.The three Yuanxian Yazhong behind him were scratched by the silver hook, and their black cloaks were scattered like butterflies, after all, they escaped their lives.

Only, the last three original immortals achieved great success and did not escape the silver hook.One is that their cultivation base is the weakest, the other is that they have been seriously injured just now, and the third is naturally that Yutong's speed is too fast.

At this time, the silver hook has already entered the sea like a crescent moon in the sky.A silver moon cut, with a silver light of tens of feet, across the sea.

In a hurry, the three of them sacrificed the remaining half of the Nether Stone together, hoping to resist it for a moment, and wanted to take the opportunity to escape.

Half a Nether Stone can still turn a mountain.The pitch-black mountain, standing in the sea of ​​void and bitterness, looks rather frightening.

However, Yutong's speed is too fast and his strength is too strong.The most important thing is that the dragon fishing rod in his hand is no longer comparable.The blessing of eternal power can break the magic weapon of the same price.


The silver moon cuts like hanging on the bottom of the sea.

The void vibrated, and the rocks fell like rain.The silver light is vertical and horizontal, unstoppable.That half of the Nether Stone was split open by the silver hook on the fishing rod.

Yin Hook castrated, but only paused slightly.The three original immortals, Qi Dao and Consummation Meditation, were tumbling, but they still couldn't escape the pursuit.

Puff puff—ah——

Three screams, almost merged into one.In an instant, blood splattered and black mist rose.

The meditation practice of the three original immortals, Qi Dao and Consummation, was directly cut off in the middle.The upper half of the corpse turned into mist, and the lower half fell into the river, turning into black smoke.

As soon as the fisher boy came out, he killed the three original immortals in an instant.

The storm is overwhelming, unstoppable!
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
"Buddha girl Yutong!" At this moment, Lezheng Yunyu on Wuyou Island was extremely shocked.Because, the Buddha girl in his mouth refers to the ancestor green soul of the Paradise lineage.

According to the legend of Paradise, thousands of years ago, the Buddha girl carried the coffin of the Buddha and became a saint, traveling in the Three Realms.I don't know where in the world, a boy was once accepted as a closed disciple, and that was Yutong.

The lineage of today's Dahe fishermen is said to be the inheritance of Yutong.Therefore, the former fishermen have a special status in the paradise.That is the real patriarch's direct lineage.

It can be said that even the owner of Worry-free Island has to show courtesy to the fisherman.

The Yutong family has been handed down from generation to generation.The most recent descendant is the fisherman.The owner of Worry-free Island has never seen any fishing boy.

According to legend, when the ancestor of the green soul passed away after his life was exhausted, the fisherman once wandered in the Three Realms and disappeared.Paradise has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, and there is no record of fishing boys.

"Today, is this really a Buddha girl fishing boy?" The owner of Wuyou Island didn't know what happened.Because, even if he was really from Tianzhou and possessed three souls, how could this fisher boy survive tens of thousands of years?

However, that is a physique that even a Buddha woman does not have.The Green Soul Patriarch still needs to awaken from reincarnation, so how can Yutong be immortal, and the Yutong in front of him is obviously not a reincarnation awakener.

"Unbelievable!" The shock in Lezheng Yunyu's eyes did not go away, and he took a deep breath, "If it's really a Buddha girl Yutong, then I'm afraid her cultivation level is still higher than mine."

Outside the island of worry-free, the formation of Buddha girls enveloped everything.The owner of Worry-free Island has complicated eyes.

On the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms.

Canghai Donghuang still had a smile on his face.At this time, Leng Yu and Murong Haiqing stood on both sides of him.

A water mirror unfolded, otherwise with Murong Haiqing's cultivation level, he would not be able to see everything on the sea of ​​bitterness.

"Master, who is that kid? So powerful!" Murong Haiqing asked with a frown.

"Could it be the legendary Buddhist girl Yutong?" Leng Yu was not sure, but looked at Donghuang.

"That's right!" Donghuang nodded, and smiled slightly, "That should be Yutong's real body! I said, the Nether lineage can't turn the sky. Unless Mingzun himself, who can ascend to Paradise?"

Dongling bitter sea.

Qingqianzang walked eastward slowly, calmly.

"Immortals have servants, Buddhas have fisher boys! It seems that I will go to the theater!"

on Phoenix Mountain.

"It's actually that little guy!" Xing Chen's voice was full of surprise.

"Hehe!" Xuantian laughed, "The green soul is worthy of the Buddha, but she can keep the fisherman alive to this day? Our immortal body doesn't seem to be a big deal!"

"But how did the green soul do it?" Xingchen was puzzled, "Although we don't know the origin of the fisherman, he is definitely not from Tianzhou, nor is he awakened from reincarnation!"

Xuan Tian pondered for a moment, and the surging river was reflected in his eyes.

"Xingchen, don't you see the great river flowing against the sea of ​​bitterness? Besides, don't both the fisherman and the fisher boy always step on the river? Don't you hear the fisherman's song that the fisherman and the fisher boy once sang?"

"Oh?" A strange color flashed in Xingchen's eyes, and he said to himself, "The sky and the earth are floating clouds, and the river is full of light? Xuantian, you mean—"

Xingchen figured it out, but he was a little shocked, and even couldn't believe it.

"That's right!" Xuantian smiled wryly, "The big river flowing against the flow is actually not river water at all, but time! Above the big river, time is still. Because its reverse flow cancels the passage of time in the three realms. That little guy, Although his practice is progressing day by day, he has never grown up! The fisherman of all ages is probably just a false body of his illusion."

Time stands still, turning into a false body.

"What kind of sky-defying technique is that?" Xing Chen was extremely shocked, "It's like recreating an immeasurable holy mountain by the green soul in the sea of ​​suffering..."

"Hehe!" Xuantian sighed, "So, thousands of years ago, Canghai and Green Soul were the venerables, but we are not! The former venerables—the demon venerable, the ghost venerable, the demon venerable, and the underworld venerable, no matter which one is actually They are far better than you and me, and it is you and me now."

The stars were speechless.Phoenix Mountain was silent for a while.

"The fisher boy appeared today, those meditations are over!" Xing Chen suddenly smiled strangely.

"Hehe!" Xuantian seemed to have thought of something, and laughed, "Of course! You forgot that little guy's temper? Carved in powder and jade, he looks harmless to humans and animals, but besides Fisher Boy, doesn't he have another title? ?"

"Little butcher—"

The husband and wife spoke in unison, and then laughed at the same time.Because this is really in contrast to Yutong's appearance, and it even feels very pleasant.

"Xuantian, you said he wouldn't kill You Ming, right?" Xing Chen said with a smile.

"Who knows?" Xuantian shook his head, with a helpless expression, "Canghai is dead! The green soul is gone, who can control that little ancestor?"



Mingzun frowned slightly at this time.The appearance of the fish boy was indeed beyond his expectation.

"Why is this little evil star?" Mingzun sneered, "The green soul is like me, and has the ability to make people immortal!"

Immediately, Mingzun frowned again.

"Fortunately, go from the west. Otherwise, I really don't know that the green soul has such a hand? Paradise, it really hides strength." The corner of Mingzun's mouth curled up, and he waved one hand immediately.

Three rays of dark light radiated out, like a special kind of jade slip, but they went straight to three different places in the Three Realms.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A sea of ​​bitterness and a great river.

The three original immortals died in meditation.Yuanxian Jiuzhong, who was the leader, didn't even think about it, and chose almost instinctively.


The netherworld unification technique was cast again.At the moment when the three original immortals fell, a black hole appeared, and the four became one.The final body is still the headed Yuanxian Jiuzhong.

However, his realm has risen again.However, it is only a worthless realm of imaginary eternity.

Perhaps, if the fisherman hadn't beheaded the three original immortals who had completed the meditation of the Seven Great Consummations.When they fit together, it might be Eternal Realm.You know, how difficult is it to go from Yuanxian to Eternal Realm?
"Hehehe!" Yutong stood on the waves, not in a hurry to attack, but looked at Xu Yongmingxiu with a smile.

"Complete the fit?" The fisherman nodded slightly with the tip of the fishing rod in his hand, with a playful face, "I killed three just now, but it was too easy. You are still too weak in a mere eternal state! To tell you the truth, this kind of meditation , the young master has fished and killed a lot!"

"Hehe!" Xu Yongmingxiu sneered, his voice changed slightly, "Yutong, don't be rampant, everything is uncertain!"

(End of this chapter)

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