nine coffins

Chapter 1003 Looks like a yo-yo!Waking up from the sleepy sleep of thousands of years

Chapter 1003 Looks like a yo-yo!Waking up from the sleep of thousands of years
Xu Yong meditated, stretching his arms.The black cloak flew up like a bird.Promoted to Xuyong monk, only one line away from the eternal realm, Xianli will naturally go to the next level.

Immortal power surged and spread everywhere.


Two black and white chains slowly swim and shuttle in the void.It was like two poisonous snakes that had come back from the dead, waiting for an opportunity to strike each other.

The fisherman's expression remained unchanged, he remained indifferent, and even had a slightly joking expression on his face.

However, anyone who knows Yutong will know that Yutong's murderous intentions are definitely among the best in the Three Realms.

Under the dragon fishing pole, I don't know how many Three Realms major repairs have died.In the Qiankun fish basket, how many dead souls from heaven and earth have gathered!

Yutong's realm is far above that meditation.The fisherman will kill this man.


However, that Xu Yongmingxiu seemed to be fearless of death, and even manipulated the Nether Chain to go straight to Yutong.That aura seemed quite astonishing.

"Giggle! Ridiculous!"

The fisherman smiled, and even bent over to laugh.However, at the same time as he bent down, the sky-shielding hat flew out suddenly and formed a shield again.

At the same time, with a flick of the dragon fishing rod, the bright-line silver hook went straight to Xu Yongmingxiu's head.

Yongjing vs Xuyong!The fisher boy has a winning ticket.


The black and white chains hit the sky-shielding hat directly.Black and white lights flew randomly.The nether chains were directly blown away, but the sky-blocking hat did not move at all.

With the blessing of different powers, these two magic weapons are no longer the same level of confrontation.


The bright silver hook crosses the sea of ​​bitterness and the great river, rolls up huge waves and cuts towards Xu Yongmingxiu.But at this moment, that Xu Yongmingxiu actually pinched the magic formula in front of his chest, advancing instead of retreating.

"Hmph! Hitting a rock with an egg!" The fisherman sneered, and the dragon fishing pole in his hand increased his strength.


The silver hook moves forward, and meditation does not retreat.

In this move, the silver hook directly cut off Xu Yongmingxiu's head.However, when the head was separated from the body, there was no trace of blood, nor was there any black fog.

"Huh?" The fish boy raised his eyebrows.Because, the body of the meditator did not fall into the river.

The black and white light lingers around the neck.The meditation head quietly floated in the void.It was quite a weird scene.

"Broken—" the fisher boy gave a soft shout, shaking the dragon fishing pole in his hand.

The silver hook turned and stood up like a moon wheel.


Silver light flashed again.This time, he directly split the body and head into two parts.The mask that had cracks just now was also divided into two pieces.

However, one was divided into four, and the corpse still did not fall.

"Oh? Hehe!" The fish boy was delighted when he saw it.

Shake your hand!The fisher boy retracted his dragon fishing pole, and the sky-covering bamboo hat stood up in front of him.Fortunately, he wanted to take a look at the changes in the meditation corpse, and did not make any further moves.

"Immortal Meditation? Hehe—" The fisherman seemed to have remembered something, but he was still stepping on the water waves, with a relaxed appearance.

No matter what, Yutong was not afraid at all.

Looking at the great river of the sea of ​​bitterness, the corpse divided into four is completely still in the void.

The light of black and white is constantly swallowing.

However, Xu Yongmingxiu kept the posture of forming the seal just now, it seems that the silver hook of the fisherman did not cut everything.

In an instant, the black cloak began to fly off in pieces, like black withered leaves.Then, followed by the black clothes, the same began to wither.

Afterwards, the bodies of the entire fourth branch were falling apart.It was like a black rose quietly withering, full of a kind of desolate beauty.

That is the fall of a life!

"Huh?" The fish boy raised his eyebrows slightly.

In the end, it was the heads that began to scatter, only the black and white mask had been quietly floating in the void.


The light of black and white wanders between the black and white masks.One piece of black, one piece of white, the two masks have not moved.


The wind swept away, and when everything was withered and scattered, the black half of the mask suddenly disappeared.At the same time, the white mask is showing off its glory.

This is changing!

A dazzling white light suddenly appeared.In an instant, it was like a scorching sun, illuminating the entire sea of ​​bitterness and great river.That is pure eternal light.

buzz - buzz -

At that moment, the sky-shrouding hat actually gave a warning.There was also a strange look in Yutong's eyes.

Look again, everything just now seems to be reversed and repeated, except that black has become white.The white half mask is being extended little by little, finally forming a complete white mask.

Then, the white light in the void began to gather, forming countless white petals.Petal by petal, it gathers into a body in white clothes.

"Bi'an flower! White Bian'an flower!" The moment those petals appeared, the fisherman's gaze changed slightly.Because he is too familiar with that kind of flower.

"White mandala flowers!" Lezheng Yunyu frowned slightly on Wuyou Island, "That's white clothes meditation!"

"White Bana flowers! Bloom for 1000 years and fall for 1000 years. The flowers and leaves will never meet." Canghai Donghuang sighed softly, "Love is not a cause and effect, fate is destined to life and death."

"Ming Zun, you actually used those white-clothed meditators!"

Donghuang's expression was slightly sad.Perhaps, he thought of the woman he had been waiting for.

"White ghost flower!" Xuantian and Xingchen didn't seem to expect white flowers to bloom on the sea of ​​bitterness.They have only seen that kind of flower in the extremely distant past.

The other shore flower, which blooms on the road to the underworld, is generally like fire, the so-called hell red lotus.White Bana flowers are extremely rare within the Three Realms.

But, they do.The white Bana flower is said to bloom at the feet of Mingzun.

On the shore of the Eastern Ridge, Qing Qianzang naturally saw everything, and involuntarily quickened his pace.


On the sea of ​​bitterness and the big river, there is wind in hunting.

At this time, countless white flowers emerged.In the middle of the sea of ​​flowers, a body in white clothes gradually formed.The white cloak rose from the sky.

"Si Yoyo, I woke up from a sleepless night!" It turned out to be a woman's voice.A trace of vicissitudes, a trace of laziness, a trace of helplessness.

nun!Even though they saw the white Bana flower, Xuyong's black-clothed meditator just now turned into a white-clothed female cultivator, which surprised everyone.

Slowly, the woman in white slowly stood up.

Flowers win the sea, people are like immortals.

In the void, there are countless white Bana flowers, and a woman in white stands among them.Although, that female cultivator had a ghostly face, it seemed that nothing could cover up her endless romance.

It is an indescribable beauty!That kind of beauty is not thrilling, but solemn and quiet!
"Yu Tong, it's been a long time!" The female cultivator in white had a sweet voice, swaying and lingering.Just listening to this sentence, this female cultivator in white seems to know Yutong.

At this moment, the Yutong had put away his playful expression.

"White flowers from the other side appear! I didn't expect you to be a ghost girl in white?" The fish boy was a little surprised.

In any case, he didn't expect it.The black-clothed meditation cultivator just now turned into a white-clothed ghost girl like a demon snake shedding its skin.

According to Nether legends, the status level of the white-clothed meditation is far higher than that of the black-clothed meditation.

And there are only a handful of meditation cultivators in white clothes with white flowers on the other side in the entire Netherworld.

"Hehe!" The white-clothed ghost girl smiled coquettishly, "Why? You are only allowed to remain unchanged for thousands of years, and we are not allowed to live forever? Don't die!"

"What does it matter if you are dead or not?" The fisherman smiled coldly, "It's been a long time indeed! But, which ghost girl are you?"

"Hehehe!" The laugh of the girl in white was like a silver bell, "The seven of us, brothers and sisters, were born from one flower, one body and one heart, regardless of each other. Yutong, why do you ask which one I am?"

"What? If I am your good sister! Hehe, are you going to return to the paradise directly?"

The underworld girl in white deliberately teased her, as if there was something hidden.The fish boy's face flushed slightly, and at the same time, his hand holding the fishing rod tightened even more.

"Little butcher! If you want to know who I am, take off my mask if you have the ability." The ghost girl in white smiled coquettishly, as if she wanted to provoke Yutong deliberately.

"Do you think I can't?" The fish boy's eyes flashed brightly, "Even if you are a ghost girl in white clothes, and you are in the fifth level of eternity, you will also fall!"

The waves rolled under the fisherman's feet, like clouds that never stopped.Gradually, the fish boy's breath changed.

"I can't see through your realm." Facing Yutong, the underworld girl in white didn't panic at all, "But you can try it, just like back then!"

Then, the underworld girl in white danced her long sleeves, and the wheel instantly formed a circle.Those white flowers of the other shore formed six rings with the waving of her long sleeves, scattered at the feet of the underworld girl in white.

Six rings, scattered white light.It was an extremely pale light!
"Six Bone Flower Formation!" The fisherman sneered.He is quite familiar with this formation.

Immediately, the fisher boy tapped his left foot lightly.Thousands of waves rise.In the waves, thousands of golden lights suddenly burst out.

jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle

Among the waves, there are countless golden bells ringing.


Looking at the golden light again, I don't know how many flowers from the other shore disappeared in an instant.The six flower formations kept shaking and were extremely unstable.

"Shake the golden bell!" The girl in white was surprised, "I forgot that you, a little butcher, can break through the six realms! Of course the bone flower array can't stop you!"

Saying that, the girl in white clothes changed her mind suddenly, and she no longer placed her hopes on the Six Paths Bone Flower Formation.


The black and white chains suddenly came apart.Black and white are like stars, and then turn into flowing light, and go to meet the ten thousand golden lights.

Jingle - jingle -

bang - bang -

Metal clanging, shaking the void.The black and white chains, the golden bells fluttering and flying apart.

The black and white chains are reunited, and the fisherman's golden bell returns to the ankle.The two magic weapons were evenly matched again.

And taking advantage of this moment, Yutong has already come on the waves.With a wave of the dragon fishing pole, the silver hook went straight to the face of the maiden in white.At that moment, it seemed that he really wanted to knock down the mask of the underworld girl.

"Hehe!" The underworld girl in white laughed lightly.In the void, the lotus steps moved lightly, seemingly quite slowly, but in fact they were extremely fast.With a flash of phantom, it has already dodged the silver hook of the fisherman.

"Go!" At the same time, the girl in white clasped one hand, and it turned into a Bana flower.The other shore flower instantly turned into a stream of light and went straight to Yutong's eyebrows.

Don't look at the ghostly girl in white who speaks faintly, occasionally teasing.However, the first shot is merciless, it is full of killing moves.

White Bana, highly poisonous.If it really hit Yutong's eyebrows, Yutong would definitely die, and the cycle of reincarnation would be broken immediately.

However, how could the little fisher boy butcher be kind?

Suddenly, the little mouth pouted, cute and cute.However, a blue light shot out directly from the fish boy's mouth.

That was a fang!To overcome poison with poison.

(End of this chapter)

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