nine coffins

Chapter 1005 The Fisher Boy Stays!immeasurable light

Chapter 1005 The Fisher Boy Stays!immeasurable light

There is no wave in the sea of ​​bitterness, and the great river is gone.The fisherman wears a red water chestnut, steps on bloody waves, and looks westward.

"Monster Mountain!" Yutong sneered.

With a stomp of the lotus feet, waves of blood flowed.The little Yutong actually went straight to the direction of Yaoshan.

"Huh?" Lezheng Yunyu on Wuyou Island was speechless for a while.

"Eternal Realm Ninth Layer!" Canghai Donghuang on the Holy Mountain of the Three Realms smiled faintly, "The Buddha girl fisher boy is really extraordinary! But—"

"What is that little guy doing? He doesn't really want to..." Xing Chen asked in surprise.

"Kill to Netherworld!" Xuantian shook his head and smiled wryly, "I told you a long time ago that this evil star is ready to kill. Without Canghai and Green Soul, who can control him?"

Above the sea of ​​bitterness, red light leaps vertically.

Fisherman Little Butcher is really not talking casually.However, in just a moment, a ray of blue light above the sea of ​​bitterness blocked the fish boy's way.

"The fisher boy stays!" A clear voice said.The blue light appeared, it was Qing Qianzang.

"Huh?" Yutong stopped the bloody waves, frowned, and slightly raised his face, quite displeased, "Yongzhi Jiuzhong? Who are you, to block my way?"

"My servant, Qingqianzang! People from Tianzhou!" Qingqianzang smiled gently.

"Qing Family of Tianzhou!" The fish boy's expression softened a little, and then he grinned, "The ancestor of your Qing Family, Qing Zhiye, died a long time ago, right?"

"Oh!" Qingqianzang smiled, and then looked at Yutong meaningfully, "Qingzhiye is long gone!"

"Hahaha!" The fisherman was quite happy when he heard that, and even clapped his hands and laughed loudly, "Good job, old man! He deserved to die a long time ago. Finally, I have something to be happy about."

Hearing Yu Tong's words, Qing Qianzang was not angry at all, there was a sneer in his eyes, but his voice suddenly became old.

"What? Tong'er, are you still afraid that the old man will touch your butt?"

"Huh?" The fish boy's face changed suddenly, he jumped back almost instinctively, covering his buttocks behind his hands, then looked at Qingqianzang in panic, "Qingzhiye, old man, are you still alive?"

The movement is smooth and done in one go.Presumably, the little Yutong suffered a lot from Green Leaf back then.

"Hahaha!" Qingqianzang laughed loudly.

Only then did Yutong realize that his reaction was a bit excessive, even degrading his dignity.cough cough!Unable to blush, the fish boy retracted his hands unnaturally.

"Yutong, Qing Zhiye, the ancestor of the Qing family, has passed away long ago. I just passed on his old man's remnants, and I know some things about the past, so you don't have to be nervous!" Qing Qianzang explained with a smile.

"A good death!" Hearing Qing Qianzang's words, the Yutong secretly heaved a sigh of relief, and then took a deep look at Qing Qianzang, "Back then, the descendant of the magic coffin once came to Paradise, and the magic man manifested three ways Blurred images. Since you have inherited the old man's remnants, you are the Immortal Servant of the Canghai, so you should be counted as one of them!"

"As expected of a Buddha girl fisherman!" Qingqianzang nodded, "I'll be listed below!"

"Canghai Xianzun is not bad! His fairy servant is qualified to talk to me." The fisherman said proudly, "But, why are you stopping me?"

"Hehe!" Qing Qianzang smiled, "What are you going to do?"

"Kill up the demon mountain and go straight to the netherworld!" The little Yutong proudly looked at the distant demon mountain, eager to try.

When Qingqianzang heard this, he couldn't help laughing.

"Kill up the demon mountain and hit the netherworld? It's up to you!"

"Why?" The little fish boy sneered.

"Is it easy to go to the netherworld? If you can enter the netherworld, someone in the three realms will have already gone there!" Qing Qianzang persuaded, "You should retreat to the paradise!"

"Hehe!" The red waves rolled under the little Yutong's feet. Revenge, how can we not avenge it?"

"Revenge, we have to wait for the right time!" Qing Qianzang said, "The time is not yet ripe!"

"Master, I can't wait!" The fisherman's black eyes rolled over to Qianzang, "You Qing family are all cowards! Qingzhiye is one of them. Shame -- bah --"

Spit hard, Yutong ignored Qing Qianzang.With the red waves under his feet, he bypassed Qingqianzang and headed for Yaoshan.

"Eh?" Qing Qianzang was so earnest that he was speechless for a while.It seems that Yu Tong doesn't listen to anyone except Cang Hai and Lv Hun.

"Little butcher, it's good to suffer a little bit!" Qing Qianzang looked at the back of the fisher boy, shook his head and sighed softly.However, he still followed slowly.

The fisherman went forward and went straight to Yaoshan.

However, it has only traveled thousands of miles.Above the void of the sea of ​​bitterness, a coercion suddenly descended.The coercion instantly overwhelmed thousands of miles, and the entire sea of ​​suffering seemed to have changed into a whole world.

"Huh?" At that moment, the fish boy's eyebrows suddenly stood up.Because, that coercion was so powerful that it even made Yutong's body freeze suddenly.

That is the pinnacle of eternity, even the coercion of half stepping on the throne!Those ancient meditation practices and even that Bai Xiaoliu can't compare with it at all.

"Who!" The fisherman's body glowed red, and he looked up to the sky and kept drinking.The real powerful enemy is coming, and it really doesn't have to come from the demon mountain.

The big river Hongling is flying around.Daoist rays of light protect the fisher boy.

"Little Yutong, you are really crazy!"

In the void, black mist lingers, it seems to be a boundary gate.Inside the gate, there is a vague figure, whose real body has not yet fully arrived.

click -

In the black mist, a black light struck down like a thousand feet.That power caused Yutong's expression to change slightly.


The red water chestnut in Yutong's hand turned into several sharp swords, and they went straight to meet him.At the same time, the golden bells on his feet flew out together.

jingle jingle jingle jingle jingle

Those two strings of golden bells swayed upwards, forming a defensive golden circle.


At this time, the black light had already fallen.


Roll up thousands of feet of sea water.The red light and the golden light exploded together.The fisherman leaped backwards, he was a hundred miles away.

Hong Ling retracted and Jin Ling returned to its place.The fish boy narrowly escaped the blow.

However, the black light in the midair swirled slightly, and rushed to Yutong again.

"Huh?" The fish boy was unsteady.The black light came again.

Bullying the young master!The fisher boy became angry.The key point is that at this time Yutong has not seen anyone coming, and even the black light has not shown its true form.

Grit your teeth!

The fisher boy shook his hands.Dahe Hongling flew out again, facing the black light directly.And the fish boy made a seal with his hands on his chest.

Paradise Immortal Art!

The seal formula of the fisherman is not complicated, a white light rises from the hands of the fisherman.The power of Eternal Nine Layers seems to have been exerted to an extreme.

A white lotus appeared faintly in the white light, and it went straight to the black light.

Florian!That is the technique passed down by the green soul.


This time the impact seems to be evenly divided.The Yutong just backed away slightly, but the blood in his eyes was even stronger.And seeing that black light also fly out backwards, it finally showed its original appearance.

It turned out to be a long-handled sword!Black Qu Qu, countless runes.The majestic coercion makes people tremble.

"Dragon Saliva God Slash!" The fisherman's eyes were filled with strangeness, and he secretly took a breath of cold air.He knew that a truly powerful character was coming.

"Little butcher! You are so courageous! Killing the demon mountain and smashing into the nether world? Hehe, have you forgotten who you are?" While speaking, the gate of the void opened.

With red hair and black clothes, sword eyebrows and star eyes, it is Dragon Saliva.

Asura Dragon Saliva!

Tens of thousands of years ago, that was the existence of step-by-step respect.If he hadn't been seriously injured and escaped into reincarnation back then, he should have already embarked on the road of sage just like Tianzhou Phoenix.

"Hehehe!" The fisherman looked at Longxi, but calmly sneered, "Who am I? I heard that you once used the entire Asura world to restore ghost coffins. Although you made wedding dresses for others, it was still amazing. Now, how come you are the minion of the eagle dog of the Hades?"

The words of the fisherman were sarcasm.However, Longxi was not moved at all.

"Hehe!" Longxi smiled lightly, "Yutong, I naturally have something to ask for! But, I don't need to tell you that's all. The little butcher is good at killing intent, not his mouth! You don't want to kill the demon mountain, go straight Nether? Today, I want to see if you have that ability?"

"Forget it! Look at my young master's tricks!" The fish boy stopped talking nonsense.Facing Dragon Saliva, he didn't dare to push him too hard.


With a flick of the Hong Ling, like a ten thousand zhang red river, it went straight to the dragon's mouth.

Naturally, the fisher boy is powerful, otherwise he wouldn't be known as a little butcher.However, this score is compared with whom.This red water chestnut may be a high-level destroyable eternal realm.

However, in front of Longxie, there is absolutely no way to please him.

Sure enough, Long Saliva looked calm and smiled slightly.With one hand, Long Saliva Zhan was holding it.


The dragon saliva moved slightly.The dragon saliva cut soared into the sky, as if it wanted to smash the sky.

chi chi—wow——

One can imagine the power of the Venerable Divine Weapon in the hands of Longxiu.Moreover, Long Saliva's realm has fully recovered or even moved one step closer, naturally it is higher than Yutong.

The relationship between Yongzhi Jiuzhong and Yiyi Tuzun seems easy, but in fact it is like a gully.

Longxiu chopped towards Hongling, unexpectedly splitting it open.

It's just that the red water chestnut is not ordinary either. After being split open, it directly turns into the water of a big river, and its sides roll upside down.At that moment, it was as if the dragon's saliva forcibly split the river.

When the fisher boy saw it, he retreated quickly, not daring to fight hard.


After the dragon saliva was cut off, the Hong Ling almost melted into the river, and there was no chance of recovery.

The fish boy frowned, and a ruthless look flashed across his eyes.In the process of retreating sharply, the place between his eyebrows suddenly lit up.

I saw, a white light flew out suddenly, and went straight to the dragon's mouth.

"Huh?" Longxi was surprised.Because the distance was too close, the white light came too suddenly.More importantly, that white light is definitely a divine weapon of the venerable level.

Longxiu Zhan fought outwards, and retreated quickly at the same time.Hongling finally had a chance to breathe and began to recover.


The two Venerable Divine Weapons collided, creating huge waves.Longxi jumped backwards, Yutong took the opportunity to retreat.

Look again, the white light flew back and fell into the hands of the fisherman, it turned out to be an extremely slender fairy sword.

That style is very special.It is four feet long and less than an inch wide.On it, a faint whitening light flows, and countless Buddha spirits surround it, as if it contains countless white lotuses.

Within the Three Realms, there are absolutely not many monks who know this sword.

"Immeasurable Buddha's Light!" A flash of surprise flashed in Canghai Donghuang's eyes.

In the Three Realms, there used to be three great swords!The Cloud Piercing Sword and Yijian Qingliu have already appeared in the world, but the light of the immeasurable Buddha has not yet appeared.Unexpectedly, it was in the hands of Yutong all the time.

At this time, Yutong's murderous aura surged.

"Boundless Buddha's light, slay demons and eliminate demons!" Yutong let out a long cry, and the sword in his hand went straight to Longxi.

(End of this chapter)

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