nine coffins

Chapter 113 Soul Dance

Chapter 113 Dance of Thousand Souls (End of Northern Cold Volume)

As soon as the Hundred Ghost Corpse Formation came out, the old man in black smiled coldly, and then moved his hands lightly in the void, endless rays of light flickered, moving the general trend of the world.Then nine talismans gradually appeared in the void, forming a strange pattern.

If Amu was sober at this time, he would be extremely shocked, because Amu also had such sigils engraved in his mind, and there were nine hundred and ninety-nine of them.

As soon as the nine talismans came out, they instantly formed a circle, and then directly floated above the black mist in the northern part of the cold, with a great display of light, forming a portal.

"It's just a hundred ghost corpse formation, let's see how I can break you!" The old man in black formed a strange seal with his hands.

"Call a thousand souls!" The old man in black shouted loudly, and then he saw that the thick fog in the north of the North Cold suddenly surged, and struggling faces appeared and disappeared in the black fog, which was extremely terrifying, and then all black The fog flew out, directly passing through the gate of light formed by the nine runes.

The fog kept surging, passing through the gate of light, but the fog did not fade at all. Could it be that the thick fog was made up of countless souls?Everyone was horrified, and the three members of the Beihan Sect were even more palpitating. The Beihan ancestors taught not to step into the Hanyuan. Needless to say, the Hanyuan is the fog in the north of the Beihan, which can stop all the monks in the Beihan.

Goodbye, all the mist passing through the Nine Figure Seals, all transformed into shapes, of different heights, fat and thin, are the souls of countless monks, and many souls even carry the remnant souls and coercive power of the magic weapon in front of them!There are all kinds of strange things, but they all carry endless killing spirit.

This scene shocked the Ninth Elder of the Immortal Ghost Sect beyond measure.What kind of heaven-defying technique is this?You must know that the souls of monks above the spiritual realm are immortal and can be regenerated. The so-called soul extinction is death.How does this old man in black control these souls?This requires an extremely powerful spiritual consciousness.

The Immortal Ghost Sect prides itself on being invincible in spells such as controlling ghosts and exorcising souls, but they have never seen such a spell that the old man in black can turn fog into a soul.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine souls stood in the void, and the old man in black was surrounded by stars like the moon. The old man in black's illusory ghostly body was like the king of thousands of souls.

"Your is a ghost corpse, and mine is a demon soul! It's just a showdown!" The black-clothed old man smiled with a bit of magic.

"Thousand Soul Dance!" The old man in black snorted.

Sounds of demonic howling, straight to the nine heavens!The nine hundred and ninety-nine souls seemed to be disorganized, but in fact they were all maintained by the old man in black with his divine consciousness.

The Hundred Ghost Formation is commanded by the flag, but the Thousand Soul Dance is guided by the consciousness of the caster.Strictly speaking, the Hundred Ghost Formation is a strange ghost formation, while the Thousand Soul Dance is a technique for controlling souls.

Ghost corpse versus demon soul, this is a unique fight!Yin Qi and Devil Qi both reveal ominous, the entire Northern Cold Formation is almost not human anymore, ghosts and demons are fighting.

Zhang Zhou, the two patriarchs and Qianzang Daoist were shocked, if it wasn't for the authentic Northern Cold Holy Soul Art of the old man in black to open the Northern Cold Formation.All three of them had doubts about whether the old man in black was the Patriarch of Beihan. Such techniques were by no means the techniques of Beihan, but were somewhat similar to those of Amu.

The battle between ghosts and demons stirred up the heavens and the earth, countless mountains of the Northern Cold Sect were flattened, and everything died.This is still secretly maintained by the old man in black, otherwise the entire Northern Cold Sect will be razed to the ground.Wasn't it because of a soul-level battle that the Northern Kingdom perished overnight?
Ghost cry, devil howl!The sky and the earth are cold.Soaring ghostly aura, unyielding magic.For a moment, the killing was silent for eternity.

But gradually the thousand soul dance of the old man in black gained the upper hand.

Demon souls are erratic, and the number is ten times that of ghost corpses.Although those ghost corpses are extremely brave, and they cooperate with each other tacitly, advancing and retreating with certainty, but they are still completely trapped by those demon souls.

Thousands of souls danced wildly, hundreds of ghosts cried and howled, but the nine elders' formation of hundreds of ghost corpses was completely suppressed.

The demonic souls of the old man in black were erratic and weird. Many of them should have been at least spiritual saints in their lifetime, but they were able to cast their previous spells and fight against the enemy with spells such as fairy fire and thunderbolt to restrain ghosts.

Even though the Hundred Ghost Corpse Formation was supported by the Scarlet Order Banner, it was still full of murderous aura.This yin wind is not an ordinary wind, it can scatter people's souls and reach Jiuyou directly.But although those demon souls were blown away by the dark wind and turned into mist, they manifested again in a blink of an eye, immortal.

At this moment, the Ninth Elder's face was pale, and he knew that there was no suspense in this battle, and he would definitely lose.He didn't know how many demon souls were still hidden in the thick fog of Beihan, but now it was endless.

"Hey! Let's end it!" The old man in black urged Qianhun, and the attack of Qianhun suddenly accelerated.

Nine hundred and ninety-nine devil souls spread their teeth and claws, covering the sky and covering the earth, each showing their magical powers and doing their best.These are nine hundred and ninety-nine living demons, but they have not yet prepared their spiritual consciousness. Once the spiritual consciousness is activated, it will be even more powerful.

The first ghost corpse was wiped out, the second ghost corpse was wiped out, the third ghost corpse was wiped out...

The three ghost corpses were wiped out one after another, the eyes of the old man in black flashed, and he cut off the red line from the blood-red flag, and the formation of hundreds of ghost corpses was broken!The rest of the ghost corpses are fighting on their own, how can they defeat those demon souls?Three or five demon souls surround a ghost corpse, biting and fighting, but they can devour one in an instant.

It's a pity that these ghost corpses that the nine elders have managed for more than a thousand years have become tonics for these demon souls.

"Hmph!" The black-clothed old man sneered, and then waved his hand. He didn't even use the black gourd, but directly grabbed the blood-red flag in his hand, "Scrap, this treasure is suitable for my old man's household!"

As he said that, he didn't know where to put the blood-red flag, and at this time, all the 99 ghost corpses were swallowed up by those demon souls.Except for the eerie aura in the void, nothing remained.

"Is there any other way? No! My old man is going to be imprisoned!" The old man in black narrowed his eyes slightly, and raised his left hand again.

He would not easily let go of the soul of a cultivating soul cultivator. At this moment, the Ninth Elder discovered that the old man in black had a black glow in his hand, and there was a black vortex that could not stop spinning in the palm of his hand.

"Demon Qi? soul-level demon cultivator!" The Ninth Elder's face was pale, and there were not many legends about demon cultivators in the sea and desert China, but every legend was blood-stained, eternally cold.

Amu is a magic cultivator, and the Ninth Elder didn't care at all, because he was still a small person.But a magic cultivator at the level of scattered souls is probably enough to stir up the sea wasteland!
"Hey! Demon cultivator? Interesting!" The old man in black's complexion changed, and his demonic energy rose.The black vortex in his palm shot out directly, and went straight to the Ninth Elder.

The patience of the old man in black was gone.

The Ninth Elder's red robe was billowing. At this moment, he had nothing to hide, nothing to fight, and the black vortex directly enveloped him.That is the power of the desolate demon, not to mention a rudimentary soul cultivator, even a high-level one cannot escape.

A red glow flew out from the forehead of the Ninth Elder, it was the soul heart of the Ninth Elder, and he still wanted to make a final struggle.Soul cultivators can be resurrected with just a little soul heart.

But how could the old man in black give him a chance?The body of the Ninth Elder had turned into blood mist, and the black gourd rose up immediately when he saw the Ninth Elder's soul heart fly out.

"Whoosh—" the soul of the Ninth Elder was collected by the black gourd without any suspense.

The old man in black held the black gourd, and waved it with one hand, all the murderous aura and demonic intent in the Northern Cold Sect were dissipated with a single wave.Only the dilapidated Beihan Mountains can still see the previous battles.

At this time, the sky is getting brighter, and the belly of the fish is white in the east.A little light of dawn reflects the peaks of the northern cold.

The old man in black stood in the void, scanning the Northern Cold Sect, the light of the Northern Cold Formation gradually faded under the rising sun.Dozens of peaks in Beihan Xianshan were razed to the ground, and there were very few peaks in the north of Beihan.

At this time, the shadow of the coffin, the black wood, and the rattan were all gradually recovered into Amu's body.Although Amu hadn't woken up at this time, his breath gradually stabilized, and the magic on his body gradually dissipated. Everything was like the boy next door, but his face was as pale as paper.

The old man in black sighed slightly, and said in his heart: "Finally, the successor of the magic coffin has arrived, and a mission is about to be completed! It is not in vain for me to sit for 7000 years." The old man in black lifted Amu with his soul power, and then turned He walked slowly towards the fog.

"Respectfully send off Patriarch!" At this time, led by Patriarch Zhang Zhou and Daoist Qianzang, a large group of monks knelt down in the void, and there were hundreds of monks, most of them were purple-clothed disciples. disciple.

It turned out that Bai Yifeng and the others had put down the Beihan Rebellion, they rushed here but didn't dare to take a close look, and they didn't dare to go forward until this time.

Mei Wangnan's party was completely eradicated, nearly a thousand monks were killed, and almost the entire Wangnan Peak was wiped out.And Bai Yifeng's party also suffered heavy losses, and now there are only ten spiritual monks of the Northern Cold Sect including Daoist Qianzang.

The old man in black couldn't help but stop and look back at the Beihan disciples.

Now the entire Northern Cold Sect can be said to be seriously injured, and its overall strength is less than [-]% of what it was before. None of the hundreds of monks who knelt to the old man in black were not blood-stained, and all of them were not injured. force.Not to mention at this time, Tianhuangmen and Jiangxuege, even a few slightly larger sects of Beihan can fight Beihan if they unite. However, it is hard to say whether they have monks of the highest level!

"Spring trees regenerate, dead trees bloom! This catastrophe is inevitable, you should still work hard to cheer up Beihan!" The old man in black glanced at everyone, feeling a little emotional in his heart.

"I also hope that the patriarch will bestow the name, and my disciples can worship it day and night! I also ask the patriarch for guidance." Master Zhang kowtowed upward.

"Name?" The old man in black was stunned for a moment, then smiled wryly, "Beihan Zongzhen is the first seat in Beifeng, bitter heart!"

"Painful heart?" People who are familiar with Beihan's history suddenly changed their faces. This is the last Beihan senior who was able to practice in Luoyunya Tianzihao cave more than 7000 years ago.

"I am a sinful person of Beihan, so I don't need to worship! Beihan Holy Soul Art, I have passed it to Lishui who has the tenth grade immortal root and the eternal holy lotus! In the future, he will be successful in cultivation, and he can protect Beihan, and the Beihan sect will prosper Hopeful!"

"Patriarch, will the Immortal Ghost Sect come again?" Master Zhang asked.

"Although the Immortal Ghost Sect is strong, it never dares to come here in the Northern Wilderness, otherwise I will not be able to save you today! Don't worry! On the cold plain, there will be someone to protect you! In a hundred years, the Northern Cold Sect will not have another Great battle! You can cultivate and thrive!"

Upon hearing this, Master Zhang breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you, Patriarch!"

At this moment, a purple figure suddenly moved forward and knelt down in front of the old man in black. This person was Han Bingyi. At this time, her dress was stained with blood, but she did not hide her face, but her face was extremely pale.

"Patriarch, can you let me take a look at him!" Han Bingyi looked at the unconscious Amu who was hanging in the air.

The old man in black looked at Han Bingyi, and said lightly:
"Fool, this boy, Amu, I want to take away! He and Beihan have already had an antecedent relationship, so he doesn't need to stay here anymore! You are different from him, and your predestined relationship is over, so don't worry about it! Cultivate hard, and it will be possible in the future." I am no longer human, but there is still a day to meet! In the future, those who are not in the soul state, I am afraid it will be difficult to get close to them!"

Saying that, the old man in black stopped talking, turned around and stepped out, holding Amu's news in the thick fog.

"He and Beihan have already had an antecedent cause, so there is no need to stay here anymore! You are different from him, and your predestined relationship is over, so you don't need to look at it! Cultivate well, maybe you will no longer be a human, but there is still a day to meet each other. In the future, those who are not in the soul state, I am afraid it will be difficult to get close to them!"

The words of the old man in black resounded like thunder in Han Bingyi's ears.

Han Bingyi's beautiful eyes stared at the direction where the old man in black disappeared, and was stunned for a while, tears welling in his eyes.

After a long time, Han Bingyi got up abruptly and flew straight to Tongtian Peak.Since then, she has been in seclusion for a hundred years in the small courtyard behind Tongtian Peak.As soon as the old man in black left, everyone in Beihan stood up one by one, feeling like they were alive after a catastrophe.

At this time, the sun is shining brightly in winter, and the northern cold mountains are scattered.

This sect of nearly ten thousand years has to wait and lie dormant, in order to welcome the new future.

The Northern Cold Sect is about to enter a new era - the Holy Lotus Era!
And Amu experienced the simple baptism of entering the North Cold for the first time. The moment he entered the black mist, he entered the real way of the nine coffins.Old man Wang Jue's layout has just begun.

The Nine Coffins curtain slowly opened.

(End of this chapter)

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