nine coffins

Chapter 114 Demon Guardian

Chapter 114 Demon Guardian

In the north of Beihan, through the vast fog, there are the seven peaks in the north of Beihanzong and the vast and endless cold plain.

Zhenbei Qifeng, in the shape of the Big Dipper, faintly exudes seven-color auras and continuously circulates, forming a huge formation that gathers the aura of heaven and earth and gathers the power of the sun and the moon.

As far as the endless northern wilderness is concerned, the sky is full of wind and snow, and the icebergs stretch for thousands of miles and are boundless.

Speaking of the Northern Wilderness Cold Plain, it is a strange existence in the Northern Wilderness Territory, because the entire cold plain, except for some places covered by great spells, has constant wind and snow all year round.According to the legend of the Northern Wilderness, tens of thousands of years ago, cold and hot plains alternated between cold and heat, with four distinct seasons. Later, there was a battle between immortals. I don’t know what kind of immortal method caused the constant snowstorm here all the year round.

The huge moat between Hanyuan and Qifeng is tens of thousands of feet long, with no ends visible, hundreds of feet wide, and no bottom at all.The cliffs are dangerous, the yellow cranes are sad, the apes can't cross, and the black fog is misty. Such a terrifying and forbidding natural moat makes people feel frightened.It is said that this natural moat is a ditch left by the great mana during the immortal war.

But now the moat divides Zhenbei Qifeng and Hanyuan into two worlds.One is the colorful and misty seven peaks of the northern cold, and the other is the endless cold plain with constant wind and snow.

Among the seven northern cold peaks is the main peak Town North Peak, soaring into the clouds, like a sword pointing to the sky.

At this time, on the top of the peak, Kuxinzi sat with his eyes closed, and all kinds of seven-color runes were engraved around him, and the brilliance flowed, which was very strange.

The first stage of Dzogchen Sanhun, this is the practice of painstaking son.His real body has been sitting here for nearly 7000 years!
Today, it is exactly three years after the Beihan Rebellion.

At this time, Ku Xinzi slowly opened his eyes, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes.Immediately afterwards, a male cultivator in a black robe gradually transformed into a figure behind him.

This black-robed male cultivator has a handsome face with sharp edges and corners, his eyes are full of murderous intent, and there is endless blood in the depths of his eyes.

This black-clothed friar is none other than Amu who was rescued by bitterness during the Beihan Rebellion three years ago.It's just that today's Amu has already shed the childishness of a boy, and has a little more stability and maturity, and the devilish energy in his body is getting stronger, and there is a murderous air in every step and foot.

"That's right! The fixed cultivation is a high-level Dzogchen! It seems that your "Ancient Desolation Demon Scripture" has advanced to another level, and the illusion of immortals and demons is already comparable to the teleportation method of monks in the spiritual realm!" Bitterness nodded slightly.

"It's thanks to senior's advice!" Amu bowed slightly towards his painstaking efforts.

"How can I have any credit, but you are born with a demon body and have excellent understanding!" In fact, in the past three years, the painstaking son has guided Amu carefully, and even taught him all the magic skills he knows, but he didn't take any credit for it.

Amu was grateful in his heart, but he also knew the character of this painstaking son, so he stopped saying thank you.

Then with his hands behind his back, Amu looked thoughtfully at the billowing mist of the vast moat, and said slowly, "Senior, 7000 years! Do you regret sitting here?"

"Oh?" Kuxinzi didn't seem to expect that Amu would ask such a question, so he was silent for a while, then pointed to the immeasurable moat and asked Amu, "Where is what?"

"Huh?" Amu frowned slightly, not knowing what the painstaking effort meant, "Didn't the senior say that there was a demon sealed there?"

"That's right! That's a demon! So, I've been sitting alone for 7000 years, but it can be exchanged for 7000 years of peace in the Northern Wilderness, and it can be exchanged for the safety of tens of thousands of living beings in the Northern Wilderness. Why regret it? I was originally a guardian!"


Amu didn't speak after listening to Kuxinzi's words, but just watched the black mist in the sky moat rise and disappear, but the word "guardian" echoed in his ears
The blurred colorful light on the seven peaks in the north of Zhenbei and the shadow of the black mist of the vast moat intertwined and reflected in Amu's eyes.

In the past three years, Amu couldn't forget everything about the Beihan Rebellion, but it got deeper and deeper.

Thinking of the Ice Fairy, thinking of Ziyu, thinking of those Beihan nameless monks who died trying to protect him.Amu doesn't know if they are his temporary guardians, but one day, Amu will continue to avenge them.Mei Wangnan's lineage is dead, and Amu will put this account on the head of Xianguizong.

In the past three years, Amu often thought of Ziyu Lishui Liruo and the other three pleading for him during his first battle on the stage of life and death, and his promise to Han Qianli—"With these three people here, Amu will definitely live up to Beihan in this life!"

Amu felt that his words were more like an ignorant joke.

It can be said that the Beihan Rebellion started because of him, and Ziyu died to save him, but in this catastrophe that almost wiped out the Beihan Sect, Amu's strength is really like a mantis' arm.

Talking about living up to Beihan is nothing more than empty talk.

Therefore, for three years, Amu has been practicing hard, from the beginning of Dingxiu to the current Dzogchen advanced Dzogchen.This speed is not unpleasant. You must know that every step a monk takes is difficult.But Amu still won't be satisfied!
Seeing that Amu was silent, Kuxinzi knew Amu's heart well, so he smiled lightly and said, "Amu, as the successor of the magic coffin, you will one day cross the sea! You have tried your best in the past three years, so there is no need to rush!"

"Oh!" Kuxinzi's words interrupted Amu's thoughts.

"One of the nine coffins can conquer the Three Realms!" Amu couldn't help shaking his head and smiling wryly when he recalled Wang Jue's words back then. Although he was making rapid progress, Amu couldn't even imagine the distance between being able to suppress the Three Realms.

"Senior, what kind of secrets does the magic coffin contain? Why are you willing to protect the way for me and be a demon guardian?" Amu looked at Kuxinzi, and this was the question in Amu's heart for the past three years.

"Hehe!" This time, he shook his head and smiled bitterly, because Amu asked the same question many times, "I don't know the secret of the magic coffin! All I know is that I need to wait here for the arrival of the descendant of the magic coffin to lure him into the devil , defend him!"

"Then for 7000 years, you have been guarding the devil, while waiting for the descendant of the devil's coffin to appear!" Amu said helplessly for Kuxinzi, because Kuxinzi had said these words many times.

"Senior, do you really not know my master?" Amu was still unwilling.

"I only recognize the magic coffin, not the face! I am also curious about your old man Wang Jue. I don't know what he is, and how he can give you the magic coffin and the magical black rattan! And the nine hundred and ninety This sigil is actually ten times what I have learned. But one thing is for sure, that is, we have never met before!" Kuxinzi couldn't help but sigh.

He was also really confused about Wang Jue.Because the person who made him guard here was not Wang Jue at all.From Amu's mouth, he can also judge that those are definitely not two faces of the same person, but two completely different talents.

But how could things be so strange?When Wang Jue asked Amu to come to the Northern Cold School, he always felt that there was a mystery in Wang Jue's arrangement, but he couldn't figure it out.

The answer was almost the same, Amu could only nod helplessly, everything was also a mystery to Amu.

"Amu, don't think too much! The only thing you can do now is to improve your cultivation level! As long as you can reach the state of the Supreme Spirit, will I let you go down the mountain to meet your master and sister? With a strong cultivation base, everything can be done The time has come, and all the mysteries will be solved." Kuxinzi explained.

After listening to Kuxinzi's words, Amu didn't say anything, just nodded, but there was a look of incomparable determination in his eyes, the state of the most spiritual, this is the goal that Kuxinzi set for him.Amu must reach Zhiling quickly.

Pro-Yuan Xian fish, as retreat webs!Amu naturally understood this truth, so he quickly cleared up his mood.

"I don't know about Thousand Soul Dance, how is your practice?" Kuxinzi changed the subject and asked about Amu's practice.

"It's already ten souls!"

After finishing speaking, Amu shook one hand, bursts of demon energy, black mist surged, and ten demon souls floated around Amu in an instant.

These ten demonic souls are all demonic souls that the painstaking person once controlled, and they borrowed them to practice with Amu.But the skill of this thousand soul dance is extremely strange, once this demon soul belongs to someone, it cannot be controlled by others.It is possible to practice like Amu, but it is impossible to fight against the enemy.

"Yeah!" Seeing that Amu has already been able to control the ten souls, Kuxinzi is quite satisfied. You must know that this skill of dancing thousands of souls is by no means ordinary.This is not an ordinary soul control technique, because it is a technique that only demon cultivators can practice.Although Kuxinzi is not a demon cultivator, but by chance, he has a trace of ancient magic power, which is why he can use this technique.

And on this point, Amu is not a problem, because Amu is a rare magic body magic cultivator in the ages, which is suitable for practicing this technique.But this still requires an extremely powerful magic consciousness. It is extremely rare for Amu to be able to distract and control the ten souls without being backlashed.

"What about the sigil forbidden image technique?"

"I have already mastered nine kinds of sigils and 81 kinds of changes! I can lay down three kinds of forbidden pictures and deduce nine kinds of changes!"

"Thousand soul dance has cultivated to ten souls, and you have planted the foundation of the forbidden talisman technique early! Although your cultivation level is not enough, it seems that you are here today because you want me to send you to the secret realm of wild souls!" Kuxinzi looked at it. Amu, we have been together for three years, and Kuxinzi already knows Amu very well.

"Amu has this intention. If I enter the Desolate Soul Secret Realm earlier, I may be able to enter the Spirit Realm one day earlier. I hope that the senior will do it well!" Amu's tone was extremely sincere.

Kuxinzi looked at Amu, hesitated and said: "Amu, it's not that I don't want to send you in. But the secret place of the wild soul is very strange. It is said that it is an ancient killing field, which evolved over tens of thousands of years! Although there are countless rare treasures , can be said to be inexhaustible, but there are even more monsters and beasts running rampant, ghosts and ghosts are inexhaustible, and the danger is extremely dangerous. It is difficult to survive if you are not a cultivation level above the Supreme Spirit! Although you can fight the Supreme Spirit, but... "

Kuxinzi didn't say anything more, but the meaning was already obvious, that is, he didn't agree with Amu's entry into the Realm of Desolate Soul now.

"Senior, don't worry, Amu is protected by treasures, a secret realm that monks in the soul realm cannot enter, and Amu can protect himself! What's more, the real magic cultivator may have to go through the baptism of blood and fire. How can you become a demon without being killed! A bloody light flashed in Amu's eyes. Compared with three years ago, Amu now is more magical.

Kuxinzi was silent for a while, then nodded: "Okay! Seven days later, it will be the day when the Wild Soul Secret Realm opens, and I will send you in!"

"Thank you, senior!" Amu didn't have any extra words, and bowed to Kuxinzi, and then gradually turned into nothingness.This fairy phantom technique is a technique that Amu has practiced vigorously in three years.

Watching Amu gradually disappear, Kuxinzi's expression was a little complicated.

And at this moment, a soul body in a red robe suddenly transformed out of the void.

(Sunday is always the busiest! This chapter has been written for a long time, because it is a transitional chapter, and it has been deleted and revised six or seven times, but I am still not satisfied! Huh! Everyone pinch your nose! I hope everyone will like it, but that is A grotesque world.)
(End of this chapter)

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