nine coffins

Chapter 131 Forget Soul and Worry-free Bluestone Mirror Image

Chapter 131 Forget Soul and Worry-free Bluestone Mirror Image
After completing the ten soul dance, Amu did not continue to attack the hundred soul dance.Because Amu has to slowly understand all the things just now, and Amu also consumed too much magic power during the consecutive few days of sacrifice and practice, especially the power of magic consciousness.Haste makes waste, and Amu did not rush forward.

Zhenyi stood up, and Amu took a deep breath.At this time, in this small secret territory, the sky is full of stars, and a crescent moon hangs high.Maybe it's because I haven't seen such a sky for a long time, and the soul dance technique is really small, Amu's mood is rare joy.

The green mountains and green waters are a little blurred under the starry night.Amu looked around, and suddenly thought that while there was nothing to do at this time, it would be better to collect those three very special flowers and plants.

According to the memory of the God of War King, there are three kinds of extremely special flowers and plants in this small secret territory.And one of them caught Amu's attention the most.Because that was surprisingly the Forgotten Soul Worry-Free Grass that the mysterious Qianhua Granny sold to him at the Fairy Collection of the Northern Cold Sect and gave it to Han Bingyi.

Forget Soul and Worry-free Grass is a kind of fairy grass.There is nothing strange about this grass, only one kind of strangeness, which is to make people forget their worries, get rid of inner demons, and help monks below the soul level to quickly improve their cultivation base.At the same time, the Forget Soul Worry-free Grass can be refined to erase all human memories.In ancient times, many powerful people sacrificed it directly to erase the memory of the enemy's consciousness and refine puppets, so some people called it the puppet grass.

"Puppet grass!" Amu whispered to himself, then sighed slightly.

Thinking of Wanghun Wuyoucao, I naturally thought of Han Bingyi, that stubborn and beautiful woman, who used her own way to occupy a place in Amu's heart.The Forget Soul and Worry-free Grass is the only thing Amu gave her.

In fact, looking at all the events of the Northern Cold Sect, it seemed that everything had been expected by the mysterious Qianhua Granny.

Forget Soul Worry-free Grass, Immortal Soul Sword Lotus, Coffin Remnants, Granny Qianhua's three pots of flowers and plants can be said to be targeted, specially prepared for the three of them, and they are definitely not just for sale.

The Wanghun Wuyou grass was not used as a puppet grass for Han Bingyi. Now it seems that Granny Qianhua probably knew that Han Bingyi would have a heart demon because of Amu in the future. It's hard to make any progress.

"Grandma Qianhua!" Until now, Amu knew nothing about her.

"Hey! I don't know what's going on with them?" Amu sighed again, then got rid of distracting thoughts, stretched out his body, and went straight to the place where Wanghun Wuyoucao was.

This small secret place is actually not big, but it has a radius of hundreds of miles, but it seems that Amu's special magic consciousness can't go to the end.Because as long as you go out a few hundred miles, the scenery will change naturally and start all over again.The overall feeling is that this small secret realm seems to be a flowing spherical space, which goes back and forth.

However, Amu inherited part of the memory of the God of War King, and is very familiar with this secret realm.Walking through two woods and walking at a special pace, you will appear at the foot of a small mountain with a small stream gurgling by.

The sky is reflected in the creek, and there are countless stars.At this time, a nine-leaf immortal grass emitting a faint blue light was swaying in the water.Bluish light, water and sky, this is an extremely dreamy and blurred night.

Amu looked at the Nine-Leaf Immortal Grass, at this time it was not enveloped by the green light of Granny Qianhua.A clear and faint fragrance came, and for a while, Amu suddenly felt that everything was empty, all troubles and sorrows were gone, and a slight joy lingered in his heart.

That feeling was very strange, at that moment, it was as if two windows were opened in the depths of his heart, which were extremely clear and bright, and even Amu felt that his magical and murderous aura was slightly reduced.

"Forget Soul and Worry-free Grass! Forget Soul and Worry-free, the name is indeed well-deserved!" Amu looked at the nine-leaf fairy grass swaying in the water, and couldn't help muttering to himself.

With this fairy grass, Han Bing Yi Ding can temporarily put away all worries, avoid demons, and practice with peace of mind.

For some reason, at this time, Amu suddenly didn't want to pick this Forget Soul and Worry-free Grass.Because the fairy grass swaying in the water is so natural, carefree, together with the water, the sky, the green mountains and green trees, it is completely one.

And Amu knew that the Forget Soul and Worry-free Grass only showed its true shape at night, and it would disappear without a trace during the day.At the same time, if you want to pick this Wanghun Wuyou grass, you must use a jade bottle and a secret method to collect it, otherwise the grass will definitely dissipate.

Thinking of this, Amu admired that Qianhua Granny in his heart, wondering how she possessed the Forgetfulness and Worry-free Grass.

This is by no means as simple as entering the Desolate Soul Secret Realm. Not to mention that this small secret realm is extremely difficult to find, even if you find it, you may not be able to find the Forget Soul and Worry-free Grass. ,

If Amu didn't have part of the inheritance of the god king, he would not be able to find the Forget Soul and Worry-free Grass, let alone how to pick it.But Grandma Qianhua is not picking, but cultivating. This method is not even in the memory of the God of War King.

And Amu still doesn't know whether Granny Qianhua got the fairy grass here, if it wasn't for Granny Qianhua, she might be even more powerful.

"The red clothes are like blood, and the white hair is like frost; Grandma Qianhua, roaming the wilderness!" The sixteen characters left by Grandma Qianhua were definitely not boasting.

That should at least be a monk with a top-level scattered soul!or even higher.

Amu looked at the Wanghun Wuyou grass again, and finally planned to collect this fairy grass!This kind of thing is hard to come by, and I don't know when I will meet again with the next celestial grass.

Taking out a jade bottle, Amu rose into the air, and silently recited the mantra according to the secret method in the memory of the god king.

Then a ball of green light flew out, directly wrapping the Wanghun Wuyou grass.That ball of green light is very similar to the green light that Grandma Qianhua used to wrap the Forget Soul and Worry-free Grass.

"Take it!" Amu sacrificed the jade bottle in the air, and the Wanghun Wuyou grass swayed gently, turning into a stream of light and flying into the jade bottle.

Amu doesn't have the skills of Grandma Qianhua, she can move the soil and cultivate it, so she can only harvest it and protect it with secret methods to maintain its medicinal properties.

After collecting this fairy grass, Amu was about to leave.But at this moment, he suddenly found a huge blue stone standing not far away.

The blue boulder was more than one foot high, but its brilliance was like a mirror.At this time, ten thousand stars can be mapped.

Suddenly, Amu felt a figure flicker on the bluestone.

"Huh?" Amu was stunned, and his instinctive magic consciousness dispersed, but there was no abnormality at all within a hundred miles.Except for Amu, there is no one else in this little secret, and where did the figure come from?
Amu frowned, wouldn't it be another existence similar to the blood shadow fish?But in the memory of the God King of War, this small secret realm is definitely a pure land, there are no soul beasts here, let alone any ghosts.

Amu looked at the bluestone again, at this time there was another figure flashing on the bluestone.

"Hmm! That's it!" It turned out that this was not a projection of a human figure at all, but a continuous scattering of human figures on the bluestone.

Amu watched intently, at this time the shadow gradually became clearer and clearer, and the blue stone was like a mirror, reflecting various images.

It was a woman with long hair in a white robe, with her hair reaching her ankles.

But the world inside the bluestone is not the small secret place where Amu is.It was a different world, dark, like a deep valley, and a full moon hung high in the void.

The woman in the valley stood sideways, her long hair fluttering slightly, and a few strands of black hair brushed her cheeks.Some loneliness and sadness linger faintly, how many years?
At this time, the woman in the mirror turned around gently, as if looking directly at Amu, but Amu knew that it was just a mirror image.

But at that moment, even Amu couldn't help being overwhelmed by the beauty of the woman in white in front of him, what kind of beauty is that?

Charming all living beings, that is the ultimate fusion of bewitching and beautiful, that is not the beauty of the world at all!

The moment she looked directly at Amu, Amu felt blank for a moment. Is there really such a face in the Three Realms?Then all the beauty in the Three Realms should wither in front of this woman?

Among the women that Amu had met, Yu'er described her as still young, and Han Bingyi ranked first in terms of beauty alone.But if Han Bingyi stood in front of this woman, he would feel ashamed.

It is a kind of incomparable, incomparable beauty.In front of this white-clothed woman, even a real fairy will be eclipsed.

"Who is she?" Amu collected himself, and hurriedly used the ancient wild magic scripture to protect his sanity. He was afraid that this was a supreme illusion.

But something that shocked Amu happened.Since Amu obtained the ancient desolate demon scriptures from the magic coffin, the ancient desolate demon scriptures can be said to be invincible in deciphering illusions and protecting spiritual consciousness.As long as the Desolate Demon Sutra comes out, Amu's consciousness has never been lost.

But this time, Amu was extremely shocked, because those ancient scriptures, those ancient characters containing magic, could not be fully manifested in front of the mirror image of this woman.

That is an absolute surrender!

This can almost be regarded as the most shocking thing since Amu stepped out of cultivating immortality.The ancient scriptures from the magic coffin can't be manifested.Fortunately, the woman in white didn't have the slightest hostility, otherwise the remaining mirror image alone might have wiped out Amu Dao's soul.

At the same time, Amu felt that the magic on the remnant wood of the coffin in Danhai gradually faded away, not that kind of disappearance, but that it was constantly restraining.

What kind of deterrent force is that?This is just a mirror image.

Goodbye to the woman in the mirror, suddenly dancing to the moon.

It was a very special dance step, absolutely beautiful.The woman in white dances gracefully, waving her long sleeves, like a white lotus facing the wind, graceful and graceful.It moves with the wind, like a fairy among flowers, a spirit at night.

However, the woman in white seemed to always carry a faint sadness, and that sadness seemed to have passed through countless years and never dissipated.

There is no sound in the mirror, but Amu can see the tears in the woman's eyes, and can see the woman singing to the moon, but she doesn't know what to sing.

"Huh?" Amu suddenly frowned.

Because at this moment, the demon coffin that had been dormant for more than three years suddenly shook in Amu's Danhai.

The sound of "rumbling" echoed in Amu's pill sea, and the magic coffin kept rising.

Different from the appearance of the magic coffin in the past, this time the magic coffin did not exude endless vicissitudes and magic, nor did it show the domineering arrogance of the eternal dominance.On the contrary, it gave Amu the feeling that it was a kind of joy and silent warmth of reunion after a long absence.

What a strange feeling!Even, Amu could feel that the magic coffin seemed to be sad because of the woman's sorrow.

A bluestone mirror image actually caused the appearance of the magic coffin, which shocked Amu even more.We must know that the magic coffin will not appear until the moment when Amu is sure to die.

What is this bluestone?Who is this woman in white?
(End of this chapter)

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