nine coffins

Chapter 132

Chapter 132
The mysterious blue stone, the mysterious woman in white.

Amu stared at all this in a daze, until the woman in white danced to the end, but the graceful dance steps were still echoing in Amu's mind.Is that the fairy dance?

The holy white dress is like snow, and the ankle-length black hair is like a waterfall. The beauty of the woman in white will make anyone's heart beat, and she will never forget it.It seemed like an endless magic.

The magic coffin in Amudan Sea floated quietly, as if silently watching everything about the woman in white.

At the end of the dance, the light in the starry sky is gradually dimming, because the east has already revealed a faint light.

"Roar—" Just as the image of the woman in white was about to disappear, the magic coffin in Amudan Sea suddenly vibrated and roared.This kind of situation only happened once in Luoyunya Tianzihao Cave Mansion of Beihan Sect.

From the incomplete corner of the magic coffin, a ray of misty and majestic aura emanated from it, making it impossible to see clearly, the way was unclear, and it was all in chaos.That vague, ethereal voice came from the depths of the coffin again, still revealing the vicissitudes of the ages, penetrating millions of years.Although the voice was like raving, it was full of strange power.

Similarly, at this moment, Amu's heart was filled with sadness, which was the spread of sadness in the magic coffin.The gradually disappearing figure of the woman in white made the coffin tremble almost uncontrollably.

"Seal...for ten thousand years, my soul...return! Seal...for ten thousand years, my soul...return—"

That is not willing to be unyielding, mighty and mighty through the ages, that is the magical intent of being the only one.

"Squealing——" Following the sound, the coffin slowly opened a gap.

Everything that is gray can give birth to the sun, the moon and the stars.That is the endless air of chaos, that is the light of the years at the beginning of the sky and the beginning of the earth.

Although the magic coffin was in Amu's body at this time, the feeling of the beginning of the world almost made Amu dizzy.Amu felt that his pill sea was filled instantly, almost to explode.The primordial power of the heavens and the earth would not be extinguished after tens of thousands of kalpas. Although only a trace leaked out, it was not something the current Amu could bear.

"Boom——" As if sensing the energy of the devil's coffin, the cyan boulder shook suddenly, and the mirror image of the woman in white paused suddenly, but eventually it gradually disappeared.

Only then did Amu see clearly that although the blue stone was as smooth as a mirror, there were three ancient seal-like characters——Three Realms Wangyou Stone.

Three Realms Wangyou Stone?Those were actually three ancient runes.Apart from Amu, there are probably not many people in the sea desert Shenzhou who know him.

At this time, the Wangyou Stone of the Three Realms was shaken by the power of the demon coffin, and then suddenly shot up into the sky, turning into a green glow, which rushed directly into Amu's pill sea, and entered through the gap of the demon coffin.

The magic coffin collected the Three Realms Wangyou Stone, and the eternal magic sound gradually subsided.Then it slowly closed, and the gray and misty air of chaos also slowly disappeared.After splitting the sea of ​​pills, there were thousands of waves, and the coffin sank into the depths of Amu's sea of ​​pills again.

"Huh—" At this moment, Amu let out a long breath, but his forehead was covered with cold sweat.If the magic coffin was opened a little more, I was afraid that he would be blown to death by the power of chaos.

At this time, the sky is bright, but the scenery in front of him has changed.Of course, the Wanghun Wuyou grass disappeared, and the Wanghun stone was collected by Amu's magic coffin. Even the stream at night disappeared, and the distant forest turned into a distant mountain.

This change of scenery was within Amu's expectation, because this small secret place originally had different scenes during the day and night, and was full of bizarre changes.But this change is not dangerous, just bizarre and mysterious.

What puzzled Amu the most was the woman in white and the Wangyou Stone of the Three Realms in the mirror image, because neither of these were in the memory of the God of War King.

The mirror image of the Wanghun Wuyou grass, the Wangyou stone, and the woman in white, Amu always feels as if everything was deliberately arranged by someone.

However, Amu couldn't figure out why such a layout should be made?At the same time, what is the relationship between the woman in white and the magic coffin?Why is the magic coffin so abnormal in front of the mirror image of the woman in white, and took the initiative to collect the Wangyou Stone from the Three Realms?
Could it be that the owner of the devil's coffin and the woman in white are old acquaintances, or that the woman in white is the owner of the devil's coffin?

"The Lord of the Demon Coffin?" Amu trembled a little when he thought of this, the one who can truly control the Demon Coffin can traverse the Three Realms, what kind of existence is that?Now Amu can't even imagine it.

Everything was so confusing that Amu could only write it down and think about it gradually in the future.If one day I can meet my master Wang Jue, maybe there will be an answer to many things.

After adjusting his breath a bit, Amu flew up, and he was going to collect the other two kinds of celestial herbs.

One is called the Seven-Color Yin-Yang Flower, a plant with seven flowers divided into seven colors. A mature Seven-Color Yin-Yang Flower is said to allow any monk to be reborn once.

Heaven's Pity Youqing Grass is the main medicine of Soul Condensation Pill.And a Soul Condensation Pill can give a high-level Dzogchen monk of the Spirit Saint a [-]% chance of successfully concentrating his soul, and become a soul cultivator in one fell swoop.

These two kinds of fairy grasses have different effects from Wanghun Wuyou grass, but they are both extremely rare things, which can be encountered but not sought after.The memory of the King of God of War has the places where these two celestial grasses grew.

However, Amu followed the secret path for a long time and finally arrived at the growth place of the seven-color Yin-Yang flower, but the strange thing was that the place where there should have been fairy grass was empty.

Amu frowned, and then went to look for Tianlianyouqingcao, the result was the same.

It seems that someone must have arrived first, and most of the people who came here did not find the Wanghun Wuyou grass.Those who can enter this small secret realm and gain something are extraordinary people.

Wild Soul Secret Realm is really hidden dragon and crouching tiger!

Although he didn't find those two kinds of grass jelly, Amu was not disappointed either.In fact, if you get the inheritance of the God of War, you will not get the spirit of the wild soul in the end. Amu's trip to the secret realm of the wild soul is full of rewards.

Amu returned to the bluestone of the creek when he first came here. Counting the time, he has been here for ten days.Shen Yan said at the beginning that she would be fifteen or six days sooner, and one month slower.If everything goes well, Shen Yan will be back in a few days.

It seems that I still have to hurry up, don't waste too much time.Taking a deep breath, Amu sat cross-legged on the bluestone again.

This is the last task that Amu has to complete in this small secret territory.

In fact, because it is a direct inheritance, all the methods and understandings of the God of War King about the Great Killing Technique of All Gods are completely infused in Amu's mind.

It is better to say it is familiarization and digestion than practice.

This Ten Thousand Gods Killing Technique is divided into three realms and nine levels.The three realms are: Divine Break, Divine Silence, and Divine Destruction.Each realm has three levels: upper, middle and lower.

Now, what Amu can display is only the low-level Shenren realm, and everything about the two realms of Shenji and Shenmie has been temporarily sealed by the God King of War with a secret method.Amu will only open automatically when he is able to use his full strength to display the God's Break Realm.This is a kind of protection for Amu by the God of War King, otherwise it is very likely that his cultivation base is insufficient, and he will go crazy due to forced spells.

This Myriad Gods Massacre Technique is the secret technique of the God of War clan, and its power is boundless.The king of Dacheng can use this technique to kill immortals and gods.

Just the fact that the God of Breaking Realm is heavy, according to the memory of the God of War King, plus Amu's understanding, even if he performs this technique with his current cultivation level of high-level Dzogchen, he will definitely kill mid-level monks. You can even fight against the Supreme Spirit.

This technique is too heaven-defying!Because this is not a technique in the Sea Desolate Divine State Realm at all.

Amu sat cross-legged on the bluestone, with his eyes slightly closed, motionless.

One day, two days, three days...

For seven whole days, Amu was completely immersed in the realization of the Great Killing Technique of the Myriad Gods.Such a great technique is profound and unfathomable, like an abyss like an ocean.If it weren't for inheritance, it would be impossible to practice with Amu's current cultivation base.

Goodbye at this time, Amu gently stroked his hands on his chest, and then slowly formed a seal.This seal is different from any seal that Amu has learned before.Naturally, it is different from the technique of the Northern Cold School, and also different from the technique passed on by Kuxinzi, and it is not even the same as the technique of the Desolate Demon Sutra that may also come from the ancient times.

Seal of God!Gather the divine power of heaven and earth, and integrate the essence of Haoyu.

After changing three printing methods in a row, a colorful light rose from the top of Amu's head.The appearance of this technique is completely different from Amu's magic power, but it can be activated by Amu's magic power.

Among the colorful rays of light, there is a faint aura of spirit, majestic and majestic.The colorful lights continued to spread, and the entire small secret realm seemed to be infected by Amu's technique. The colorful blur in the void was truly psychedelic and beautiful.

And Amu's whole temperament has also changed at this time. Although he is wearing a black robe, he has a bit of a god-king air.Although this aura can't compare with Amu's devilish energy after practicing for a long time, it is enough to cover up Amu's devilish energy.Once this technique came out, no one would be able to understand what kind of monk Amu was.

"Hey!" The corner of Amu's mouth curled up. This technique is very good. In the future, he will use this technique to show others more, and walk in the wilderness. Wouldn't it save him some trouble.

The seal formula in Amu's hand changed again, and the colorful light was withdrawn from the body.

"Kamizaki!" Immediately, Amu flew up, shouted loudly, and waved his hand, drawing a colorful light of tens of feet.The technique of Shenzha does not have moves, it can be used at will, and it will naturally become a move.

"Boom—" A hundred-foot-high hill not far away was directly smashed into pieces by the seven-color light.

"Huh?" Amu himself was taken aback.Although he had some expectations in his heart, Amu was still shocked by everything in front of him.The power of this Myriad Gods Killing Technique is simply beyond imagination.

At the same time, what shocked Amu even more was that Amu watched the hundred-zhang hill, the bluestone crumble and the mountain collapse.But as soon as Amu's technique was stopped, the Baizhang hill actually reversed the process just now as if time was reversed.

The bluestone reunites, and the mountain rises again.In an instant, a complete hill stood erect as before.

"This?" Amu was dumbfounded, Shen Yan called this small secret realm the secret realm of immortals, and it was no exaggeration.

Just when Amu was in a daze, suddenly a figure flashed in the void.

A purple figure, covered in blood, appeared before his eyes.

"Brother Wang!" The figure called out in a low voice, then his body fell and fell from the void.

"Shen Yan!" Amu was shocked, and his figure moved.An afterimage formed and caught Shen Yan, but Shen Yan's breath was already extremely weak.

(End of this chapter)

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