nine coffins

Chapter 133 Thank you, Wang Han!

Chapter 133 Thank you, Wang Han!

"Shen Yan, what's the matter?" Amu caught Shen Yan and asked hurriedly.At the same time, his magic consciousness suddenly spread out to see if anyone was chasing Shen Yan.Fortunately, except for Shen Yan, no one entered this small secret realm.

"Brother Wang!" Shen Yan just called out in a low voice, and passed out without any strength.

Amu frowned, pressed Shen Yan's back heart, reversed the formula of turning all demons into immortals, and turned his own demonic energy into spiritual energy and directly lost it to Shen Yan.Shen Yan's injuries were extremely serious, and most of the meridians in his body were shattered. Amu reckoned that if it wasn't for Shen Yan's protection with secret treasures, he would probably have died in the blood desert outside.

Amu continuously lost her aura to Shen Yan to help her restore her meridians, but it was a pity that Amu didn't have a good medicine on her body, but for the time being, Shen Yan's life should be fine.

Amu didn't expect Shen Yan to come back with a serious injury. With Shen Yan's understanding of this wild soul secret realm and the strength she showed, it should never be like this.A person who has been in the Wild Soul Secret Realm for three years naturally has some merits, otherwise he would have been killed long ago.

But everything today is beyond Amu's expectations.Could it be that someone besieged Shen Yan?Amu frowned.At the same time, at this moment, Amu can completely get back his soul blood, but that is not what Amu is.

After a while, Shen Yan, who was helped by Amu's spiritual energy, woke up slowly. Amu's soul blood was still beating between her eyebrows, and the spiritual energy in her body was filled a lot.

Shen Yan secretly thought that she had made the right bet this time, if she did not escape back here in the blood desert, she would surely die, but with the help of Amu, there might still be a glimmer of life here.

"Cough cough! Cough!" Shen Yan coughed several times, a lot of blood oozing from the ghost mask, "Brother Wang...Thank you!"

"Shen Yan, what's going on?" Amu asked.

"Ahem!" Shen Yan didn't answer Amu's question first, but with a thought, the brilliance in her storage bag flashed, and three red animal skins flew out, "Brother Wang, Dufeng... blood Camel skin! Shen Yan... lived up to the trust!"

Amu frowned and raised his hand to catch it, secretly thinking that Shen Yan was also stubborn, and at this moment he was still thinking about the Dufeng blood camel skin he wanted.

Goodbye, another purple jade bottle flew out of Shen Yan's storage bag, but Shen Yan raised her hand, but failed to open the jade bottle.

As soon as Amu saw it, he took it over and opened the jade bottle, and poured out a purple-red pill.Amu didn't know what kind of elixir it was, but as soon as the elixir came out, it smelled strange and refreshing, and it was definitely a top-grade panacea.

Amu put the elixir in front of the ghost mask, the brilliance of the ghost mask flashed, and the elixir flew directly into it.I have to say that Shen Yan's ghost mask is definitely a rare treasure.

"Trouble...Brother Wang!" Shen Yan stopped talking after taking the pill, and secretly adjusted her breath, while Amu still used spiritual energy to help her catalyze the medicinal power.

The Zihong Pill is the secret handed down by her master, it is called Tianming Zixin Pill, and its potency is no less than that of the Northern Cold Sect's Jiuyou Soul Chasing Pill.

Just like that, after a whole hour, Shen Yan got better again.Just now she had been lying in Amu's arms without realizing it, now that her injuries had recovered a bit, she felt something was wrong, if it wasn't for the ghost mask, she could see Xia Fei's cheeks.Shen Yan struggled to sit cross-legged.

Amu didn't care, he was only thinking about who seriously injured Shen Yan.

"There are still some ores! Brother Wang also put them away!" Another storage bag flew out of Shen Yan's storage bag.

Amu took the storage bag and saw that Shen Yan had recovered a lot, so he put it in the Qiankun Ruyi bracelet together with three pieces of Dufeng blood camel skin.

Then Amu looked at Shen Yan very calmly and said: "You were injured for collecting these things! Tell me, who hurt you?"

"Hehe!" After taking the elixir, Shen Yan recovered a lot of energy now. Although he could not be completely free, his life was already safe.

Hearing Amu's question, she couldn't help laughing and said, "What? Brother Wang, do you want to avenge me?"

"As long as I can, I will kill him to avenge you!" Amu's tone was a little cold.

The purple clothes were stained with blood, which was a taboo of Amu's instinct, and he immediately became murderous.

"Oh!" Amu's answer seemed somewhat unexpected to Shen Yan. In fact, to put it bluntly, she and Amu took advantage of each other and took what they needed. I didn't expect that Amu was really willing to avenge her, and Shen Yan was extremely sensitive. Feeling Amu's anger.

A round of ripples spread in Shen Yan's heart, and she couldn't help being slightly moved.Amu didn't take advantage of the danger to get back her soul blood, and now she is more willing to avenge her, which she never thought of.

If Shen Yan knew that Amu had obtained the inheritance of the God of War King, she would definitely surpass her in grasping the secret realm of the desolate soul.As for the remaining [-] souls, it is not very attractive to Amu, who can summon the ancient war spirit, and her cooperation with Amu is actually completely unequal.I don't know what should she think?
"The one-humped blood camel is very difficult to deal with, and the skin of the blood camel is too rare, so it's easy to grab it! Hehe!" Shen Yan seemed to smile bitterly, "I, Chen Yan, had many enemies in the wild soul secret realm! Even if I don't grab the blood camel Pi, a war is inevitable in the future! I just didn't expect to be besieged this time!"

"Siege? Someone who can hurt you like this, even Siege, shouldn't be a weak opponent!" Amu said.

"En!" Shen Yan nodded, "It's the three middle-level masters of Qingyuan Yun's family, one of them is Dzogchen, and there are two casual cultivators of the middle level!" Shen Yan said calmly.

"Five middle-level Zhiling? There are three more from Qing Yunyun's family, and one is a middle-level Zhiling Dzogchen?" Amu couldn't help but smiled wryly, "It's a miracle that you came back alive!"

What is the concept of the five middle-level spirits?Amu knew very well that Shen Yan didn't seem to be at the elementary level of Zhiling, even if he concealed his cultivation, he would not exceed the middle level of Zhiling Dzogchen.On the other side, there is Yun Family among the Seven Great Immortal Sects of the Sea Desolation, no matter the cultivation level or the skill treasure background, it must be absolutely not bad, and it is estimated that most of them have the ability to leapfrog challenges.

Even if Amu faced these enemies himself, it was hard to say whether he would be able to escape. It was unimaginable that Shen Yan could come back alive from such a siege.

"Hehe! I also killed two of them. If Brother Wang is here, you and I will join hands to destroy them all!" Shen Yan's tone was filled with endless murderous intent.Because since entering this secret realm of the desolate soul, Shen Yan has never suffered such a loss, relying on her vigilance and her occult magic weapon.

"And killed two?" Amu looked at Shen Yan, really a little shocked, thinking that Shen Yan is definitely a monster.

"I'll kill the remaining three for you!" Amu said nothing more.Amu will do what he says.

"Thank you, Brother Wang! However, if possible, I still want to do it myself, otherwise I owe too much to Brother Wang, and I'm afraid my little sister will not be able to repay it in the future!" Shen Yan's melodious voice was full of naughtiness, without a trace of ghost.

Amu was noncommittal, and then smiled lightly: "It seems that you have to take care of it for a while, you should heal your injuries first! I will protect the law for you these days!"

"En!" Shen Yan was not polite, it was impossible for her to go out with her current injuries.If you want to take revenge, if you want to enter the fifth level secret realm, you can only wait for the injury to heal.

"Let's go out, let's go kill people! They are probably still looking for me." After saying this, Shen Yan sat cross-legged, and the medicinal power of Tianming Zixin Pill had already exerted [-]%.She continued to nurse with secret recipes in order to recover quickly.

Amu also sat cross-legged three feet away, protecting the Dharma for Shen Yan.

Amu found that Shen Yan's technique was extremely peculiar. First of all, the seal formed by Shen Yan was very special.Most of the monks' seals are placed on the chest, but Shen Yan's seal at this time is actually bending his hands back, forming a seal on the back of his heart.

The printing method was perfect, and Shen Yan emitted endless lavender light all over her body, which was somewhat similar to the light of Amu's Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet.

However, Amu always felt that there was a trace of ghost in the lavender colored light, that is, the breath of death.But this dead air is different from the ghost that Yang Feng and Yang Yun merged back then.

What kind of exercise is this?Amu thought to himself.I really don't know where the smoke came from.

After about three or four hours, the surrounding purple awns gradually dissipated.Shen Yan's seal has changed, this time it is a seal on his chest, encircling it like a Tai Chi shape.

Goodbye black and white brilliance, suddenly emanating from the eyes of Shen Yan's ghost mask.That ferocious grimace, like a living monster, sometimes laughs and sometimes cries, but the two black and white brilliance keep coming and going.A Yin-Yang Tai Chi shape was formed above Shen Yan's head.

Shen Yan's seal formula changed again, but this time, Amu recognized the seal formula.

"Yin Yang seal of life and death!"

This seal formula, Ku Xinzi once mentioned to Amu, there is such a seal formula in the sea desert Shenzhou.

It is said that it can communicate with yin and yang, borrow vitality and fortune, can quickly recover from injuries, and can also change life temporarily, but it does cost lifespan, it is an extremely overbearing technique, it can be described as drinking poison to quench thirst.

However, I heard that this kind of printing method has been lost for a long time, and now it has no form, and no one knows the method of mantra.Amu did not expect that Shen Yan would have such a lost secret technique, and what made Amu even more puzzled was why Shen Yan would use such a technique in exchange for vitality, which was not worth the candle.

But at this time, Shen Yan was in meditation to heal his injuries, and Amu couldn't disturb him.

In this way, Shen Yan tried his best to heal his injuries.Amu observes Shen Yan from time to time, but is puzzled by many things.Amu's view of Shen Yan is almost the same as Shen Yan's view of Amu, both are unfathomable.

Three days and nights.Amu also consolidated his cultivation, and he didn't know whether it was the practice of cultivating the soul, or the influence of a trace of chaos emitted when the magic coffin appeared.Amu always felt that it would not take long for him to directly hit the realm of the Supreme Spirit and become a cultivator of the Supreme Spirit.

At that time, the demonic cultivation power in Amu's body will be transformed into demonic spiritual power.The Wanmohuaxianjue can directly dissolve the spiritual power of monks of the same level, so that Amu will become an invincible existence under the Holy Spirit.Even if you don't use all the treasures, you can raise your hand to kill the spiritual monks, especially Amu's magic consciousness will definitely make a huge leap. Such a trump card will definitely double Amu's combat power.

In the early morning three days later, facing the rising sun, Shen Yan woke up from the trance.

The fresh blood all over her body had already been melted away by Shen Yan.Shen Yan stood up, her purple clothes were windy, and her long hair danced lightly.Originally, Shen Yan had an excellent figure, but now she is exquisite and handsome. Regardless of that ghost mask, she is also a peerless beauty.

"You're awake! Your injuries are all healed!" Amu had already opened his eyes and stood up.

"Thank you, Brother Wang! Brother Wang is really a gentleman!" Shen Yan actually gave Amu a deep bow.She understood that Amu could take advantage of her serious injury to take back her soul blood and kill people to seize treasures, but Amu didn't do this, but helped her heal her injuries and protect the law.This ceremony, Shen Yan came from the heart.

"Hehe!" Amu couldn't understand what Shen Yan meant, and said with a smile: "Shen Yan, you and I don't have to be polite! If you treat me with sincerity, I will naturally not let you down!"

Shen Yan nodded, she was sensitively aware that since she came back this time, Amu has started calling him by his first name.In fact, this is a manifestation of a closer relationship, so I should call him by his first name!

"Thank you again, Wang Han!" Shen Yan's voice was unusually sweet and soft.

And behind the ghost mask, Shen Yan's quiet, water-like eyes even shone slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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