nine coffins

Chapter 150 The Sigh of the Demon Temple

Chapter 150 The Sigh of the Demon Temple

The gate of the Black Demon Palace is the gate of demon cultivation, and it cannot be opened unless it is a demon.

Amu stood outside the gate of the main hall, his magic was overwhelming, and the remnants of the coffin above his head were even more black flowers.

Moxiu and magic treasure, one can open the magic hall, and Amu has both.

"The Black Demon Palace, open for me!" Amu muttered again in his heart, and at the same time dispersed his demon consciousness.

The monster's eyes on the nearly hundred-foot-high black gate suddenly emitted a strange light, which seemed to arouse some kind of sympathy.

"Is this the way to enter the Black Demon Palace?" Everyone else was thinking.

Creaking—rumbling—.The two gates opened slowly like mountains shifting.

"Is there no clothes? I am in the same robe as the devil. The king Yu Xingshi repaired my spear and spear. I have the same hatred with the devil. I said no clothes? I have the same lust as the devil. The king Yu Xingshi repaired my spear and halberd. I worked with the devil. Is it true? Say no clothes? Wear the same clothes as the devil. The king Yu Xingshi, repair my armored soldiers. Walk with the devil."

At the moment when the door of the Demon Palace opened, the battle song that resounded through the world and shook the eternity sounded again.

Clouds of black mist condensed and did not disperse in the Black Demon Palace.

The two gates were wide open, and the battle song seemed to come from the deepest part of the hall. At this time, everyone was infected by the battle song.

"Fight for the devil! Fight for the devil!" An ancient and vicissitudes voice kept echoing in everyone's minds.It was a kind of temptation and agitation.

If it wasn't for the protection of the remnant wood in the coffin at this time, then it is very likely that except for Amu, they would all rush into the black mist with enthusiasm, fighting for the so-called demon.

Shen Yan, Miao Tianchang, Miao Lao and the others all held their own Yuans and guarded oneness, tightly controlled their spiritual intelligence, and did not want to be completely infected by this battle song.

In Amu's eyes, there was magic consciousness in the left eye, magic in the right eye, red and black intertwined, and then stepped forward, directly into the Black Demon Palace, followed by Shen Yan, Miao Tianchang and others.

As soon as he entered the hall, the door behind him suddenly closed with a "boom".This shocked everyone's hearts, and they couldn't help feeling ominous, as if they were locked in hell.

At the same time, look at this hall again.This is a strange space. Although the black mist is pervasive, there are a total of nine huge magic lamps suspended in the four directions of the hall. The blazing flames are more than one foot high, and billowing black mist gushes out from the lamp flames.

Those nine magic lamps seemed to last forever, burning for endless years, bright and strange.

With the light of the magic lamp, everyone could vaguely see the scene in the hall.

The hall is so high that it cannot reach the top because it is covered with black mist.The surrounding area is no less than hundreds of feet, and it can accommodate ten thousand people. Giant pillars stand upright, and all kinds of monsters are embossed on them, some are showing their teeth and claws, some are about to fly, and some are fighting each other.

And under the feet of the people are all black stones, the brilliance is like a mirror, and it can almost reflect the shadows of the people, but what is reflected is only a black mist of human shapes, invisible.

In the middle of the main hall is a snow-white high platform, which is completely made of skulls, emitting endless pale light.The white stone steps go up, a total of ninety-nine and eighty-one steps. On the top is a nearly three-foot-high black stone chair, with a brilliant black light and endless magic.

Black and white intersect, extremely dazzling, and even more eerie and weird.

On the left side of the stone chair is a black stone statue of a leopard-headed unicorn.The teeth are like blades, the body is like a cow, the ribs have wings, the whole body is scales, and the tail is like a long hook.Although it was just a stone statue, the ancient aura emanating from this monster was extremely strong.

When Amu saw this monster, he couldn't help but move in his heart: "Wild Soul Beast?"

The appearance of this stone statue is [-]% similar to the wild soul beast in the memory of the God of War King.It's just that this stone statue seems to lack a bit of the mighty and awe-inspiring aura of the wild soul beast in the memory of the God of War.

Amu's eyes wandered away, his magic consciousness was not blocked by anything, and everything in the entire hall was vividly visible.On the black wall far away, brilliance actually shone, it was a huge picture.

Those pictures, no matter how many years have been portrayed, some of them are mottled and faded, and the colors are not there.However, vaguely, Amu can still get a general idea.

It was a picture of war.

The endless blood-red desert, the blood-red snowstorm all over the sky, the rolling blood-red mountains, and the endless rolling red stream.The scenery is varied, but blood red is the dominant hue in these patterns.

The killing intent soaring to the sky, through the ages, makes people feel immersive.

Countless races are fighting, and it is impossible to tell the enemy from ourselves.His eyes were full of blood, and his ears seemed to be able to hear the sound of killing that resounded through the ages.

Mountains as high as ten thousand feet collapsed one after another, and countless mountains and rivers disappeared.Billows of smoke rose up, rows of black-armored soldiers riding unicorns and holding spears fell down, and endless corpses turned into blood mist.

War horses are galloping, alien beasts are roaring, blood is flowing like rivers, and bones are like snow.Those are battles without wins!Everyone seems to be fighting for themselves!

Many of these pictures actually appeared in Amu's mind when he approached the ancient lamp of the war spirit for the first time.

Following these patterns, Amu suddenly found a huge black coffin hanging above one of the patterns.The coffin was covered with strange runes, the coffin lid was half-opened, and the black mist billowed out, just looking at it made people dizzy, and everyone below seemed to be fighting for this coffin!

The battle this time was far more tragic than the previous ones. Almost everyone died and everything was destroyed.Only the coffin was quietly suspended in the void, as if mocking those humble lives.

"The magic coffin?" Amu's heart was shocked, "That is the complete magic coffin!"

In today's world, probably only Wang Jue and Amu can recognize the magic coffin without any mistakes.That's right!What is depicted on the stone wall pattern is the magic coffin, that strange rune, that is countless forbidden pictures, that is the perfect magic coffin.

The picture of the magic coffin appeared here, which shocked Amu extremely.

Looking further down, in the chaos, everything seems to be reborn.

The blurry-faced man in the big black robe that Amu once appeared in the vision of the ancient lantern of the soul of war reappeared, and another majestic figure in a blood-red robe turned out to be the God of War King.

The two stood facing each other, and even now it seemed that there was endless killing intent coming from them.What kind of fight was that?

It's a pity that Amu can't see clearly the downward pattern.Because the mountains, rivers and rivers on those patterns are extremely weird, and they don't seem to belong to this world.The lines and star points are somewhat similar to the map of the God King's Realm given to Amu by the God of War King.

Dizzy, Amu could only look away and look at the last picture.

In the last picture, I saw the man in the big black robe standing proudly in the void, his robe fluttering.On one side of his body was the ancient desolate beast, hissing to the sky, while on the other side was the devil's coffin, the black flower soaring to the sky.

Under the black-robed man, countless black shadows prostrate and kneel down!
"As soon as the demon king comes out, the ages will become empty!" Eight huge magic scripts are engraved on the last stone wall!Such an aura is indeed the magic town of eternity.

"As soon as the demon king comes out, the ages will become empty!" Amu said this silently, and a monstrous wave was set off in his heart.

Is that man in black the so-called Demon Lord?Judging from the pattern on the wall, there seems to be a big battle between him and the God of War King, and the final victor is this demon king.

He is the Lord of the Wild Soul Beast and the Demon Coffin!

"No. [-] in the nine coffins, it can suppress the Three Realms!" Judging by the aura of this Demon Lord, it is really possible to suppress the Three Realms with the help of the Demon Coffin.

"Amu, why don't you leave!" At this moment, Shen Yan next to him suddenly reminded Amu softly, because he saw Amu staring blankly at the distance.

"Eh? Shen Yan, don't you think the patterns on the walls are shocking?" Amu asked.

"The pattern on the wall?" Shen Yan was taken aback, "Except for the nine magic lamps and black mist, the hall is empty! The four walls are as smooth as a mirror, so what pattern is there?"

"Huh?" Amu looked at Miao Tianchang again, "Senior, can't you see it too?"

"What I see is the same as Miss Shen!" Miao Tianchang smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Wang Han, what did you see?" Shen Yan asked, she knew that Amu's eyes could see through all illusions, he could see things that others couldn't see.Others also became curious.

"Pictures of slaughter, that may be the ancient war!" Amu didn't hide anything, and then pointed to the middle of the hall, "Where is a high platform, ninety-nine and 81 steps, all made of skulls. There is also a handful of skulls on it." Empty seats..."

When Amu said this, his face suddenly changed, because at this time he found that there was actually a person sitting high on the seat, and it looked like the man in the black robe on the pattern.

"Hey! You're here?" the black shadow suddenly said.

"Boom—" With this sigh, Amu almost fell to the ground, a mouthful of blood gushed out, and Amu forcibly pressed him down.

"Huh?" Amu's magic sense and magic intent came out again, and when he looked again, there was no one on the big black chair.At the same time, he suddenly felt dizzy, and the patterns he had seen just now kept flashing in his mind, which made it difficult for Amu to resist.

"What's the matter, Wang Han?" Shen Yan felt something strange about Amu.

"It's okay!" Amu's face was slightly pale, and he immediately looked away, while the ancient desolate demon in his mind couldn't stand the echo.

"The devil, the unyielding man of the heaven and the earth! The devil's will, the eternal unwillingness! The devil's way, the road to the sky with [-] avenues. The devil's cultivation is not against the heart and blood. Immortals block and kill immortals, Buddhas block Buddha, only my demonic way, is the only one in all ages."

As soon as the ancient desolate demon scriptures came out, Amu's pressure suddenly decreased, and his mind was clear and his chest was smooth.

"This Black Demon Palace is too weird!" Amu thought to himself, "With my own body as a demon cultivator, and with the remnants of coffins interacting with each other, can it be hard to beat the demon killing spirit here?"

"It's not suitable to stay here for a long time, let's go!" Amu said to Shen Yan and the others, and then walked towards the back of the hall.

Although the hall is large, Amu has already seen the exit directly behind it, which is the same gate as the front door.As long as you pass through this gate, you can reach the seventh gate of light.

It was only a hundred feet away, but Amu and the others walked very carefully, even Amu didn't dare to look around casually.The clouds of black mist reflected on the black stones are ghosts.The nine magic lamps seemed to be illuminating hell.

The ancient battle song is still echoing, but no one knows its source.

That's it, everything went well, Amu led everyone to the back door of the main hall.The voice of the ancient battle song also gradually weakened.

"Huh—" Almost everyone let out a long breath.Although there is no danger, but for some reason, this distance is less than a hundred feet, and it is usually easy to pass, but this time, almost everyone except Amu's backs are soaked.

Is that a kind of demon coercion?Let their souls tremble uncontrollably.

Amu stood at the back door without much movement.The door of the demon hall opened with a bang, just like when it came in.

Everyone wants to escape from here as soon as possible!Even monks like Miao Tianchang and Miao Lao, who are spiritually holy and high-ranking Dzogchen monks, also felt palpitations.

Finally, the back door of the Demon Palace opened wide.Amu also heaved a sigh of relief, and stepped forward, followed by everyone, passing through the black mist.

"Ah—" But almost instantly, everyone including Amu was shocked.

"Boom—" The door behind him was closed tightly.

"what happened?"

Because it was like turning back time, everyone actually returned to the moment when they first entered the hall.

(End of this chapter)

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