nine coffins

Chapter 151 The Reincarnation Gate

Chapter 151 The Reincarnation Gate
The gate of the Demon Palace behind him was closed tightly, and everyone was dumbfounded facing everything in front of them.

It's really like turning back time, the black mist is misty, and nine magic lamps hang high, bright and strange.The ancient war song that resounded throughout the world resounded again.Several people completely returned to the appearance when they just entered the Demon Palace.

"What's going on?" Shen Yan asked in a low voice.

Amu frowned, the black and red rays of light intertwined in his eyes, the back door of the Demon Palace was reflected in his pupils, that was indeed the back door of the Demon Palace, and he looked back at the door he just passed through It's behind me.

There is a high skull platform in the middle of the main hall, ninety-nine and 81 steps, black seats, and wild soul beasts screaming up to the sky.On the surrounding walls, there are patterns of killing and cutting.As soon as the demon king came out, the ages became empty, and there were eight huge magical runes.

Everything has not changed in the slightest.

And this Black Demon Palace has only two doors, the front and the back.

"Wang Han, what's the matter?" Miao Tianchang couldn't help asking at this time, and then said without waiting for Amu's answer, "This is not an ordinary illusion, or it is not an illusion at all!"

Although he is not one of the three masters of the Miao family, Miao Tianchang's formation and seal cultivation is not inferior to Miao Tianzong's, and ordinary illusions cannot escape his eyes.Just now he has been secretly observing, Amu's route is absolutely correct, he obviously passed through the back door of the Demon Palace, but after passing through, he returned to the beginning.

"Wang Han, didn't you say that you were sure to lead us through the Black Demon Palace? Didn't you deliberately deceive us now?" Miao Lao's words were extremely inappropriate, and his voice was even harsher.

Amu frowned, looked at Mr. Miao and said coldly: "I did, but it didn't take long! If you are in a hurry, you can get out right away! If you have the ability, get out of here by yourself!"

Amu hated this Yun family Miao Lao very much, and he was not polite at all.That old Miao didn't expect that Amu dared to speak like that, his face turned pale with anger, and he almost wanted to make a move.

"Old Miao, be safe and don't be impatient! The Black Demon Palace is extremely mysterious, we should wait! We should trust Wang Han!" Third Master Yun seemed to be somewhat dissatisfied with Miao Lao's attitude.A high-ranking spiritual saint, Dzogchen, unexpectedly lacks the slightest tolerance and patience, and the third master Yun regrets choosing him to enter the wild soul secret realm with him.

"Yes!" Although Mr. Yun is a big realm higher than Mr. Yun, this old Miao dare not show any disrespect to Mr. Yun.Only the Yun family knew what kind of ruthless role this young master Yun was in the family.

At this time, Amu scanned the hall again, but still found nothing.Then Amu called out the ancient desolate demon scriptures, and a piece of black magic text flew out of Amu's mind directly like a dragon.

"Hmm!" Everyone was startled, they couldn't see that it was a magic script, they saw an ink dragon suddenly flying out of Amu's head, and then whirled and danced in the hall.

Except for the bluestone mirror image of the woman in white that was useless at all, this ancient desolate magic script is invincible in all battles, and all illusions will be transformed into their original forms in front of them.

Sure enough, as soon as the ancient desolate demon scripture came out, the desolate ancient battle song echoing in the entire hall came to an abrupt end.At this time, no one except Amu could hear it, and what resounded in the entire hall at this time was the content of the ancient desolate demon scriptures.The ancient battle song was temporarily suppressed.

"The devil, the unyielding man of the world! The devil, the eternal unwillingness!..."

The general outline of this ancient Desolate Demon Sutra can break through some illusion barriers, but at this time it is spinning like a dragon, except for suppressing the desolate ancient battle song, it has not changed everything in this hall.

Amu's brows were furrowed, Miao Tianchang was right.This is not an illusion at all, otherwise how could there be no harm under the ancient desolate demon scriptures.

And at this moment, the person in the black robe who had just disappeared and sat on the big black chair on the skeleton table reappeared.He seemed to be looking at Amu.

"Hey! You're here!" Another sigh, exactly the same as the words just now.

But it was just such a sigh, full of ghosts and endless magic.

The ancient desolate demon scriptures in the void were instantly scattered and flew back to Amu's mind.

"Wow—" And Amu couldn't control it anymore, a mouthful of blood spurted out wildly, splashing three or four feet away.

"Ah!" Shen Yan supported Amu, "Wang Han, what's wrong?" Because no one could hear that sigh and greeting except Amu, and when the black dragon flew back, Amu spurted blood wildly.

Seeing Amu vomit blood, Miaotian couldn't help but take a step forward, and Miao Lao also stepped forward.

"No one should move forward!" Shen Yan shouted, and Qing Ruyi directly drew a green light in her hand.At the same time, the soul of the Nine Elders immediately lay across in front of Amu, and a powerful force containing a trace of soul power radiated out.

When Miao Tianchang heard this, he immediately stopped, and hurriedly said: "Miss Shen, don't get me wrong, I just care about Wang Han's injury!" Miao Lao was secretly pulled by the third son of Yun.

"I'm fine! Don't worry, everyone!" Amu stood up straight and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.At the same time, looking at the high platform again, the man in black robe was no longer there.Such a weird thing made Amu frown.

For some reason, the devilish energy in Dan Hai, who had been happy outside the Black Demon Palace, gradually became uneasy as soon as it entered the palace, and now it is even more violent and anxious.

The sea of ​​pills was surging, and the waves were churning. The demonic energy in Amu's body seemed to be pulled by something, and it was extremely unstable.That sigh just now set off a fuse that directly detonated Danhai!
Such a situation has never happened since Amu became a demon cultivator in the Beihanzong Tianzihao cave.

But fortunately, the ancient desolate demon scriptures that Amu practiced are enough to deal with these.Using the secret method secretly, Amu gradually calmed down his pill sea.

Then Amu turned back to Miao Tianchang and the third young master Yun and said, "How about we go again?"

Miao Tianchang and the third son Yun are extremely calm people, they didn't say much, they both nodded in approval.This hall is so weird, Amu seems to vomit blood for no reason.If they are not united at this time, it is likely to be a dead end.

This time, it was the same route as before.Amu led the way slowly, and the remnants of the coffin tightly protected everyone.

After arriving at the back door of the Demon Palace, Amu turned his head and scanned the entire hall again, but there was indeed no change.

Then the door of the Demon Palace opened, black mist surged, and everyone stepped forward.


Strange things happened again, and they returned to the entrance door of the Black Demon Palace again.Although such a result was expected, some people still changed their expressions.

The three members of the Miao family can be regarded as formation masters if they are placed above the sea wasteland, especially Miss Miao Er.

Don't look at Miao Tianchang who seems to be the leader now, but only she knows that she has the secret treasure of the Miao family hidden on her body, but the secret treasure on her body did not respond at all during the two walks together.

If it was really a magic formation or something like that, even if the three members of the Miao family couldn't see it, the secret treasure on her body should still respond.

"Back back!" Amu frowned, he wanted to see what kind of demon palace it was.

Amu turned back, and the door of the main hall actually opened slowly.Without hesitation, everyone withdrew together.

It stands to reason that if they exited from the entrance of the main hall, they should exit outside the hall and return directly to the sixth secret realm.But the moment they exited the temple gate, they found themselves standing in front of the back door of the Demon Palace.

A group of people seemed to have entered a strange circle, walking from one gate to another, but the two gates were connected, or that was the same gate.Amu and the others walked back and forth in a gate, which seemed to be a reincarnation gate.

No one made a sound this time, including Mr. Miao. Everyone realized that the matter might be a little serious.If so, they may be trapped in this Black Demon Palace forever and cannot get out.

"What should I do?" Shen Yan asked Amu softly.At this time, probably only Shen Yan still maintained her complete trust in Amu, and even Miao Tianchang was a little shaken at this time.

After all, after walking twice, everyone was walking back and forth between the two doors without making any progress.

"Don't worry everyone! I, Wang Han, said that I would take you through the Black Demon Palace, so I will definitely do it!" Amu wanted to calm down first, and at the same time, Amu really moved to crack the Black Demon Palace.

Then Amu said to Miao Tianchang: "Senior Miao, I want to walk in this hall! This black wood will protect you, if there is an accident, I hope that senior will use the technique of forbidden pictures to resist for a while!"

"I understand!" Miao Tianchang nodded.

When Amu didn't show up, he said that he was [-]% sure of passing the Black Demon Palace, relying on the sigils he could draw, and then deduced a forbidden map, but at present, the Black Demon Palace seems to be beyond his imagination , but using banned pictures to protect yourself is still not a big problem.

"Wang Han, don't take risks!" Shen Yan stopped.She knew that although the hall looked empty, it actually hid infinite murderous intent, otherwise Amu would never have vomited blood for no reason just now.My group will definitely not feel extremely depressed for no reason.

Although she couldn't see the high bone platform, she could imagine that it must be a kind of gloomy existence.

"No problem!" Amu waved his hand, "This demon soul stays to protect you, I'm just walking around in this hall! Don't worry."

With that said, Amu didn't allow Shen Yan to say more.The black light under the arm stretched out, and the black rattan was already in his hand, and he took a step forward, and Amu was out of the protection of the residual wood in the coffin.

It should be said that Amu is taking a great risk at this time. Although it is said that the body of the demon cultivator should be unimpeded in this demon palace, all the proofs just now may not be completely reliable.

Even if the black rattan is handed over again, after all, Amu lacks the important protection of the remnant wood in the coffin.However, at this time, the ancient desolate demon couldn't stand the reverberation in his mind, and it could still guarantee his clear mind.Although the ancient desolate demon scriptures had just been shaken away by the phantom's sigh, as soon as they returned to Amu's place, these scriptures recovered quickly.

It's okay for the time being, in fact, Amu doesn't have too much fear, because the worst case is one death, and there are three bloods of god kings as bright as stars in his pill sea, which is enough to protect him from death three times.

Amu walked towards the high bone platform step by step, and then climbed up the steps.

Ninety-nine and 81 steps, Amu just took the first step, and suddenly found that there are strange patterns engraved on each step.

The scene in front of him suddenly changed, ninety-nine 81 towering pillars made of skulls floated around Amu, spreading endless murderous aura.

(End of this chapter)

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