nine coffins

Chapter 152 Alien Beast Bone Formation

Chapter 152 Alien Beast Bone Formation
Ninety-nine 81 pillars of skulls, each of which exudes a pale light, and the murderous aura soaring into the sky diffuses.

Amu's magic consciousness was completely cut off, all the scenery just now disappeared, and Shen Yan and others also disappeared.

There are only ninety-nine and 81 pillars of skulls in front of me, which are covered with strange patterns.At this time, they formed a circle, the distance between each pillar was no more than three feet, and Amu was trapped in the center of the circle.

But at this time, the ninety-nine and 81 skull pillars suddenly shone at the same time, and the white light was dazzling.The bone pillars seemed to become transparent.

"Woooo—" "Roar—" "Jie Jie—" Various strange sounds came.

Goodbye to those pillars of skulls, unexpectedly there is a strange beast sealed inside each pillar.

Some look like horses with scales and breathe fire; some look like cows with hedgehog hair; some look like red leopards with five tails and one horn; Its two heads are eyeless and covered with tentacles.

There are a total of 81 strange beasts, which are too strange to describe.Seeing that Amu gasped even more, he was shocked.

What kind of beasts are these?All of them are ferocious in appearance, they are definitely not kind, as long as one of them is released, it is probably a big murderer.And who has such a great ability to subdue them and seal them in the pillar of skull?
"Woooo—" "Roar—" "Jie Jie—" the beasts neighed, some even barking like a dog, with various sounds.

At this moment, if it weren't for the ancient desolate demon scriptures protecting Amu's consciousness, these voices were enough to make Amu's consciousness collapse and die unexpectedly.

At the same time, lights of various colors flickered, like lightning, and each pillar emitted a different color.In the upper and lower directions, with these pillars of skulls as the bones, the electric lights of various colors are intertwined into a large net, which is gorgeous and dazzing, imprisoning Amu in this space.

"What kind of big formation is this? Is it that ninety-nine and 81 formations can't work?" Amu couldn't help raising his eyebrows.Neither the patterns on those bone pillars nor those strange monsters were known to Amu.

The pattern is not a sigil, or it may be a sigil but Amu has never seen it.Those strange beasts are even more unheard of. I don't know if they are alien species from the ancient times. If these are formation spirits, then this large formation can be said to be more than a hundred times better than the "Colorful Sky Slaying Formation" set up by Miaotianzong that day.

At the moment when Amu was thinking about it, he saw the strange beasts in the ninety-nine 81 bone pillars roaring again, and at the same time, each bone pillar was shining brightly, shooting out several feet long electric light of various colors, like spears, like flying swords, More like chains, he went straight to kill Amu.

The colorful glows are like lightning, intertwined in chaos, but they all point to Amu. They are 81 strange forces, which make Amu's soul tremble.

In a hurry, Amu only unfolded the fairy phantom and began to dodge.

There are colorful lights, and black shadows are shining.Although the Immortal Demon Phantom was powerful, it was still not as fast as the Caimang's pursuit.Seeing a purple-red glow coming straight to the front, Amu wanted to hide again, but it was too late.

"Hmph!" Amu snorted coldly, raised the black cane with one hand, and rolled up a black glow of tens of feet.

"Pa——" There was a crisp sound, and the purple-red electric light, together with several other colorful lights attacking Amu, were scattered by the black rattan at the same time.

But although Amu scattered these colorful lights, the second colorful light came immediately.Unlike Miao Tianzong's "Seven-Colored Heavenly Slaying Formation"'s "Spirit Extinguishing Thunder", these colorful glows are almost continuous.Those strange beasts roared endlessly inside the transparent bone pillar, and colorful lights shot out.

"Pa-pa--" the sound continued, Amu hid and twitched, and the black rattan danced like the wind.Amu Zhou was covered with black rattan canes, but he just couldn't get rid of those white electric lights.

This was probably the most embarrassing battle Amu had ever fought since his successful practice.Even in the battle of the Northern Cold Sect, Amu didn't seem to be so passive.Those colorful electric lights hit Amu like thunderbolts in all directions, hardly giving him any chance to breathe.The black robe on his body was pierced in several places.

This situation lasted for a quarter of an hour. For a monk, there are too many things that can be done in a quarter of an hour. Amu has been waving the black rattan, which consumes a lot.

In fact, Amu has always wanted to get close to those skull pillars, and then smash them directly with the black rattan, but every time he was forced back by those electric lights.

This is an indiscriminate attack formation. The entire space surrounded by 81 [-] skull pillars is full of intertwined electric lights.It is no exaggeration to describe Amu fighting in the sea of ​​lightning.

Amu also wanted to carve a talisman, but the lightning flashes were as urgent as lightning, so he didn't dare to be distracted at all, and he didn't have time at all.Moreover, Amu felt that those colorful electric lights definitely had the power to instantly kill a holy monk. His own fairy bone body might not be able to bear it. If he was directly hit by the colored electric light, his life would probably be lost.

Without the protection of the remnants of the coffin, Amu realized that his defense power was too weak. After all, he was determined to practice high-level Dzogchen, so that all the defensive techniques that Amu could use were under such electric light. All became vulnerable.

I wanted to sacrifice the Qiankun Ruyi Bracelet or release the soul of bloody battle of Kuxinzi, but this formation is too weird. It is hard to say whether a low-level soul treasure can withstand such an attack. As for the soul of bloody battle of Kuxinzi, Amu also Did not dare to take the risk.

"It seems that the only way to use the ancient lantern of the battle spirit between the eyebrows!"

In fact, there are many magic weapons in Amu's body.Most of those magic weapons came from the storage bags of the monks killed by him, but most of those magic weapons, Amu has no intention to check the functions. The most important thing is that Amu doesn't believe that there are any high-level things in the captured magic weapons.

Originally, Amu didn't want to use the ancient fighting spirit lamp, because the ancient fighting spirit lamp was too murderous, and a drop of lamp oil could turn into a sea of ​​blood.In Amu's feeling, this ancient lamp of the soul of battle is almost like the existence of the magic coffin.

It is better to use such ancient killer weapons sparingly when one's cultivation level is not high, and there is the seventh level of the secret realm behind. I don't know what kind of danger there is, so Amu still wants to keep one more hole card.

But at this time the situation is critical, Amu has no chance to engrave the talisman and lay down the forbidden map. If the ancient lamp of the battle spirit is not used, Amu will probably be consumed by this mysterious large formation.

When it is broken, it will be broken. Let's talk after breaking this big formation.

Thinking of this, Amu moved his mind, and a red light shot out from the center of his eyebrows. The red light was like blood, and shot tens of feet away. If Amu's eyebrows opened a third eye.

The red light was the light of the ancient lamp of the soul of war. At this time, the imprint of the ancient lamp of the soul of war on the center of Amu's eyebrows also emerged. It was in the shape of an ancient lamp with swaying flames.

The power of the ancient lamp of the soul of war is by no means ordinary, and Amu has received the inheritance of the god of war.This ancient lamp of the soul of war has already recognized Amu as the master.

Although the body of the ancient lamp has not come out, the murderous aura from the ancient times pervades instantly when the light of the lamp disperses.This is a pure ancient Tianbao, which can almost suppress a world.As soon as the lights came out, the 81 ancient and strange beasts fell silent for an instant, and some even prostrated themselves on the ground, trembling all over.

Where the lights pass by, the colorful electric light that was like a thunderbolt just now will be extinguished in smoke.

"Huh?" Although he was mentally prepared, the power of the ancient lamp of the soul of war was beyond Amu's imagination.Seeing that Amu turned around and looked around, the imprint on the center of his eyebrows was like his third eye, and the red light it shot swept across the entire formation.

As the red light passed by, the wind swept away, and all the colorful electric lights disappeared without a trace.

"Share generation and restraint?" Amu suddenly understood at this time.

He suddenly recalled the scene of the confrontation between the God of War King and the man in black on the wall of the Demon Palace.

Although there is no memory of fighting the black-robed man in the memory of the God of War passed down to Amu, there must have been a battle between the God of War and the black-robed man.

If this big formation was the strange formation that the black-robed man once set up, it would not be surprising that the War Soul Ancient Lamp might just be able to restrain this formation.

In fact, this idea is just Amu's own preliminary judgment.At this moment, he ignored that even a single sigh of the black-robed man could make him spurt blood under the protection of the remnant wood in the coffin. It is a scattered soul cultivator who enters the battle, even if he holds a magic weapon like the black rattan, it will be wiped out in ashes.

In the eyes of the man in black, the monks in the Sea Desolate Divine State Realm are like ants, or even worse than ants.

However, the situation was critical at this time, and Amu didn't think about it.It is true that the light of the ancient war spirit lamp can restrain the light of this formation.

Taking advantage of the moment when the white light dissipated, Amu shook one hand and sacrificed the black rattan.The black cane went straight to hit one of the 81 skull pillars. Since this skull pillar is the eye of the formation, and there are strange beasts in it, destroy one of them, and the formation will break down by itself.

"Broken—" the black rattan is invincible, and Amu has absolute confidence in the magic weapon bestowed upon him by Wang Jue.

Sure enough, with Amu's shout, and a "boom--", the pillar of the skull that was hit broke in response.

"Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa——" the goat-headed monster with a long snake tail that was sealed in the pillar of skull kept screaming, and then it turned into a cloud of black mist and dissipated.

"Hmph!" Amu smiled coldly, and was about to urge the black rattan to hit the second bone pillar.But at this moment, a strange black air suddenly emanated from the broken skull pillar.

As soon as the black air came out, it actually wrapped around the black rattan like a vine.Immediately, the skull pillar recovered instantly, but instead of being transparent, it turned into a black magic pillar.

"Huh?" Amu's face changed drastically, and this was the first time he was able to entangle the black rattan.Since Amu got the black rattan, the only thing that can confront the black rattan is the remains of the coffin, let alone being entangled by other things.

"Take it!" Amu urged the magic power in his body to take back the black rattan, but the blackness that entangled the black rattan trembled slightly.Amu's magic power was directly bounced back.

"Not good!" Amu's complexion changed, and he hurriedly used the Ten Thousand Demon Transformation Immortal Art, otherwise he would be seriously injured by his own magic cultivation power.

What is that black air?He actually has the ability to bounce back his own magic power.

Amu narrowed his eyes slightly, wanting to use his magic sense and magic eyes to see through the essence of the black energy.But at this moment, he suddenly found that the magic intent and consciousness in his eyes had been turned into invisible at the moment when the black energy appeared.Now that I am in this formation, I am actually the same as ordinary monks in the wild soul secret realm, and my spiritual consciousness is invalid.

Goodbye to those 81 bone pillars suddenly changed dramatically, all the strange beasts disappeared instantly, and the bone pillars that were originally transparent and emitting white light became pitch black like ink.

The thick devilish energy radiated, and Amu suddenly felt his whole body was imprisoned.Is this coercion?Impossible, since Amu stepped into the cultivation world, he has never been imprisoned by anyone's coercion.

Whether it's the Magic Transformation Immortal Art, the remnant wood of the coffin, or even the magic coffin, they will automatically prevent all coercion from imprisoning Amu.

However, at this moment, Amu was really imprisoned.

Is it the power of the black energy?what is that?
The black rattan is entangled!Amu is imprisoned!

(End of this chapter)

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