nine coffins

Chapter 157 The Power of the Cloud Beast

Chapter 157 The Power of the Cloud Beast
Heipao, Ziyi, Amu and Shen Yan walked hand in hand.In just half a day, the two arrived at the northern edge of the Seventh Layer Mystery Realm, and there were more than a dozen continuous snow-capped mountains in front of them.This should be called the snowy region of the Seventh Layer Mystery Realm.

Looking at these dozens of snow-capped mountains, Amu was a little dazed, because this place is very similar to the vast and endless cold plain and the Northern Cold School in winter.

"Look at what?" Shen Yan asked.

"This is very similar to the place where I used to practice!" Amu looked at the dozen or so snow-capped mountains. Although those snow-capped mountains were not so tall, they were enough to give this place a taste of the northern wilderness. one of them!"

A Muben sent it out of feeling, but when Shen Yan heard "And you are very similar to a person I once knew", she suddenly felt a shock in her head, and she actually had a headache, so she couldn't help touching the ghost mask subconsciously.Even Shen Yan herself was surprised by such a strange feeling, but that feeling was fleeting.

"Are you from Northern Wilderness?" Shen Yan calmed down for a while, and also looked at those snow-capped mountains.

"Hmm!" Amu didn't deny it.

"You don't come from the mysterious arctic fairy sea above the cold plain, do you?" Shen Yan asked again.

"Hehe! Except for the Arctic Fairy Sea, is there no snow in other places in the Northern Wilderness? Don't guess my origin, I'm really a casual cultivator!" Amu looked at Shen Yan and smiled.

"Hmph! Whoever you are!" Shen Yan snorted softly, then pointed to the vast snow mountain, "Is that cloud beast in this snow mountain?"

"That's right! The cloud beast is the highest-ranked soul beast in the Seventh Layer of Secret Realm! It looks like a unicorn, swallows clouds and blows fog, and has extremely strong mana, comparable to a soul-level spirit beast." Amu said.

"It's nothing!" Shen Yan said lightly, "However, I have never understood why you want to collect these soul beasts in the secret realm! At the beginning, you said you only came for the spirit of the wild soul, but you didn't say you wanted to collect these soul beasts ...Although the parts dropped by these soul beasts are valuable, there is no need to collect them like this."

"Hehe!" Amu smiled, "Suddenly I found that you have more questions, and you will know in the future!"

Amu didn't want to say too much to Shen Yan until he had collected all the parts of the wild soul beast and got the spirit of the wild soul.It's not distrust, but knowing too much is sometimes a burden.

"If you don't say it, don't say it!" Shen Yan said.

"We are not far ahead, and we will probably meet the cloud beast! It is said that it does not allow others to step into its holy land!"

"Holy soil?" Shen Yan was a little puzzled.

"Well! The cloud beast is a kind of proud soul beast. The continuous snow here symbolizes holiness. The cloud beast never leaves the snow mountain, but other creatures are not allowed to step into the snow mountain!" Amu said.

"Oh! What a proud soul beast!" Shen Yan smiled lightly, suddenly feeling that this cloud beast is so interesting.

"Let's go!" Amu nodded, and then the two flew straight into the snow mountain.

There are more than a dozen snow-capped mountains in a row, with a radius of only a few hundred miles.With the current cultivation base of Amu and Shen Yan, it only takes an hour to walk around once.

Originally, Amu thought that he and Shen Yan didn't have to go far, and according to the memory of the King of War, the cloud beast would appear.Because the cloud beast has a bad temper and hates all alien creatures extremely.Moreover, the cloud beast's magic power is so strong that even the high-level Dzogchen of the Holy Spirit may not be able to beat it by half a point.

The cloud beast can be said to be the most powerful soul beast in the secret territory of the wild soul. After it dies, it will transform into the spirit of the cloud beast. In the memory of the God King of War, it should be a white soul shadow.

But things were beyond Amu's expectations. He and Shen Yan almost entered the middle of the snow-capped mountains, but the snow-capped mountains were silent and silent.

Where is the shadow of the half-pointed cloud beast?Amu's demon consciousness spread out, and within a hundred miles, there was nothing.

"Huh?" Amu frowned slightly.

"Could it be that the person who came first got there first?" Shen Yan asked.

Shen Yan's words were exactly what Amu thought in his heart. At this time, the mysterious figure was like a dark cloud hanging over Amu's head.

"Look again!" Amu said in a deep voice.First take away all the dream soul bird hearts, and now if you deliberately take away the spirit of the cloud beast, then in all likelihood, that person came to revive the wild soul beast.

The two continued to search. In order to search quickly, Amu released ten demon souls and scattered them.But after nearly an hour, almost all the hundreds of miles around were searched, and no shadow of the cloud beast was found.

"There's no need to look for it!" Amu said in a deep voice, "It takes about half a year for a cloud beast to come back to life. If it is killed, there is no point in trying to find it!"

"That character is amazing!" Shen Yan said.

"That's right! That will be the most powerful enemy we have encountered in the secret territory of the wild soul!" Amu nodded, then called back the demon souls, and was about to leave.

But at this moment, Amu's magic consciousness suddenly moved.It was an area in the extreme north, an inconspicuous hill, the color of the snow was a bit dirty, not as bright and dazzling as other peaks.

Amu also checked that hill just now, but found nothing.But at this time, there was an extremely weak breath fluctuation in the hill.

"Huh?" Although the breath was almost fleeting, it did not escape Amu's magic sense this time.

"What's the matter?" Shen Yan was very vigilant, and when she saw Amu looking at the hill to the north, she immediately showed Qing Ruyi in her hand.

To deal with a soul-level spirit beast, Qing Ruyi in Shen Yan's hands is enough.The two looked at each other and rushed straight to the hill.

Now that it is discovered, it is absolutely impossible to escape the hands of the two of them.Amu flipped his right hand, and the black rattan was already in his hand.

As soon as the cloud beast appeared, the two of them would definitely be hit by a thunderbolt.

At this time, the two had already reached the hill. Although the aura was not there, Amu could be sure that Dong XZ must be inside the hill.

"I don't know where it is, fellow daoist, can you show up and see it? I am a casual cultivator, Wang Han, and I have no malicious intentions!" Amu asked loudly, and the voice penetrated directly into the hill.It almost made the hill tremble slightly.

The reason why Amu asked loudly was because he was afraid that if someone was hiding inside, it would hurt innocent people!
But Amul asked three times, but there was no response from the hill.

"Huh!" Amu couldn't help but snorted coldly, the aura just now was correct, but now it disappeared, obviously it was deliberately covered up.

"In this case, Wang is offended!" Amu raised his brows, and the black vine in his hand raised a black awn of tens of feet.Pulling directly towards the hill, with the power of the black rattan, breaking the hill can be said to be effortless.

The black awn is like a dragon, chopping down from the sky, and the bulging snow is tens of feet long.If the black cane is carried out, the hill will be broken directly from the middle.

But just when the black awn at the front of the black rattan had swept away all the snow on the hill, suddenly a ball of white light flew out from the snow mountain.

"Woo hoo—" A roar that looked like a dragon, but was not a dragon, and a tiger was not a tiger, soared straight into the sky.At this time, it is estimated that the entire Seventh Layer Secret Realm was shaken.

A giant alien beast covered in snow, more than ten feet tall, stood in the void on Tayun, majestic and murderous.

The dragon's head, antlers, lion's eyes, tiger's back, bear's waist, and ox's tail, in the eyes of Amu and Shen Yan, this is the legendary unicorn, but this strange beast has no scales, but is covered with snow-white fluff.

"Cloud beast!" Amu didn't expect the cloud beast to hide in this hill, and was forced out by himself in this way.

"Woohoo—" the cloud beast raised its head to the sky and let out a long cry. For some reason, the sound was full of solemnity and majesty.

At this time, the black rattan was pulling down, and the cloud beast's eyes were shining white, its mouth opened, and a cloud of gas directly blocked the black rattan.

That cloud of gas is not an ordinary cloud of gas, it contains ten thousand years of ice essence, even a monk of the spiritual saint level, if it touches a trace, it will directly turn into an ice corpse.Now, the cloud beast spit out a cloud of gas to block the power of the black rattan.

"Boom—" The black vine hit the cloud, and the entire snow-capped mountain area was shaken.With the power of the black rattan, unexpectedly the cloud did not disperse all at once, but paused, seeing that there was actually a layer of white ice hanging on the black rattan.

"What a powerful cloud beast!" Amu couldn't help but exclaim.At the same time, the demon's power of cultivation once again activated the black rattan, and the black awns spread out, buzzing and humming, and the white ice hanging on the black rattan was directly turned into mist.

It's okay to temporarily stop the attack of the black rattan, but if you want to freeze such a treasure, the cloud beast still can't.

At the same time, Shen Yan had already made a move.

A green light flashed across the void, Qing Ruyi broke through the void, and went straight to the cloud beast to fight.This is a low-level fairy treasure, even a soul treasure can be shattered with one blow.

Shen Yan originally thought that it would not be easy for the cloud beast to block the black vines with all its strength, but as soon as his Qing Ruyi came out, wouldn't it be possible to kill the cloud beast in one go.

But unexpectedly, when the cloud beast saw Shen Yan's Qing Ruyi flying towards him, it didn't dodge at all.I saw it galloping on all fours, hissing and roaring loudly, like crazy, it went straight to Qing Ruyi.

The horns of the cloud beast looked like deer horns, but at this time the brilliance shone like a spear like a halberd, and it directly met Qing Ruyi who was in the mist.

"Huh?" Shen Yan was quite surprised by this.

"Boom————" There was another loud noise.Shen Yan couldn't help being stunned, seeing her own Qing Ruyi was instantly blown away, and one of the cloud beast's horns was directly broken into two pieces.

But the cloud beast didn't stop at all, it slammed into Shen Yan, and the void directly turned into a stream of light.

"Shen Yan, be careful, this cloud beast is abnormal!" Amu yelled loudly, and at the same time, with a thought, the remnant wood of the coffin flew out of Danhai directly, heading straight for the cloud beast.

Everything is between lightning and flint.

The scene just now was beyond Shen Yan's expectation.Her own Qing Ruyi had never encountered such a situation before, she was actually sent flying, so when the cloud beast charged like lightning, Shen Yan was hardly prepared.

In less than half a breath, the cloud beast was within ten feet of Shen Yan, and the cold air mixed with it, like ten thousand years of ice, almost made Shen Yan tremble.

It was too late for Shen Yan to hide, but at this moment, the remnants of Amu's coffin came first and hit the cloud beast's head directly.

This time, the cloud beast didn't dare to hit the wood of the coffin with its horn.The ancient and dead air of the remnant wood in the coffin made Yun Beast feel scruples. When he saw the other end, he raised his head, and the auspicious clouds under his feet scattered.The cloud beast also disappeared in an instant, and the remnants of the coffin were empty.

"Woohoo—" The cloud beast that reappeared was already hundreds of feet high in the sky.The tall cloud beast, which was covered in snow and looked very much like a unicorn, looked down on everything like a proud god.

"It's injured!" At this moment, Amu suddenly found that the cloud beast's abdomen was dripping with blood. It seemed to be an old injury, and it was broken apart just now.

It turned out to be injured, no wonder the cloud beast hid in the hill and refused to come out, and was so furious at this time.But who hurt this cloud beast and didn't take its life?

Goodbye to the cloud beast, it once again raised its head to the sky and roared, and at the same time, glaring white light was emitted from all over its body.

"Boom——" At the same time, the dozen or so peaks in the entire snow area, except for the hill that the cloud beast rushed out of just now, were all shaking.

The entire snowy land trembled, and countless snow accumulations were scattered in the void.

The sky was shaking, and the cloud beast seemed to be exploding with all its power, burning itself up and destroying the entire snowy region.

(End of this chapter)

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