nine coffins

Chapter 158 Repair of the Secret Realm

Chapter 158 Repair of the Secret Realm
The prestige of the cloud beast in the seventh-level secret realm greatly exceeded Amu and Shen Yan's expectations. It first froze the black rattan, and then shook Qing Ruyi into the air.

Now the cloud beast stands in the void of a hundred feet, showing its supernatural power, and its whole body is full of light, like a round of scorching sun, but all it emits is cold light.

The sky shook, and more than a dozen snow-capped mountains shook.This scene completely shocked Amu and Shen Yan, this cloud beast actually has such great energy.

"This cloud beast is crazy! It wants to manipulate this snow mountain and destroy everything!" Amu said loudly, and at the same time, the brilliance of the remnant wood in the coffin was displayed, and he hurriedly covered himself and Shen Yan in it.

Amu sketched in the void with both hands, the cyan seal of the sky, the red seal of the earth, and the yellow seal of the wind, all appearing together in the void.

The seal of the sky determines the sky, the seal of the earth controls the earth, and the seal of the wind drives the wind.

The three talismans were in the same void and quickly merged to form a dark red pattern. Endless brilliance circulated endlessly in the dark red pattern. These three talismans formed a quasi-forbidden map.

As long as Amu adds another talisman and deduces it a little, it can become a real forbidden picture.

If that's the case, the dark red pattern is expanding in the void at this time, almost covering an area of ​​tens of miles in an instant, which is enough to move the general trend of the world. At this time, everything in the entire snow area seems to be struggling.

The cloud beast already has the ability to move the world, and everything in this snowy region actually belongs to it.And what Amu cast is the great art of heaven and earth, which can command the power of heaven and earth.

It seems that it is not Yunshou and Amu who are suffering, but everything in this snowy area.Originally, several snow-capped mountains had already risen from the ground, but they were suppressed by Amu's quasi-forbidden map.

"Boom-boom--" Three or four snow mountains in succession could not bear the pull of the power of the cloud beast and the power of the forbidden map, and they collapsed directly!But those scattered stones were constantly manipulated by the two forces until they dissipated.

The cloud beast kept roaring, and the white light around it remained undiminished.Amu, on the other hand, looked solemn, staring closely at the dark red pattern in the sky, ready to deduce the forbidden map at any time.

Shen Yan at the side originally planned to sacrifice the Yin-Yang Galaxy Map, but looking at it now, it is no longer needed, and it cannot be used.Now the two sides are fighting with the power of heaven and earth. If the Yin-Yang Galaxy Map is released and the balance of space is broken, whoever will be injured may not be sure!
So Shen Yan saw that Amu could handle it by himself, so she didn't make a move.

At this time, the battle between Amu and the soul beast has also entered a fierce battle.Seven or eight snow-capped mountains have been smashed to pieces, and the snowy area at this time has long lost its previous appearance.

The void is full of tyrannical forces, and there are countless ravines on the ground.Even the ancient war corpses buried in the snow have been turned out, and there are still many dead bones hidden in them.It looks so dire here.

However, Amu found that the power of the soul beast seemed to be gradually weakening, and blood seemed to ooze from the white light.It seems that the cloud beast is seriously injured, and it is really shocking that it still has such combat power in such a state.

But at this moment, the cloud beast suddenly roared again, but this time the roar was extremely loud, as if the cloud beast was exhausting its last strength.There was an inexplicable sadness and unwillingness in that voice, as well as a kind of reluctance, which made both Amu and Shen Yan feel an inexplicable sadness in their hearts.

Then the cloud beast suddenly became full of light, which was several times stronger than before.

"Not good!" Amu yelled, "This cloud beast is about to explode!" The behavior of this cloud beast once again surprised Amu and Shen Yan.

Amu and Shen Yan fly outward together, Shen Yan teleports, and Amu is the phantom of a fairy!Fortunately, it was protected by the remnant wood of the coffin, and the quasi-forbidden map under Amu Bu resisted the self-destruction force of the cloud beast.

The remaining snow mountains all collapsed.The earth rolled like a dragon, and the flying snow scattered in the air. Everything within a radius of a hundred miles was wiped out. The mushroom cloud soared into the sky, accompanied by the unwillingness and roar of the cloud beast.

At this moment, the entire Seventh Layer Secret Realm shook.The characters in the Seventh Layer Mystery Realm can almost sense all of this.

a long distance away.

Miss Miao Er and Miao Tianchang are looking for the third master Yun, because the way they communicate with each other has been interrupted.

Miao Tianchang couldn't help frowning: "It seems that there is a trace of forbidden power! Could it be Wang Han?"

When she heard Jin Tu and Wang Han, Miss Miao Er couldn't help but her complexion changed, but then she seemed to remember something and regained her expression.

"Let's go! Second Uncle!" Second Miss Miao said softly.

Miao Tianchang shook his head, followed Miss Miao Er, and the two continued on their way.

And they were in the opposite direction, in a forest three thousand miles away.

A young master wearing a three-pink red cloud robe is meditating, he is the third son of Qing Yunyun's family.At this time, there were actually two monks who were also wearing three-pink red cloud robes standing behind him. They were two high-ranking Dzogchen spiritual saints.

At this time, Third Young Master Yun's face was full of hostility.This time he came here at the request of the family. He wanted to make great contributions and get rewards from the family, which was also to consolidate his position in the family, but he didn't expect to lose troops and generals at this time, and he had just entered the seventh-level secret realm.

If he hadn't stayed behind and used the family's secret treasure "Tianyun Treasure Box" to hide two monks who were high-level spiritual saints and Dzogchen monks as a last resort, he would have been alone at this time.

Just now the seven-layered secret territory was slightly shaken, and the two high-level spiritual saints felt it immediately. Although their spiritual consciousness was almost deprived in this secret realm, it was an instinct, and it still made them feel strange.

"Young master? There are changes in the north! But it doesn't look like the Miao family."

"Don't worry about it! We are mainly looking for the Miao family now. Only the results of our two ancestors' joint deduction can allow us to find that secret treasure!"

"En!" The two monks nodded.

"Now I, Yun San, can only rely on two of them!" Young Master Yun San said flatly.

"Young master, don't worry, the two of us are willing to put our hearts to shame for you!"

"Yeah!" Young Master Yun nodded slightly, "One day, I will be in charge of the clan, and I will never forget the benefits of the two of you!"

The center of the seven layers of mystery.

This is the outskirts of the area that even the God King of War can't reach in his memory. There is a white-clothed monk standing with his hands behind his back.

The friar in white was only 26 or [-] years old, and he couldn't tell what his cultivation was, but he was extremely beautiful and had an extraordinary bearing.Between the eyebrows, the beauty is even a little strange, even ordinary women are not as good as it.

It's just that the white-clothed monk's face is too pale, it can be said that there is no blood, and his face is cold, making it difficult to get close to him.

"Ahem!" The monk in white actually coughed twice.This cough is not intentional, but has a disease.This is an inconceivable thing for a monk. How could they have mortal diseases?
Immortal cultivators, refining qi and nourishing alchemy, pursuing longevity, ask for nine days!Not to mention the realm of spiritual cultivation, even ordinary cultivators who have practiced the Root Cultivation Jue for several years will be free from all diseases.

It is an anecdote in the world that a man of great cultivation has a disease.

"Cough, cough, cough!" The beautiful white-clothed monk kept coughing, and even blushed a little. If you hadn't seen it with your own eyes, you would never have imagined that there are such monks in the world.

"My lord, are you alright!" At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared behind the white-clothed monk, it was a middle-aged scribe with a white face and long beard.

If Amu was here, he would be extremely shocked, because this is a soul body.All soul bodies must be clones of scattered soul monks, and the minimum cultivation level of general soul bodies is also the elementary level of the soul state.

But the soul body in front of him was forcibly suppressed in the Supreme Spirit High-level Dzogchen using secret techniques.

"It's okay! It's an old problem of more than 100 years, how can something happen?" The monk in white smiled lightly, but coughed twice.

"It's fine! Once the Chaos Realm opens, you and I get the spirit of the desolate soul and the bell of the Demon Venerable, and someone sends the spirit of the cloud beast, then we're done!" The middle-aged scribe laughed, as if to Everything is determined.

"Now it seems that three or four groups of people have entered this seventh-level secret realm! It seems that it was the roar of the cloud beast just now, there must be a big movement in the snowy area! It seems that the demon cultivator must have entered!" The white-clothed monk finally stopped Coughed.

"No matter how many people are in front of you and me, it's all in vain. It depends on whether they have their lives to get here. How can that little demon cultivator be your opponent? You moved your heart and left that cloud beast. It seems that the life of the day was probably collected by the demon cultivator! He also aims at the Wild Soul Beast, right?"

"If I hadn't been in a hurry, I should have killed him at the bottom of Nanyuan! When he was looking for the blood shadow fish, he probably knew something. I really didn't pay attention to him at the beginning, but I didn't expect him to be able to enter I have broken through the seventh level of secret realm!" The monk in white shook his head, seeming a little regretful.

"By the way, you said that the magic energy of the demon cultivator doesn't seem to be very pure?" the middle-aged scribe said suddenly.

"Huh? That's right. Although it is also the cultivation power of demons, I feel that his demonic cultivation power seems to be mixed with other things. It's a pity that I can't tell the truth!"

"Hey! The body of a demonic cultivator is rare. If there are really two demonic cultivators in the Sea Desolate Shenzhou Realm, it will be a day of turmoil in the Three Realms!" The middle-aged scribe sneered, "Maybe it is really the legendary reincarnation The door is open!"

There was a flash of light in the eyes of the monk in white, but he didn't say much.

The characters in Wild Soul Secret Realm are all about to move.Putting these aside, let's talk about Shen Yan and Amu.

The cloud beast blew itself up. Although the world was turned upside down, it didn't hurt Amu and Shen Yan at all.

The smoke dissipated and gradually returned to calm.In the void, a ball of white light condenses and does not disperse.

That was the spirit of the cloud beast, Amu and Shen Yanfei flew over, and Amu solemnly kept the ball of white light away.In addition to the fantasy bird heart, Amu has tamed ten kinds of soul beasts in total, and the most laborious and dangerous thing is to collect the spirit of this cloud beast.

Although the battle just now was not long, it was thrilling enough.Now Amu and Shen Yan are also a little puzzled, why the cloud beast is so crazy when it hides, and wants to kill them both at all costs.It seems that it is not just because of injury, otherwise you can choose to escape.

At this moment, Amu and Shen Yan suddenly heard movement from the hill just now.

"Huh?" The two looked at each other, because the voice sounded like animal language.

The two fell down, and this hill was already the only peak in the snowy area.

At the foot of the mountain to the east, there is a cave opening, which must have been covered by the magic power of the cloud beast just now. Now that the cloud beast is dead, it is revealed.

A small animal that looked like a white fur ball, humming softly, came out unsteadily.

"Cloud beast cub?" Amu and Shen Yan were beyond shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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