nine coffins

Chapter 159 The Third World Dream Soul Flower

Chapter 159 The Third Dream Soul Flower

Everything in the Wild Soul Secret Realm can be counted as soul objects.From the wild soul beasts in the first level of mystery, to various souls in other mystery areas, to the cloud beasts in the seventh level of mystery.

All these soul beasts are born from the soul energy of ten thousand years of gestation, so as long as the soul energy in the secret territory of the wild soul is not extinguished, then these soul animals will not die completely.

Similarly, each of these souls has its own number, and they live according to the laws of the Wild Soul Secret Realm.Except for the aliens like the war spirit horse king, no other souls can leave this wild soul secret realm.Naturally, it is impossible for these soul objects to reproduce.

Although the Cloud Beast in the Seventh Layer Secret Realm is the highest level soul beast in the entire Wild Soul Secret Realm, it is theoretically impossible to break the laws of the Wild Soul Secret Realm.

Therefore, when Amu and Shen Yan saw the cloud beast cub, the two of them didn't speak for almost a while.

"How is this possible?" Shen Yan looked at the snowball-like cloud beast cub, in addition to being shocked, she couldn't help but feel pity in her heart.With one move with one hand, the little cloud beast seemed to tilt its head, and looked at Shen Yan with sharp eyes, but it didn't catch the hideous ghost mask, but walked towards Shen Yan unsteadily.

That naive attitude is extremely endearing.Shen Yan couldn't help holding it gently in the palm of his hand, that little guy could be said to be exactly the same as the adult Cloud Beast just now, except that there were no horns on his head, it was a super-shrunk version of a mature Cloud Beast.

"Ah!" Shen Yan stroked the little cloud beast's head with her hand, and sighed softly.

That little guy kept rubbing his head against Shen Yan's palm, and at the same time let out a low cry, as if he was looking for something.

No need to ask at this time, Amu and Shen Yan also knew why the adult cloud beast hid in this hill, and it appeared only as a last resort, then attacked the two like crazy, and finally blew itself up at all costs, wanting to die with them.

It turned out that it was not only because of the injury, but also because of the little cloud beast.

Looking at the fat, naive little cloud beast, Amu and Shen Yan couldn't help feeling a little remorseful. They killed the little cloud beast's mother for their own sake.

"It seems that this world has changed! Otherwise, such a little cloud beast would never have been born." Amu raised his eyes, and the snowy land was naturally completely different, but Amu wanted to feel whether the entire Desolate Soul Secret Realm was different.

"En!" Shen Yan nodded, "It seems that the cloud beast will not be resurrected again! The rules here have changed."

Amu didn't answer Shen Yan's question, but stared blankly at the red sun in the sky.The setting sun is like blood. At this time, the mountains on the snowy area are completely wiped out, and the ray of blood sun is directly reflected on the snowy ground with thousands of gullies.

"Shen Yan, look at that red sun!" Amu said.

"What's the matter?" Shen Yan looked up, but it was still the red sun, as bloody as before.Didn't see any difference, Shen Yan was just about to answer Amu that there was no change.

But at this moment, a black shadow suddenly flashed across the red sun.The shadow is fleeting, if you don't observe deliberately, you won't find it at all.

"Huh?" Shen Yan was startled, she knew it was definitely not her dazzled eyes, she was wearing a ghost mask, although she couldn't see through all illusions like Amu, but dazzled things would never happen.

"No!" Shen Yan said in surprise, because she found a problem again.

"See the problem?" Amu looked back at Shen Yan.

"There is a black shadow in the blood sun, and the blood sun... moved!" Shen Yan said.

"That's right!" Amu nodded, "The blood sun is moving. Although it is much slower than a normal sunset, it is indeed sinking!"

"What's going on?" Shen Yan asked.

"I don't know either!" Amu shook his head, and then frowned again, "However, I heard that as long as the bloody day falls completely, the Wild Soul Secret Realm will change or disappear."

"What? Mutation or disappearance?" Shen Yan asked in surprise, Shen Yan really didn't know about the Seventh Layer Secret Realm.

"This world must have changed!" Amu withdrew his gaze from looking at the bloody sun.According to the memory of the God King of War, the red sun in these seven layers of secret realms would never set for thousands of years, which may be an existence longer than the God King of War.

The blood sun falls, and the wild soul is destroyed!This is only the speculation of the God of War King.

"It seems that it will not exceed three hours in the ordinary world. The blood-red sun will completely set. No one knows what will happen?" Amu looked at Shen Yan, "Let's go! Go to Menghun Cliff immediately!"

"Uh!" Shen Yan hesitated instinctively.

"There are changes in the wild soul secret realm, don't hesitate any longer! Otherwise, if you can't find the dream soul flower, it will be a lifelong regret!" Seeing Shen Yan's hesitation, Amu hurriedly said.

"Wang Han, I..." Shen Yan wanted to say something else.

"Don't talk too much! Let's go now. I won't accompany you anywhere unless you go to Menghun Cliff!" Amu's face darkened slightly.

It was not easy to subdue this cloud beast just now, and Amu couldn't let Shen Yan accompany him on adventures.And at this time, the blood sun in the secret territory began to fall, and if there were any changes, it would be a great pity.

Amu's wild soul beast and wild soul spirit, at best, will not affect life and death, but will only affect Amu's monk speed and future combat power.And with Amu's current state, if he returns to Beifeng in Beihan Town, he will definitely break through to Zhiling within a year, and then he will naturally let him go down the mountain after painstaking efforts.

But Shen Yan is different, if he misses this opportunity, Shen Yan will never find the Dream Soul Flower of the Third World, everything will be wasted.

"Okay!" After a moment of silence, Shen Yan finally nodded.

"However, I want to take it away!" Shen Yan held up the little cloud beast in his palm.

"It's not a battle spirit horse king, it may not be able to get out of this secret realm!" Amu shook his head, he didn't approve of Shen Yan taking away the little cloud beast.

"Wuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu... .

"Let's try! If this wild soul secret realm is destroyed, it will not be spared, and it is a foreign species in the secret realm, not transformed by soul energy, maybe it can get out!" Shen Yan really likes that little guy.

"Okay then! But don't forget, this cloud beast has just begun to become intelligent, and you and I have a big enmity with it!" Amu half-truthfully said.

"It doesn't matter!" Shen Yan tapped the little cloud beast's head, and put it into the storage bag, "Killing his mother, and raising this little guy will make up for it. Let's go!"

Amu smiled wryly and did not stop him.

Time is running out and we don't know what will happen.Neither Amu nor Shen Yan hesitated.

Shen Yan even beckoned, and directly sacrificed the Black Cloud Flying Shuttle, and the two of them flew up, heading straight for the eastern mountains of the Seventh Layer Mystery Realm.

The eastern mountains of the Seventh Layer Secret Realm have a radius of thousands of miles, surrounded by green hills and surrounded by mountains.Looking from a distance, it is undulating like a huge blue dragon.Although the afterglow of the blood yang, it can't hide the majestic appearance of these mountains.

Amu and Shen Yan drove the black cloud flying shuttle, and the black streamer flew across the void of the seventh secret realm.The distance from the snowy region in the north to the mountains in the east is only a few thousand li.Heiyun Feishuo arrived within half an hour.

At this time, the setting sun on the other side of the day seems to have dropped a little more.

There are mountains and rivers in the east.Some are as high as tens of thousands of feet, and some are only a hundred feet high. Although they are all blue in general, there is not much vegetation in them, but these mountains and rocks are originally green in color, and some are dark brown.

Menghun Cliff is in the shadow of a ten thousand zhang peak.It's called Menghun, but this cliff really has the flavor of Menghun.The afterglow of the blood yang could not illuminate this boundary at all, and it was extremely dark here.There are mountains on all sides, no sun and moon, dark and mysterious.

The rock of Menghun Cliff is very special, it is black with a few drops of blood red, but exudes a faint black light.According to the memory of the God King of War, this stone is called the magic tear stone, and it is an excellent material for forging magic soldiers.It's just that it is extremely difficult to collect, because it is extremely hard, even ordinary soul treasures and immortal treasures may not be able to hurt it at all.

However, when Amu and Shen Yan arrived here, they had no intention of collecting these magic tear stones.

"The Menghun flower of the third generation should be under this Menghun Cliff!" Amu pointed at the Menghun Cliff, where a faint blue mist rose.

Shen Yan didn't say much, but just looked down.

For the Dream Soul Flower of the third generation, she wandered in this wild soul secret territory for three full years, and she was finally going to see her again!Shen Yan's mood was somewhat excited and nervous.

"I'll go down and pick it up for you!" Amu said.

"No! I'll go down with you!" Shen Yan's tone was very firm.

"Okay!" Amu understood Shen Yan's mood, and with a thought, the remnants of the coffin protected the two of them.

Although in the memory of the God King of War, as long as he can enter the seven layers of secret realm, he is eligible to pick any flowers and plants in the secret realm, and there is basically no guardian such as spirit beasts, but Amu feels that it is better to be careful.Now that the world of the Wild Soul Secret Territory has changed, some of the memories passed down by the God of War King can only be used as a reference.

With the help of the remnant wood in the coffin, the two directly plunged down Menghun Cliff.

But everything went very smoothly. The two of them had just penetrated the black mist and descended less than a dozen feet, when they saw six or seven feet away, a dreamy and blurred flower with three colors of light blooming on the black cliff.

That strange flower, purple vines, green leaves, a bowl-sized flower blooming on the top, nine white petals, surrounded by blue stamens.It was an extremely complete III Dream Soul Flower.

"Third... Dream Soul Flower?" Shen Yan was extremely excited, and even her voice trembled a little.

The three colors of purple, white and blue represent past life, present life and future.This strange flower that was supposed to bloom on the banks of the Shura River in the Demon State Realm can recall people's memories for three generations, and can also help people who have died within a hundred years to revive their souls.

In Shen Yan's eyes, the Menghun flower is better than thousands of flowers in the world, and Shen Yan wants to use it to save a person she wants to protect with her life.

"That is the Dream Soul Flower of the Third World! There is no danger here, so go and pick it yourself!" Amu's magic consciousness spread out, and at the same time, he secretly guarded against everything.

Since the Dream Soul Flower of the Third World is Shen Yan's ultimate goal in this wild soul secret realm, let her fulfill this wish by herself!
Shen Yan didn't hesitate at all, and with a flash of purple, she arrived in front of the third generation Menghun flower.

Although the Dream Soul Flower of the Third World is blurred and dreamy, it has no fragrance at all, and it can even be said to have no smell.

Shen Yan raised one hand, a cloud of blue mist rose from her slender hand, and then went straight to pick the third dream soul flower.

(End of this chapter)

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