nine coffins

Chapter 168 The Magic Bell Rings

Chapter 168 The Magic Bell Rings
Heaven, Earth, Wind, Thunder, Mountain, Water, and Dun are seven talismans, and seven-color brilliance traverses the void like a rainbow.

Amu constantly deduced and merged, the seven talismans were born endlessly, and countless talismans were formed, which moved the general trend of the world and gradually turned into forbidden pictures.

At this time, the two ancient battle spirits, exuding endless killing intent and death aura, stood in front of Amu.

For these two ancient battle spirits, Amu knew that it was impossible for the monk in white to break through them for a while, and he had the ancient lamp of the battle spirit in his hand. This ancient battle spirit can be said to be immortal, enough to entangle the white clothes monk.Using this time, Amu wants to deduce his strongest forbidden picture.

Sure enough, the monk in white also saw that Amu was constantly deducing.With a movement of his body, he turned into an afterimage and came straight to Amu.

But as soon as he moved, the two ancient battle spirits moved immediately.Two black spears pierced through the death force of the void and greeted the white-clothed monk directly.

Don't look at the monk in white who can deal with Amu and ordinary monks effortlessly, but it is not so easy to meet this ancient battle spirit.At the beginning, Amu had to obtain the ancient lamp of the war spirit before he could surrender the two war spirits, otherwise he could only temporarily suppress it with black wood and black rattan.

At the beginning, these were the two gods of killing, but now, for Amu who owns the ancient lamp of the soul of war, they are the two gods of guardianship.

The monk in white even changed three or four magic spells, but none of them could harm the ancient battle spirit.Such an attack is basically ineffective, even ordinary soul-suppressing techniques are ineffective.

Throwing a soul treasure, it was directly scattered by the Chang Ge of the ancient war spirit.The monk in white snorted coldly, and once again sacrificed Qing Ruyi's blood-red magic weapon that shook the heavy smoke.

As soon as this treasure came out, Shen Yan called Qing Ruyi directly before reaching the front of the ancient battle spirit.

"Boom—" Although Qing Ruyi was blown away again, the magic weapon emitting blood-red light was also shocked.A desolate ancient war spirit stepped over directly, with a spear in his hand facing outwards.

With a sound of "Boom--", the red glow of the magic weapon was suddenly scattered, revealing its true face.It turned out to be a blood-red tooth-like thing, but it was not known what material it was made of.

At this moment, another desolate ancient battle spirit stepped forward in one step, and then ran towards the white-clothed monk.

When the white-clothed monk saw it, murderous intent flashed in his eyes, and the two fighting spirits were really difficult to deal with.If you don't use real means, I'm afraid there will be long nights and dreams.

Goodbye, the white-clothed monk's cheeks were tense, his eyes became colder, and his eyes slowly turned black.It was the same majestic magic as Amu, but it was several times stronger than Amu, and that kind of magic was enough to directly kill monks of the same level.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Suddenly, the monk in white coughed violently again, and the black shadow protecting the body appeared almost instinctively.

This time, the monk in white coughed for a little longer.At the same time, a pale brilliance slowly rose from the head of the monk in white. The white light was cold and dazzling, like the sun emitting endless cold light.

"Yeah!" At this moment, Amu's seven-seal forbidden map has been completed, and he did not drive the two ancient battle spirits forward, but waited and watched the changes.

The seven-color forbidden map has been completed, and Amu can attack, retreat and defend, and he already has a big reliance.

The gold-level spiritual coin was hung above Amu's head. First, it provided a steady stream of spiritual power, and second, it was Amu's next step.If it is really a last resort, Amu is going to use the power of this gold-level spirit coin to attack the spirit realm at any time.Once one can enter the spiritual realm, the unfavorable situation of the battle will not be reversed.

However, for the time being, Amu still has means available, and he will not take such a risk.In the current situation, rushing into the spirit realm rashly, if not done well, it is very likely to go crazy.

"Is that a head?" At this moment, Shen Yan suddenly asked in surprise.

Sure enough, at this time, in the white light rising above the head of the monk in white, there was a faint shape of a head, but the appearance could not be seen clearly, only the outline.

This scene was extremely weird, and at the same time, Amu felt a little familiar.

Three years ago, on the stage of life and death of the Northern Cold Sect, Amu and Lishui fought against Han Zixiang, a high-level Dzogchen practitioner.Han Zixiang used a similar technique to sacrifice a white skull, which seemed to be scattered by the black rattan or disappeared.Today, this scene is very similar to the original scene.

Is it also offering a skull?Amu said to himself, and at the same time tightly protected Shen Yan and himself with the seven-color forbidden map.With the seven-color forbidden map, Amu believes that it is enough to deal with all attacks.

At this time, the Yin-Yang Galaxy Map in the Void and the black and white mirrors were still confronting each other, while the black long sword and the black rattan were also fighting independently.

The atmosphere in the entire chaotic secret realm was very tense, Miss Miao Er, Young Master Yun and the high-ranking spiritual saint Dzogchen were all staring blankly at everything in the field.

At this time, the outstanding figures from the famous Seven Great Immortals of the Sea Desolation seem to have completely become spectators.They are not qualified to fight at all, and they seem to be completely imprisoned.

The white light above the head of the monk in white is still on display, and the shape of the head is more obvious.The eyes of the cultivator in white are as black as ink, empty, like an abyss, they have long lost their bright colors, and the beautiful ones tend to become even more bewitching.

At this moment, he was like a demon possessed by a god.

In contrast, in front of Amu stood two desolate ancient war spirits, with endless death energy scattered, and above his head was a forbidden picture in seven colors like a rainbow.

The murderous, magical, and weird atmosphere filled the entire chaotic secret realm, and it seemed that the final round of the two major magic cultivators' battle was about to break out.

But at this moment, suddenly——

when - when - when -

The majestic and long bell, carrying the vicissitudes and distance of the ages, suddenly reverberated through the entire Wild Soul Secret Realm.The sound of the bell seemed to stop everything.

The white light above the head of the monk in white stopped instantly, and the seven-color brilliance of the forbidden map above Amu's head also stopped.In particular, the four magic weapons that were fighting each other seemed to have been shocked by some kind of shock, and they all flew upside down and returned to their masters.The entire chaotic secret realm seems to be endless sound waves like waves.

"Wow—" The three of the imprisoned Miss Miao Er spurted out a mouthful of blood.Amu, the monk in white, and Shen Yan couldn't help shaking.

"What kind of bell is that?" Except for the monk in white, everyone else including Amu was taken aback.

When the monk in white heard the sound of the bell, he instantly turned off the white light above his head, and the shape of the head was no longer there.

"Why is it so early?" The monk in white frowned.

At the same time, the gray mist in the entire Chaos Secret Realm changed instantly, and all the gray mist rolled like a tide and concentrated on the mountainside, which is behind the place where the monk in white once stood.

wow -- wow --

The river was fogged with gray, and the sound of water flowed.Goodbye to the back of the white-clothed monk, it completely turned into an endless gray river at this moment.The current is rolling, and there is no wind and waves.

And the Black Magic Mountain, which was not far away, seemed to have become an overseas mountain in an instant.Hazy, floating on the other side of the river, but this distance is both real and illusory, and I don't know how far it is.

"What's going on?" Everyone asked secretly in their hearts.

The scene of the chaotic secret realm changed so much, which was beyond the expectations of Amu and others.

The monk in white sighed, and then said to Amu calmly, "It seems we don't need to fight!"

"Huh?" Amu didn't understand, just now the two wanted you to die, why don't you fight now?

Knowing that Amu was confused, the monk in white could not help pointing to the big gray river, and said: "This river is called Huntian, what you and I see at this moment is just its projection in the secret realm of chaos, the real Huntian River is probably ten thousand times better than that." More than that! It is said that it is an existence that even immortals will stop."

"Hun Tianhe!" This is the first time Amu has heard of it, but what does it matter?Amu knew that the monk in white must have something to say.

"The magic bell is ringing, and the Huntian River is opening! Don't underestimate the Huntian River. This seemingly thousands of miles away is just an illusion at this time. In fact, mountains are still mountains, and water does not exist at all, but even you and I can't see it through the magic sense." All of this. Now the illusion is real!" said the white-clothed scholar.

"Oh?" Amu frowned, because he secretly used the ancient wild magic scripture, and he really couldn't see through the illusion here.

"If you want to go to the Black Illusory Demon Mountain to get the Demon Lord's Bell, you have to cross the Hun Tian River!" said the monk in white.

"Is the bell just now the Demon Lord's bell?" Amu asked.

"That's right! I think most of you are here for the bell of the Demon Lord!" The monk in white glanced at Amu Chenyan, Miss Miao and Third Young Master Yun.

Miss Miao Er and Young Master Yun did not speak. In fact, according to the deduction of the two ancestors, they did come for the magic clock, but at this moment, they knew that they had lost the qualification to compete.

This place should belong to the world of demon cultivators, not to mention the monk in white and Amu, even Shen Yan is not something that these two people can easily offend.

Hearing what the monk in white said, Amu couldn't help shaking his head: "We didn't come here for the bell of the Demon Lord!"

"Oh?" Amu's answer was beyond the expectations of the cultivator in white, causing a flash of light in his eyes, "You didn't come for the bell of the demon king? Do you know what kind of treasure it is?"

Amu smiled faintly and said, "No matter what kind of treasure it is, it's not what I'm looking for!"

"Are you serious?" asked the monk in white.

"There is no need for fakes! We are here only for the spirit of the wild soul and the third dream soul flower, and of course the dream bird heart!" Amu looked calmly at the monk in white and said.

Upon hearing this, the white-clothed monk nodded slightly, then turned to look at Huntianhe, as if he was thinking about something.

When Amu saw this scene, he didn't speak.At this time, Amu already understood why the monk in white had not gone up to the Black Magic Mountain for so long. Now it seemed that it was not because he didn't want to go up, but because he couldn't go up.

After a long while, the white-clothed monk said again: "All the living beings of Huntian and Shen will drop all the magic weapons! Only the magic treasures will not fall, and the magic cultivators will not fall!"

"Oh?" Amu was taken aback by these words.

"If you don't believe me, you can try it!" said the monk in white.

As soon as he finished speaking, before Amu could speak, Shen Yan shook his hand, and it was a flying sword.It was a low-level spiritual treasure, but to Shen Yan, it was like dung.

I saw that the flying sword drew a stream of light, but as soon as it entered the sea, it suddenly fell from the void.


Fell into the water and disappeared.

Is all this really an illusion?Amu was full of surprises.At the same time, with a move of Amu's mind, a demon soul was released directly.

The devil soul is the body of the soul, not subject to the laws of the world.But when it reached the Huntian River, the result was exactly the same as that of the flying sword, it also fell instantly and turned into a cloud of ashes.

A ray of Amu's magic consciousness was attached to the demon soul, but Amu didn't feel anything.It's just that when my mind went dark, I lost contact with the demon soul.

"It's really strange!" Amu couldn't help being amazed by the two trials.

when - when - when -

The Demon Lord's bell rang again.

(End of this chapter)

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